Reviews – Scuba Diver Life Explore • Dream • Discover • Dive Wed, 03 Nov 2021 02:08:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reviews – Scuba Diver Life 32 32 37309857 First Look: Reviewing the Paralenz Vaquita Wed, 03 Nov 2021 14:00:32 +0000 Having used the original Paralenz camera, I was excited for the opportunity to try their new one, the Paralenz Vaquita. Here’s what I found.

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Having used the original Paralenz camera, I was excited for the opportunity to try their new one, the  Paralenz Vaquita. Paralenz has a history of really listening to their users, so I knew it would have some needed improvements.

Paralenz Vaquita vs. the original


The Paralenz Vaquita is a little larger than the original camera, but this is to accommodate the newly added screen—now you can see what you’re trying to shoot. The screen is still small, of course, but large enough for you to see how you have the subject centered (or not) in the frame. This definitely helps reduce instances of thinking you got a great video but later realizing the subject was just out of frame.

Lots of Accessories

Accessories for the Vaquita allow you to set up the camera in just about any way you’d like. If you use a still camera setup, you can easily use the provided attachments to mount the Vaquita to your camera rig. If you’d like to video your entire dive hands-free, you can mount the camera to your mask and turn on the auto-record feature. Want to get the camera closer to your subjects? There’s an extendable pole you can mount it on to do just that. You can even attach some floats, hook the pole and camera to the back of your BCD, and video your entire dive from a third-person perspective as the camera floats above and behind you. As for myself, I just held it in my hand. Before jumping in the water, I tucked the camera up into the wrist of my exposure suit and was able to easily remove it to start videoing whenever I wanted.

Operating the camera

spadefish image shot with Paralenz Vaquita
Hit: This image of spadefish shot with the Paralenz Vaquita turned out well (image courtesy Shelley Collett)
Miss: Stingray shot with Paralenz Vaquita
Miss: This image of a stingray shot with the Vaquita turned out pretty grainy (image courtesy Shelley Collett)

The only real difficulty I had with the camera was turning it on—I know, that sounds major. It always came on, but it sometimes took a couple tries with the button. I think there’s a trick to it that I just don’t know. According to the manual, you do need to click the button back once and then a second time for a longer, 3-second hold. There also seems to be a slight delay before you actually see that it’s coming on (per the text on the screen), so I do think it’s possible I was impatient and ended up turning it back off by accident. This is my biggest complaint about the camera but I solved the issue and reduced frustration by ensuring the camera was on before I hit the water and then, once in the water, turning to the mode I wanted to use and going from there. That worked perfectly.

Picture quality is hit or miss, but I expected as much. It is, after all, a video camera with some picture functionality. If you want to get fantastic still photos, this may not be the camera for you. But if you want some fantastic video with some decent photos, Vaquita has got you covered.

Final thoughts

For ease of use, it really doesn’t get much better. I got the camera, charged it up, then went diving. I didn’t even look at the manual first, but I do have experience with their first camera. In any case, I was able to easily figure out the controls and start shooting video within minutes of my dive.

Perusing the manual later, I saw that there are a lot of options available to users, including FPS, resolution, depth-color correction, and even manual white-balance, etc. I chose to use it without changing any settings but there are many options there if you want to tinker with it.


  • Low profile/small size
  • Easy point and shoot capability
  • Automatic Depth Color Correction (DCC)
  • GPS
  • Custom modes for manual settings
  • Picture and video modes
  • Ability to take a picture while videoing
  • Auto video-on option
  • Viewfinder screen to help you aim
  • Video clarity


  • Can be difficult to turn on
  • If you take a picture while videoing, a buzzing sound occurs in the video
  • Not compatible with accessories for the original Paralenz
  • Pictures are not always great
  • Doesn’t always focus up close (macro)

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Unboxing the Cressi Donatello Dive Computer Mon, 12 Jul 2021 14:00:18 +0000 With dive trips on the horizon, we've got a lot of new gear to check out. Here we're unboxing the Cressi Donatello dive computer.

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I haven’t gone diving in a while — like, a really long while. My last dive trip before Covid hit the world like a hurricane was in August 2019. It’s been a very (very) dry almost two years for me — can that be right?! — but there’s a dive trip on the horizon, finally. In anticipation, I’ve got a lot of new gear to check out — and break in — starting with the Cressi Donatello dive computer.

Cressi Donatello dive computer
The Cressi Donatello is an intuitive, easy-to-use dive computer, perfect for most levels of diver.

First things first — looks. The Donatello resembles most of Cressi’s other computers, including the Goa and Giotto, which I’ve used on and off for years. It’s got a black strap and features five different color choices for the ring around the display; I chose red. For the first time I’ve also gotten the interactive Bluetooth interface, designed to work with the Michelangelo and Donatello computers, which I’ve never done before.

But back to the computer. The Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo all feature Cressi’s “one-button” navigation system, which makes this a great computer for those of us who want no muss and no fuss. The Donatello is the newest of the three, launched in 2020 with the tagline that it’s for people who “just want to dive.” There’s also an edge-to-edge, high-definition screen that features large numbers, which is helpful for those of us who are starting to have trouble seeing close-up (ahem). A back-lit display, clearly visible battery-life indicator, and user-changeable battery all make it even easier to use.

Finally, the Donatello comes with a printed quick guide to getting the computer set up, with a full downloadable manual available as well. I’ve never been one for reading directions, though, so I dive right in. 

Setting up the Cressi Donatello

Cressi Donatello
Setting up the Cressi Donatello is easy when you’re on the go ( Photo by Marcello Pastonesi)

After trying on the computer and pressing the button a bunch of times, I decide I might peek at the manual after all. The computer features Air, Nitrox, Gage, and Freediving modes, but I’ll only use the first two. I’ll likely want to set a few alarms and a deep stop too.

The first page of the quick guide looks like the easiest Ikea instructions I’ve ever seen and basically describes how long to hit the button for each change you want to make. I decide to first try to set the time. You can choose between the 12-hour day or 24-hour day — since I’ve never quite gotten the hang of military time, I choose 12-hour day. I thumb through the book to the page that describes the process, but, just as with other Cressi one-button computers, I find my instincts to just mess around with the button rather than try to decipher the quick guide work best for me.

With one button, there’s not much you can mess up with this computer, and it’s easy to fix if you choose — or don’t choose — an option you wanted. One long push sends you back to the beginning menu, and a combination of short and long-ish pushes allows you to choose your settings.  

I’ve successfully set the time and date; now it’s time to set the nitrox. I typically set it for 32% on any new computer and go from there once I’ve tested my mix at a dive site. Just as with the time setting, the Donatello makes it quite intuitive to set your mode. I scroll through the different screens with one short push, find the one I’m looking for, and successfully set my nitrox. Now to test it out in the water.

Who it’s best for

Overall, the Donatello is extremely easy to set and very intuitive when it comes to doing so. It would be a great computer for a new diver, or one who didn’t want a complicated computer, like me. Functionality on the Donatello is great, but it’s probably not the computer for someone who’s planning lots of complicated dives.


  • Very easy functionality
  • Comes in several bright color choices
  • User can change battery
  • Bluetooth interface available (sold separately)


  • Cycling through all the options with the 1-button can be tricky at first
  • Probably not the best for advanced divers/those who want to plan complicated dives

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Gear Review: Cressi A1 and F-Dual Masks Tue, 29 Jun 2021 15:15:31 +0000 We may have a problem when it comes to buying dive masks. Check our review of the new Cressi A1 and F-Dual masks, great additions to the growing collection.

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I collect dive masks like some women collect purses. But, unlike swapping out a new bag for a new season, when I find a mask that fits well, and doesn’t flood or fog, it stays in pretty much permanent rotation. I’ve long been a fan of frameless masks, such as the Cressi Z1, my long-time go-to. So, when I received two new Cressi masks to review — one of which is also frameless — I was excited to try them. We’ll start with the A1.

Unboxing the A1 Mask

A1 Cressi mask
The pink frame and yellow lenses on this A1 mask make it eye catching above and below the water (photo by Chris Miskavitch)

The first thing I notice is the Cressi Antifog Lens Coating sticker. There’s a note in the mask box that advises wearers not to use toothpaste on the mask to remove the protective coating, something I’ve long done. Wearers are also told not to rub the lenses or use any anti-fog solution. I’m guessing this means I won’t be burning this mask either, which I usually do. I’m skeptical about whether or not the mask will fog without any treatment, but I’m willing to give it a try.

