Conservation – Scuba Diver Life Explore • Dream • Discover • Dive Tue, 07 Mar 2023 00:20:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Conservation – Scuba Diver Life 32 32 37309857 Celebrate 50 Years of Spectacular National Marine Sanctuaries Wed, 08 Mar 2023 15:00:48 +0000 Fifty years ago, a new era of ocean conservation was born when the United States created a system of national...

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Fifty years ago, a new era of ocean conservation was born when the United States created a system of national marine sanctuaries. Since then, the National Marine Sanctuary System has grown into a nationwide network of 15 national marine sanctuaries and two marine national monuments that conserve more than 620,000 square miles of spectacular ocean and Great Lakes waters, an area nearly the size of Alaska. NOAA celebrated the 50th anniversary of your National Marine Sanctuary System, making this a perfect time to reflect on the accomplishments that have made NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries a global leader in ocean conservation and maritime heritage preservation, while looking toward the future with great optimism.

The National Park Idea

In March of 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant established Yellowstone National Park, and Americans were introduced to the idea of setting aside special places for the enjoyment and pleasure of the people—sparking a worldwide movement. The creation of modern parks became a powerful tool for the conservation and protection of valuable places. As more and more terrestrial places were set aside for protection, so too were national seashores and wild and scenic rivers. Eventually came the realization that protection doesn’t have to end at the shoreline. Flash forward to 1972, when President Richard Nixon signed the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, and three years later, the underwater resting place of the shipwrecked Civil War ironclad USS Monitor became the first national marine sanctuary in the United States.

national marine sanctuaries national marine sanctuaries

Growth and Global Leadership

national marine sanctuaries
Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary superintendent Billy Causey answers questions for a member of the public at an event in the late 1980s. Image: NOAA

From 1975 to 2000, 13 national marine sanctuaries were designated within the U.S., with the 1990s being the most active decade for new sanctuary designations. Stellwagen Bank, Flower Garden Banks, Monterey Bay, and Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale national marine sanctuaries were all established in 1992, followed by Olympic Coast in 1994. It wasn’t until the reauthorization of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA) in 2000 that the disparate collection of underwater parks of all different sizes, shapes, and purposes scattered across the U.S. formally became known as a system—the National Marine Sanctuary System—as we refer to it today.

In 2001, the program that managed these places, the National Marine Sanctuary Program, was elevated from a division to an independent office within NOAA, with its own budget and resources. This is how the agency became known as NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. This restructuring opened the door to building increased operational capacity and infrastructure, the creation of new education, outreach, and science programs, and a more formal approach to managing the system for better results.

Each national marine sanctuary and marine national monument within the system has a unique history and purpose. These special places all across the United States were put in place to protect important natural, cultural, and historic resources, while also allowing compatible uses in responsible ways that have a low impact on the environment. “Over the years, NOAA has mapped, surveyed, monitored, and evaluated changes in the health of resources within these underwater parks, and used this information to make smarter management decisions,” said John Armor, director of NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. “This approach has made us a global leader in the conservation of natural and cultural underwater resources.”

national marine sanctuaries

This global leadership role was first demonstrated in 1986, when the sanctuary program hosted the first international meeting of marine protected area managers in the sanctuaries in Florida and California.

International collaboration was further strengthened when, in 2013, the National Marine Protected Area (MPA) Center was integrated into NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, connecting the system of sanctuaries with the larger network of MPAs throughout the nation. The MPA Center leads international partnerships, working with marine managers around the world to protect shared resources and address common challenges, such as the whales of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary that migrate to the warm waters of the Caribbean to calve and raise their young.

Science and Maritime Heritage

national marine sanctuaries
Percentages report proportion of mapped habitats within U.S. waters that are protected within the National Marine Sanctuary System. Seagrass and mangrove data from CEC North America Blue Carbon 2021; Tropical coral data from UNEP-WCMC World Fish Centre, WRI, TNC (2021); Deep sea coral data from NOAA Deep Sea Coral Database (2021).


From lush seagrass beds to slow-growing, deep-sea corals, the habitats protected by sanctuary waters vary greatly from place to place. Due to threats such as climate change, pollution, and increasing population growth in coastal areas, effective management is necessary to keep these fragile ecosystems protected for future generations. Since sanctuaries serve as sentinel sites where the impacts of ocean acidification and climate change can be studied over time, sanctuary researchers have also been monitoring ocean conditions and assessing the impacts of a changing climate on ecosystems and coastal communities.

national marine sanctuaries

Many sites serve as a proving ground for new approaches to restoring and managing marine ecosystems in the face of climate change and other threats. Mission Iconic Reefs, a massive collaborative effort to restore almost three million square feet of reef at seven iconic sites within Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to a sustainable state is currently underway, and in California, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and the Greater Farallones Association are implementing strategies for kelp forest restoration, monitoring, research, and public engagement. 

National marine sanctuaries are also great places to research and test approaches for mitigating human impacts on wildlife. Since 2007, NOAA  has worked to better understand how ship strikes impact endangered whale populations in national marine sanctuaries on the West Coast. This information was used to create the Blue Whales and Blue Skies initiative, where they worked with major shipping companies who voluntarily reduced their vessel speeds in key areas to 10 knots or less. The 2020 vessel speed reduction program resulted in cutting over 700 tons of smog-forming emissions, and a 35% decrease in ship strike risk.

With some major advancements in technology, such as remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and benthic mapping, our ability to explore deep-sea habitats and make new discoveries in deep-ocean science has increased dramatically. Vailulu‘u Seamount in National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa, was discovered in 1975, but it wasn’t until 1999 that researchers were actually able to map this seafloor feature using remote sonar methods, and found it to reach 16,000 feet deep and summit at about 2,000 feet deep.

In 2005, NOAA Ocean Exploration conducted ROV dives there and found there was a very dynamic and robust hydrothermal system, providing habitat to an array of deep-sea organisms. In 2012, the sanctuary expanded to include Vailulu’u Seamount (and other important sites). Since then, more expeditions were made to the seamount using ROVs to explore geologic features and marine biodiversity, including an expedition on Ocean Exploration Trust’s E/V Nautilus in July 2019 when a new hydrothermal vent was discovered, signifying that Vailulu’u is still active.

national marine sanctuaries national marine sanctuaries

In addition to protecting natural resources, national marine sanctuaries also protect cultural resources such as shipwrecks and heritage artifacts and locations. Currently there are 1,211 known shipwrecks protected throughout the sanctuary system, with thousands still waiting to be discovered in these waters. The program focuses on several key research areas, such as maritime history, site inventory and assessment, and maritime cultural landscapes.

Putting Sanctuaries on the Map

National marine sanctuaries and monuments are often thought of as the national parks of the ocean. One major difference, however, is these places do not have roadways that lead to entrance gates with a ticket booth like most national parks do. So how do we inspire people across America to get into their sanctuaries? How do we make sure people know that the waters they enjoy boating, fishing, surfing, diving, and wildlife viewing in are part of a protected national treasure? We do this through strategic communications, education and outreach programs, and by working with hundreds of public and private partners on the federal, state, regional, and local levels.

Thanks to the goals laid out in the 2000 reauthorization of the NMSA, there was a major shift in focus towards enhancing public awareness. This was the catalyst that led to some of our most successful education and outreach programs today, such as the Ocean Guardian School program, LiMPETS, the Bay Watershed Education and Training program (B-WET), and the Sanctuaries Webinar Series. Additionally, over 44 million people attend our visitor centers and those of our partners in the zoo and museum community annually.

national marine sanctuaries

A Model For Public Involvement

national marine sanctuaries
The community gathers at a park to celebrate the designation of Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary. Image: Matt McIntosh/NOAA


Your National Marine Sanctuary System serves as a model for community involvement in the protection and management of public resources. The 1992 reauthorization of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act was a significant overhaul of the act, which included giving the program independent authority to establish a Sanctuary Advisory Council at each site within the system.

Sanctuary Advisory Council members represent a broad cross-section of the communities adjacent to national marine sanctuaries, and Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, and represent local interests such as conservation, education, research, fishing, wildlife watching, diving and other recreational activities, boating and shipping, tourism, harbors and ports, maritime business, agriculture, maritime heritage, and Indigenous cultures.

The people who live and work in the communities surrounding national marine sanctuaries care deeply about these places. Sanctuaries have always been tightly woven to the local communities around them, but perhaps the most significant change to the system came in 2014, when the new Sanctuary Nomination Process was implemented, leading to a community-driven process for deciding which special underwater places should be considered for sanctuary designation.

Shortly after, nominations for new sanctuaries came from members of communities from all across the country. Nominations that successfully complete the process are added to an inventory of areas NOAA could consider for designation, which then undergo an extensive scoping, proposal, public review, and designation process. It was through this new process that Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary officially became designated in 2016, followed by Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary in 2021.

national marine sanctuaries
Visit your national marine sanctuaries


The National Marine Sanctuary System will surely continue to grow. As communities around the country recommend new areas for protection, we are responding. Currently, there are four nominated sanctuaries in the inventory being considered by NOAA for designation, including Alaĝum Kanuux̂ (Heart of the Ocean) in Alaska. The proposed Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary and proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary are both in the process of designation, after having received public input on draft documents. In addition to adding new sanctuaries to the system, several sanctuaries have seen boundary expansions over the years, such as Thunder Bay, Cordell Bank, and Greater Farallones national marine sanctuaries in 2015, and Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in January 2021. Monitor National Marine Sanctuary was also proposed for expansion in 2016 to protect the final resting place for nearly 1,700 men lost in World War II during the Battle of The Atlantic.

