Marine Species – Scuba Diver Life Explore • Dream • Discover • Dive Tue, 06 Dec 2022 19:36:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marine Species – Scuba Diver Life 32 32 37309857 Blackwater Diving in Thailand Fri, 27 May 2022 14:00:36 +0000 Though blackwater diving has long been popular in Hawaii, Florida, and the Philippines, blackwater diving in Thailand has begun gaining traction.

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There’s a new kid on the block: though blackwater diving has long been popular in Hawaii, Florida, and the Philippines, blackwater diving in Thailand has begun gaining traction. But first—what exactly is blackwater diving, and what makes it so cool?

What is blackwater diving?

blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand


Most marine creatures begin life in the open ocean and live a pelagic existence before they can fend for themselves and settle down on the reef. Every night, attracted by the moonlight, they rise from the depths to feed in shallower water. Blackwater diving allows us to observe these unique species during night dives that utilize powerful artificial lights, tethered to dedicated mooring lines hanging above very deep waters, with the goal of attracting sea life that’s traveling up the water column to feed.

What will you see?

blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand

Planktonic and juvenile sea species appear most frequently during these special dives and will often be in your sphere of light before you notice their presence—think jellyfish, myriads of squid, tiny octopus, wiggly worms, and iridescent salps. You can sometimes see larger pelagic fish on blackwater dives, but most invertebrates, plankton, and fish that you’ll see are much smaller. In their immature stage, the best subjects showcase large eyes, unique appendages, and iridescent hues mimicking dangerous jellyfish to survive the largest animal migration on the planet.

Blackwater photography

blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand

While first-time blackwater divers may initially struggle to identify species, underwater photographers have the added benefit of being able to review photographs after the dive, making comparisons between they captured on film versus established developmental and growth patterns of local species. Blackwater photographers may even end up exchanging information with marine scientists who are eager for more information about these rare sightings. If you are not a photographer, however, there is still so much to see and experience. Divers who enjoy macro or muck diving, with practiced buoyancy and breathing skills, will also find this search for these elusive “baby sea monsters” undeniably alluring.

Blackwater diving in Thailand

blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand blackwater diving in Thailand

Hawaii, Florida, and the Philippines have been the hotspots for this developing dive style, but Thailand has recently become a very promising destination for blackwater diving enthusiasts. 

Blackwater diving in Thailand first started in Koh Tao a few years ago with Dive4photo’s underwater photography school led by Alex Tyrrell, who had just come back from the Philippines. A second “blackwater diving line” was launched near Pattaya, in the Gulf of Thailand by divers from Bangkok, eager to discover this new way of night diving.

The Similan Islands are a well-known diving destination for macro and pelagic life, but we discovered last season that it also offers spectacular blackwater diving. All the photos from this article were taken in Thailand by Franck Fogarolo, the cruise director onboard The Smiling Seahorse, a liveaboard particularly geared towards underwater photographers. On our first blackwater dives, we encountered a juvenile tripod fish, a deep-sea species we had not seen in the last 10 years of diving local reefs, as well as a juvenile sailfish. This season alone, we spotted dozens of paper nautilus, both males and females, who put on quite a show for our camera.

We have also seen juvenile stages of more common Andaman Sea fish, including gastropods, cephalopods, and crustaceans—some smaller than your fingernail.

The Smiling Seahorse is the first liveaboard in Thailand offering blackwater dives on every cruise to explore the larval and juvenile “little monsters” of the Andaman Sea as well as dedicated blackwater diving cruises with daily blackwater dives.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Southern California Marine Mammals Tue, 19 Apr 2022 14:00:58 +0000 The cold, nutrient-rich waters off the Southern California coast are host to a wide variety of habitats, each filled with...

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The cold, nutrient-rich waters off the Southern California coast are host to a wide variety of habitats, each filled with an abundance of aquatic species. The profusion of life found here is such that not only can the region support numerous commercial fisheries, but also groups of Southern California marine mammals, ranging from seal colonies numbering fewer than 50 to pods of dolphins reaching into the thousands

Divers can see marine mammals during shore dives, boat dives, and even pelagic snorkeling adventures far offshore, depending on which species they are looking to find. Divers face varying opportunities depending on skill level, but it’s common to see most of these mammals without even setting foot in the ocean. In all cases, remember to read local interaction and conservation guidelines before approaching any marine mammal, always giving them ample space to feel comfortable.

Below you will find a list of the marine mammals you are most likely to find off the Southern California coast, along with a brief introduction to the species and some interesting facts that will help you along your way.

Southern California Marine Mammals

Pacific Harbor Seal (Phoca Vitulina)

Southern California marine life
Pacific harbor seals are common in Southern California.
  • Harbor seals have spotted coats ranging from brown to silvery white and can weigh over 350 pounds. (158 kg) when fully grown.
  • Unlike sea lions, seals do not have ear flaps and their rear flippers are short. Seals move on land by flopping on their bellies instead of walking on flippers, like sea lions.
  • Harbor seals can dive to depths up to 1,500 feet (457 m) and remain submerged for up to 40 minutes at a time, although most dives are shorter, around five to seven minutes.

California Sea Lion (Zalophus Californianus)

California Sea Lion
California sea lions are very social and curious, often approaching divers.
  • Typically brown in color, California sea lions have long flippers, allowing them to be very agile on land and adept climbers.
  • These animals are very social and communicate through loud and often incessant barking.
  • Adult male sea lions, or bulls, have a large, protruding bump on top of their head and can often weigh over 700 pounds (317 kg). Maintain a safe distance from large bulls, especially during mating and pupping seasons, as they can be protective of their colony.

Humpback Whale (Megaptera Novaeangliae)

Breaching humpback whale
Humpbacks are often seen breaching offshore.
  • Adult humpbacks can vary between 40 to 50 feet (12 to 15 m) in length and are characterized by their black skin and unusually long pectoral flippers.
  • These animals migrate over 8,000 miles (12,874 km)in a year, back and forth from their winter mating grounds. Some individuals travel along the California coast during this migration.
  • The are often seen offshore displaying impressive acrobatics and breaches, such as the one pictured here.

Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus)

Gray whale
Gray whales are easily identified by their grayish white mottled skin.
  • Gray whales are easily identified by their immense size and grayish white mottled skin, which is attributed to crustaceans living on the skin of the whale.
  • This whale will migrate over 10,000 miles (16,093 km) annually, one of the longest migrations of any mammal on this planet.
  • They will travel very close to shore and are sometimes spotted by divers in Southern California kelp beds.

Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus)

Blue Whale
Blue whales are the largest mammal to have ever lived on the planet.
  • This is the largest mammal to have ever lived on Earth, reaching up to 100 feet (30 m) in length and weighing over 150 tons.
  • Blue whales have a very streamlined body that is grayish-blue in color. Its broad, triangular tail can also be used for identification as the whale descends below the surface.
  • Occasionally found off the California coast feeding on large aggregations of krill, these marine mammals can eat over six tons in a single day.

Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncates)

Common bottlenose dolphin
The bottlenose dolphin is the largest beaked dolphin.
  • The bottlenose dolphin is the largest of all beaked dolphins, and their habitat range spans most of the globe. They can be identified by their size and dark gray color.
  • As with most dolphins, bottlenose dolphins are very social and can be seen in large pods off the Southern California coast.
  • Divers will occasionally hear the clicking and whining of bottlenose dolphins using echolocation to communicate or hunt for prey.

Not pictured, but in the area:

Short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis)

  • One of the most abundant dolphin species, these are primarily found in oceanic or offshore habitats in large numbers.
  • Short-beaked common dolphins are medium-sized with dark-colored backs, white bellies and a grayish hourglass “saddle” on both sides.
  • Ther are often found off the Southern California coast near underwater ridges or seamounts, where upwelling occurs, bringing their prey closer to the surface.

Pacific White-Sided Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)

  • Males of this species can reach over 8 feet (2m) in length and are easily identified by their unique coloration. While their face and belly are white, the remainder of their body is dark gray, with a light gray patch and stripe going down both sides.
  • Known for their energetic acrobatics, they can also be found riding the bow wake in front of vessels going at an appropriate speed.
  • They form very close social groups and are rarely seen in groups smaller than 10 individuals. They occasionally form super-pods of over 300 individuals when food is abundant.
Photos courtesy of Frankie Grant

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Top Five Jellyfish Roundup Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:00:51 +0000 Jellyfish have been on the planet for at least 500 million years, making them one of earth's oldest animals. Here's our pick for top five coolest jellyfish.

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Weird and wonderful…and often stingy! Jellyfish have a bad reputation, but they look so pretty while they sinuously move through the water column. Living all over the world, from shallow to deep seas, there are over 2,000 known species as of today. They have been on the planet for at least 500 million years, which makes them one of the oldest animals on Earth. Here we’ll take a peek at five of the coolest.