The A1 comes in several cool color combos, and some models feature yellow lenses. I’ve got the black/pink mask with yellow lenses, which is also new for me. The pink is a pretty iridescent shade, and the mask, while it does have a frame, also has a single lens, which I prefer. It creates a nice seal on my face when I test it out and seems like a good fit for my face size and shape. The nose pocket is soft and seems like it will make equalizing all the easier.

I wonder what effect these yellow lenses will have underwater. The Cressi materials say the yellow increases the contrast and makes objects more visible, as well as increasing the vibrancy of the colors underwater.

The inclined lenses are shaped like inverted teardrops, which makes for enhanced downward visibility. The skirt and strap are flexible and soft without sacrificing durability or quality, and the top of the internal skirt has a nifty double edge that seems like it will create an even more secure seal.

I don’t typically switch out my mask strap for a fabric one, so I always look for one that’s easy to manage. The buckle on the A1 has two buttons that allow for easy strap adjustment, and it seems like it will be a breeze to adjust the strap to my preferred fit. Overall, this is a sharp-looking mask that I can’t wait to try out on my upcoming dive trip.

Unboxing the F-Dual Mask

Stay tuned for an in-water review of the F-Dual, a sharp new frameless mask from Cressi.

The F-Dual comes in eight different color combinations. I’m looking at a solid white one with a small pink outline around the inside of the mask. On first glance, it’s the kind of mask I would have picked out for myself — frameless, single-lens, and simple. The mask design features a silicone double-feathered edge skirt, according to Cressi, which is bonded directly to the single pane of tempered glass — hence no need for a frame.

It’s also a low-volume mask, which I typically prefer. The nose pocket is nice and soft, which will make for easier clearing, and the buckles look to be as easy to maneuver as the A1 buckles I mentioned above. Just like the A1, the F-Dual creates a nice seal when I test it on my face. The F-Dual does seem to lack the antifog coating of the A1, so it’ll be the toothpaste and possible burning route for this one.

Both the A1 and the F-Dual look like solid contenders for trips to come, but I’m most excited to see what — if any — difference the yellow lenses make on the A1. 

Post-Trip Update

I took the A1 to Florida and—despite my initial skepticism—I did not need to defog the mask with toothpaste or burn it, after a liberal coating with spit to prevent fogging, of course. The A1 fit well and did great out in the field, and I found the yellow lenses to function similar to polarized sunglasses—you don’t realize how cool things look with them on until you take them off.

Colors popped, and, when I took the mask off at the surface, I realized just how much of a difference the yellow lenses made underwater. I did notice that the mask would often briefly fog upon descent, but was easily fixed with a brief flood-and-clear, although that could have had something to do with the fit, not the anti-fog properties of the mask. Either way, the A1 is coming with me on dive trips to come — stay tuned for a post-dive report on the F-Dual.

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Five Favorite Ocean Reads of 2019 Sat, 02 Nov 2019 14:00:25 +0000 As the year draws to a close, we'd like to share five of our favorite fiction and nonfiction ocean reads of 2019.

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In September, we published an interview with Jill Heinerth, who spoke about her fantastic book, “Into the Planet.” However, that’s not the only book we adored in 2019 that ties into the scuba world. Below, we’ve compiled five additional favorite fiction and nonfiction ocean reads that we think you’ll relish as much as we did.

“Under Pressure”

ocean reads

We were lucky enough to hear Gareth Lock, Global Underwater Explorer’s (GUE) director for risk management, present last year on “Dive Accidents and Fatalities: Why We Must Address the Human Factor in Diving” and he blew us away with his presentation. When we heard that he had published a book expanding on this topic, we bought it immediately and found it just as invaluable.

“Under Pressure” distills a variety of case studies and analyses into lessons divers can use to improve their diving and increase the safety factor regardless of level or experience. Divers won’t want to miss it.

From Amazon: “Most incidents and accidents are down to ‘human error.’ Unfortunately, ‘human error’ is normal and we can’t get rid of it. However, we can reduce the likelihood of one of those, ‘Oh s***t moments’ if we understand human factors and develop our non-technical skills.

This is a globally-unique book containing decades of research and practice from high-risk domains translated into the world of recreational and technical diving. This is done through the use of numerous detailed case studies to highlight the value and applicability of these skills. This book is a must for all divers who want to manage their risks more effectively and have fun in the process.”


ocean reads

We stumbled on the first Mer Cavallo Mystery (“Adrift”) last year and were thrilled to find an engrossing read that accurately described diving and detailed a wreck we’ve explored in the Florida Keys—the famed Spiegel Grove. “Beached,” the second installment in the award-winning series, is just as fun and action-packed.

The author, Micki Browning, combines her background as an FBI National Academy graduate in municipal law enforcement for more than 20 years with her more recent experience as a divemaster to fashion a page-turner that both divers and mystery-lovers will adore. In “Beached,” Mer Cavallo returns as the marine biologist–turned-divemaster in Florida, and this latest book blends nautical archaeology and historical fiction into another great read. We can’t wait for the next installment in the series.

From Amazon: “In this latest thrilling mystery from bestselling author Micki Browning, marine biologist Meredith Cavallo uncovers clues to a mysterious Spanish galleon—and quickly discovers the ship may be legendary, but the danger surrounding it is real.

Mer’s life unravels after she finds a plastic-wrapped bundle floating on the waves off Key Largo. Curious, she pulls it aboard her dive boat and lands in the middle of a storm of intrigue involving an obscure legend, an 18th century shipwreck, and a modern pirate who’ll resort to murder to claim the booty first.”

Note: You can read “Beached” as a standalone, but we’d suggest starting with “Adrift” first to understand how it all begins.

“In Oceans Deep”

ocean reads

As divers, we couldn’t have been happier to pick up a well-written nonfiction read packed with interesting stories that celebrate our history underwater. Written by Bill Streever, a biologist who’s a long-time recreational and commercial diver, “In Oceans Deep” mixes history with first-hand accounts. Streever’s love of the ocean, his knack for storytelling, and his dry sense of humor shine through in this educational yet thoroughly engaging read.

From Amazon: “In the spirit of Bill Bryson and Ian Frazier comes this fascinating examination of our past, present, and future beneath the waves. In an age of unprecedented exploration and innovation, our oceans remain largely unknown and endlessly fascinating: full of mystery, danger, beauty, and inspiration. Bill Streever has masterfully woven together the science and history of Earth’s last remaining frontier: the sea.

“The Island of Sea Women”


ocean reads

The ancient tradition of female free divers on the South Korean island of Jeju sparked our imagination in the news and this work of historical fiction supplied more insight. While we’re sure non-divers enjoyed the “Island of Sea Women” story about friendship and a matriarchal society, we remain astounded by the breathtaking descriptions of decades of diving in frigid water with little equipment.

From Amazon: “Mi-ja and Young-sook, two girls living on the Korean island of Jeju, are best friends that come from very different backgrounds. When they are old enough, tey begin working in the sea with their village’s all-female diving collective, led by Young-sook’s mother. As the girls take up their positions as baby divers, they know they are beginning a life of excitement and responsibility but also danger.

Despite their love for each other, Mi-ja and Young-sook’s differences are impossible to ignore. “The Island of Sea Women” is an epoch set over many decades, beginning during a period of Japanese colonialism in the 1930s and 1940s, followed by World War II, the Korean War and its aftermath, through the era of cell phones and wetsuits for the women divers.”

Note: This book depicts some graphic/violent historical scenes.

“Other Minds”

ocean reads

Imagine that Jacques Cousteau became a professor of philosophy and history, and you’ll get a sense of the wonder and beauty we discovered in this entrancing book. If you haven’t yet fallen in love with the octopus, you will after reading this captivating narrative, by Peter Godfrey-Smith, depicting octopus encounters in the wild interwoven with amazing philosophical, historical, and scientific ideas around intelligent life and sentience.

From Amazon: “Although mammals and birds are widely regarded as the smartest creatures on earth, it has lately become clear that a very distant branch of the tree of life has also sprouted higher intelligence: the cephalopods, consisting of the squid, the cuttlefish, and above all the octopus. In captivity, octopuses have been known to identify individual human keepers, raid neighboring tanks for food, turn off lightbulbs by spouting jets of water, plug drains, and make daring escapes. How is it that a creature with such gifts evolved through an evolutionary lineage so radically distant from our own? What does it mean that evolution built minds not once but at least twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the enc


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Book Review: Costa Rica Blue Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:00:38 +0000 Every dive destination needs a guide as comprehensive and lovingly written as “Costa Rica Blue,” which covers what lies under the waves of this Central American paradise.