The 2021 National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) review concluded that despite the small staff size and modest budget of the National Marine Sanctuary System, it has fulfilled its promise by successfully advancing its mission and vision; has developed a trusted reputation with the marine community; and has achieved positive outcomes for its communities. Keeping our core values in mind as we look toward the future, we fully embrace our responsibility to save these spectacular places and ensure the National Marine Sanctuary System remains a source of pride and enjoyment for people across the nation.

Learn more about the history of your National Marine Sanctuary System.

Rachel Plunkett is the writer/editor for NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

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What Does Waterborne Adventure Mean to You? Wed, 09 Nov 2022 15:00:42 +0000 Your national marine sanctuaries are filled with opportunities for adventure, no matter how you define it. Which waterborne adventure will you choose?

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When you think of your next great adventure, what sort of things come to mind? Generally, “to adventure” means engaging in an unusual and exciting activity or experience, but the things you find unusual and exciting might be completely different from someone else. That’s the beauty of adventure—it’s all about that feeling you get leading up to and anticipating the event, and the other feeling you get when you finally get to do that thing you’ve been looking forward to for so long. Your national marine sanctuaries are filled with opportunities for adventure, no matter how you define it. Which waterborne adventure will you choose?

Whale Watching 

Waterborne Adventure - Stellwagen Bank Waterborne Adventure - Stellwagen Bank

After learning all about the baleen and toothed whales in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary online, you’re excited to get out there and see your first whale. Your parents are just as excited as you—it’s really nice to see them relax and enjoy a vacation. After boarding the whale-watching boat, you try to find the best spot to sit so you can get a good view of the water and also hear the on-board naturalist explain where you are going and which animals you may encounter.

As the day grows longer, you’re getting tired from the sun and a little queasy, but there must be a whale coming soon. You came all the way from Oklahoma for this after all! Just as you start daydreaming while staring off to the horizon, a humpback breaches right in front of you, jumping clear out of the water and landing with a massive splash. “How can an animal be that big?” you think to yourself. Your family walks over to the port side of the boat to get a closer look and you get your camera ready, hoping to capture some of the action.

The whale is at the surface again, this time it looks like it is almost floating on its back with both pectoral fins up in the air—then splash—it slaps one of of its fins on the water. You hear the naturalist explain that this “flippering” behavior may be a way of cooling off, or perhaps a form of whale communication. How cool! You got a great photo of the whale and plan to enter the Get Into Your Sanctuary photo contest. You can’t wait to share this story with your friends!

Diving Monterey Bay

Waterborne Adventure Waterborne Adventure - Monterey Bay

It’s a chilly morning, about 46 F, and you’re already thinking about how great the hot chocolate in your thermos is going to taste when the dive is over. You can’t wait to get your thermal layers and drysuit on so you can stay warm and get in the water. You double-check your dive gear and get your camera ready to explore nearshore kelp forests in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. As you seal your camera’s housing, you get a flash of excitement thinking about the last time you dove here and got that unforgettable photo of a Limacia cockerelli nudibranch with those brilliant orange colors. This time, you’re using your wide-angle lens, and are hoping to capture how the sunlight dances through the kelp forest.

After a final buddy check and dive site overview, your friend hands you the dive flag and you head over to the beach to get in. Who knows what will happen—you might just have a relaxing dive through towering sunlit kelp stands with colorful sea stars, or you might encounter a herd of playful sea lions. It’s time to find out!

Exploring Mallows Bay-Potomac River

Waterborne Adventures Mallows Bay Waterborne Adventures Mallows Bay

You have a three-day weekend and are ready to get out of the city for a bit, and decide to head to Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary for a camping/kayaking trip with some old college buddies. After logging out of your last meeting on Friday, you rush to grab your hiking pack, fill up your canteen, and call to confirm the campsite and kayak reservations. It’s been a while since you’ve seen your college friends, at least two years since you’ve been camping, and it’s your first time kayaking.

After catching up with friends and recounting all of your old inside jokes, you set up camp at Smallwood State Park and spend the evening roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories. In the morning, the group heads over to paddle around the Mallows Bay Ghost Fleet. There’s a light mist over the water, but as the sun gets higher in the sky, the mist disappears and it’s a beautiful day. As you get closer to one of the wooden ships, a bald eagle swoops down in front of your kayak and catches a fish with its impressive talons.

Tide pool Treasure at Olympic Coast

Waterborne Adventures Olympic Coast Waterborne Adventures Olympic Coast

You walk down to your local recreation center to meet up with a few neighbors and play shuffleboard. As you pass the pool house in your retirement community, you see a beautiful seashell in the window. Suddenly, it’s as though you can hear the swooshing sound of the ocean and smell the sea air, and it reminds you of the time your mother took you to the beach to explore tide pools when you were a young girl. You feel a rush of excitement, and this feeling sticks with you all day. After closing out the final shuffleboard match, you head home and decide to start making some plans. In two weeks, you’re heading out to Washington to see the tide pools at Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary!

After walking down a sandy beach path onto the rocky coast, you feel the chill of the Pacific Ocean through your water shoes. You look around and see so many colorful critters hiding in between the rocks, and blanketing the pockets in the tide pools where the water sits at low tide. There are sea stars, sea urchins, limpets, and even a few small crabs. While staring out at the unforgettable rocky seascape, you hear a squeal of excitement and high-pitched laugh. You turn around and see a young child also exploring the tide pools, and it reminds you of when you were younger and first came here.

Adventure Awaits

Being adventuresome is all about embracing the unknown, in whichever form that takes. So pack the car or book your tickets, get your kids pumped up (or not), call your friends to start making plans, or keep it to yourself and enjoy a little solitude. No matter how you define a good adventure, there’s something for you in a national marine sanctuary.


Responsible Wildlife Viewing

If you plan to visit waters within the National Marine Sanctuary system, familiarize yourself with responsible recreation activities available at that location and check out their wildlife viewing guidelines before you head out.



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3D Printed Terra Cotta Tiles Create Artificial Reefs in the Red Sea Wed, 28 Apr 2021 17:09:31 +0000 It’s time to get creative to save coral reefs — one Israeli academic is using 3D printing to create artificial reefs in the Red Sea.

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What can you do when coral reefs are dying because of global warming, ocean acidification, coral bleaching, pollution, and overfishing? If you’re professor Ezri Tarazi, you use new technology to create artificial reefs, which can hopefully attract fish and repopulate reefs in formerly barren areas. The twist? As chair of both the Design-Tech Lab and the industrial design program of The Technion in Haifa, Israel, he’s using 3D printing to make terra cotta tiles instead of using other materials at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences (IUI) on the shores of the Gulf of Eilat.

The lightbulb moment

“For over 30 years I’ve studied and taught industrial design,” says professor Tarazi. “In recent years, I’ve been noticing widespread mortality of fish in coral reefs, kelp forests, and rocky shores from a spike in water temperatures.

“Since 2016,” he continues, “I’ve been using 3D printing techniques for product prototypes. First, I used my printer at home to make artificial coral with bioplastic because my design team wanted to put it in the ocean to see if it became a habitable place for fish. This took about 11 hours per piece of coral.

“Next, my team approached marine biologists who recommended different sizes, shapes, and colors to see which of these variations would attract particular reef fish. After three years of using the new approach of nature-centered design, which put the reef and other natural entities in the center, we used design-research tools such as observations, prototyping, user validation, and other design methods to achieve remedial interventions in nature. We then evolved to ceramics and bought a four-meter (13-foot) high 3D printer that uses clay to create ceramics from terra cotta. It prints in about 15 minutes with almost endless variations in design of lattice structures.”

What is terra cotta?

3D terra cotta printed reef
3D terra cotta printed sections of potential artificial reefs

Terra cotta (baked earth) is a clay-based, kiln-fired, porous earthenware that global cultures have used dating back to 24,000 BCE. This type of coarse, porous clay material was popular with the Roman Empire, which is why Professor Tarazi and his fellow divers frequently found ceramic artifacts 2,000 years old in the shallow waters of the Red Sea.

Building artificial coral reefs

3D artificial reef
3D printed habitat installed in the Red Sea (Photo courtesy of Ezri Tarazi)

Most of the artificial reefs the team is building are about 10 feet (3 m) high by 3 feet (1 m) across. They are constructed to attract different types of fish species with different colors of coral, made from 100 percent terra-cotta material.

“Different fish are, indeed, attracted to different colors,” says Tarazi. “And each piece of coral is custom-made, burnt in a Nobertherm 210 E. kiln at 1,600 F (871.1 C), and completely unique –– like terra cotta snowflakes.

It is attractive to planula, the free-swimming, flattened, ciliated, and bilaterally symmetric larval forms of various coral species, which is helping to accelerate the growth of a natural coral reef.”

Placing the new coral

3D artificial reefs
A diver places sections of 3D printed reef structure in the Red Sea.

The coral is anchored to the ocean floor in the Gulf of Aqaba, south of Eilat in southern Israel in shallow waters about 4 feet (12 m) deep. From there, the shore drops off to a depth of about 333 feet (1,000 m). The circulation of the deeper, colder waters keeps the temperatures between 72 to 75 F (22 to 24 C).

Nearly 50 species of fish are now hiding, laying eggs, and sleeping in the world’s first 3D-printed bioplastics and ceramic reef in the Red Sea. These manmade reefs could be the key to rebuilding our ocean’s dying coral reefs.

The future of the project

“When we started this project, there was some hesitation in the scientific community on whether or not we should interfere with nature,” says professor Tarazi. “We are now at a point that we understand that if we don’t help nature to support itself, it would be a global disaster for all the coral reefs.