The longest

lion's mane jellyfish
A lion’s mane jellyfish floats beautifully underwater

There is still debate among the scientific community about which jellyfish is the largest. The longest is for sure the lion’s mane jellyfish, also sometimes called the giant jellyfish, whose tentacles can extend to more than 115 feet (35 m). Their body (called a bell) can be up to 6.5 feet (2 m) in diameter.

Lion’s mane jellyfish inhabit enjoy cold waters of the Arctic, Atlantic, and Northern Pacific Oceans, mainly in open water. Their sting can be painful although not fatal to humans. They use their very long tentacles to capture and pull in fish and other sea creatures they eat.

The smallest (and deadliest)

Irukandji jellyfish
Irukandji jellyfish (photo courtesy of orangejack

One of the smallest species is also one of the deadliest: the Irukandji jellyfish belongs to the venomous family of box jellyfish (which also includes the sea wasp jellyfish, in the run for the deadliest as well). This name actually covers over a dozen species, including one commonly named the kingslayer jellyfish.

Only up to 0.39 inches (10 mm) large, they get their name from the symptoms their powerful sting provokes, known as Irukandji syndrome. Symptoms include severe muscle cramps and back pain, headache, nausea, tachycardia, and vomiting, which generally appear 20 to 30 minutes after being stung. Hospitalization is necessary, as those symptoms and the human body’s reaction to its venom can provoke to cardiac problems. The Irukandji only live in northern waters of Australia.

The deepest


In 2016, a scientific expedition from NOAA came across this weird looking creature…at 12,100 feet (3,700 m) deep near the Mariana Trench. So little is known about this species that hasn’t even been named yet, as it was the first time it was seen and recorded. From observations, scientists noted the two sets of tentacles and the bright coloration inside.

The weirdest


Jellyfish not only do not have hearts or a brain, but some of them also have a strange appearance—even for a jellyfish. The bloodybelly comb jellyfish (how cool is that name!) is definitely one of the strangest looking ones around.
Found in deep waters, they are nearly invisible without artificial lights, as the deep red color disappears at depth. But their rows of cilia (like small hair), which they use to propel themselves in the water, have an amazing iridescence that makes them incredibly weird and beautiful to watch. They do not sting and are not harmful to humans…and we probably can’t reach them anyway, because they’ve only been found in very deep water so far.

The rarest


Only discovered in the 60s and since then only seen a handful of times, we know very little known about Deepstaria Enigmatica jellyfish (named after the submarine Deepstar, used by French explorer Jacques Cousteau, who recorded the first sighting of this strange species).

It looks like a trash bag or some sort of ghost, hovering in the water with no visible tentacles. It also has some shapeshifting talents, as can be seen in the video. Scientists believe it might be extending its body to capture nearby prey. It has only been seen in the deepest waters of the ocean during submarine exploration.

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Five of the Ocean’s Biggest Animals Fri, 01 Oct 2021 19:53:13 +0000 We love macro life, but the ocean’s biggest animals are awfully charismatic as well. Here are our five favorite big animals that you might see in the ocean.

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We love macro life, but the ocean’s biggest animals are awfully charismatic as well. Here are our  five favorite big animals that you might see in the ocean.

Blue whale

blue whaleThe blue whale is simply the biggest animal that has ever lived on the planet. With a maximum length of around 100 feet (30 m) and a weight close to 200 tons, a blue whale’s size is comparable to a Boeing 737 aircraft. Can you imagine finding yourself in the water next to a plane-sized animal?

Funnily enough, these gigantic creatures feed on some of the ocean’s smallest animals, krill, which they filter through the baleen they have in their mouth. On a good day, an adult blue whale can eat up to 4 tons of krill.

There are five known subspecies of blue whale, which you can find in the North Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the Antarctic Ocean, North Indian Ocean, as well as areas around Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand.

Some of the world’s other biggest whale species include the sperm whale and the fin whale.

Whale shark

A whale shark in Isla Mujeres
Whale sharks are gentle and curious (Photo by NOAA on Unsplash)

Despite its name, the whale shark belongs exclusively to the shark species, and it’s the largest known shark at that. Averaging over 59 feet (18 m), it is the largest non-mammalian vertebrate. Like blue whales, whale sharks are also filter feeders and live on a diet of plankton and small fishes.

Whale sharks enjoy tropical and warm, temperate waters. They are mainly pelagic, but seasonal aggregations occur when the sharks congregate to feed. On these occasions, divers and snorkelers may see hundreds of whale sharks gathered in the same place for a collective feeding frenzy. Popular areas for encounters include the Philippines, Thailand, Mexico, Mozambique, and Western Australia.


A whale spy hops near the boat, trying to get a better view of what’s going on above the water.
A whale spy hops near the boat, trying to get a better view of what’s going on above the water.

Also known as killer whales, orcas are toothed whales belonging to the oceanic dolphin family. These instantly recognizable animals are one of the ocean’s biggest predators, along with the great white shark. They can reach up to 26 feet (8 m) long and weigh 6 tons. On top of the food chain, they have no known predators in the ocean. They feed on other animals such as seals, dolphins, whales, and more.

They are present in all the world’s oceans in diverse environments. Highly social and intelligent, they live usually in pods of up to a dozen individuals that remain together for most of their lives.

Mola mola

Mola mola favor deep, dark waters, but do come to the surface regularly.

Weird and wonderful sums up the mola mola, also called the sunfish, perfectly. With a weight that can top a ton, this is the biggest bony fish species in the world, and arguably one of the weirdest looking. Scientists also think that they have the largest growth percentage in the animal kingdom: a mola mola larvae is only about 2 mm big, but within months it grows millions of times to reach its adult size, with a fin-to-fin length that can be over 8 feet (2.5 m).

Mola molas usually enjoy deep, colder waters, but they can hang out close to the surface at certain times of year or in areas of the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans, or even in the Mediterranean Sea. Some of the best places to spot them reliably are Bali and the Galapagos.

Only a few countries consider their flesh a delicacy and, despite their huge size, they do have several natural predators, such as orcas and sharks. They feed mainly on small fish, crustaceans and squids.

Giant manta ray

diving at Socorro
Mantas in Socorro are well known for close interactions with divers.

Granted, the giant oceanic manta ray might not be as big as some whales, but it is the biggest ray of all. The biggest individuals can reach a disk size of 23 feet (7 m) across, which can make you feel like a spaceship is flying above your head if you ever have the chance to dive with one.

Like their cousins, reef mantas, they feed mainly on plankton, which they scoop up with their cephalic fins, located closed to their mouth. The common traits between the two species are many, but oceanic manta rays are usually bigger and have distinctive markings on their backs and bellies.

Lucky divers can see them in tropical waters all around the world, in places such as Japan, Mexico, Egypt, Peru, South Africa, Indonesia, and New Zealand. A popular spot to dive with them is Isla de la Plata in Ecuador.

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Top 10 Weirdest Underwater Animals Wed, 15 Sep 2021 20:24:17 +0000 Let’s be honest—some of the animals in the ocean are pretty wacky looking. Here’s our list of the top 10 weirdest underwater animals.

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As divers we tend to think that all fish are beautiful…or are they? Let’s be honest, some of them are so wacky looking that you wonder what the heck went wrong with evolution. Here are our picks for some of the world’s weirdest underwater animals.

Goblin shark

This unfortunate fellow has a face only a mother could love. This is a rare species of shark, usually about 10 to 13 feet (3 to 4 m) long. Divers would very rarely see them, as they usually live deeper than 325 feet (100 m). Their unusual face, with an extended, pointy proboscis, is distinctive to say the least, but that characteristic feature has a specific purpose: the goblin shark uses it to sense the electrical fields produced by nearby fish. Once they locate their prey, the shark’s giant jaw extends to snap it up.  

Psychedelic frogfish

Psychedelic frogfish
Frogfish have modified pectoral fins that allow them to “walk” slowly on the seafloor. The Psychedelic Frogfish, first described in 2009, is known only from Ambon, Indonesia. (Image courtesy of David Hall/

Psychedelic is right when it comes to describing this wild-looking frogfish. These relatives of the deep-sea anglerfish, as noted above, are strange looking already, but this rare variety takes the cake. Scientists identified this species only about a decade ago and, so far, it has only appeared in Ambon, Indonesia. It gets its nickname from the pattern of swirling stripes all over its body and any diver lucky enough to see one should definitely consider the experience a trip.


As you can imagine, “blobfish” isn’t this animal’s scientific name — but it’s easy to see how this slimy looking little guy ended up with such an insulting name. Formally known as a Psychrolutes marcidus — that rolls right off the tongue — the blobfish lives at depths of 2,000 to 4,000 feet (600 to 1200 m) where the pressure is immense. Scientists think that their natural aspect is actually not that bloated and squished looking. Rather, the change in pressure when they are brought to the surface after being caught up in bottom-trawling nets causes them to turn into a blob.  