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Cocos Island — and Costa Rica in general — is on the top of many divers’ bucket lists. And for good reason — its Pacific waters are filled with the pelagics divers dream of, from schooling hammerheads to wandering whale sharks. Written and produced by Genna Marie Davis with photography by Avi Klapfer, one of the founders of the Undersea Hunter Group, “Costa Rica Blue” takes great care to introduce readers to each and every one of them. The 337-page coffee-table book is a visual delight starting from the inside cover, which features a huge school of scalloped hammerheads. And even better, it’s now available on Amazon.

And, rather than wasting the dust covers on summaries or reviews, Davis has instead filled them with useful information. The front dust-cover features a quick reference guide to page numbers for each of the animals in the book; and the back dust-cover features a guide to seasonality for each region of Costa Rica so you can time your trip perfectly. The pages between these two handy guides hold descriptions of nearly every dive site — and animal — you may encounter in Costa Rica.

Davis has divided the book into four main parts: a brief introduction, a section on marine life, a section on scuba diving and snorkeling, and a conclusion. Each section is color-coordinated as well, so you can jump right to what you want to read. Readers will, of course, spend most of their time in the middle two sections, looking up either specific animals or specific dive sites and regions.

Marine Life

The marine-life section begins with sharks — which is apt, since that’s what most divers have come to see. Costa Rica’s waters are home to dozens of shark species, but Davis concentrates on the 14 most common. All but two, she says, inhabit Cocos Island, which represents the pinnacle of Costa Rica diving — and maybe the world. Before she breaks into individual shark species, however, Davis takes the time to explain a bit about these apex predators to the readers. She offers information on all of sharks’ senses, including sight, smell, electroreception, touch, taste, and sound & vibration.

She begins coverage of individual sharks with the iconic scalloped hammerhead, so closely associated with Cocos Island. Readers will get a chart of facts about each shark, including information on their distribution, scientific name, weight, lifespan and more. Each species then gets between two and eight pages, filled with more tidbits about the shark, including the best dive sites to see them.

After the shark section, the marine-life section is further broken down into ones on rays, marine mammals, sea turtles, fish, eels and invertebrates. Each entry provides some quick facts as well as the best place to see each animal.

Scuba Diving & Snorkeling

Just as useful as the marine-life section of “Costa Rica Blue” is the dive-site section. Here you can search the country based on potential destination rather than possible animal sightings. She’s broken the geographic areas of the country down into Cocos Island, the North Pacific, Central and South Pacific, and Caribbean.

Cocos Island gets over 100 pages, the lion’s share of the section. Further, there are three more subsections here: ‘Discover Cocos Island,’ ‘History,’ and ‘Dive Sites.’ Any potential Cocos diver would be wise to pore over these pages, filled with interesting factoids, such as average air and water temperature and the best dive sites for each and every animal that calls the island home.

The North Pacific and Central & South Pacific sections offer plenty of details as well, beginning with general descriptions of the area’s diving and seasonality and then drilling down into individual dive areas and sites. Divers planning a trip to the Pacific Costa Rican coast will want to spend some time in these two sections, and perhaps decide on a holiday destination accordingly.

Finally, Davis touches briefly on the diving off the Caribbean coast, which is quite limited due to inconsistent visibility. Although there are opportunities to splash in, Davis lets the reader know that any diving or snorkeling here should be an extra perk on a trip already planned.

Overall, “Costa Rica Blue” is an invaluable resource for anyone planning a trip to either the mainland or Cocos Island to dive. Even non-divers can enjoy the full-color spreads and copious information on a wide variety of marine life. And, after reading and seeing what they’re missing, they might just decide to join the fun underwater — in Costa Rica or elsewhere.


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Gear Review: Paralenz Dive Camera Mon, 11 Dec 2017 15:00:11 +0000 There’s a new player in the underwater dive camera market: the Paralenz Dive Camera. How does it hold up under the waves?

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There are lots of options when it comes to underwater photography and the Paralenz Dive Camera is a new player on the market. This small camera is tough, takes both pictures and video, doesn’t require color filters, and is easy to use.  It has a built-in pressure sensor that autocorrects the color according to your current depth, though using a flashlight when deeper than 65 feet (20 m) will help immensely. The camera also features a temperature sensor, and you can overlay both the depth and temperature onto your images or video.  The controls are simple, so once you have the settings the way you want, you can just turn the video on or off with your thumb, which is convenient for gloved divers.

While some other action cameras are designed for sports in general, Paralenz was designed specifically for divers — not only for divers, but also by divers.

Diver Tested – Diver Approved

Paralenz chose a unique development process: they engaged the community. Once they had a good beta version of the camera after 1.5 years of research and development, they selected 250 testers from 38 countries to help them fine tune the end-product. Based the A-testers’ feedback, the company made dozens and dozens of improvements and corrections during the testing process.

The testers I spoke with were unanimous in their praise on how Paralenz responded to their issues and suggestions, as well as the community Paralenz created. Testers could help each other in the community, right alongside the Paralenz representatives who spoke directly to the testers about their questions and concerns. Each of them felt valued, listened to, and loved that they positively contributed to the development of what they felt was a great camera.

“I liked feeling that my feedback counted for something and I was listened to and appreciated by the Paralenz team,” said tester Emily Pepperman. “I felt helpful and excited that I was contributing to a final-production diving camera that I would love and continue to use on my dives.”

Another tester, Aaron, was surprised at how quickly Paralenz responded to issues.  And tester Chris Maka felt that the social-media foundation they’ve built with their near-constant social interaction and obvious respect for the users will be the key to Paralenz’s success.

I don’t want to make their unconventional testing process the entire focus of this piece, but their dedication to a good product, their respect for the users and their opinions, and the community they’ve built deserves recognition.

Here are some clips I took with my Paralenz. 


  • Weight: 5.5 ounces (155 g)
  • Battery life: LiPo – 1600 mAh/Over three hours recording (1080p – 30 fps) or over two hours recording (4K – 30 fps)
  • Can be fully charged in one to two hours
  • Memory: Uses a micro-SD card up to 64GB
  • Paralenz Dive app: Viewing/Sharing/Settings (iOS and Android)
  • Video Resolution: 4k-30 fps/1080p-100 fps/720p-200 fps
  • Still Resolution: 8 MP
  • White Balance: Normal + DCC (Depth Color Correction) (can be turned on/off)
  • Video Format: MOV – H.264 codec
  • USB-C port (for charging)
  • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and USB connectivity
  • Pressure/temperature sensors
  • Safe for use up to 656 feet (200 meters); military-grade aluminum
  • Microphone
  • Accessories like a mask mount, 3rd-person viewer


I love this camera. First, it takes great video. That’s what it’s made to do, so it’s important to mention that first. Other cameras take good video, so what makes this one stand out?  Well, for me, the size of the camera and easy use really make the Paralenz shine. I can (and often do) tuck this camera under the wrist of my wetsuit, which puts it out of the way until I’m ready to use it. Sometimes I’m carrying more than one camera (one for stills, one for video), and I may not need the video until later in the dive. With the camera safely tucked away in my sleeve or in a pocket, I don’t have to worry about banging it around.

The camera is also light and easy to hold, much like a small torch. I can put the wrist strap on and even if I need to “drop” it to use my hand for something else, it’s not cumbersome hanging on my wrist. Using it is easy because I can do it with just one hand, though I occasionally use two to help steady my shot.

While I can manage the settings underwater pretty easily, most often all I’m doing is turning it on and off — with just my thumb. It’s so simple. I don’t even have to look at it. The camera vibrates to let me know it’s turned on/off.

The microphone is good as well. Although normally not that important, on a recent trip we encountered a singing whale. I recorded  the sound clearly and crisply with the Paralenz.

Finally, it handles color correction automatically without extra filters. I love that!


No camera is perfect. And, really this has more to do with the user learning how to best use the camera. For now, there is no video view screen on the Paralenz, so this means when I’m aiming it at something, I’m guessing whether I have the subject in the frame or not. This can be alleviated a bit by practicing above water with the camera to become more familiar with the camera frame. I’ve heard through the grapevine that a small video viewscreen might be coming, though.


If you’re looking for a video camera just for diving, I would point you to the Paralenz. The camera itself is great. The community Paralenz has created, with near-immediate response to all issues, questions, and requests, the respect they have for the users, and their dedication to creating a fantastic camera, is the cherry on top. I didn’t use the Wi-Fi or the dive app because those aren’t personal needs, but of course those will be useful to many divers. And the third-person viewer accessory looks cool and unique.