“Though this only a very narrow strip around land and islands, the Red Sea holds 25 percent of the world’s ocean biodiversity. Once you lose it, in 10 to 20 years, 90 percent of the corals may disappear. That’s why, in five to 10 years, I would love if we could shift from research to actual opportunities to install 3D-printed coral colonies, such as a whole 3D-printed reef garden, for both divers and fish.

The project’s cost

The 3D printer cost was approximately $50,000 U.S. ($42,500 Euros) and the total cost of the project is about $100,000 USD ($85,000 Euros) to date to fund the team’s research, make ceramics, purchase dive boats, and other costs.

Private donations cover some of their costs, but they would love to create strategic alliances with scuba research companies, non-profits, and other collaborations.

About Professor Ezri Tarazi

Prof. Tarazi is a full professor at the Technion, chair of t-Hub, innovation and entrepreneurship center, chair of Design-Tech Lab, and chair of the industrial design program. He is a former chair and founder of the master’s program in industrial design (M.Des) at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. He was been consulting for the Israeli government on innovation programs in the industry for almost 20 years, and member of the High Education of Israel (2006-2016).

Author Gil Zeimer took a scuba resort course on Grand Cayman in 1981. He’s been hooked ever since and has explored the underwater world from Australia to Micronesia to Aruba, almost exclusively in warm waters. As a travel writer, journalist, and advertising writer, Gil is passionate about helping diving industry clients promote their sites, resorts, and causes. He lives in Tiburon, California, which is Spanish for “shark.” Find out more about him here or follow him on Facebook.

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Diving the Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville Mon, 22 Feb 2021 15:00:02 +0000 Opened in April 2020, the Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville (MOUA) by artist Jason deCaires Taylor is as spectacular as his other installations worldwide.

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Descending the clear water of the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Townsville, the spires of Jason deCaires Taylor’s Coral Greenhouse come into view fairly quickly. The Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville (MOUA) has been on my dive bucket list for months. However, with many of Australia’s domestic borders closed, it’s been out of reach, until recently. The experience is better than I imagined.

Diving the Museum of Underwater Art 

Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville

Not long after the Queensland border opened to New South Wales, I had an opportunity not just to dive it, but to witness the beginning of the next phase of this installation: coral gardening.

As I descend toward the coral greenhouse, I can see several ghostly, life-size figures standing around the main structure. There are some tall, tropical-looking trees on the lagoon’s sandy bottom. On closer inspection, I realize all these figures, the Coral Greenhouse’s Reef Guardians, are tending this garden in some way. Some hold planters, some hold pruning clippers and gaze at the trees; some hold watering cans; and some squat on the sandy floor, contemplating a patch of garden.

As we enter the greenhouse, a school of barracuda joins us, completely unfazed by our bubbles. Above us large batfish weave in and out the spires of the structure. Smaller reef fish flit about the hanging planters and among the soft corals already growing on nearly every surface. Nearby, large pufferfish peers at me from behind a large plant pot.

Four planned structures

Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville

This beautiful installation, inspired by both reef and rainforest, is the second of a planned four structures to be installed as part of deCaires Taylor’s Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville.

The first, Ocean Siren, stands above shallow water on The Strand in Townsville. DeCaires Taylor modeled the sculpture on a local young Wulgurukaba girl, Takoda Johnson. The Siren illuminates at night and glows in different colors, indicating live water temperature data from Davies Reef weather station on the Great Barrier Reef. The sculpture is not only beautiful, but also shares a crystal-clear message — and warns — of the ocean’s increasing temperature and the implications that has on the reef.

Two more are planned, one at Magnetic Island, and one on Palm Island, which is largely populated by a mix of indigenous groups. The planned installation will reflect the island’s indigenous history and its cultural connection to the ocean.

The Coral Greenhouse

Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville

The Coral Greenhouse is deCaires Taylor’s first-ever underwater architectural structure, and the sculptor wanted the installation to offer opportunities for scientists, marine students, and tourists to engage in action-based learning and to conduct research on coral reef restoration.

Located approximately 50 miles (or 80 km) from Townsville on John Brewer Reef, around two hours by boat, the structure is made from stainless steel and pH-neutral materials to complement natural coral growth. It sits at a depth of 53 feet (16 m) and rises up to 39 feet (12 m) with three main entrance points. There are 25 sculptures outside the greenhouse and eight human figures, benches and other small sculptures including pots, cups, and a microscope inside.

Reef Ecologic is managing the conservation program associated with the structure, and I was lucky enough to join scientist Gemma Molinaro to plant the very first coral ‘seedling’ in the Greenhouse, as the structure enters a new phase: coral gardening.

The Reef Ecologic team plans to plant coral ‘seedlings’ in the various pots and planters on one side of the Greenhouse, leaving the other side to attract coral growth naturally. This way, the team can monitor the difference in both coral growth and fish life.

Planting the seed

Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville

After our initial inspection of the Greenhouse and surrounding garden, Gemma and I swim over to the edge of the lagoon to search for ‘corals of opportunity,’ small pieces of coral that have broken off the reef and fallen on the sandy bottom of the lagoon. Without solid footing, these coral fragments will soon die.

Gemma is searching for a particular type of coral, one that will fit nicely into the chosen plant pot. After scouring the sea floor, we finally find a suitable piece and head back to the greenhouse. Next, we prepare the surface of the pot with a little scrub and fix the coral seedling in place with some fast-setting epoxy putty.

Once our little seedling has been planted, we measure it, tag it (No. 1), take a photo — both for research and posterity — and head off to explore the reef wall. The Coral Greenhouse sits near one of the prettiest sections of John Brewer Reef. Soft corals, whips and gorgonian fans festoon the nearby channel, which leads to the outer wall, teeming with reef fish.

The experience of planting the first coral seedling on the MOUA — indeed, the first coral seeding on any piece of underwater art in Australia — was incredibly special. Equally inspiring is the main objective of this project, a collaboration of art, science and storytelling, to inspire ocean advocacy.

You can dive the Museum of Underwater Art in Townsville with Adrenalin Dive on Thursdays and Sundays. Contact Diveplanit for more information about diving MOUA and the Yongala Wreck if you’re based on Magnetic Island.

Photography by Gemma Molinaro Photography. Find Gemma on Instagram here.

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Support Ocean Conservation by Diving Mon, 08 Feb 2021 15:00:51 +0000 Doing what you love while helping the planet sounds like a win-win to us. From reef checks to voluntourism, here’s how you can support ocean conservation by diving.

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Can you what you love and help the planet? Yes — by diving you can support healthier oceans and help promote conservation. From reef checks to voluntourism, here are some ways to support ocean conservation while still enjoying your dive.  


Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) is a non-profit group that conducts fish counts and sea life surveys. It relies on ordinary divers to track the number and kinds of fish they see, and then submit the data to REEF. By keeping track of fish, you can help scientists better understand the ocean and thus help regulatory agencies determine appropriate protections.

Dive Against Debris

ocean conservation
Most divers have seen trash on the beach and underwater—participate in a beach cleanup or underwater cleanup to help alleviate the problem.

Make every dive count by diving against debris. Project AWARE has developed an easy tracking program for divers, encouraging them to remove marine debris. This program both improves the health of the ocean through hands-on effort

and provides valuable information. Understanding the locations, quantities, and types of trash we collect helps create better global policies. Take action here.  

Do a Reef Check

Bahamas Coral Report Card data
The Bahamas Coral Report Card data was gathered using Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) protocols. Image by Alex Frans.

Similar to the fish survey is this reef-monitoring program called ReefBase. Divers help scientists by tracking coral reefs for a comprehensive global information system. Scientists must acquire a vast amount of data to understand the diversity and vitality of reefs. This data also offers insight on the effects of global warming and coral bleaching. By joining this program, you can help agencies conserve these significant ecosystems.

Be an Educator

Every person has the ability to positively influence other divers’ behavior. This is especially true for dive professionals. Thus, Green Fins has launched a free online guides course, as well as a course for everyday divers. These programs help reduce negative impacts on the underwater environment and teach individuals how to conduct more environmentally friendly dives. Being a good role model and spreading this knowledge are the most forthright ways to promote ocean conservation.

Try Citizen Science

Around the world, diving and scientific communities are collaborating to develop conservation initiatives. These programs aim to capture the public’s power, shifting it to hands-on science. Divers can make a significant contribution to ocean studies. Examples include whale shark identification, minke whale studies, lionfish population control, coral farming, and more. Keep an eye out in your preferred dive destination for upcoming opportunities. Searching online will also yield a variety of results. You’ll find many projects across the marine field that accept volunteers.

Support Eco-Businesses

Dedicated eco-resorts and operators are spreading across the world. Their message is a marriage of ocean protection and unforgettable experiences. By spending your dollars at businesses that are making impactful strides toward sustainability, you are safeguarding our ocean. Here are some tips on how to weed through businesses and find a sustainable shop. 

Ocean Conservation Needs You

Every day the ocean is under attack from harmful human activities and manmade waste, and each dive gives you the opportunity to help offset this. Give your dives purpose. Donate them to science; volunteer your bottom time; or simply spread the word. The ocean plays a fundamental role to all life on earth, and all you have to do is donate a dive to help protect it. 

Rachel Huber is a dive instructor and freelance writer based in Squamish, Canada. After a decade living a pirate’s life in the Caribbean, she moved home where she now writes primarily on travel and liveaboard diving. Her passion for scuba continues to take her all over the world seeking her next great story, and a whale shark or two. Visit her website or find her on Instagram.