Leafy seadragon

leafy seadragon
The leafy seadragon blends in perfectly with the seaweed it lives among.

A strange combination of pipefish, dragon and leaves, the lovely leafy seadragon is endemic to Western and South Australia. Not quite the size of a dragon, these seahorse relatives grow to around 12 to 15 inches (30 to 38 cm). The leaf-like growths on their bodies function as camouflage as the seadragon drifts among the seaweed it resembles. Although they’re not small, they’re still hard to spot, so any diver who wants to see one should hire an eagle-eyed dive guide to help.

Mola mola


weirdest looking ocean animals mola mola
Seeing a mola mola on a dive is a major treat for divers.

Mola molas are known by many names — sunfish and moonfish among them — and it’s easy to see how they earned both monikers. Molas are one of the most distinctive fish in the sea, with their huge, flat, dinner-plate shaped bodies, tiny eyes and mouths, and long vertical fins. The mola mola is the heaviest bony fish in the ocean, and occupies temperate and tropical waters around the world. Feeding mainly on mollusks, they usually enjoy the cold waters of the deep oceans, but occasionally surface to feed, clean, or enjoy some sun — and make divers happy of course. Here are few of the world’s most reliable places to spot them.

Bobbit worm

bobbit worm weirdest underwater animals
The bobbit worm can grow up to a foot long (shudder)

This variety of bristle worm looks like an alien life form. Spending its time hiding in burrows on the ocean floor, the bobbit worm sits and waits until prey swims by and strikes at the opportune moment it with its sharp teeth. The biggest ones are up to 10 feet (3 m) long, and all display a wide range of colors and often have a shiny appearance. Disturbingly, its common name is derived from the John and Lorena Bobbitt case of the early 1990s.  

Dwarf lantern shark

This is the smallest shark species known as of today, with a maximum size of about 8 inches (20 cm). Its flat head and brown color, as well as its small size, make the little lantern shark, which is smaller than a human hand, quite distinctive. Living only off the coasts of Colombia and Venezuela, the dwarf lantern shark inhabits quite deep waters, from 925 to 1,440 feet (283 to 439 m), so divers would not see them.


With over 300 species spanning all the oceans, anglerfish are so named because of their feeding technique. Just like an angler, or fisherman, they use a lure —theirs on top of their head — to attract prey to the front of their mouth. Once the prey gets close enough, the anglerfish quickly snaps its jaws closed on the unfortunate animal. Divers commonly know the shallow-water species as the adorably ugly frogfish. The deep-water species, however, have some even weirder adaptations than their lure, with some of them using sexual parasitism to reproduce. The male will mate with the female and then fuse with her, spending the rest of his life sharing blood supply with the female and providing her with sperm.


A red rhinopias under a spotlight (Image: Brook Peterson)

Within the scorpionfish family, the handful of species of rhinopias are definitely the strangest looking ones — and usually high on a diver’s bucket list. Inhabiting the Pacific and Indian Oceans, these psychedelic-looking fish are masters of camouflage, with the strange looking protrusions and bright colors on most species. Top places to finally see one of these incredible fish include Bali, Lembeh, Alor, and Ambon in Indonesia.

Blue glaucus

glaucus Atlanticus
The glacus Atlanticus is one of the ocean’s most spectacular nudibranchs.

The blue glaucus, or glaucus Atlanticus is — in our opinion — the world’s most spectacular nudibranch. Also known by a variety of lyrical names like blue sea dragon, sea swallow, and blue angel, this strange looking sea slug is pelagic, with sightings recorded from South Africa to Europe, Australia and Mozambique. Reaching up to around 1.2 inches (3 cm) long, the blue glacus feeds on other pelagic creatures, such as the Portuguese man ‘o war and other venomous siphonophores. Despite its lovely looks, it can deliver a nasty sting if touched, so if you’re lucky enough to see one underwater, give it space and admire from afar.

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Macro Diving in Lembeh Strait Thu, 09 Sep 2021 20:41:21 +0000 Macro diving in Lembeh Strait is unparalleled when it comes to looking for the weirdest and wackiest critters. Here are some of the stars of the show.

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Macro diving—searching for the some of the ocean’s smallest critters—is one of diving’s greatest pleasures. One of the main attractions is how incredibly bizarre and unique macro life can be. From cute seahorses to shrimp with elaborate headpieces, macro diving can reveal some of the world’s weirdest animals. And if you’re looking for the world’s widest array of tiny ocean weirdos, you won’t do better than the macro diving in Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi, Indonesia.

The stars of the show

macro diving in Lembehy
It’s easy to see why rhinopias is on everyone’s bucket list.

Whenever you hear people talk about must-sees when macro diving, one name pops up in nearly every conversation: the scorpionfish known as rhinopias. This type of fish appears in a range of different sizes and colors, all of which are utterly magnificent. Spending its life as an ambush predator on the ocean floor, rhinopias blends in well with its surroundings, waiting patiently for small animals to stray a little bit too close. Once in range, the rhinopias quickly snaps up the unfortunate critter with an all-encompassing gulp.

macro diving in Lembeh frogfish
Frogfish—cute yay or nay?

Another favorite of macro enthusiasts is the frogfish, a type of anglerfish. Frogfish are the not too distant cousins of the aforementioned rhinopias. They too spend most of their lives on the ocean floor, consuming prey with giant gulps. However, instead of lookin magnificent, divers often describe them as being so ugly they’re cute. Often covered in wart-like patterns or streaming ‘hair,’ their laser focus on their prey will make you glad you’re not a tiny edible fish. Because they’re an anglerfish, frogfish also have a small lure atop their heads, which they flop back and forth in order to catch unsuspecting prey, much like a fisherman—hence their name.

macro diving in lembeh pygmy seahorse
Pygmy seahorses—hands down cutest animals in the ocean.

One of the cutest macro stars is the pygmy seahorse, which photographers often covet as the ultimate macro subject. These tiny seahorses average around 1-2 centimeters, and they’re well worth seeking out, usually with the eyes of a seasoned guide. Living among amazingly vibrant fan corals, which they match almost perfectly, pygmy seahorses can be extremely hard to spot. When viewing them or trying to take a photo just remember that you can easily stress the coral polyps that they live among, not to mention the seahorses themselves, so remember not to touch and to be gentle and kind.

The surprise performers

macro diving in lembeh
See those eyes peeking out of Nemo’s mouth? So do we (shudder).

Lembeh Strait not only hosts famous macro critters but also produces a range of unexpected surprises. One secret of the strait, the anemonefish parasite, is known for gruesomely cutting off the tongue of its host and taking its place within the anemonefish’s mouth. These parasites are amazing to see, primarily due to their tiny black eyes, which look straight out of the anemonefish’s mouth.

macro diving in lembeh strait
Flamboyant is right—we love these little show offs.

The flamboyant cuttlefish is another lesser known—but just as incredible—highlight of macro diving in Lembeh Strait. With vivid pink and purple displays that ripple across their tiny cephalopod bodies, they are absolutely stunning to behold. Go at the right time of year and you may even be lucky enough to see a few babies still encased in their eggs.

What to take

When macro diving in Lembeh Strait, bringing a camera is definitely top of the list. And one of the best things about macro photography is that you don’t need a fancy camera or enormous lights to get a decent shot of your favorite critter. Using the in-built flash or a small torch will give most modern point-and-shoot cameras enough light. Be warned however that you may develop an addiction to underwater photography.

It’s also a good idea to bring a muck stick, whether you’re a photographer or not. These skinny metal sticks are not meant to poke or prod animals, but rather to allow you to remain still on the sandy seafloor when observing a sea creature. Without them divers often risk bumping into delicate corals or crushing unsuspecting animals with their fins while trying to maneuver. When used correctly, these sticks help protect the delicate ecosystem.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Southern California Sharks Mon, 15 Feb 2021 15:00:55 +0000 Sandy beaches, year-round sunshine, not a hint of humidity in the air, and sharks — sounds good to us. Here’s our beginner’s guide to Southern California sharks to get you started.

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Sandy beaches, year-round sunshine, not a hint of humidity in the air, and sharks. You read that right — one of the lesser-known advantages of diving Southern California is its year-round shark population. The area is home to more than 10 different species of shark, and, for many divers, there is no thrill greater than observing the ocean’s top predator in action. Here, we’ve compiled a list of the many species one could encounter while searching for Southern California sharks. However, it’s quite rare to encounter many of these species and it can take hundreds of dives in their respective habitats before ever seeing some of the most elusive species.