Pros list

Small – easy to tuck away

Light – not cumbersome when hanging from lanyard

Simple to use

Takes great video

Real-time color correction

Great microphone

Cons list

No video viewscreen


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Our Favorite Haunting Dive Reads Mon, 30 Oct 2017 14:00:12 +0000 With Halloween fast approaching, who doesn’t like a scary story? The books included here are enthralling examples of haunting dive reads, and feature stories that will remain with you long after Halloween is over.

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If you’re an avid diver and reader, you’ve likely devoured a wide variety of dive books, from classics to entertaining, easy reads such as the Clive Cussler novels. But the haunting dive reads we’ve included on the list below kick up the excitement a notch and feature stories that will remain with you long after you read them. Here are our top picks for the most haunting dive reads.

“The Last Dive”

by Bernie Chowdhury

“The Last Dive” tells the tale of a father and son’s fatal descent to the U-Who, an unidentified German U-boat. The story is both tragic and almost inevitable. The author, Bernie Chowdhury, is both an expert technical diver and friends with the doomed dive team of Chris and Chrissy Rouse. He wrote the book from a semi-autobiographical viewpoint.

Highlighting episodes from his own life, Chowdhury explores the mentality of technical diving and its history. He juxtaposes this with the Rouses’ dream of diving into fame. East Coast tidbits about tech gear, reveling in artifact fever (i.e., the zeal for goodies from historical wrecks) and exploring the Andrea Doria complement the story.

Sign up for our newsletter and we’ll enter your name in a raffle to win one of two paperback copies of the Last Dive personally autographed by the author!

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“Shadow Divers”

by Robert Kurson

As a diver, you may recognize the thrill of swimming into and around a wreck. Now imagine discovering a WWII wreck that American and German historians think shouldn’t exist off the coast of New Jersey. Although it sounds too fantastical to be true, that’s precisely the story in “Shadow Divers” by Robert Kurson.

Featuring the same mysterious U-boat as “The Last Dive,” “Shadow Divers” tells the story of the German U-boat’s discovery by famed wreck divers Bill Nagle and John Chatterton. The men and their team spent the next seven years trying to discover the wreck’s identity. While some events overlap with those in “The Last Dive,” this book rather focuses on cracking the overall mystery and history of Hitler’s lost submarine and its crew. Even if you haven’t heard of these legendary Northeast divers and their rivalries, the claustrophobic penetration of a wreck 230 feet (70 m) down in frigid water will instantly sweep you up into 1990s wreck diving.

“Descent into Darkness”

by Cmdr. Edward C. Raymer, USN (Ret.) 

This memoir of the Navy’s chief diver, responsible for the Pearl Harbor salvage, details the desperate attempts to save crewmen caught inside their sinking vessels and later the recovery of the sunken wrecks.

The book sucks you into the nightmare conditions of diving on battleships so large that even the crew got lost when the ships were upright, never mind when they sank upside down. Vast quantities of leaking fuel and oil in the water rendered lights useless, so salvagers dove in total darkness. With visibility of two inches or less, they worked by touch alone.

The ingenuity and courage of these Navy men, groping their way through an ink-black maze of war-wrecked ships and floating bodies will leave readers astounded.

“Raising the Dead”

by Phillip Finch

In the Kalahari Desert of South Africa lies one of the world’s deepest freshwater caves. It’s only accessible through a small crack in the earth 15 feet (4.5 m) underwater. Two rebreather divers enter planning to raise the decade-old body of a diver resting in almost 900 feet of water. These real-life events cascade into a fatal outcome for one and a close call for the other.

Written in laymen’s terms by a cave diver, the book captures the attention of both recreational and technical divers detailing the drive of diving to extremes and the aftermath of the tragedy.

“The Abyss”

by Orson Scott Card

Books often become movies with varying degrees of success, but rarely are movies transformed into notable books for good reason. By their definition, novelizations embody derivatives. This novel is a rare exception, complementing the movie with luscious detail. It proudly stands on its own as well, as an entrancing sci-fi adventure.

Director and avid scuba diver James Cameron wrote the original screenplay for “The Abyss” and diligently researched all the critical technical aspects. But master storyteller Orson Scott Card provides additional dimension to the story. He based the novel on the screenplay, while the movie was being filmed. Enamored by Card’s writing, James Cameron required the two main actors to read early drafts of their characters’ background. In turn, Card fleshed out parts of the book by watching the actors’ performances.

The story races along with an underwater drill crew and a Navy SEAL team, working to recover a submarine and prevent nuclear destruction. But what they discover deep under the Caribbean and their internal struggles make this a gripping thriller.

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Choosing the Right BCD Wed, 06 Sep 2017 14:00:23 +0000 When it comes to making a purchase, choosing the right BCD can be daunting. Which style is right for you?

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When it comes to choosing the right BCD, lots of factors will affect your decision. You’ll want to consider how much to spend, which type of BCD goes best with your diving style, how much weight you carry, where you want the jacket’s air to sit on your body, and even your body type. Here we’ll highlight the three main BCD styles, along with a few other options to help make choosing the right BCD a little easier.

Jacket-style BCD

The jacket-style BCD is by far the most common. The air bladder inside the jacket fills up around the waist and the chest when inflated. The jacket-style is quite comfortable if you choose the proper size. Make sure to try a few on before you make a purchase. One that’s too small will squeeze; one that’s too large will ride up on your shoulders. Most modern jacket BCDs feature an integrated weight system as well, which makes a weight belt unnecessary. Different sizes feature different lift capacities.

Many jackets also feature zippered or Velcro pockets on the sides or inside for storing accessories such as SMBs and torches. The jacket-style BCD is tremendously stable in all water positions. Air placement can make it slightly challenging to maintain a horizontal position underwater.

If you’re looking for a durable, comfortable and easy-to-use (not to mention affordable) jacket-style BCD, try the new Start Pro 2.0 from Cressi, which retails for $329.95.

Back-inflate BCD

The emerging favorite of recreational diving, the hybrid or back-inflate BCD features an air-bladder design wherein the air in the bladder is distributed along the diver’s back, which makes maintaining a horizontal position in the water far easier. This type of BCD usually features pockets for storage and integrated weight system as well, just like the jacket-style BCs. It can be slightly more difficult to maintain a vertical position at the surface.

The lightweight new Cressi Patrol clocks in at a little over 6 pounds (2.9 kg) for the large and features an air-cell compression strap that makes volume control easy. It retails for $399.95.

Back-plate-and-wing BCD

Perhaps the most multipurpose, back-plate-and-wing BCDs are becoming popular not just among technical divers but recreational divers as well. There are infinite combinations when it comes to choosing which back-plate and wing combination you’d like, but those new to this system of diving should seek the advice of experienced divers when completing their own sets. The back-plate-and-wing system is a fantastic choice for divers who are planning more advanced and technical diving such as wreck, deep and cave exploration. Above all, though, the wing’s comfortable feel is driving its popularity, offering the sensation of not diving with a BCD at all.

The DiveRite TransPac is a great choice, with lots of different configurations and options.

Other styles

Sidemount diving has also gained popularity in recent years, evolving mainly from cave diving. This system involves diving with the tanks under your arms or on your sides, and is quite popular among technical divers due to easier access to small places. This style of diving also shifts the weight of heavy tanks on the back to the side.
As more women become involved in diving, many companies have begun to manufacture equipment designed specifically for them. Women’s BCDs are generally smaller, lighter, and tend to curve away from the chest, as well as offering more lumbar support. Many women’s BCDs also feature a shorter torso design.

Finally, due to the ever-increasing ease of travel, more divers are taking their own equipment abroad. The market is full of smaller and lighter travel BCDs that often offer much of the same functionality as a regular BCD but weigh much less. Plastic or aluminum rings, which are still strong but much lighter, usually replace heavier steel D-rings, and the unit’s general construction is usually much thinner. These BCDs can be a bit more fragile, though, so take care if you’re diving in rough conditions. Both the men’s and women’s medium Cressi Travelight weigh only 5.5 pounds (2.5 kg) and fold up nicely to fit into a dive bag.

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Chasing Coral: This New Netflix Documentary is Required Viewing Thu, 24 Aug 2017 13:27:29 +0000 A new Netflix documentary, Chasing Coral, vividly and clearly explains what we stand to lose — and have lost already — when it comes to the world's coral reefs.

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Divers often find it hard to truly describe the peril facing coral reefs to non-diving friends. A new Netflix documentary, Chasing Coral, vividly and clearly explains what we stand to lose — and have lost already.