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Great Barrier Reef Recovery During Covid-19 Lockdowns Mon, 25 Jan 2021 15:00:16 +0000 Reef Magic Cruises aids reef recovery on the Great Barrier Reef during Covid-19 lockdowns with MARRS Reef Stars

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Great Barrier Reef tour operator Reef Magic Cruises has joined forces with Mars Incorporated to help with Great Barrier Reef recovery by using an innovative new reef-resilience program, installing 50 “Reef Stars” during Covid-19 lockdown.

An innovative new coral nurturing program, managed by the team at Reef Magic, uses a reef-resilience system developed by consumer goods giant Mars — yes, as in Mars Bars — called Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System (MARRS), part of their “Sustainable in a Generation Plan.”

Installing Reef Stars

MARRS Reef Stars
Reef Magic Mars Reef Stars site during installation (Image: Freda Nicholson)

Fifty MARRS Reef Stars were recently installed on Moore Reef, home to Reef Magic’s Marine World pontoon on the Great Barrier Reef, 25 miles (40 km) offshore from Cairns.

Installed by a team that includes Reef Magic’s marine biologists and local indigenous rangers, this system of Reef Stars is designed to assist the regrowth of coral on a section of the reef damaged by cyclone Yasi in 2011. The rubble left behind as a result of the cyclone has made it hard for new coral growth to find purchase, so the stars are designed to give the reef a helping hand by providing stable footing.

The team plans to install approximately 50 additional Reef Stars every six months, part of a 5-year scientific study with James Cook University to test the system’s effectiveness in stabilizing coral rubble resulting from the cyclone.

How are the Stars made?

MARRS Reef Stars
A healthy portion of Moore Reef as seen from Reef Magic Marine World Pontoon

Central to the MARRS, a Reef Star is a hexagonal, sand-coated steel structure that provides a stable base for coral fragments to grow. They have shown impressive results from earlier installations in the Indonesian province of Sulawesi, where coral cover at sites has increased from 10 percent to over 60 percent within just two years. There are now Reef Star installations in several countries across the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans.

“We are thrilled to be bringing the Reef Star system to Australia to help future-proof the health and biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef,” says Alicia McArdle, marine program manager for Mars Sustainable Solutions. “Our goal is to provide coral colonies with valuable time to adapt and increase their resilience at the same time as society seeks to reduce its emissions to reverse the impacts of climate change.”

Eric Fisher, Biology Manager at Reef Magic and GBR Biology, says the project is about boosting coral resilience and site stewardship: “This partnership is a great example of using the latest science to underpin our approach to sustainable tourism, and we are particularly pleased to trial this system for the first time in Australia.”

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Strengthened Conservation Efforts in the Mergui Archipelago Sat, 09 Jan 2021 15:46:03 +0000 Like most ocean environments, this one is under threat. Read on for insight into Ocean Quest Global and their conservation efforts in the Mergui Archipelago.

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The Mergui Archipelago, a collection of 800 islands off the west coast of Myanmar, is a heaven of biodiversity home to lush mangroves, beautiful coral reefs, and many incredible species like giant manta rays, whale sharks and sea turtles. This magical place, like many similar to it, is at risk as problems like pollution, climate change, and human impact begin to take hold. These factors negatively affect the fragile environment and, in extreme cases, can cause the extinction of indigenous species.

Protection and conservation of marine biodiversity are the main goals of Ocean Quest Global, amongs other marine conservation organizations. Read on for a chat with Anuar Abdullah, the founder of Ocean Quest Global, about its conservation efforts in the Mergui Archipelago.

Coral reef conservation

Mergui Archipelago coral reef
A healthy coral reef in the Mergui Archipelago (Credit Ocean Quest Global)

Aptly called ‘the forests of the sea,’ coral-reef ecosystems feature the most biodiversity on the planet. They provide a home for over 25 percent of the marine species in our oceans and allow them to live, breed, and eat safely. Although most people don’t realize their importance in the matter, coral reefs also provide half of the planet’s oxygen and absorb nearly a third of the world’s carbon dioxide.

Not only are coral reefs essential for marine species, but also help support human life and the viability of ecosystems both above the water by serving as barriers for landmasses, protecting them from waves and tropical storms.

Coral reefs face many threats that put their very existence in jeopardy. Ocean Quest Global is fighting to address serious problems, such as invasive species, climate change, water acidification, overfishing, and pollution. 

Ocean Quest Global

Mergui Archipelago
Fighting for health coral reefs is one of Ocean Quest Global’s main focus areas.

Anuar Abdullah originally established Ocean Quest Global in Malaysia in 2010 as Ocean Quest Malaysia. By 2012, the organization expanded to become Ocean Quest Asia with the inclusion of Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. A year later, it became Ocean Quest Global bringing France (French Territories), Maldives, and Mexico into the fold. 

“Ocean Quest Global is a global movement created to provide environmental education to the public especially about coral reef restoration,” says Abdullah. With over 2,000 trainers worldwide, Ocean Quest Global has fueled conservation projects in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and recently Myanmar. These trainers establish a coral nursery wherever they go and teach locals about the benefits of the project, as well as seek to expand their horizons. “We have now taken on island sustainability and forest conservation as well,” says Abdullah. “Hence the new tagline, ‘Global Environmental Conservation’”.

Abdullah’s involvement in conservation began in 1980 with research in ocean conservation and a focus on coral reefs. “Back then, I had no foundation, and I was contributing my work to others,” he says. “By 2006, I had left many of the NGOs that I had been contributing to because I no longer trusted their work. I even began to believe that conservation was largely lies and I had abandoned it.” 

His frustration led him to embark on a sailing journey where he continued personal research and learned how to propagate corals organically. By 2008, his extensive knowledge of coral allowed him to begin writing a coral-propagation manual and, a year later, he began to consider establishing his own foundation. “I started writing the standards and policy for Ocean Quest in 2009,” he says. “In August 2010, we founded Ocean Quest.”

With the support of partners such as The Department of Marine National Parks in Thailand, Memories Group, Aman Group, DHL, Gili Eco Trust, TRACC, and Coral Alliance, Ocean Quest Global has developed a model for raising awareness in a hands-on way by offering directed education.

Coral propagation and nursery projects

“Ocean Quest Global’s mission is to make coral propagation knowledge universally available to everyone, hence the platform we choose to implement is through training,” says Abdullah. “It consists of workshops and courses designed for anyone to learn how to propagate corals without the use of artificial materials.”

Ocean Quest Global has also established coral-nursery projects in 74 locations around the world, which are eager to accept any volunteers willing to help. Another part of their plan is to educate local coastal communities on the benefits of the coral reefs in order to preserve them. Many communities don’t realize that their interactions with the reef have a negative environmental impact and educating them about this is an essential part of effectively rehabilitating the reefs and increasing their chances of long-term survival. Abdullah firmly believes that by offering these communities essential knowledge they will be able to improve the situation for both humans and corals.

Environmental victories

Since its establishment, the NGO has celebrated several environmental victories. Their first successful project was in Pulau Kapas in Malaysia. There, the coral nursery successfully restored more than 2.5 acres (10,000 square meters) of damaged reef, which still attracts visitors and volunteers looking to use it as an example for their own restoration projects, including the Department of Marine National Park Thailand. 

This was a particularly valuable alliance, as it allowed Ocean Quest Global to become a heavy hitter in the conservation community in the south Andaman sector. This also permitted them to participate in the restoration initiatives in Maya Bay. Since the closure of the famously stunning setting of the film The Beach in June 2018, over 40,000 corals have successfully been propagated.

This is a particular triumph, as Thai coral reefs have long been under siege. “For many years, I have been skeptical about Thailand,” says Abdullah. “Now that I am part of their conservation effort, I saw improvements. Not just the officials, but the travel operators and services are aware of the benefits. The closure of Maya Bay, for example, was faced with strong resistance in the beginning. But now that they see success and the growing number of blacktip sharks at the dive sites around the island and improvements of the coral reef, people begin to appreciate it.”

The road ahead

Last year marked the 10-year anniversary of Ocean Quest Global and it continues to build up momentum while maintaining a realistic stance on the current global state of affairs. Abdullah remains positive and proactive but leaves us with these words of wisdom. “As human beings we are consumers,” he says. “Nature can provide for as long as we care not to harm it. It is a source of food, income, and recreation. If we care for them, the resources will become everlasting. If we continue to destroy nature, we continue to face problems, such as with COVID-19.” The choice is ours.

Author Camille Fogarolo and photographer Franck Fogarolo opened The Smiling Seahorse liveaboard in 2012 to offer cruises to the Mergui Archipelago of Myanmar, the most unexplored area of Southeast Asia.


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Eight Eco-Tips for Your Next Scuba Diving Trip Mon, 14 Dec 2020 15:00:55 +0000 As environmental pressure continues to grow, it’s important to try to travel green. With that in mind, here are eight eco-tips for your next scuba diving trip.

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According to the WWF, 60 percent of the world’s population — more people than inhabited the entire planet in 1960 — live within 37 miles, or (60 km) of the coast. On top of this, 80 percent of all tourism — including that scuba diving trip — takes place in coastal areas, with beaches and coral reefs among the most popular destinations. With the human population projected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050, there will be a massive amount of pressure on the ocean and its coastal areas.

While being environmentally conscious is much easier than it used to be, the oceans now face more threats than ever before, from over-population and acidification to escalating marine debris and global warming. But it’s not all bad news. Worldwide, scuba shops are pushing ahead on conservation and the dive industry is rethinking how it operates. With today’s advances, you can still go on vacation and be a good ocean steward. Start here with our eight eco-tips for your next scuba diving trip.