Sharks in general are quite skittish, and the sight and sound of a diver’s bubbles, along with our sheer size, tends to keep them at a distance. For divers, this means most shark interactions consist of fleeting moments.

Most Southern California sharks mature slowly and give birth to a few young at a time, meaning population decline can have a drastic impact on species survival. Due to the expansive worldwide distribution of many shark species, there is much uncertainty regarding species status. The lack of data surrounding these animals makes assessing their vulnerability to certain pressures difficult. We know sharks are vulnerable to certain human-related pressures, such as overfishing, coastal development and runoff pollution, along with other environmental factors. International organizations such as the Convention on International Trade and Endangered Species (CITES) are working to increase protections for exploited shark populations worldwide, and these protections have been expanding quickly over the last half-decade. 

Locally, there are some 50 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) providing refuge for nearly 15 percent of Southern California’s waters. These further help protect the diversity and habitat of not just sharks, but all marine wildlife.

When interacting with and observing sharks in their natural habitat, we begin to perceive the true nature of these apex predators, and how different that reality can be from perception. Sharks play a critical role in ocean ecosystems and are not the human-eating machines portrayed in the media. Here then are a few shark species you may find on a dive in Southern California.

Sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus

Broadnose sevengill sharkThis coastal shark is distributed widely but divers only see it regularly in a few locations worldwide. One of these locations is right here in Southern California, at famed marine reserve La Jolla Cove. You’ll generally find sevengills roaming through kelp forests or rocky reefs, close to the sea floor. The easiest way to identify this shark is by its blunt snout and single posterior dorsal. It also has — you guessed it — seven gills. Encounters may be brief, so make sure your camera is ready.

School Shark Galeorhinus galeus

school sharkThese 5- to 7-foot (1.5 to 2 m) sharks are long and slender, with a darkish-gray skin tone on top and a white underside. School sharks are coastal sharks that migrate to shallow kelp beds, forming aggregations during spring and summer. School sharks are very cautious around divers and will spook at any large exhalation or rapid movement.

Horn Shark Heterodontus francisci

horn sharkThe horn shark is a small, spotted shark species with large white spines on its dorsal fins. This bottom dweller can become so camouflaged within rocky reefs and surf grass beds you can easily swim right over one without noticing. Known to be a sluggish fish, horn sharks have a very small home range, usually no larger than 10,000 sq ft. (1,000 m²).

Pacific Angel Shark Squatina californica

Pacific angel sharkThe Pacific angel shark has a flattened shape and enlarged pectoral and pelvic fins. An ambush predator, this shark is often seen with nothing but its eyes exposed above the sandy ocean floor. When exposed, divers can see its cryptic, spotted skin pattern. Pacific angel sharks tend to inhabit shallow, coastal regions near kelp forests and sandy flats.

Great white shark Carcharodon carcharias

great white sharkThe great white shark is the ocean’s top apex predator and can reach over 20 feet (6m) in length and weigh over 2.5 tons. White sharks are migratory and cover large distances in the open ocean. Juveniles occasionally venture inshore, following food sources. Divers rarely encounter them, but they are most often seen at offshore seamounts and exposed dive sites along the California coast.

Leopard shark Triakis semifasciata

leopard sharkThe leopard shark is a mid-sized coastal shark species with large, dark saddles and blotches covering its body. They aggregate in late summer, preferring sandy bays and estuaries in Southern California. It may be easier to observe this species while snorkeling, due to the extreme proximity to shore and shallow depths they inhabit.

Not pictured, but in the area:

Shortfin Mako Shark Isurus oxyrinchus

Makos are large, predatory sharks that inhabit the open ocean. Divers usually encounter them in high-energy, openw-ater interactions conducted offshore. These sharks’ speed and agility allows them to cover great distances in search of prey or mates — they can hit speed bursts over 45 miles per hour (72 km/h).

Blue Shark Prionace glauca

The blue shark is a sleek, torpedo-shaped shark living in the open ocean. One of the most photogenic of Southern California sharks, the dorsal side of the blue shark shines an exquisite shade of indigo blue. A highly migratory species, blue sharks will travel across ocean basins several times in their lifetime.

Swell Shark Cephaloscyllium ventriosum

A small, bottom-dwelling shark, the swell shark only reaches 3 feet (0.9 m) in length. White spots and blotches cover the swell shark’s yellow-brown body, helping it blend into its rocky reef habitat. When threatened or preyed upon, this shark will contort its body into a U-shape and swallow large quantities of seawater, making it difficult to bite.

 Gray smooth-hound shark Mustelus californicus

Smooth-hound sharks are small, slender animals with large oval eyes and a brownish-gray topside, fading to a light underbelly. You can sometimes find them in shallow, coastal waters schooling with leopard sharks. Smooth-hound sharks prey upon crustaceans and occasionally cephalopods and bony fishes, which means divers usually spot them close to the seafloor.

 Common thresher shark Alopias vulpinus

This large open-ocean shark has a streamlined body, short, pointed snout and is metallic purple and brown in color. Threshers have an impressive tail — for which they’re named — measuring half of the body length. Sharks use it like a whip to deliver incapacitating blows to their prey. Due to its widely migratory behavior and cautious nature, divers rarely see this species in the wild.

All images courtesy of THE AUTHOR.

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Macro Life on the Great Barrier Reef Thu, 12 Nov 2020 15:00:52 +0000 It’s not just about clear water and schooling fish, the macro life on the Great Barrier Reef is amazing too.

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When most people think about diving on the world’s most iconic reef, they imagine turtles and barracuda. But look beyond the sweeping views and charismatic marine life to see some of nature’s most amazing animals. They are mostly smaller than your hand or finger but pack more color and beauty than many of the largest ocean animals. Here’s some of the most amazing macro life on the Great Barrier Reef to keep an eye out for.

Lacy scorpionfish

lacy scorpionfish

Tucked in on the coral-covered seafloor, these amazing animals rely on their intense camouflage to fool their prey into getting a little bit to close. It is then that they open wide and, with a lightning-quick strike, swallow their prey in one mouthful. When trying to find these crazy critters search the seafloor and keep an eye out for their psychedelic body pattern.

Longnose filefish

longnose filefishThese tiny fish are a common site on shallow reef systems, with long, iconic yellow noses and a multitude of yellow color markings speckling their green bodies. When viewed up close they are stunning fish to behold. Combine that with the fact you’ll nearly always find them in pairs, and you’ve got a fantastic macro photography subject. A handy hint when photographing a filefish: let it come to you. Make chase and they soon disappear among the twisted coral world below.


nudibranch on great barrier reefWhen most people think of tropical North Queensland, they often forget about the humble nudibranch. But don’t be so quick to dismiss the macro photographer’s favorite subject. Look closely and you will see that these colorful sea-slugs are everywhere. The one pictured here is actively hunting other nudibranchs, making for an exciting story to go with the image.


anemonefish on great barrier reefAlmost every scuba diver has a soft spot for anemonefish. These happy looking guys make for fantastic macro subjects — if you can frame them in your camera, that is. One hint is to pick a camera spot on the anemone and wait. Usually within a minute or two, the fish will have darted straight into your sights. Make sure you have pre-focused you camera, however, as they are one speedy fish. Another advantage of photographing Nemo and his cousins is that the anemone tentacles provide a great backdrop, offering color, sharpness, and contrast between your subject and the rest of the image.

Crabs, crabs and more crabs

hermit crabFinally, if you dip into the tropical Australian waters at night a plethora of crustacean life awaits you. Inside every hard coral you will almost certainly find a crab or five moving around and chowing down on some planktonic dinner. The difficulty will be finding a subject that isn’t partially obscured by hard-coral polyps. Unlike many of the other macro photography subjects described here, crabs are better than you at playing the waiting game. Therefore, it pays to keep looking and, instead of trying to take a photo of a certain individual, move on to the next crab. Eventually a cooperative crustacean will appear thanks purely to the enormous number that call the Great Barrier Reef home.

All images courtesy of the author

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Hawaii Tidepool Marine Life Mon, 12 Oct 2020 19:39:27 +0000 As the tide recedes on the Kona Coast, Hawaii tidepool marine life on the Big Island turns into miniature worlds, ripe for exploration.

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Hidden among the sharp lava cliffs on the Big Island of Hawaii’s Kona coastline are lava depressions that fill with seawater each day at high tide. As the tide recedes, the isolated pockets of water become tidepools, miniature worlds containing a bounty of life. These overlooked basins at the ocean’s edge are often only a few feet in diameter with only a few inches of depth. Living in this rugged environment with low oxygen, hours exposed to the sun, and increasing water temperature is certainly not easy for marine life but makes for excellent observation and photography. Here’s a peek at what to expect from Hawaii tidepool marine life.