Chasing Coral: Must-See TV

We were vacationing in the Caribbean, so it seemed fitting to watch the new Netflix documentary, Chasing Coral. I expected it to be informative, interesting, and perhaps a bit sad, as I knew there had been a lot of bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.  The approach to the information was illuminating and brought the corals to life in a way that most people haven’t seen. As a diver, it had a profound impact on me, and it’s got the potential to have a profound impact on non-divers as well.

The story began with Richard Vevers, an advertising executive, realizing the reefs he loved to dive had changed for the worse. He worked with Jeff Orlowski, the director of Netflix’s “Chasing Ice,” to present the story as you would when putting together advertising for a struggling product. The result is an eloquent, engaging, accessible science lesson, filled with stunning and shocking photography and videography. The images movingly depict changes to huge areas of the environment — and to a key ecosystem — over only four months. 

What’s happening to the world’s coral?

Vevers and Orlowski work with numerous scientists, including self-proclaimed “coral nerd” Zack Rago and photographer Trevor Mendelow to give life to corals. They explain the animals’ biological make-up, how they eat and how they fight each other for territory, among other natural processes. They even explain how corals are the only animal, other than humans, that can build their own environment and create their habitat, just like humans do with neighborhoods and cities. The goal is to create empathy for corals, because when people feel that empathy, they tend to pay attention and act. When the filmmakers compare coral to humans, and back up the point with photographic evidence, they really drive the point home.

Let me be clear that they are successful in their endeavor. I watched this documentary a second time, after I was asked to write this article, and I cried just as much the second time as I did the first, not because we have lost 50 percent of the world’s corals in the last 30 years or because 29 percent of the Great Barrier Reef died in 2016, or because of a lot of charts, graphs or data.

I cried because I watched it happen — these are not rocks or even plants — they are animals and over only a 4-month period, I saw daily changes. It was impossible not to see the bleaching, the diminishing marine life, even the fluorescing that seemed like the corals crying out to be noticed. Finally, Rago films a piece of coral as it disintegrates into tiny pieces of dead tissue and then he sits on the boat and cries.

The role of climate change 

“Chasing Coral” shows a planet that’s working as hard as it can to adjust to human-created climate change, but some of these coping mechanisms can devastate entire ecosystems. Oceans absorb excess heat from the atmosphere, which in turn keeps land masses cool enough for habitation. And while ocean-surface temperatures do go through up and down cycles, the average ocean temperatures are increasing steadily. These increases operate like a fever would in our bodies. While this may be a cycle, it is not natural and the reefs — the nursery of ocean — cannot regenerate fast enough to keep up.

What can we do?

While the documentary can take you to the depths of depression, it is not without hope. “Chasing Coral” wants to cause a mindset shift because it’s not too late to change what’s happening, but we must act quickly. Several countries around the world, as well as cities within the U.S. have pledged to change, but we must expand that reach and not wait on government to act. Host a screening of the documentary. Share what you know on social media, and start making changes at home. Download the action guide from Chasing Coral’s website to get started.

Chasing Coral is a must-watch for all ages, and especially for non-divers or those uninterested in ocean issues. It creates a lasting impact, and encourages us to focus on hope for the future instead of giving up in the face of a seemingly insurmountable problem. We have, as the documentary states, “a unique moment in time, where we can change history.” And so we must. To learn more, please visit

Cover photo credit:  The Ocean Agency – XL Catlin Seaview Survey – Richard Vevers

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What’s in Your Drybag? Mon, 07 Aug 2017 14:00:48 +0000 Do you take a drybag along on dive boats? Our reviewer (who usually does not) takes one along for the first time and quickly realizes the benefits.

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I’ve been diving for years and have never once brought a drybag onto a boat with me. I just never saw the point. If I didn’t want something to get wet, then I didn’t bring it onto the boat. That’s pretty much been my motto for two decades.

But recently I had the pleasure of doing some cold-water dives in Tobermory, Canada. These were going to be some of the coldest dives I’d ever done and, for the first time, I found myself thinking…maybe I should bring some warm things along on the boat in a drybag. So, I did just that. After dropping to 100 feet (30 m) in 45 F (7.2 C) water, I started my surface interval by digging into my Cressi drybag  to pull out anything and everything to help ward off the chill. Here’s everything I had in my drybag that day.


Extremities chill quickly on a dive and tend to stay chilled, and my fingers and toes went numb quickly. Gloves are logical thing to toss in a drybag to help keep the feeling in your hands, and I was happy to have mine along.

Warm cap

My fleece-lined cap was a no-brainer to toss in there. With lake breezes gusting over cold water while on a moving boat, wind was going to be a serious issue. A warm hat can make a huge difference.


I couldn’t put a huge sweater in my drybag, but I could easily fit a smaller, fleece sweater inside to put over my arms after I pulled my wetsuit down. A cold, damp wetsuit on the surface isn’t going to help keep you very warm without a lot of sunshine. And even with sunshine, peeling it down and putting on something dry and warm proved to be a much better idea.

For someone who doesn’t usually carry drybag, I couldn’t be happier that I did for these cold-water dives. And now that I know how easy it is to pop a few things into the bag (and how completely dry they’ll stay), I’ll probably start bringing one along more frequently. Do you take a drybag with you on your dives?  What do you put inside?

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Cressi Cold-Water Immersion Gear Test Mon, 10 Jul 2017 14:00:08 +0000 New country, new diving location, and water a little colder than I’m used to. It was the perfect time to do a cold-water gear test on my new Cressi gear.

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On a recent cold-water dive trip, I decided to try out a bunch of new gear to see how it performed in the chilly — no wait, refreshing — waters of Tobermory, Canada. Wrecks, caverns, 47 F (8 C) water, and sometimes silty conditions provided a good environment for a cold-water immersion gear test with my brand new Cressi gear.

MC9-SC/Compact Pro Regulator

Cressi has environmentally sealed the MC9-SC/Compact Pro regulator, so it’s a good choice for cold-water diving. My dive buddy and guide mentioned multiple times in his briefing to the group that free-flows in the chilly water were not uncommon. I had no such issues, and the silt didn’t seem to bother it either. This capable reg breathed the same at 100 feet (30 meters) as it did on the surface.

Aquapro+ BCD

The jacket-style Aquapro+ BCD turned out to be a good one for beginners. It’s affordable; it’s light for travel; and did its job well. Its large pockets and four D-rings make storage for your odds and ends easy. Since I was in cold water, I required a lot of weight to get my thick neoprene-covered body to descend. I did find that this BC had a bit of trouble providing the lift I needed at depth. Overall, it’s a light, simple jacket, with ample storage and great gravity weight pouches, but it might not be the best choice for very cold water.

Frog Plus EBS

I like short fins. It’s rare for me to wear fins other than the ones I’ve been using for years. Throw just about any other piece of gear on me and I’ll make do, but I’m pretty picky about my fins. However, I can’t wear booties with my favorite fins and booties were a necessity on this trip. I buckled on the Frog Plus EBS fins and was pleasantly surprised. As far as fins go, they’re not super long (a bonus for me), and I was able to frog kick, helicopter turn, and even hit reverse with them on. Given that this was the piece of gear I had the most reservations about, I didn’t mind being wrong about them.

Big Eyes mask

The low-volume Big Eyes mask lives up to its name. I feel like it did give me a wider view. While the skirt was a little softer than I usually prefer, the fact that it was so easy to clear made up for that. Unlike my usual mask, I could easily use this one freediving.  It was extremely comfortable and adjusted easily.

Giotto computer

I know what you’re probably thinking: a computer is a computer, cold water or not. But, I wanted to see how this one did alongside all my other new gear. One thing is for certain — it absolutely confirmed to me how chilly the water was.  I could easily hear the alarms (bad Shelley!); the info on the screen was easy to view, and it was simple to program. The Giotto turned out to be overall great computer at an affordable price.


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Review: Video Sidemount Training with Steve Martin Sun, 21 May 2017 14:00:41 +0000 Informational, video-based courses can help divers interested in expanding their recreational and technical-dive knowledge

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For good or for ill, modern consumers increasingly favor video content over the written word. That can mean that even dive instructors must shift their teaching styles with the times. Giving in to the demand for video content, scuba instructor Steve Martin embarked on an innovative approach to dive training. He took his years of experience as both a diver and instructor and started developing video-based training courses for divers interested in expanding their recreational and technical dive knowledge.

What’s included in the videos?