Be a conscious shopper

Sustainability starts before you leave the house. Today’s technological advancements give us a world of options when shopping for new gear and clothing. Put the planet first and seek out items that were manufactured using ethical materials and avoid businesses that use harmful practices. We all love shiny new gear but — as hard as it is — try to buy only what you need. You can carry conscious shopping over to your dive trip by avoiding questionable shops and souvenirs, like gifts made of shells and marine mollusks.

Choose a green operator

Much like weighing your options in the mask aisle, take time to weight your options on dive shops. Be a stronger ocean advocate by aligning yourself with a business that has a strong eco-commitment. Educate yourself on modern sustainable practices so you can make an informed choice before your trip. This article will help you become an environmental detective and zero in on the best operator for your next dive.

Plan ahead  

Once you’re on the dive trip the course is set. Think back on your last holiday — what everyday items did you need? Try to bring them from home and plan ahead so you can opt out of receiving polluting plastic or styrofoam. Small packable kitchen kits fit easily in a backpack and go well alongside a reusable water bottle and lightweight grocery bag. Don’t forget biodegradable dish detergent to wash it with. This is another small effort that will make a big difference.

Consider carbon

Flights produce greenhouse gases and the world’s carbon emissions are on the rise. Whether you’re a local or international vacationer, consider the distance you will travel and how you can off-set your carbon footprint. If traveling short-haul, choose alternative transportation over heavy-polluting flights. For long haul, opt for more efficient direct flights as take-off and landing produce the most emissions. Also consider counterbalancing your emissions by donating to a carbon off-set scheme provided by your airline, volunteering at a marine park at your destination, or having a few meat and fish-free days.

Go chemical-free

Don’t contaminate the ocean. As divers, we are in and out of the water all day and products easily wash off your body and clothing, spreading harmful, unfiltered chemicals. Go natural by avoiding sunscreens, make-up, detergents, and destructive substances. Cover up and avoid the sun or, if going natural isn’t possible, bring safe and ethical products on your trip.

Police pollution

Police pollution by being conscious of your waste and collecting trash during your trip. Request items with minimal packaging and put your rubbish into a lidded trash or recycle bin. No recycling? Bring it home so you can dispose of it correctly. Even today, many places don’t have access to a recycling center. Candy wrappers, plastic bottles, cigarette butts, and old batteries are some of the biggest culprits. Project AWARE has made it easy to police pollution by providing a free survey toolkit that is available for download. Do your part.

Become a disciplined diver

scuba diving trip
A scuba diver with poor buoyancy control can easily damage coral with errant fin kicks.

Diving can be destructive to the ecosystem by stirring up sediments and damaging corals. You may think one person can’t do much harm. But when 1,700,000 scuba divers take vacations every year, their compounded effects make dramatic changes. Curtail your own impact by streamlining buoyancy, controlling your movements, weighting correctly, and keeping those fins off the reef. Buoyancy and photography classes are good options to further hone your skills.

Don’t touch anything

Sometimes we need a little reminder. As the old adage says, “take only pictures and leave only bubbles.” Avoid touching coral and reaching out for marine life and encourage others to do the same by setting a good example. Every fish, creature, and human in the ocean plays a vital part in the delicate balance. The biggest effect you can have is to leave the dive site exactly as you found it.

So, there you have it — eight real-world tips that will help make your scuba diving trip far more sustainable. Now it’s your turn — where will you begin?

Rachel Huber is a dive instructor and freelance writer based in Squamish, Canada. After a decade living a pirate’s life in the Caribbean, she moved home where she now writes primarily on travel and liveaboard diving. Her passion for scuba continues to take her all over the world seeking her next great story, and a whale shark or two. Visit her website or find her on Instagram.

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Choose an Eco-Friendly Operator for Your Next Dive Mon, 07 Dec 2020 21:19:43 +0000 Are you bobbing adrift in a vast ocean of websites, policies, and promises? Here’s how to choose an eco-friendly operator for your next dive.

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With global warming and ocean pollution a growing problem, there’s never been a more important time to change how we act. The greatest impact we can have is choosing where we spend our dollars. If you’re as passionate as we are about preserving this beautiful planet, we must support companies that are making a difference. Easy, right? Not always. Wading through the ocean of websites, policies, and promises can be daunting. First, we must determine what to look for and then decipher fact from fiction. Here we’ll help you become an environmental detective and zero in on the best eco-friendly operator for your next dive. When you know what to look for, it’s much easier to find. Here are a few factors to consider.

Company commitment

A company that puts the planet first will make their eco-ethos part of their identity. Search for their philosophy, sustainability strategy, or green goals. Keep in mind, if it’s a small shop they may not have a great website. But they could still have excellent sustainable practices. Seek out their social media and do an in-depth internet search. You’ll discover a wealth of information including certifications or accolades, as well as any environmental missteps they may have had. Many dive operators follow the Green Fins curriculum, and that’s a good place to start

Practical policies

There is no approved set of global certifications on sustainability. Plus, each local and national government has its own set of regulations. A liveaboard will have different standards than your home dive club, or a shop on a remote island. Choose a business with policies based on limiting physical impact above and below the waterline. Look out for these key indicators: reducing waste, refusing plastics, reducing pollution, reducing water consumption, and conserving energy.

People power

Doing good for the environment and doing good for people go hand in hand. Find out if a company adequately trains its staff, if they hold conservation-based certifications, and make a livable wage. Ask the shop outright, read crew profiles, and watch for staff taking personal responsibility. Empowered people get behind environmental policy and bring it to life.

Green products

Not only policies make a business “green” these days, but also the products. Consider whether the company sources and sells items that are manufactured sustainably. Are they constructed with earth-friendly materials? Look deeper into the types of retail items, rental gear, and day-to-day products the operator uses, such as recycled plastic wetsuits, package-free retail items, and eco-safe cleaning products. Call and ask if you don’t see the information on the website.

Conscious collaboration

A large proportion of the diving community is working together toward a greener future, and many companies have already adopted sustainable operating models. Determine if the dive shop supports conservation projects and scientific research. Do they advocate for other businesses in the preservation and protection of the ocean? Conscious collaboration is sustainability in action.

Inspiring change

When a dive business is dedicated to making a difference, it will encourage others to do the same. True sustainability isn’t only about the environment, it’s about giving back. Learn if and how they inspire others, and how they give back to their local community. Outreach, education, and hands-on events like beach clean-ups can lead to lasting positive change.

Hard evidence

The final step is ensuring the company’s philosophy and sustainable practices are in action. Reviews offer a firsthand account of divers’ experiences, aka the hard evidence. Try TripAdvisor, Google, and Scubaboard, anywhere you can find word-of-mouth customer feedback and photos. Ask your peers; ask your dive group. We all have that dive buddy who loves to travel. Has their experience been positive? Did they notice if the business was sticking to their eco-ethos?

In an ideal world, all dive operations would put the fragile ecosystem at the top of their priority list. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. So, each of us must become environmental detectives, searching for evidence and using what we find to inform our choices. We can vote with our dollars and share what we discover with other divers so they can do the same. The monumental environmental crisis our oceans face can make us feel helpless, but every positive choice we make today becomes a small drop in a river of action, which leads to an ocean of change.

Rachel Huber is a dive instructor and freelance writer based in Squamish, Canada. After a decade living a pirate’s life in the Caribbean, she moved home where she now writes primarily on travel and liveaboard diving. Her passion for scuba continues to take her all over the world seeking her next great story, and a whale shark or two. Visit her website or find her on Instagram.


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Bahamas Coral Reef Report Card Tue, 27 Oct 2020 14:00:53 +0000 The Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS) recently released the latest edition of its Coral Reef Report Card. The report card grades Bahamian coral reef ecosystem health and assesses ongoing threats, while outlining successful measures needed to reverse the decline of coral reefs.

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The Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS) recently released the latest edition of its Coral Reef Report Card, which grades Bahamas coral reef ecosystem health and assesses ongoing threats, while outlining successful measures needed to reverse the decline of coral reefs.

Bahamas coral reef
A Bahamian coral reef (Image by Hayley-Jo Carr)

Our coral reefs are disappearing

About 50 percent of the world’s coral reefs are already lost or are severely damaged. Many studies over the last five to 10 years indicate that all reefs could be lost by 2050. Coral reefs are some of the most biologically rich and economically valuable ecosystems on Earth. They provide food, jobs, income, and protection from weather to billions of people worldwide. However, coral reefs and the animals that call them home are in danger of extinction if we do not take immediate action to protect them. An increasing array of impacts pose a threat, including pollution, invasive species, diseases, bleaching, and global climate change. The rapid decline and loss of these valuable, ancient, and complex ecosystems have significant social, economic, and environmental consequences around the world.

stony coral tissue loss
Stony coral tissue loss disease is a major threat to coral reefs and has now been discovered in the Bahamas. (Image by Hayley-Jo Carr)

The Perry Institute for Marine Science

The Perry Institute for Marine Science (PIMS)’s research focuses on fishery management, coral condition, conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems, and conservation of threatened marine species. PIMS is a program-based institution conducting research throughout the Bahamas and other parts of the Caribbean in partnership with governments, international NGOs and local organizations.

It recently released the 2020 edition of its Bahamas Coral Report Card based on studies and research from the last five years. The report card also draws comparisons with its previous iteration from 2016, allowing a wider analysis over the last 10 years. The research includes several areas of work combined with 250 Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) surveys conducted at more than 200 sites around the Bahamas. AGRRA surveys help us understand reef condition by examining multiple indicators of the benthic-coral-fish relationship.