Viewing lava tidepool life

By carefully leaning into the shallow water at low tide, photographers and lovers of the undersea world can get a glimpse into the delicate and unique ecosystem of Hawaiian tidepools. Though the sharp lava and slippery, algae-covered rock trails can create a challenging approach in some areas, you can view and photograph lava tidepools year-round at low tide by either sitting at the edge of the pool or sliding into the pool with a mask and snorkel, depending on preference and depth. Here’s some of the life you might see.

Variable sargassum (Sargassum Polyphyllum)

Hawaii tidepool marine life variable sargassumThough the inhabitants of tidepools vary greatly, a common find is some type of brown or green algae. Seeing this variable sargassum from a distance, extending to the surface of the water, is exciting because marine life thrives under and within the wrinkled golden blades and spherical berry-like gas bladders, standing erect in the tidepool like a forest. Fish use this endemic Hawaiian brown algae like coral, for places to hide and to easily camouflage themselves from predators.

Marbled shrimp (Saron Marmoratus)

Hawaii tidepool marine life marbled shrimpSnorkelers and night divers most frequently see marbled shrimp, but they are exciting finds anytime, with extravagant bands of color and an overall color change from day to night. At night, they seem to take on a reddish hue, but these two are showing the whiter daytime coloration. Males and females have distinctly different characteristics. Males have claw-bearing limbs that are extraordinarily long — longer than their own body length. Females instead have tufts of bristles on their first pair of legs and bodies. These two females were sparring, tucked back in a crevice between two rocks.

Zebra blenny (Istiblennius Zebra)

Hawaii tidepool marine life zebra blennyZebra blennies are one of the more common and obvious endemic dwellers in Hawaiian tidepools. The fish has a variable color pattern, from solid dark gray or blue, to barred or mottled patterns. They routinely zip around the pool freely, stopping to stare at the curious snorkeler, then bounce into a head down orientation, with their massive mouths agape, and feast on detritus covering the sides of the lava rocks. These fish are not confined to one tidepool for life but can wriggle out of the water and leap up to two feet in the air to another tidepool.

Flat rock crab (Percnon Planissimum)

flat rock crab in Hawaii tidepool marine lifeHidden on the underside of smooth, rounded basalt boulders, you can see brightly colored flat rock crabs during day or night in shallow water. They move quickly and can wedge their flat body into exceedingly small crevices when feeling threatened. A pair of yellow and red walking legs extending from between two rocks may be the only thing a snorkeler sees at first, but with patience, the whole crab may reveal itself.

Stocky hawkfish (Cirrhitus Pinnulatus)

Hawaii tidepool marine life stocky hawkfishUsing the gaps between boulders for protection, the stocky hawkfish occasionally inhabits deeper tide pools, feeding on small invertebrates, snails, and fish. Color patterns can vary, but there are often rich hues of red and aqua present. The stocky hawkfish does not seem to appreciate the company of snorkelers, so approach slowly if you want a close -up view.

Glass anemone (Aiptasia Pulchella)

glass anemoneGlass anemones are abundant on walls and in holes with long, translucent brown, yellow or pink tentacles that seem to dance as they extend toward the surface of the tidepool. Understandably, the species name means “beautiful.” These fascinating anemones, made up of hidden communities in dark crevices, can procreate rapidly by detaching bits of tissue from their foot to multiply into baby anemones or give live birth through the mouth.

Left-handed hermit crab (Calcinus Laevimanus)

left handed hermit crabFound foraging in no more than a few inches of water, this tiny crab is one of the more common tidepool hermit crabs in Hawaii. When feeling threatened, the crab fully retreats its soft abdomen and body within the chosen shell, often a snail shell, then locks the door to its house by raising its enormous left claw to seal the shell’s opening. At only ¼-inch long, look closely to find these colorful crabs.

By guest author Christine Regent West

Christine is a naturalist, photographer and videographer, USCG 100-ton Captain and Cressi Ambassador. She seeks to explore and document stories about the extraordinary, places poorly understood, often beneath murky, cold water in places like Alaskan lakes, rivers and fjords. Christine currently dives on expedition ships around the globe for Lindblad-National Geographic Expeditions. Check out more of her work at her website and on Instagram.


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Harlequin Shrimp: Flamboyant Coral Reef Guardians Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:00:47 +0000 Small but stunning, the harlequin shrimp is on many divers’ must-see lists. Here’s the nitty gritty on their lifestyle — and their creepy feeding habits.

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Small but stunning harlequin shrimp are fascinating animals that nearly every diver would love to see underwater. Here are all the nitty-gritty details on harlequin shrimp— and on their creepy feeding habits.

harlequin shrimp

Daily life of a harlequin shrimp

It’s well-known that harlequin shrimp prefer to live in pairs. If they remain undisturbed, they can live that way for their entire 7-year lifespan as a paired male and female. The female grows to be just about 2 inches (5 cm) long and her male counterpart is even smaller.

harlequin shrimp

The harlequin shrimp’s sole food source is starfish, including the menacing crown-of-thorns species. But, as much as we would love harlequin shrimp to solely take care of this ocean plague, there simply aren’t enough of them to eliminate this invasive starfish. We must hand it to these tiny powerhouses, however, as they do play an important role in controlling numbers of these pests.

Sadly, as they are extremely unique and beautiful, humans represent a major threat to these shrimp. Aquarium enthusiasts see them as significant assets and love to put them on display, which makes their already small population dwindle. Although they are undoubtedly lovely to look at, they belong in their natural habitat rather than captivity.

Types of harlequin shrimp

There are two variations of harlequin shrimp, native to the Indo-Pacific and Central and Eastern Pacific Oceans respectively. They are Hymenocera Elegans — the ones we see when diving in Myanmar with orange spots surrounded by blue — and Hymenocera Picta, also called the Hawaiian harlequin shrimp, with pink-purple spots surrounded by yellow. Scientists once thought they wer two independent species, but now know they are the same with the only their color differing. As tropical reef dwellers, they prefer to live in waters ranging from 71 to 77 F (22 to 25 C).

Divers can regularly see harlequin shrimp in the spectacular reefs of the Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar. This region is a macro-lover’s paradise and the harlequin shrimp is only one of the jewels that dwells there.

harlequin shrimp

How to identify harlequin shrimp 

Like many shrimp, their eyes are fixed on stalks. They use two enormous, flat claws a bit like scissors while hunting for and harvesting their prey. The most notable feature of harlequin shrimp, though, is obviously their magnificent coloring. They range from white to light pink with touches of red, orange, blue, or purple. Their vibrant colors and unique shape make them highly sought-after subjects for underwater photographers.

The body pattern does more for the shrimp than simple vanity, however — it’s an evolutionary adaptation that helps protect them from predators. Traditionally in the world of marine creatures, a bright color means ‘danger,’ and the harlequin shrimp is no exception. Their vibrant patches help warn predators to stay away and the shrimp can also camouflage very quickly to appear as corals or sea plants. They gladly accept the help of shadows cast by the overhead sun to perfect their deception. This simple advantage allows them to attract fewer predators than a creature of this size should.

Harlequin shrimp prefer to live near branched corals and rocky corners to create hidden safe havens. While the reef offers a comfortable, protected habitat, harlequin shrimp do their part to return the valuable favor. Their diet creates a symbiotic relationship wherein they protect the corals by gobbling up parasites like the Asterina starfish before they can inflict lasting damage. 

Feeding and hunting methods

harlequin shrimp feed on a starfish
Harlequin shrimp feed on a starfish


Harlequin shrimp are notoriously picky eaters as they prefer starfish alone. Even though some have been seen munching on sea urchins, it is clear that those are not their first choice, and they will even turn their nose up at brittle stars. They hunt as a matter of responsibility, with each shrimp in a pair having a specific task.

One shrimp first detects the scent of the starfish using its antennae. Once it has detected a delicious morsel, the pair proceeds to catch up with their prey. Using its pincers, one shrimp will snip off the soft, tube-like foot attachment of the starfish, and the other will pull the starfish until it’s turned on its back.

Now, here comes the gruesome part: the shrimp eat the starfish’s soft tissues and tube feet slowly. The starfish goes through a slow, painful death for weeks — or even months — as it is eaten alive. Over time, the starfish regenerates the eaten parts, providing even more food. Some harlequin shrimp will even feed their prey to extend their life. Therefore, a captured starfish can sustain an entire harlequin shrimp family for a long time.  

Mating, reproduction and species safety

harlequin shrimp

If a pair of harlequin shrimp mates find a comfortable place to live, they will stay for months or even their entire lives. As mentioned, a mating pair will stay together for life and share tasks equally to fiercely protect their family.

Mating occurs after the female molts. In one breeding season, a female can produce between 100 to 5,000 eggs. And although this number seems high, harlequin shrimp are still endangered as their tiny babies are very vulnerable and human interference further aggravates this.