With 17 years of diving experience, 13 of them as an instructor, Martin has developed his own training courses and is considered one of the leading developers of sidemount diving. He continues to create new course content based on client feedback and requests.

Note that his online courses do not offer certifications. Rather, these informational training courses impart knowledge and increase a diver’s skills when he or she puts the knowledge contained in the videos to practical use. However, Martin does teach in person as well, particularly conducting cave-training classes across the world.

A handful of his courses are free, while others have associated costs. The quality of the videos is impressive; the information is clear and concise; and the knowledge is useful and appropriate for a range of divers. On the hand-signals videos alone I learned a few new signals to add to my repertoire. All the instructional videos are easy to understand. They offer some great tips regarding finning techniques, rescue training, S-drills, compass use, determining your air-consumption rate, and so much more. If you’re an avid tec diver, a tec diver in training, or just interested in learning some new skills, there’s a good chance he has lessons that will be useful for you.

Martin offers seven complete courses containing 22 hours of content split over 165 individual lessons. Check them out for yourself at

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Buying Dive Gear for Kids Wed, 10 May 2017 14:00:41 +0000 Scuba gear is expensive and kids grow fast. How do you buy dive gear for kids — and get the right fit — without breaking the bank?

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We’ve all heard it — buy your own dive gear as soon as possible. It’ll fit better and you’ll be safer on dives, as you’ll know your way around your gear. But kids grow fast and dive gear is expensive. So how do you buy dive gear for kids without breaking the bank? It’s all about fit and knowing where you can and cannot compromise.

Mask and Fins

If a child has spent time snorkeling, he may already have a mask, snorkel and fins. Even so, if his mask came as part of a snorkel set, you may want to replace it. The mask is not an item to cut corners on. If the mask lacks a good fit and seal, your child will not be comfortable underwater. He may even be turned off to diving because he must constantly clear it or it hurts his face. The mask fit, along with a good seal and clear line of sight, are imperative to a child’s ablity to concentrate on the activity at hand. Many of us have had masks with little leaks and that’s fine once you’re a seasoned diver. But a child is simply going to be more sensitive to changes or mask issue, and they just have more delicate skin.

Talk to your dive shop about junior-sized masks that may be less expensive and will likely fit a young child’s face better. The child should be able to hold the mask on his face by breathing in through his nose, without using the strap and without holding the mask on with his hands. Also, make sure the skirt’s length does not touch the child’s hairline. Finally, check the skirt area around the child’s mouth to ensure that it’s not so close that he’ll break the seal when he puts in a regulator.

Don’t worry about added features like built-in purge valves on snorkels and bigger peripheral views on masks. You needn’t spend extra money on those until your child is old enough for a more permanent mask selection. Low-profile masks are often lighter anyway and that’s important to a child’s comfort as well. The Marea Jr. & Mini-Dry snorkel set from Cressi is a great place to start, as the set can transition easily from snorkeling to diving.

Fins are quite forgiving when it comes to size as they typically span two or three shoe sizes. Buy a nice pair of fins for your child and they will likely last a couple of years. Search for flexible fins that also displace water well. Remember that a child will likely be slower in the water, so needs efficient fins to keep up with the group, but you also don’t want him to get leg cramps or ankle pain because he’s trying to move large, heavy, or rigid fins. 


Booties are like shoes. They are typically quite affordable, but just as with shoes, you’ll want a good fit. Because they will get wet and your child will be pulling fins on and off, you don’t want booties to come off to easily. If you do any shore diving, they also must stand up to sand or rocks as you walk to the entry point. However, you don’t want to buy a $50 pair of booties every year (or more often). To combat slippage and save a bit of money, buy crew-length booties that zip partially up the leg versus slip-on booties that just come up to the ankle. They may be a little more expensive, but you can usually buy a size or two larger so that your child has room to grow into them. 


Just because you may not need a wetsuit doesn’t mean your child won’t need one. Kids get cold faster and stay cold because of their smaller size and lower body fat. This can be a factor especially on repetitive dives. Be careful about getting a wetsuit that’s too big because of how they work.  A wetsuit allows water in and uses the body to heat it up to provide a warm layer of water against the skin. If a wetsuit is too big, water won’t stay inside, so you’ll lose a lot of the suit’s usefulness. If you’re going to be diving primarily somewhere warm, the shorty Lido wetsuit by Cressi is a great option. It’s got a front zipper so kids can dress themselves, and it provides some extra warmth without being cumbersome.

We’ve always gone one size bigger than our child’s current size when buying wetsuits. This has gotten us a few years out of each one while keeping the size appropriate for the job. Since the wetsuit isn’t critical from a safety aspect, it’s fine to look for used ones through your dive shop or scuba swap-and-sell websites, for example. Your dive shop may also have rental wetsuits for sale at the end of the season. While most dive shops don’t carry rental wetsuits for kids, they may have something appropriate for a young teen.



I have written before about buying a BCD for a child. It’s stating the obvious, but kids are typically much smaller than adults and have very different bodies. Diving equipment can seem overwhelming to a small child. If they try to use your gear, they won’t be as comfortable — this is especially true with a BCD. We have all worn ill-fitting BCs that rise to our ears or higher when we jump in the water. The BC should fit snugly when inflated so that the child is not adjusting his tank placement as he turns his body in the water. It should be snug enough that when there’s a tank attached while he’s standing on land or on a boat, the tank does not ride too low.

With that said, today’s BCs are often highly adjustable. The more adjustable a BC is, the more you will be to buy something slightly larger. While it may cost more to buy something more adjustable, it will probably be cheaper than buying multiple BCs. Cressi’s got a great option in this category as well, with the new Start Pro 2.0, which runs $329.95 USD and starts in size XXS. It’s light at only 5.2 pounds (2.4 kg) and has a lift capacity of 15.7 pounds (7.1 kg).

Or, ask if your dive shop has junior-sized BCs. Ours carried a few junior BCs for rent and, at the end of the season, sold them for a fraction of the cost of a new BCD. This helped ease the pain of growing out of gear. You can also get BCDs “built” for your child’s size. I have found these to be more expensive, but some offer optional shoulder straps, waist straps, etc., based on the size you need. When your child outgrows them, you can trade them in for some credit against the next purchase.


This was the toughest piece of gear to buy for our son who certified at age 10. Regs do not differ a lot in size and weight. It can be difficult for skinny little kids with small mouths, and sometimes lots of missing teeth, to even keep the reg in their mouth. Couple that with the rigid hose attached to the reg and you end up with a child who holds his reg in his mouth with his hand, especially toward the end of the dive or after repetitive dives, when the jaw may become fatigued. Kids also tend to bite down harder on the mouthpiece to try to keep it in place. This further adds to fatigue. This can also mean extra mouthpieces when they bite through them.

There is not a lot you can do to combat this, but remember that they will not outgrow their regulator. Take comfort in spending a little more in this area, since they won’t need a new one every few years. The best advice I can offer is to find the lowest profile and lightest regulator that you can. Do not worry about a bunch of adjustments, as the size and weight are the most important consideration. You can also upgrade to flexible hoses that will result in less pulling on the mouthpiece. Again, this will mean added costs, but they will not outgrow this crucial piece of equipment. A regulator that’s been designed for travel can do the trick here. These are almost always lighter weight and feature a lower profile than full-size regulators.

There’s a lot to think about when buying dive gear for kids. Both size and comfort are imperative. You can appropriately outfit your child without breaking the bank if you put a little extra effort and thought into the purchases. And remember that the first time you buy dive gear for kids is (hopefully) the worst. After that, they should outgrow gear at varying times, allowing you to spread out purchases a little more.

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Choosing a BCD: Jacket or Wing Thu, 13 Apr 2017 14:00:15 +0000 Most recreational divers use a jacket-style BCD, but at some point, you’ll see divers in wing-style BCs. What’s the difference, and which is right for you?

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As a casual recreational diver, chances are you’re using a jacket-style BCD. At some point, though, you’ll likely see divers wearing wing-style BCDs. What’s the difference, and is one better than the other? Here’s a rundown of both so you can make an informed selection when it comes to choosing a BCD.

Jacket-style BCDs

By far the most common type of BCD, the jacket-style comes in all shapes and sizes. These are also gender-specific for a better fit. On a standard jacket-style BCD, the shape of the bladder inside means that air migrates around the waist and up to the chest, with little or no air on your back. This allows you to stay comfortably vertical when on the surface, or lie on your back easily if surface swimming short distances.