Bahamas Coral Report Card data
The Bahamas Coral Report Card data was gathered using Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) protocols. Image by Alex Frans.

An overall reef health index ranging from poor to good, for a variety of islands throughout the Bahamas was created after focusing on key elements within a coral reef. Within the report card you can see in-depth data and trends on the following for each surveyed site:

  • Coral Cover
  • Benthic Index
  • Coral Condition
  • Partial Mortality of Corals
  • Coral Disease
  • Coral Recruitment
  • Large Parrotfish Index
  • Diadema Urchin Density
  • Grouper Index
Map of sites assessed
Map showing the sites evaluated over the last five years in the Bahamas.

After establishing a reef health index for each location, the report card graded most as in “fair condition.” The report noted the rest as “impaired.” The survey then examined specific threats in each area and how they played a role in a site’s overall condition. The leading threats to coral reefs in the Bahamas are hurricanes, coral-bleaching events, coastal development, stony coral tissue loss disease, and unregulated fishing practices. The report then further advises on what actions we can take to help protect coral reefs in addition to what countries should do to make a positive change for the future.

hurricane damaged reef
Hurricanes cause widespread damage to coral reefs in the Bahamas. This image shows a reef broken in half after Hurricane Dorian in 2019 (Image by Will Greene)

The report is a sobering snapshot of the state of coral reefs not just in the Bahamas, but worldwide. However, it is not all doom and gloom. The report card also highlights practices that are having a positive influence on coral reefs.

Coral restoration

Several intervention techniques in the Bahamas are currently helping restore coral populations, save critically endangered species, such as staghorn and elkhorn coral, and increase genetic diversity. The Reef Rescue Network aims to scale up coral restoration efforts throughout the Bahamas and Caribbean, primarily by growing corals in nurseries and out-planting them onto reefs. We are beginning to see success from these efforts. The report card shows that the only documented increases in the amount of staghorn and elkhorn coral was from sites where restoration efforts have been ongoing for the last 10 years. This is an encouraging sign and evidence that coral restoration can help the world’s coral reefs recover.

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

The healthiest reefs in the Bahamas were in the Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), as well as very remote locations. The Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park is the oldest and best-enforced MPA in the Bahamas. It has been protected since 1959, and entirely no-take since 1986. Many studies have shown that populations of fish, conch, crawfish and corals are healthier here than other parts of the Bahamas. We need MPAs now more than ever. Well managed MPAs can vastly improve reef ecosystem health and potentially even reverse downward trends in marine biodiversity.

Bahamas coral reef
Sixty percent of sites in ‘good’ health were in a Marine Protected Area. (Image by Shane Gross)

Coral restoration

elkhorn coral
Nursery-reared out[-planted corals are starting to have a positive impact on coral reef cover in the Bahamas
Several intervention techniques in the Bahamas are currently helping restore coral populations, save critically endangered species, such as staghorn and elkhorn coral, and increase genetic diversity. The Reef Rescue Network aims to scale up coral restoration efforts throughout the Bahamas and Caribbean, primarily by growing corals in nurseries and out-planting them onto reefs. We are beginning to see success from these efforts, with the report card showing that the only documented increases in the amount of staghorn and elkhorn coral was from sites where restoration efforts have been ongoing for the last 10 years. This is an encouraging sign and evidence that coral restoration can help the world’s coral reefs recover.

Click here to download the full Bahamas Coral Reef Report Card.

Bahamas Coral Reef report Card
Bahamas Coral Reef Report Card (Image courtesy of Perry Institute for Marine Science)


All photos courtesy of the Perry Institute for Marine Science.

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Being an Environmentally Conscious Diver in the Age of COVID Mon, 10 Aug 2020 14:00:53 +0000 Being an environmentally conscious diver in the age of Covid presents unique — but not insurmountable — challenges.

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It’s a common misconception that being a ‘green’ diver is difficult, now made nearly impossible in the age of Covid, but this is simply not true. The coronavirus has introduced many new challenges, but businesses and divers continue to come together to find solutions that work. Your next dive does not have to be complicated, or expensive, and you don’t have to compromise on enjoyment to keep ocean conservation top of mind. Here are eight easy ways to be an environmentally conscious diver in the age of Covid.

Select a sustainable business

Not all operators are equal. When planning your holiday try to book with a responsible operator. Search for a business that adheres to its environmental commitment even in this difficult time. If the operator stands firm in its pledge, you will see creative solutions at work. Look for a sustainability strategy on their website and visual evidence of their environmental efforts. Read their reviews, and steer clear if they mention harmful practices.

Buy a washable face mask

Whether you’re visiting a dive shop or traveling through an airport, masks are now the norm. Say no to disposable and buy a mask made from recycled plastic-bottles. These face masks contribute to cleaner oceans and are washable. Plus, you can choose a unique pattern that shows your aquatic personality. Order them from PADI, or better yet, buy one locally and support a small business owner.

Go paperless

There’s never been a better time to switch to digital. Request all your dive and travel documents be sent electronically. It’s a win-win — going paperless keeps you socially distanced and makes for a happier planet.

Keep reusables nearby

An unexpected side effect of Covid-19 is an increased accumulation of plastic pollution. To adhere to new government regulations, many businesses are only supplying disposable items, eliminating more eco-friendly options. Keeping reusables close at hand allows you to refuse plastics on the spot and reduce waste. A to-go bag with a water bottle or coffee cup and utensils are must-haves for every sustainable diver.

Look for smart sanitization

Most cleaning agents used for coronavirus sanitization are hazardous to the marine environment. More so, the type of product and ways they are being applied can further exacerbate the impact. For instance, aerosols are more harmful than liquids.

Try to dive with shops that have a green sanitization strategy. They tend to be more cautious with their product use and dispose of chemicals correctly. To do a deeper dive into the best environmental cleaning practices download this guide. Don’t forget to apply these tips at home too.

Wash those hands

Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can negatively impact on the ocean. Plus, each little bottle is 100 percent plastic. So, when possible, always make hand washing your first choice. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) agrees that washing your hands in hot, soapy water is the most effective strategy to kill the coronavirus.

Make your trip matter

Marine parks are falling into financial crises without visitors. Supported by day use fees, some are unable to continue their protection of these special areas. By diving in a marine protected area you can aid conservation simply by paying your entry fee. For a more hands-on approach, join one of their volunteer programs. Fight invasive species, conduct a fish count, or even plant coral.

Set a good example

As a diver, you’re on the front line. Set a good example by using best diving practices, limiting your own physical impact, and educating others to do the same. Green Fins has created easy guidelines for divers, dive staff and dive operators which are free to download here. Dive professionals can also take the free Dive Guide e-course to continue their environmental learning.

In the end, staying an environmentally conscious diver is not about being perfect. It’s about striving to make better choices and helping others do the same. If we all work together to adopt sustainability as the new norm, we can emerge in this new post-Covid world stronger. Let’s spread sustainability, not the coronavirus.

Rachel Huber is a dive instructor and freelance writer based in Squamish, Canada. After a decade living a pirate’s life in the Caribbean, she moved home where she now writes primarily on travel and liveaboard diving. Her passion for scuba continues to take her all over the world seeking her next great story, and a whale shark or two. Visit her website or find her on Instagram.


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Discovering a Coelacanth in KwaZulu-Natal Fri, 24 Jul 2020 14:00:19 +0000 Umzumbe in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa is not a particularly famous dive location, but last November two divers discovered a coelacanth.

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Umzumbe on the south coast of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa is not a particularly famous dive location. On November 22, 2019, however, a group of local divers set out to dive a reef that they had never dived before and discovered something remarkable: a coelacanth.

Umzumbe residents — and father and son — Mike and Alan Fraser joined Pieter Carstens and Bruce Henderson on what was supposed to be a casual dive. Bruce had planned on diving in Sodwana Bay — specifically to see the coelacanth in the area — but he couldn’t get the required permits in time. He contacted his old friend, Mike and decided to join them on a dive in Umzumbe.

On the way to the dive site the divers joked about finding a coelacanth on the reef that they were going to explore. But during the dive the jokes turned to joy. Mike was at the back of the group with the marker buoy while his son, Alan, was swimming toward the reef just ahead of the other divers. Mike heard Alan shout Bruce’s name and thought that there might be a large shark around. When he got closer to the other divers, he recognized that Alan was saying ‘coelacanth.’

An amazing discovery

Pieter and Bruce were on open circuit trimix while Mike and Alan were diving on rebreathers with trimix diluent. Mike describes finding the coelacanth as a surreal experience.

“I seriously thought that nitrogen narcosis had gotten to me, but when I looked at where Bruce was shining his torch and shone mine in the same direction, I knew that it was for real,” he said. It was the most amazing experience of my 31-year scuba diving career — old four legs in the fin-waving flesh.”

The divers managed to record the single coelacanth (No. 34) with a GoPro 7 on a secret reef about .6 miles (1 km) from the edge of the continental shelf. The maximum depth of the dive was 236 feet (72 m) with a total bottom time of 15 minutes. The coelacanth was at 223 feet (68 m), hanging nearly motionless under an overhang. The divers estimated that it was between 6 and 6.5 feet long (1.8 and 2 m) and weighed around 220 pounds (100 kg). Its larger size means that it is likely a female.

The discovery of coelacanth No. 34 indicates that they might live further south than originally thought. Over 80 years ago a coelacanth was caught off East London. This individual was believed to be a stray, but this new discovery might show that there is a resident population in the area, one that purposefully moved to more suitable habitats than the tropics (which they usually prefer).