Apart from humans directly harvesting them for the aquarium trade, harlequin shrimp are also in grave danger of losing habitat due to human activities that damage coral reefs. In aquariums, harlequin shrimp do care about humans and are likely oblivious to the fact that they’re on display. But in the wild where they truly belong, they are skillful hunters with one thing in mind: to find starfish.

harlequin shrimp

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All About Giant Oceanic Manta Rays Tue, 08 Sep 2020 14:00:05 +0000 Diving with giant oceanic manta rays sits high atop almost every diver’s bucket list. Here we'll share some fun facts and answer some common questions about these exquisite animals.

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Diving with giant oceanic manta rays sits high atop almost every diver’s bucket list. In fact, the chance to see these animals often entices divers to remote locations all over the world — often on liveaboard dive cruises — for a chance to see them soaring through the deep blue. Here we’ll share some fun facts and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about giant oceanic manta rays.

Where do giant oceanic manta rays live?

giant oceanic manta rays
Manta rays play at Black Rock in Myanmar

These rays predominantly live in temperate, subtropical and tropical waters throughout the world. They prefer water temperatures above 68 F (20 C). They can migrate as far as 620 miles (1000 km) from their homes and can dive down to 3,280 feet (1000 m).

Although both of the manta types are pelagic, giant oceanic manta rays prefer the open ocean, while reef mantas stay close to their reef. Reef mantas tend to be homebodies and do not migrate as far and as deep as the mobula birostris does. Consequently, it’s harder for divers to see giant mantas than their reef-based cousins. 

manta ray habitatMergui Archipelago in Myanmar and the Socorro Islands in Mexico are some of the best places to meet these gentle giants, while the Maldives and some places in Indonesia feature more regular sightings of reef mantas.

How Are Mantas Different from other mobulas?

giant oceanic manta raysWhile they have more or less the same shape, giant oceanic mantas are much larger than other mobula types, but what really differentiates them is the position of their mouth. Manta rays have a forward-facing mouth, while the other mobula rays and devil rays have a downward-facing mouth.

What’s the difference between the two most recognized varieties of mobulas?

Divers love many types of rays, but some of the most impressive are part of the genus Mobula. Until 2017, these creatures belonged to two categories — Mobula and Manta — but genetic studies now suggest that they are part of the same genus. The two main stars of this family are the Mobula birostris, or giant oceanic manta ray, and the Mobula alfredi, or reef manta ray. Although they may seem quite similar, some distinct characteristics allow us to differentiate between them.

The M. birostris, which is much bigger than its reef-dwelling counterpart, can be identified by the black coloring on the inside of its cephalic fins, while the M. alfredi’s has a pale cream color. The shape of their tail base also differs, with the presence of a knob-like bulge on the oceanic manta that is absent on the reef manta.

Just how big do giant oceanic manta rays get?

diver next to giant oceanic manta
Diver next to giant oceanic manta

The largest recorded oceanic manta was about 30 feet (9 m) long and weighed over 2 tons. Reef mantas do not usually grow beyond 18 feet (5.5 m). 

In the water, manta rays use their giant pectoral fins to move forward — and they are fast. Scientists also think them intelligent, as their brain-to-body size ratio is the biggest among cold-blooded fish.


What color are they?

giant oceanic manta
GIant oceanic mantas are usually gray or black on top.

Many giant oceanic manta rays are dark gray on top, but some are entirely black, i.e. melanistic. In Australia, there have been rare sightings of a pink manta, which has baffled marine biologists. They have concluded that it has very likely undergone some form of genetic mutation.

What’s on the menu for Mobula birostris?

Until recently, scientists thought these magnificent creatures were mainly filter feeders like the blue whale. Recent studies, however, show that mantas receive only 27 percent of their nutrients from filter feeding. Eating solely zooplankton and crustaceans via filter-feeding does nourish them, but scientists now know that the remaining 73 percent of their diet comes from mesopelagic sources, which include deep-swimming sea fish.

How do theY behave in their natural habitat? 

giant oceanic manta jumping

Lucky divers often see them swimming alone or in groups, and frequently while visiting cleaning stations, where cleaner wrasses tidy them up by eating the parasites off their smooth skin. They also jump out of the water occasionally. While scientists have not yet explained why they jump, they speculate that the animals are trying to free themselves from parasites or participating in a mating ritual. This breaching is fairly uncommon, but there are some photos of rare moments like this one at Black Rock in Myanmar, one of the favorite mating sites for oceanic mantas in the Indian Ocean.

Are they currently endangered?

giant oceanic manta rays

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has labeled them vulnerable. One of the main threats to their existence is fishing them for Chinese alternative medicine, which values their gill rakers. They often become victims of bycatch as well, as they are easily caught in fishing nets because of their size. Another factor adding to their dwindling numbers is their very slow reproduction rate. They usually give birth to only one or two pups after an entire year of gestation and a female will then go two years before becoming pregnant again.

Giant oceanic manta rays currently enjoy protection in international waters, but in unregulated waters they are still victims of the fishing industry, making the need for their global protection quite urgent.

How should I dive with them?

giant oceanic manta ray graphic
Maintain a respectful distance when swimming with giant oceanic mantas.

There’s some proper etiquette to follow for a greater chance of long-lasting, magical encounters with oceanic mantas while limiting your impact on their natural behavior.

When diving near them, swim gently and do not splash water. Use your fins sparingly and only when you’ve gone underwater. Approach them from their side where they can easily see you coming, and finally, do not chase them or attempt to touch them. They are wild, curious, and compassionate animals that deserve the utmost respect from any lucky onlooker.





All photos by Franck Fogarolo

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Macro Life in the Mergui Archipelago: Part II Mon, 31 Aug 2020 14:00:14 +0000 Macro life in the Mergui Archipelago is abundant and diverse. Here’s the second of a two-part guide to the region's tiny treasures

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There is magic in finding a creature the size of a grain of rice hiding within the reef. Macro life is bizarre and intriguing and includes some of the ocean’s most elusive masters of disguise, as well as some of the most effective predators.

The Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar (Burma) is a veritable playground for macro enthusiasts. This vast area features over 800 islands and 3,000 islets, flanked by pristine reefs. The seascape’s many nooks and crannies set the stage for a 3-ring circus of crustaceans, pipefish, seahorses, frogfish, cowries and nudibranchs, just to name a few. There is so much macro life in the Mergui Archipelago, in fact, that we’ve broken our guide into two parts. This is the second — find our first round of macro magic here.

Pinecone fish (Monocentris japonica)

pinecone fishLike little medieval knights, pinecone or pineapple fish are covered in armor-like scales with a distinctive yellow and black pattern that gives them their name. Growing up to 6.7 inches (17 cm), they are nocturnal and have a special party trick for their midnight hunts. Their mouth, which is in a perpetual scowl, contains bioluminescent plankton which glows either green as juveniles or red as adults. Much like anglerfish, this little raver can control when the light comes on to lure in unsuspecting prey.

Complex marble shrimp (Saron marmoratus)  

tapestry shrimpAlso known as the tapestry shrimp, this shrimp looks like it’s dressed in several of your grandmother’s curtains all at once. Its flamboyant patterns, although mismatched, help it blend into its surroundings like many of its shrimp cousins. It is mainly nocturnal and will change colors to mostly red to blend in better in the dim twilight. Quite shy, they like to live in coral rubble and duck in quickly when they see a diver, which makes them quite hard to photograph. It is a scavenger that will forage for meaty morsels of plankton and other organic edibles forgotten in the debris.

Peacock mantis shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus)

peacock mantis shrimpOne of the heftier macro creatures in the Mergui Archipelago, the peacock mantis shrimp can grow up to 7 inches (18 cm) long. If Joseph’s Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat came alive, it be this shrimp. Furthermore, these creatures have the capacity to perceive a much wider color spectrum than human eyes so we might not even be able to see the full extent of its psychedelic coloring. They also possess super strength, with the ability to punch as fast as a 22-caliber bullet travels. Even if they miss their mark and don’t make contact, the blow will boil the water instantly, creating a shockwave so strong it can be deadly to its prey.

Spanish dancer nudibranch (Hexabranchus sanguineus) and the emperor shrimp (Periclimenes imperator)

Spanish dancerThe Spanish dancer is probably one of the world’s most famous varieties of nudibranch. Usually between 8 to 16 inches (20 to 40 cm) long, Spanish Dancers can be seen at night either on the reef or sometimes even swimming. They also often feature a hitchhiker or two, the smaller-than-2 cm emperor shrimp. Although these shrimp are considered commensal, they actually have a mutualistic symbiosis with the nudibranch. The shrimp eats tidbits stirred up by the nudibranch and receives protection and a lazy way to travel around the reef. In return, it will clean up any parasites or debris from the nudi’s skin.