However, when underwater, the movement of air inside the unit can make it more difficult to achieve an even horizontal, or prone, position. Consequently, even when neutrally buoyant, many divers are a little “leg down.” This is not as streamlined as the prone position (think of how a skydiver lies). Getting the wrong fit can also make buoyancy control more difficult, especially if you’ve got a BCD that is too big for you. The air can move around more, which can make the unit feel unstable.

Generally, jacket BCDs tend to have large pockets, which come in handy for carrying all kinds of things like torches and pocket masks. These can be somewhat difficult to access when you’re fully inflated on the surface. Integrated weights are now common to most jacket BCs. These are a great alternative to wearing a weight belt or weight harness when drysuit diving, and make it easy to drop weights in an emergency.

Many divers also like how easily jacket BCs attach to the cylinder, and how effortless they are to don and doff. However, they are bulky and take up a lot of space when traveling, which is a big consideration when going on a scuba vacation. There are lots of lighter, travel BCs on the market, however. Overall, jacket BCs are still by far the most popular choice among divers.

Wing-style BCDs

This type of BCD originates from technical diving, where divers are using a twinset of two tanks or a rebreather. In recent years, wing-style BCs have appeared in single-tank diving. The principle is very simple: the diver wears a harness that is attached to an aluminum or steel back-plate. The inflatable wing is attached to the back-plate and sits on the diver’s back between the diver and the cylinder. Wings are available in doughnut and horseshoe shapes, but the most common is the doughnut. On this one, a continuous bladder allows air to migrate around the entire outer part of the wing.

Wing-style BCs have a few benefits. You can easily swap the BC for a larger one if you’re doing a technical dive requiring greater lift, i.e. a twinset. In this way, you have the same harness system for each type of diving. Since the wing sits on your back, it’s easier to achieve that horizontal prone position underwater. This is very streamlined and makes you less of an entanglement hazard. With a wing-style unit, there is nothing around your waist apart from the harness, so you feel less encumbered. Just as with jacket-style BCDs, most wing-style units feature weight pockets. These can still be quick-release, and you can also add additional pockets. If you want to minimize your lead, a thicker steel back-plate is a sensible choice. If you go on scuba vacations, then a thinner, aluminum back-plate would be more suitable.

One disadvantage of a wing-style BCD is that it can be more difficult to stay vertical on the surface. Since the air is on your back, there is a tendency to go face down. However, you can easily remedy this with experience by lifting the knees up slightly and lifting your head back. Technical divers swear by this set up, and among the wider diving community, wing-style BCs are becoming more popular because they are so adaptable.

Back-inflate jacket-style BCDs

This hybrid style is a combination of both the above styles, designed to take advantage of the best of each in one system. There are quite a few different models available, each with its own characteristics. The lightweight new Cressi ACE, for example, features a detachable harness and air cell.

Back-inflate models all strive to fit like a jacket around your waist and shoulders and also provide lift from a bladder on your back. This makes it easy to attain that horizontal position without a separate wing and back-pate. They still have large pockets at the waist, but as with jacket BCs, it can be a little more difficult to feel steady in a vertical position when at the surface.

When it comes to dive equipment, it’s hard to “try before you buy” unless you have generous, similarly sized friends. Often you must do your research before choosing a BCD and hope you made the right decision once you’ve purchased your equipment. Buying a BC is no different, but armed with the above information, the choice might be a little bit easier.


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Top New Cressi Gear for 2017 Mon, 27 Mar 2017 14:00:19 +0000 Spring is here, and with it comes dive season for many of us. Top gear manufacturer Cressi has a ton of new offerings, and we’re highlighting six of the best.

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Spring has arrived, and with it, dive season for many of us. Manufacturers are rolling out plenty of drool-worthy new gear to entice us back into the water, and few have as many offerings as Italian manufacturer Cressi. We’ve picked our six favorite pieces of new Cressi gear for 2017 to help inspire your start-of-season splurges.

A dive computer that wears like a watch: The Goa

The new Goa dive computer wears much like an everyday watch, with a diameter of only 2 inches (48 mm) — think large wristwatch, rather than bulky dive computer. This means you can wear it not only on dive days, but in your day-to-day life as well. It comes in black and white, with a range of color accents to spice things up. It covers both freediving and scuba, with air and nitrogen options for the latter. Conveniently, it allows you to change between air and nitrox, and nitrox settings, during desaturation — something not all dive computers do, much to the frustration of liveaboard divers.

Retail price: around $399

The light but heavy hitter: The Ace BCD

Cressi has long been known to make extremely solid and well-designed BCDs, and this new addition to the line-up is no exception. Ticking in at only a nudge over 7 pounds (3.1 kg) in weight, the Ace is a full-featured, lightweight BCD with a pretty impressive lift capacity of 42.7 pounds (19 kg). It features a back-inflation design, which means you get the comfort of a traditional BCD combined with the streamlined design of a wing-and-backplate. A great traveler, even for cold climates where you’ll be carrying extra weight, it will also work as your everyday BCD at home.

Retail price: $529.95

A novel take on a regulator: AC10V/Cromo Master

The lightweight, high-performing warm-water AC10V/Cromo Master is a real beauty. But it takes trained eyes to spot its true merits: a novel design of the point where the second-stage hose meets the first stage. Rather than a traditional, fixed point, Cressi has mounted it on a rotating cuff, ensuring that the hose, and with it, the second stage, is always in the right position. Combined with very high breathing performance and easy switching between DIN and INT standards on the first stage, this is a great option for your next travel regulator.

Retail price: $449.95.

The rental BCD: Start Pro 2.0

An affordable option, the Start Pro 2.0 is great for scuba-diving schools and dive centers renting out equipment, who want to offer a comfortable, easy-to-use BCD with top-of-the-line features without breaking the bank. Large, easy to read size indicators on the shoulder strap make it easy for the dive center to see what sizes are available in the gear room. Good lift capacity, comfortable design, and integrated-weight system makes this BCD a contender for the budget diver as well as dive centers.

Retail price: $329.95.

The lightweight fin: Agua

The Agua is as classic Cressi as it gets: a lightweight, high-performance fin that will work for almost any diver, regardless of skill level or athletic prowess. The foot pocket features Cressi’s super-soft Self-Adjusting Foot Pocket, which ensures a snug, but never cramp-inducing, fit. This is a great warm-water fin for those who want performance, but don’t want to schlep the weight around to get it.

The ultralight: Patrol BCD

For the traveling diver who does not want to pay overweight charges, Cressi introduces the Patrol. At an impressive 5.7 pounds (2.6 kg), it’s an extremely light BCD, but with sufficient lift capacity for most divers. It features back-inflation design, an integrated-weight system, and hard-wearing materials.

Suggested retail price: $399.95

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Which Dive Computer is Right for You? Thu, 16 Feb 2017 15:00:02 +0000 There are more and more choices every day, but how do you know which dive computer is right for you?

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How we time and log our dives has come a long way in the past few decades. We’ve gone from purely analog units (a watch and a depth gauge) all the way to the advanced computers we have today. Modern divers have a wide range of choices when it comes to their dive computer. Computers come in every shape and size, from console-mounts to watches, all the way up to advanced, smartphone-like units that do everything but make you a cup of post-dive coffee. But which dive computer is right for you? Let’s take a look at the options.

The console dive computer

On a console, the computer is integrated with the manometer and often a compass as well. This was a fairly common setup until recently, and the style still has its fans and advantages.


Everything is in one place. Divers can quickly check their depth, remaining air, remaining gas, direction, and more. It’s all attached to your scuba unit, so there’s little to no risk of forgetting your computer on the dive boat’s deck as you take the plunge. And because everything resides in one unit, your wrists are free, so you needn’t worry about putting the watch over your wetsuit.


Consoles are a bit clunky, large and relatively heavy. Also, not all computers are available in a console version anymore.

Who they’re best for:

Recreational divers who like a one-stop solution and the old-school feel of a console.

The standard wrist dive computer

Wrist computers are still the most popular and often the least expensive. Sized like a very large watch, they combine a fairly small profile with an easy-to-read screen, large enough to allow a lot of information to be displayed at once. They are also fairly easy to make, so most of the cheapest computers are of this type. There are more advanced models as well, of course. Essentially, standard wrist computers are the most versatile, including everything from the inexpensive, entry-level Cressi Leonardo to the trimix-enabled Suunto Hel02.


Standard wrist computers are a manageable size, not overly large but still easily legible. Divers can choose from quite a large selection of types and features.


Some of the most advanced features are moving to the OLED-type computers, which are gaining popularity. These units are pretty streamlined, but still not exactly tiny.