The divers have attempted to return to the dive site but strong currents in the area has made it impossible so

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The Battle of the Food Chain in False Bay Wed, 22 Jul 2020 14:00:43 +0000 Great white and broadnose sevengill sharks were, until recently, the top predators in False Bay, South Africa. But there are two new sheriffs in town.

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Until recently, great whites and broadnose sevengill sharks occupied the top of the food chain in False Bay, South Africa. But there are two new sheriffs in town: killer whales named Port and Starboard, so named because their dorsal fins hang to the left and right respectively.

False Bay, a body of water in the Atlantic, starts at Cape Hangklip and stretches to South Africa’s most southwesterly tip, Cape Point. It’s home to diverse marine species, ranging from small plankton, crustaceans, fish, and marine mammals to the apex predators mentioned above. It’s a bay full of surprises, the latest of which is the appearance of killer whales. 

Killer whales first appear in False Bay

False Bay

In 2009, killer whale activity in False Bay began increasing. Numerous pods came and went in the bay, but they were mainly preying on mammals, such as pods of common dolphins and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins. After seemingly coexisting with the sharks since 2009, in 2015 and 2016 killer whale activity started noticeably disrupting shark activity. Sevengill and great white carcasses began washing up on shore fully intact with nothing but their livers missing. Autopsies showed that killer whales, which turned out to be Port and Starboard, had been using a surgically precise feeding tactic of slicing in between the sharks’ pectoral fins to gain access to their fatty and energy-rich livers.

Since then, shark activity in False Bay has not been the same. The Miller’s Point kelp forest that used to be one of the biggest sevengill shark aggregation sites has been abandoned since 2016. White shark activity at Seal Island steadily decreased until 2019, when shark spotters, researchers, and shark cage-diving operators reported zero white-shark activity. Sevengill sharks are currently residing at Seal Island and there are reports of white-shark activity by shark cage-diving operators further up the Western Coast of South Africa, in areas such as Gansbaai and Mossel Bay.

What happened to False Bay’s healthy ecosystem?

Although there are currently large gaps in researchers’ understanding of killer whale behavior and ecology, particularly in South African waters, records of killer whales hunting sharks elsewhere, such as the Northeast Pacific and New Zealand, show that sharks are not a rare addition to this specific ecotype of killer whales’ diets. 

There are two different ecotypes of killer whales, one that eats mainly mammals and fish, and the other that preys mainly upon sharks in offshore waters. Scientists think that Port and Starboard may have belonged to a pod of killer whales specializing in hunting sharks and larger fish, such as tuna and swordfish, in offshore waters. It is unusual that they have come into coastal waters, and researchers suspect they are hunting here due to shark overfishing and environmental changes.

Despite their effect on the local shark populations, Port and Starboard are extremely elusive. Apart from sightings by whale-watching or cage-diving operators, or researchers on the coasts of False Bay and Gansbaai, divers have never seen them. 

Diving in the area

False Bay False Bay

Although False Bay’s bigger shark species are skittish and remain largely unseen, there’s still amazing diving nearby.

The enchanting Miller’s Point kelp forest is a marine reserve and home to several shark species indigenous to South Africa: the striped pajama shark, dark shyshark, leopard catshark and spotted gully sharks roam the kelp forest. Lucky divers can spot all of the smaller shark species on just one dive. Apart from various sharks, there are also plenty of fish, octopus, and a long list of nudibranch species. Cape fur seals are not uncommon on dives around False Bay and they might just turn into your new, best dive buddy.

Generally, kelp forest, gullies, swim-throughs, arches, and sandy bottoms characterize False Bay underwater. The maximum depth in the bay is 130 feet (40 m), but dives can range anywhere from 26 to 59 feet (8 to 18 m). Consequently, False Bay is suitable for any diver, from open-water newbies to advanced divers. Just be prepared to dive in water with temperatures ranging from 50 to 61 F (10 to 16 C).

We cannot know the future of False Bay; researchers can only try to understand the driving factors and implications of killer whales’ appearance there. While operators are hoping that the sharks will return to their hunting patterns and aggregation sites soon, False Bay remains rich in life with a great diversity of dive sites on its beautiful coastline.

Story by Monique Schouten

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The Fantastic Grandmothers of New Caledonia Wed, 15 Jul 2020 14:00:22 +0000 In picturesque Lemon Bay in the New Caledonia capital of Noumea, a group of retirees has helped reveal a whole new understanding of the area’s sea snake population.

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In picturesque Lemon Bay in the New Caledonia capital of Noumea, a group of retirees has helped marine biologists uncover a whole new understanding of the area’s sea snake population. The group of women, in their 60s and 70s, meet every morning and swim up to 1.8 miles (3 km), cameras in hand, to help identify and record sea snakes. We joined them for a snorkel on a recent dive trip to New Caledonia, and interviewed the marine biologist leading the research project, Dr. Clair Goiran.


Goiran, a marine biologist at the University of New Caledonia, initially a coral specialist, switched her studies to sea snakes after meeting Rick Shine from Sydney University, who came to New Caledonia to study sea snakes in 2002.

“Lemon Bay is a very good place for studying sea snakes because there are lots here and it helps us understand how they react to the urbanization of the reef,” she says. “You see, it’s in town, so it’s a reef that is transformed by human influence, by pollution, by every action we take. So, it’s interesting for us to understand how the snakes have responded to the changing environment.”

Is there a particularly interesting species?

“There are eight different species of sea snakes in this bay, but we study only two,” says Goiran. “The first one is the turtle-headed sea snake, which is a little black one you would see while diving here. This one is not venomous, and we have been studying it for 15 years. This is the longest study of any sea snake population because it’s very convenient, very easy to access.

“And then, we started studying another, much larger venomous species, Hydrophis major or ‘greater sea snake.’ Initially thought to live here in very small numbers, the study’s first objective was to determine the population size. These snakes have unique markings on the side of the body, so we take photos of each one for photo identification. For this we need lots of information, lots of people in the water taking photos.”

New Caledonia grannies offer help

And this is where the grannies come in — many hands make lighter work of the project. With their help, Goiran has discovered that there are a lot more snakes in this small bay than researchers originally thought.

The team quickly learned how to identify each of Noumea’s 14 species and can also identify (and have named) individual snakes, using the unique markings on the sides of their bodies just behind the head.

“When I was shooting the turtle-headed sea snake on my own, I used to see one greater sea snake a month,” says Goiran. “Now with the grannies’ help, we’ve identified 257 different individuals, so the population was completely underestimated. The snakes are very discreet — you can swim by them and if they are maybe 10 feet (3 m) away you won’t notice they are there. It’s wonderful to have volunteers help us and to now know that the population of snakes is doing so well.”

So, how did this group of ‘Fantastic Grannies’ get together? The group grew organically, with little to no recruitment, just a shared love of the local marine environment.

The first to join the project, a friend of Goiran’s, was snorkeling and taking photos for the sheer love of it. She knew her friend was interested in sea snakes, so started emailing her photos whenever she spotted one.

Another volunteer was swimming on her own and she saw this group of ladies having fun so asked if she could join the group. Not all of them knew each other before but have become friends while working on this project.

The team started surveying sea snakes in 2017 and plans to keep going as long as they are useful. At first, the volunteers were afraid of the sea snakes, but have come to understand that they are not dangerous and eager to let others know this.

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Conservation Spotlight: One Island One Voice Mon, 29 Jun 2020 14:00:31 +0000 The enterprising kids who created the conservation organization Bye Bye Plastic Bags’ on Bali are at it again with One Island One Voice.

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You may remember our previous article about Bye Bye Plastic Bags, an organization founded by teenagers in Bali that grew to several countries. It has been a driving force when it comes to passing regulations banning plastic bags in Bali. Not short of ideas, these kids have also created One Island One Voice, an annual clean up in Bali that has grown to the biggest ever on the island. 

What does One Island One Voice do?

Five years ago, the founders of Bye Bye Plastic Bags created One Island One Voice with the aim of running a massive Bali clean up once a year to not only collect trash but also to raise awareness of the problem. The idea was to use a network of local organizations already active in this field, such as Trash Hero, Eco Bali, and Making Oceans Plastic Free to lead and coordinate the clean ups in their local communities on the same day, once a year. Local businesses also participate by coordinating clean ups in their area or providing logistical and material support.

With big numbers comes bigger awareness about the waste management in Bali and in general. Groups also collect data during the clean-ups in order to study what type of trash has the bigger impact on the local environment year-on-year.

The 2020 clean up

The 2020 clean-up saw over 12,000 participants all over the island and beyond that, together, collected more than 20 tons of trash. Another clearly stated mission was to analyze a sample bag of trash at numerous locations in order to discern the type of trash that was picked up.

The top three items collected were: plastic food packaging, cigarette butts and plastic bottles/cups. Food wrappers made up 20 percent; cigarette butts made up 17 percent; and plastic bottles and cups were 16 percent of trash collected. Straws alone were a further 11 percent of the refuse the groups collected. This data allowed organizers to compare changes across years; for example, the volume of plastic bags decreased overall from 15 percent of the total to 9 percent in 2020.

With each year that passes, the One Island One Voice clean-up is getting bigger and bigger, sending Bali communities an important message about waste reduction and management.


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Public Meetings on Flower Garden Banks Sanctuary Expansion Mon, 08 Jun 2020 11:45:19 +0000 Add your voice to the conversation for expansion at Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary during virtual public meetings.