So many nudibranchs

nudibranchsToo numerous to name, the Mergui Archipelago is bursting with these colorful mollusks. The region’s 3,000 species of confirmed nudibranchs, which range from .15 to 23 inches (4 mm to 60 cm), get their name from their exposed lungs. Depending on the species they may have either branchial plumes or cerata on their backs to breathe. They also have adorable little horn-like protrusions on their heads called rhinophores, which are their main sensory organ. A rainbow of colors, they are mimicry experts, adopting the coloration of their habitat and also warning potential predators of their toxicity. Very creative with self-defense, some even ingest the stinging cells of jellyfish and display them on their backs.

Tiger egg cowrie (Cuspivolva tigris)

tiger cowrieYou can find this carnivorous mollusk munching away on gorgonian sea fans and other soft corals below 65 feet (20 m). They can grow up to .6 inches (1.5 cm) long and have a magnificent patterned shell resembling a tiger’s stripes. Like other cowries, there is a small gap on one side of the shell where you can see and orangey-yellow foot spotted with black. These are few and far between and a real treat to find when you can spot them.

Pygmy squid (Idiosepius notoides)

pygmy squidPygmy squid are impossibly adorable. Reaching only .4 inches (1 cm) long, it’s easy to confuse these teeny tiny cephalopods with baby squid. They have a special gland on their underside that allows them to stick to the underside of seagrasses to wait for unsuspecting prey. Pygmy squid mostly eat very small crabs and shrimp but are sometimes brave enough to try to eat crustaceans nearly as big as themselves. They will sneak up on their prey from behind and bite through its nerve cord so that it can no longer move or try to flee.

Seamoth (Pegasidae)

seamothSeamoths usually crawl along the sandy sea floor with their adapted pectoral fins, searching for food. These wing-like pectoral fins can also fan out to help the animal move more quickly and fly over the sea floor or to try and scare off predators.  They have no teeth but instead make a sort of tube out of their mouths to suck tiny invertebrates and worms up out of the sand and through their snout. They often travel in pairs and shed their bony, textured skin every few days to rid themselves of parasites.

Frogfish (Antennariidae order Lophiiformes)

frogfishFrogfish belong to a family of anglerfish that includes over 50 unique members. These grumpy little lumps can range from 1 to 15 inches long (2.5 to 38 cm) with huge variations in color and texture. They will always match their appearance to their habitat of choice and sometimes even have a layer of hydrozoa or algae growing on them. They have flat pectoral fins that allow them to crawl across the reef since they aren’t very good swimmers. As an anglerfish, they have an illicium or “rod” that grows in the place of dorsal fins. The rod’s shape mimics their prey’s favorite snack to lure them in unsuspectingly.




Shaded batfish (Platax pinnatus)

shaded batfishThe shaded batfish, also known as pinnate spadefish, have a special symbiosis with the reef, as one no other type of fish eats one of their favorite seaweeds to snack on, which gives them sole responsibility for controlling its growth. The juvenile, as pictured, is one of our favorite types of fish to search for on a night dive. At this stage of life, they are boomerang-shaped, with their fins appearing much longer relative to their body size than as adults. They are inky black with a single orange line running along the edge of their body. This coloring deters predators by mimicking a specific type of poisonous flatworm.

The Mergui Archipelago is a paradise for macro enthusiasts but also has a lot of larger visitors, such as oceanic manta rays and whale sharks. But that’s the topic of another article.


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Macro Life in the Mergui Archipelago: Part I Wed, 19 Aug 2020 14:00:30 +0000 Macro life in the Mergui Archipelago is abundant and diverse. Here’s the first of a two-part guide to what you’ll see.

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There are generally two types of divers when it comes to marine life: those who favor the big stuff, and those who hunt for macro animals. Divers who seek the small stuff take pride in their keen eyesight and attention to detail and prefer to dive slowly with their mask mere inches from corals and sponge. Macro life is bizarre and intriguing and includes some of the ocean’s most elusive masters of disguise, as well as some of the most effective predators.

Macro life in the Mergui Archipelago

The Mergui Archipelago in Myanmar (Burma) is a veritable playground for macro enthusiasts. This vast area features over 800 islands and 3,000 islets, flanked by pristine reefs. The seascape’s many nooks and crannies set the stage for a 3-ring circus of crustaceans, pipefish, seahorses, frogfish, cowries and nudibranchs, just to name a few. There is so much macro life in the Mergui Archipelago, in fact, that we’ve broken our guide into two parts, starting with this one.

Harlequin shrimp (Hymenocera picta)

Macro life in the Mergui Archipelago harlequin shrimpHarlequin shrimp usually live in pairs and are thought to mate for life, hunting and defending their territory together. These relatively shy shrimp tend to choose enclosed, dark areas and stay close to home.⁠ They are gruesome hunters, feeding exclusively on starfish — including the destructive crown of thorns, which can be up to 100 times larger than the shrimp in both size and weight.⁠ A mating pair will hunt down their prey, flip it onto its back and drag it back to their lair to eat starting with the tube-like feet on its underside. They are even known to force-feed the echinoderm to keep it alive and fresh while they feast.

Orangutan crab (Achaeus japonicus)

Macro life in the mergui archipelago orangutan crabThese fuzzy little guys have small bodies and long arms that are completely covered in dense reddish-brown hairs. Part of a family known as decorator crabs, they comb the seabed and reef looking for small bits of shells, gravel, and debris to lodge into their fur to help blend in. They are very clever and have been studied in different environments where they always select decorations based on what will camouflage best in their particular surroundings. Find them hiding in bubble coral during the day and hunting the seafloor at night.

Candy crab (Hoplophrys oatesi)

Macro life in the Mergui Archipelago candy crabAnother breathtaking marine curiosity, this crab’s appearance is reminiscent of something you would see in a Japanese anime cartoon. With a vibrant pink body, it mimics the colors and textures of the soft corals it takes refuge in. Growing to a maximum of ¾ inch (2 cm), its legs and carapace are covered in vivid spiny tubercles, which can vary in color depending on its habitat. It is also known to attach polyps to itself to further increase its camouflage.

Skeleton shrimp (Caprellidae)

Macro life in the mergui archipelago skeleton shrimpSkeleton shrimp are such a bizarre-looking crustaceans that it’s hard to believe that Tim Burton didn’t dream them up. They can grow up to ¾ to a little over one inch (2 to 3 cm) long but, unlike many marine species, the males are usually significantly larger than the females. Wiry and transparent, they have many legs that each have a specific purpose. The front legs are tipped with tiny claws for defense and feeding but they also use these to drag themselves along.

Xeno Crab (Xenocarcinus tuberculatus)

Macro life in the mergui archipelagoThese tiny crabs rely on their home for camouflage. Their coloring will often depend on the coloring of the black coral or sea whip that they live in symbiosis with. They sometimes use algae or even the polyps of their host to decorate their carapace for even more discreet blending. Growing up to ¾ inch (2 cm) long, the xeno crab feeds on microalgae and small fish. They are normally solitary however, when they are young, they have been known to hang out with a buddy.

Orange-spotted pipefish (Corythoichthys ocellatus)

macro life in the mergui archipelago pipefishThis adorable pipefish grows to between 3 and 4 inches (8 and 11 cm) long. They have a long snout and a pale body with orange and white markings. These shy animals prefer to live in areas shallower than 39 feet (12 m) on sandy bottoms or in small crevices and caves and often retreat to more sheltered areas as divers approach. Like the seahorse, the male orange-spotted pipefish will carry 200 to 400 fertilized eggs that the female deposits into his brood pouch to incubate for 14 to 17 days before they hatch.

Bent-stick pipefish (Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus)

macro life in the mergui archipelagoThis intriguing creature, also called a double-ended pipefish, prefers to live in sandy seabeds up to 130 feet (40 m) deep. They often travel in pairs, sitting with their heads raised into the current to feed on drifting zooplankton. Reaching a length of 15 inches (40 cm), their bodies are long and slender with a small head that resembles a seahorse. They are a bit thicker around the middle and they use this area, along with the ventral caudal fin, to grab onto the sand and resist the water movement. Their back legs form a kind of stalk that helps them grip whichever substrate they perch on for feeding. They can vary in color depending on where they live, but we often see shades of black and brown in Myanmar.

Ornate ghost pipefish (Solenostomus paradoxus)

Macro life in the Mergui Archipelago ghost pipefishArguably one of the most difficult macro critters to spot on the reef, this type of pipefish grows to only 4.7 inches (12 cm) and is a master of disguise. Although we know little about them, it is suspected that they spend most of their lives drifting in the current in a larval state and only settle on the reef to find a mate. The female is usually larger than the male and will die shortly after giving birth. They hover face down and adopt distinguishable red, orange or yellow markings that help them blend in quite effectively with their new home.