Who they’re for:

Anyone from recreational to technical divers in search of a cost-effective, streamlined dive computer.

The watch-sized wrist dive computer

Basically, a compact version of the standard wrist dive computer, wristwatch units are about the size of a large watch. They have many of the same features, as well as a watch function that you can use when you’re not in dive mode. Smaller screens do mean that you often need to scroll more to see the same information that a larger unit would display on one screen. These also often feature an apnea mode, so divers can use them for freediving, too.


These computers can double as your watch, so you can save some money here. Their small size means they’re less cumbersome, but feature- and safety-wise, they’re up to standards.


It’s difficult to find a wristwatch with any trimix functions. The smaller screen also displays less information. Those with poor eyesight may also have to forego these units because they can’t read the small screen.

Who they’re for:

Recreational divers who want a smaller computer, and like the watch-computer combo.

OLED computers

OLED computers are the newest kids on the block. They feature large, high-resolution color screens, and often very advanced functions. Most of them allow for a wide range of diving, from recreational to tec and rebreathers. They are quite boxy, like an oversized iPhone. The screen legibility combined with the advanced capabilities give them unparalleled superiority in the functions department, however.


OLED computers offer loads of information, bright, colorful screens, iPhone-like usability and advanced functions.


OLEDs are also large and expensive — think $1,000 or more if you want air integration. Since their functions are quite advanced, many divers will pay for a lot stuff they’ll never use.

Who they’re for:

Advanced divers, particularly tec and rebreather divers.

Whichever you choose, rest assured that the industry monitors their safety and reliability quite strictly, so they are all equally safe to use. Any computer works with one of only a few algorithms. The choice is simply a matter of budget and personal preference in terms of style and functionality.

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App Review: Ocean Maps – Florida Fri, 23 Dec 2016 15:00:15 +0000 If you like to know what to expect at a dive site before you descend, the Ocean Maps app might be right for you.

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Are you a diver who wants to learn as much as you can about a dive site before descending? When it comes to wrecks, advance information can make for a safer and more interesting dive. Details can also help you determine which sites to visit when you have limited time but lots of options. While reading divers’ personal accounts of other divers is useful, being able to virtually explore a site from your mobile device adds a whole new element. Enter Ocean Maps.

Ocean Maps has specific apps for multiple locations, but here we’ll review their newest entry for Florida. Like most apps, there’s a free version and a paid version with more features.

[See image gallery at]

Ocean Maps Free Version

The free version of the app offers a lot of information about 30-plus dive sites in southern Florida. You’ll find information like the site coordinates, its location on the map, accessibility, marine life, difficulty level, general details and its history, if applicable. The app also gives you full access for two sites so you can see what you would get for all sites if you pay the subscription fee.

Ocean Maps Paid Version

In addition to the information in the free version, the paid version lets you take a virtual tour in either 2D or 3D. There are two modes available. In one you can view the site like a 2D- or 3D-model (your choice) by rotating and zooming in and out. View it with or without water and with or without the depth color-coding. You can select points of interest or marine-life hotspots. You’ll see more information about them and the optimal dive route around the site.

Second is the Dive mode. While the controls take a little getting used to, once you figure it, out you can virtually “swim” around the dive site. You can go up and down in depth, forward and backward, and turn. The hotspots are accessible in this mode as well.

All in all, the app is very informative and easy to use. The free version gives you quite a bit in and of itself. But for $3 per month, for the paid version isn’t much to spend to virtually dive all the current and future sites. Discover sites you didn’t know existed and virtually dive before you dive for real — sounds great to me.

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The Best Dive Equipment for Women Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:00:36 +0000 For many years, women had to make due with dive gear designed for men. But not anymore — today, many manufacturers offer gender-specific lines. Here’s a peek at today’s best dive equipment for women.  

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Although it may seem obvious now that differently shaped bodies require different equipment, for many years, women had to put up with ill-fitting BCDs and wetsuits if they wanted to dive. Nowadays, many manufacturers produce female-specific gear, from masks and fins to regulators. After way too many dives with rented gear, here are a few recommendations for today’s best dive equipment for women.


Let’s start with the most important piece of gender-specific gear — the BCD. BCs have come a long way since they were first invented in terms of comfort, safety and utility. Over the last few years, manufacturers have paid heed particularly to making them more comfortable for women. No longer must we put up with a badly fitting men’s x-small, unbalanced weight pockets (due to our larger hips), or a BC riding up around our ears because it’s cut for a straight up-and-down body shape. Plenty of modern women’s BCDs have been designed specifically for us.


Cressi Travel Light Lady

We love this Cressi BC, as it’s not only designed for the female body, it’s also designed for the woman who travels. The extra-small weighs just 5 pounds (2.3 kg), and underwater, the jacket fits snugly and stays where it’s supposed to. The integrated weights pop in and out easily (but not too easily when you’re underwater) and the chest strap is in a comfortable spot above your chest. All-in-all this light, travel-friendly BC is a winner.


Let’s not be shy here: our chests can make getting into and out of a wetsuit far more frustrating. A zip-front helps eliminate that problem. Here are a few suits we’ve tried and tested and can’t get enough of.


ScubaPro Pyroflex

Built from 100 percent neoprene, the Scubapro Pyroflex 1.5 mm Steamer features an inner layer made from high-tech plush and fleece. The suit is lightweight, quite durable, and, most importantly, it’s an efficient insulator for better heat retention, both underwater and at the surface. This zip-front wetsuit is available for both men and women, with five women’s sizes ranging from XS to XL.


Cressi Playa

The one-piece shorty Cressi Playa is made from 2.5 mm double-lined neoprene. As well as having a zip front, its arms and legs have an elastic neoprene braided seal to minimize water infiltration. It’s easy to get on and off, is reasonably priced and is a must for a warm-water lover.


It can be annoying when a mask gets tangled in your hair and you spend what seems like hours trying to careful unravel it from the straps. The industry has been paying attention to our woes and has delivered a solution for those of us with long hair.


Aqua Lung Linea

The “Comfort Buckle System” on the Aqua Lung Linea aims to solve the problem of hair tangling in your mask when you take it off, making removal pain-free.  The small frame is also ideal for freedivers or any diver who wants to reduce in-water drag.


The gear industry now offers regulators specifically designed for women, featuring brighter colors. The regs generally have a smaller, lighter first stage and second stage to help reduce jaw fatigue as well.


Apex Flight
Claiming to be “the lightest regulator in the world” the Apeks Flight is compact and durable, weighing in at 1.5 pounds for a yoke, including the hose. Ideal for traveling divers, this reliable and robust reg is designed for waters warmer than 50 F (10 C).

You can also buy inexpensive hose covers in most dive shops, so if you really want all-pink everything — or any color under the rainbow — you can make it happen.


Properly fitting fins are another essential part of any gear kit. Fins that are too small can rub and cause irritation, and fins too big can slip off or cause cramps. With women’s (generally) smaller and thinner feet in mind, here are some styles to consider.

Open-foot fins

The biggest advantage of open-foot fins is that you can wear booties with them. Divers wear booties for insulation in colder water and to protect their feet if they’re walking over rocky shores. Although you needn’t wear booties in warmer water, open-foot fins and booties are perfectly acceptable there too, making this a versatile combination.

ScubaPro Seawing Nova

One of today’s most popular fins is the ScubaPro Seawing Nova. It’s hard to go on a dive without seeing a pair of these brightly-colored fins in front of you. The Nova features the maneuverability of a blade fin but with the kicking comfort and efficiency of a split fin, as well as a proprietary hinge that ScubaPro says “enables the entire wing-shaped blade to pivot and generate thrust.”

Closed-foot fins

One of the most obvious benefits of closed-foot fins is the price. The fins themselves are cheaper, and you needn’t buy booties either, which saves you even more. They also weigh less, and less weight at the end of your foot means you don’t have to work as hard to move it. You’ll also save space and weight in your luggage. Closed-foot fins, however, don’t provide as much power for kicking in current, and are not suitable for cooler waters.

Aqua Lung Wind

The Aqua Lung Wind is a new entry-level full-pocket fin, ideal for diving in warm, easy conditions and snorkeling. Even though it is compact and lightweight, the Wind is still robust and comfortable and is perfect for traveling.

By guest author Sarah Richard

Guest author Sarah Richard is a travel writer currently living in Hong Kong. She is a divemaster who has been diving for eight years and has most recently worked on a liveaboard in Micronesia. Follow her adventures on her travel blog or on Facebook.


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