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With the backing of more than 30 years of scientific studies, NOAA is issuing a notice of proposed rule-making to expand Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. The proposal would expand the sanctuary from 56 square miles to 160 square miles to protect additional critical habitat in the Gulf of Mexico.

The sanctuary will host three virtual public meetings for people to learn more about the proposed rule for Sanctuary Expansion. These will also provide an opportunity for people to make official oral comments about the proposed rule.

Join one of the meetings here and voice your support for sanctuary expansion:

Monday, June 8, 2020
1­–3 p.m. Central Time
Register in advance

  • If you are unable to participate online, you can connect to the meeting by phone using (213) 929-4232 and the attendee access code 704-409-034

Monday, June 8, 2020
6–8 p.m. Central Time
Register in advance

  • If you are unable to participate online, you can connect to the meeting by phone using (213) 929-4232 and the attendee access code 682-728-246

Thursday, June 11, 2020
6–8 p.m. Central Time
Register in advance

  • If you are unable to participate online, you can connect to the meeting by phone using (415) 655-0052 and the attendee access code 486-551-096

IMPORTANT: If you would like to provide comment during a meeting, please indicate so during the webinar registration process.

Public comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per person and the line-up of speakers will be based on the date and time of registration. If you will be participating by phone only and wish to make comments at one of the meetings, please send an email to to add your name to the list.


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Reef-World Launches New Green Fins Cleaning Guidelines Wed, 03 Jun 2020 14:00:24 +0000 Reef-World has launched new Green Fins guidelines on environmental best practices for chemical cleaning agents.

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Amidst concerns over the environmental impact of an increased use of chemical cleaning agents, Reef-World has designed new Green Fins cleaning guidelines to help dive and snorkel operators navigate the COVID-19 crisis.

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on the diving and snorkeling industry. One of many changes now being considered across the sector is how operators should disinfect surfaces and equipment to protect against the virus — and, what’s more, how they can do this in an environmentally friendly way. That’s why The Reef-World Foundation — the international coordinator of the UN Environment Program’s Green Fins initiative — has launched new guidelines addressing responsible management and disposal of chemical cleaning agents. 

Proper disinfectant usage

Chemical cleaning agents are widely regarded as the safest option when disinfecting equipment, surfaces and laundry in today’s climate. However, many cleaning and cosmetic products contain substances that are hazardous to the marine environment. As such, Reef-World has launched the Green Fins Guidelines for Environmental Best Practice for Chemical Cleaning Agents to help dive and snorkel operators deal with chemical cleaning agents in an environmentally friendly way. These recommendations consolidate known best practices when it comes to management and disposal of hazardous waste and chemicals for minimal environmental impact.

The Green Fins guidance — which should be used in addition to, not instead of, health and safety recommendations from DAN and the WHO on preventing viral spread — explains how to deal with any hazardous waste that may pose a significant threat to the marine environment.

“We appreciate that this is an incredibly tough time for the diving and snorkeling industry,” says Chloe Harvey, Reef-World’s Director. “The coronavirus pandemic has many negative consequences for many people but there are silver linings including the potential to ‘redefine’ the tourism industry and use this downtime to put better environmental policies in place, especially since more and more tourists are demanding sustainable practices from their providers. 

“As a collaborative network we need to work together to weather this storm as best we can. That’s why Reef-World has developed new resources — and waived the usual fee for its popular Operational Handbook — to help the industry keep an environmental strategy high on their agenda, even during this difficult time. While we appreciate this is a stressful time for the travel industry, putting better environmental measures in place now will help businesses come out stronger— and with a more sustainable business — when travel restrictions are lifted. 

“While we are confident that the scuba diving industry will bounce back, there is likely to be a ‘new normal’ and level of expectation in sanitization not previously witnessed by the sector. For this reason, we have developed new guidelines to help dive and snorkel operators manage and dispose of chemical cleaning agents in an environmentally friendly way. These new guidelines are available for free to Green Fins members and non-members alike.

“We realize it might not be possible for everyone, but we’d like to thank everyone who is continuing to find ways of reducing their impact on the coral reefs and related ecosystems: together, we can make both the environment and our tourism businesses more resilient.”

The guidelines are available free of charge for Green Fins members and non-members alike. They can be downloaded here.

In addition to the newly launched Chemical Cleaning Agent guidelines, Reef-World is waiving its usual  $25 (£20) fee for operators to access the Green Fins Operational Handbook. Instead, to help the charity continue its ongoing work to protect coral reefs, operators who access the handbook are asked to contribute what they can. 

Dive professionals are also being reminded they can continue their environmental learning from home by taking the Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course.

By Melissa Hobson, The Reef-World Foundation


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Conservation in Lockdown: Sydney’s Seahorse Guardian Mon, 25 May 2020 14:00:21 +0000 While Sydney was under COVID-19 lockdown, a group of aquarium-bred White’s seahorses was released into Sydney’s harbor.

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While Sydney was under COVID-19 lockdown, a group of aquarium-bred White’s seahorses, also known as Sydney seahorses, was released into Sydney Harbor as part of a conservation project. Monitoring the ongoing program is master’s research student Brooke ‘Bee’ Kyle. We spoke with Bee about the Sydney seahorse program and her lifelong love of seahorses.

Q: What sparked your interest in seahorses?

I started my degree in Bay of Plenty, New Zealand where we have Hippocampus abdominalis, one of the largest species of seahorse in the world. After that project I fell in love with seahorses; they are the most incredible sea creatures, with such character and personality. I then moved on to work at SEA LIFE Kelly Tarlton’s Aquarium in Auckland while researching the Hippocampus kuda, a tropical yellow seahorse. I loved working with them.

Q: When did you first get involved in this breeding program?

Seahorse expert Amanda Vincent, who runs an organization called Project Seahorse, put me in touch with my now supervisor, David Harasti. I moved over from New Zealand just before the end of the breeding program, got to tag the juveniles alongside my supervisor and was part of the release of the juvenile White’s seahorse into the wild. I am now monitoring them and collecting data on how they are doing in the wild.

Q: What are the key factors to the success of this project?

There are a few key factors to this project being a success: their survival and growth rates, brood pairings, and reproduction. I am hoping to see a survival rate greater than 20 percent. Another aspect is reproduction — if there’s a low survival rate but they are breeding and giving birth to live young that would be a huge success, as it is adding to the wild population. Another thing I’m hoping for is to see our aquarium-raised juveniles pair up with wild seahorses. To see aquarium-raised juveniles able to integrate into the wild population would be a huge success.

Q: What do we know about populations in Sydney historically? When did the decline become significant?

“White’s seahorse (Hippocampus whitei) is one of four species that occupy New South Wales’ waters. They are endemic to the east coast of Australia, occurring commonly in Sydney Harbor, which gives them their other common name — the Sydney seahorse. The species is fairly common around Sydney and well known to the local dive community, although it has now been classified as endangered due to recent decline.

The exact size of the seahorse population here is unknown historically, but we do know that populations have declined in in Port Stephens and Port Jackson in the last decade. The main reason their population has declined is the loss of habitat across their limited range in eastern Australia. They occur within coastal estuaries, areas often damaged by development and pollution.

In Port Stephens, an area well-known for Hippocampus whitei sightings, over 90 percent of the soft coral and sponge habitats have been lost. Coastal estuaries are subject to man-made degradation, such as the installation of wharfs, moorings, anchors and pollution, as well as things like habitat coverage from sand movement.

Something that I find so beautiful and interesting about this particular species is that the White’s seahorse is monogamous, pairing for life. Each seahorse couple will find each other every breeding season and remain a couple unless one of them dies. They’ve been shown to even stick by one another even if the other is sick or injured.

The Sydney seahorse collaboration

The White’s Seahorses recovery project is led by SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium in collaboration with the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Fisheries and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).

The project aims to breed, raise and release the White’s seahorses, and monitor their success in helping reverse the decline of this endangered species, with four key stages of this project now complete:

  1. Collect

Planning for this project started in August 2019 and kicked off in October 2019. The SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium team, assisted by experts from DPI Fisheries and UTS, collected breeding pairs from Sydney Harbor, including some pregnant males.

  1. Breed

The seahorses were placed in a custom-built seahorse breeding facility at the Aquarium, and dozens of White’s seahorses were successfully bred on site and on display to visitors.

  1. Prepare hotels

In March 2020, nine seahorse hotels were placed underwater in Clifton Gardens, Mosman in preparation to become homes for the juvenile seahorses being raised at the aquarium.

  1. Tag and release

The final stage involved the juveniles being carefully tagged for future monitoring before release into their seahorse hotels in Clifton Gardens. The seahorses were injected just under their skin with a colored elastomer fish tag in a unique pattern, allowing researchers to identify individuals.

Seahorse hotels

Before the White’s seahorses were released, artificial habitat was created for them in Chowder Bay. Inspired by crab traps, seahorse hotels were trialed in Port Stephens in 2018 and 2019 and were found to be very successful in attracting seahorses, which led to mating and breeding.

The seahorse hotels start as artificial habitats that grow into natural habitats once they are placed in the marine environment. Over time, encrusting corals, sponges, and algae colonize these structures, providing protection from predators and a steady supply of food. The ‘hotels’ are completely biodegradable, so the artificial structures will slowly collapse over time under the weight of the marine growth, leaving a new natural habitat behind.

SEA LIFE Trust’s ‘Ocean Youth’ helped with the seahorse hotel construction, along with Seadragon Diving Co. and Sydney-based Indigenous Sea Rangers with support from DPI’s Marine Estate Management Strategy (MEMS).

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