Tiger tail seahorse (Hippocampus Comes)

macro life in the mergui archipelago seahorseThe tiger tail seahorse is an adorable specimen usually living in monogamous pairs. They occur in different color patterns and textures that can change for camouflage. More often than not, however, they are yellow with black stripes on their tail, which inspires their name. They will live on average 1.5 years, growing up to 7.3 inches (18.7 cm) and usually stick to the same sponge or kelp. They feed on tiny crabs, clams and shrimp but they have no teeth or stomach, so they feed via suction.

Spiny tiger shrimp (Phyllognatia ceratophthalmus)

Macro life in the Mergui ArchipelagoDid those hydroids just move? That’s what I thought the first time I saw this minuscule critter. Hidden among rocks and debris or in crevices, the spiny tiger shrimp prefers to live in the company of at least one other individual or sometimes a small group. Growing to only ¾ inch (2 cm) long, their bodies are covered in spots, stripes and tiny spines that resemble algae or hydroids. As they are so small, they have developed this appearance to blend into their surroundings and avoid getting gobbled up by larger fish.


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Crustacean Roundup: Top Five Crab Species Wed, 29 Jul 2020 14:00:47 +0000 With so many crab species inhabiting the ocean, it’s impossible to highlight all of them. Here are a few facts about five of our favorites.

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With so many crab species in the ocean, it would be impossible to highlight them all. There are over 6,700 species of crabs identified as of today, in every ocean of the world. Here we’ve listed some of our favorites, plus a few of the most unusual.

The biggest (legged): Japanese spider crab

There is a debate as to whether this guy is the heaviest crab or not, but it definitely has the longest legs: these crabs can reach up to 12 feet (3.7 m) from claw to claw — that’s as long as a small car, to put things in perspective. The carapace itself is much smaller in comparison, measuring up to 16 inches (40 cm). These crabs are usually orange with white patches on the legs.

You’ll commonly find them in southern Japan, where they are fished for their meat. They also live in quite deep waters, up to 1,970 feet (600 m). They feed on dead animals as well as mollusks and plants. If they’re not fished out, Japanese spider crabs are also some of the longest living animals on the planet, reaching ages of up to 100 years.

The smallest: the pea crab

On the opposite end of the spectrum, meet the smallest crab in the world: the pea crab. As its name indicates, it is only a few millimeters long, about the size of a pea. Pea crabs are parasitic, meaning that they use other animals for survival, such as oysters or sea urchins, which provide they with safety, food and oxygen. This parasitic behavior makes mating inconvenient. Research shows that a male pea crab will rub the edge of whatever shell the female is inhabiting until it opens up and allows him to enter to mate. They feed on whatever their host ingests, as well as zooplankton and live wherever their hosts live, on the American Atlantic Coast and along the Pacific Coast.

The weirdest looking: the teddy bear crab

Possibly one of the strangest animals in the ocean, the teddy bear crab (also known as a hairy crab) is covered in what looks like fur. Short and bulky, it is really a strange sight. The crab’s strange attire is designed to help camouflage it from predators. You can find them in most tropical waters, mainly in the Red Sea, Indo-Pacific, Australia, and Japan, and they feed mainly on fish and sponges.

The strongest: the coconut crab

The coconut crab is also known as the robber crab or palm thief, which tells us a little bit about its habits. The coconut crab is a species of hermit crab that lives on land. It can grow up to 3.2 feet (1 m) long and weigh almost 9 pounds (4 kg).

Like other hermit crabs, coconut crabs use empty shells for protection, but only as juveniles. Later on, the adults grown their own exoskeleton. They feed primarily on fruits and nuts and are known to take anything left on the ground, hence their nickname of “robber crab.” They can crack coconuts open with their claws, which gives an idea of their power. Some research shows that their pinch may have more force than pretty much any animal bite on the planet but saltwater crocodiles. You can find them on islands across the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The cutest: the pom-pom crab

This is of course debatable, but this crab is definitely one of the cutest in the ocean. Also known as the boxer crab, this little guy has a habit of carrying anemones in each claw that look like pom-poms or boxing gloves.

Why would they do this? By carrying a small anemone pretty much all the time, if attacked by a predator the pom-pom crab uses the poisonous anemone as a weapon. On top of that, the crab also uses the anemone’s tentacles to collect bits of food. (These little guys could also probably compete for “smartest” crab).

The pom-pom crab is small, about an inch long (2.5 cm), and has distinctive geometric markings on its carapace. There are actually a few different species that you can find mainly in the Indo-Pacific, Red Sea, and East African coast.







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Marine Species: Sea Cucumber Fri, 10 Jul 2020 14:00:36 +0000 The sea cucumber may not be the most glamorous animal, but for as common as they are underwater, most divers know little about them.

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Though most divers don’t consider the sea cumber to be very exciting or glamorous, they are nonetheless quite common on many dives. Despite that, most divers know little about them. Here are a few fun facts about the sea cucumber.

What is a sea cucumber?

Sea cucumbers — over 1,000 known species as of today — belong to the echinoderm family, like starfish or sea urchins. As their name implies, most of them have a soft and cylindrical body shape resembling a cucumber, although they can vary. Some are almost round like sea apples, sometimes mistaken for soft corals; and some are elongated and look like snakes. The biggest recorded sea cucumber so far was almost 10 feet (3 m) long, but most species are around 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm) long.

Many also have tentacles, which they use to feed. These can vary in shape and number depending on the species. Sea cucumbers eat mainly plankton and debris that they either pick from the ocean floor or glean from the moving water in the case of species that resemble the sea apple. Most of the time you’ll spot them on the sea floor, slowly inching along and scavenging for food. You may often also see a shrimp, crab or worms hitching a ride, as parasites or in a symbiotic relationship.

Where can you find them?

They live in every ocean, with species varying from one region to another.

Do people really eat them?

The short answer is yes. They are a popular dish in Chinese cuisine and are consumed in a lot of countries in Southeast Asia, whether fresh or dried. They are either collected from the sea floor or farmed in some areas, such as China, Japan, Australia or Indonesia.

What is their conservation status?

Thirteen species have been listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Many species are data deficient, however, so it is therefore difficult to assess their conservation status.





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Marine Species: Thresher Shark Fri, 26 Jun 2020 14:00:08 +0000 One of the easiest sharks to identify underwater — thanks to its huge tail—the thresher shark is on many a bucket list. But why is that tail so long anyway?

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One of the easiest sharks to identify underwater — thanks to its huge tail — the thresher shark is on many divers’ bucket lists. But why is that tail so long anyway?

What is a thresher shark?

The thresher shark family includes three documented species as of today: the bigeye thresher; pelagic thresher; and common thresher. Their genus and family name are derived from the Greek alopex, meaning fox. In several languages, including French, they are known as a fox shark.

The pelagic thresher is the smallest of the species, with a length of around 10 feet (3 m). The common thresher can reach up to 20 feet (6 m) long — tail included. It can be hard to distinguish the species, but a color difference is common: pelagic thresher sharks tend to be blue, while the common thresher shark tends to look dark green and bigeyes tend to be brown. The size is also an indication of the species.

Their famously long tail, or caudal fin, can make up half of their length. These solitary sharks hunt alone and use their tail as a weapon to stun their prey, making them efficient predators. They feed mainly on schooling fish where their tail is very effective, such as tuna or mackerel. Threshers also use their tail as a propeller, which they use to jump out of the water, as very few species of sharks do.

Their reproduction cycle is slow, as adults do not mature until 8 to 14 years old depending on the species. Females give birth to two to four pups that are born at around 5 feet long (1.5 m).

Where can you find them?

They live mainly in open oceans and in deep waters. You’ll find pelagic and bigeye thresher sharks in the Indo-Pacific, while you can also find the common thresher in more temperate waters. Popular spots to dive with them include the Philippines, California, Indonesia, Micronesia, Egypt, and the Galapagos.  

How should you behave around them?

As of today, there is only one ever recorded attack on a diver. Thresher sharks are shy underwater and do not seek human interaction. As with all marine animals, do not intrude upon or corner them.

What is their conservation status?

Thresher sharks are listed as vulnerable to extinction on the IUCN Red List. Main threats are fishing (bycatch) or commercial fishing for fin trade, meat, or their skin.

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Macro Life on the Great Barrier Reef Mon, 20 Apr 2020 14:00:36 +0000 Well-known for clear water and schooling fish, the macro life on the Great Barrier Reef is amazing too. Here are a few of our favorite critters to look for.

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When most people think about diving on the world’s most iconic reef, they imagine turtles and schooling barracuda. However, aside from the sweeping views and big animals, there’s lots of beautiful macro life on the Great Barrier Reef. These animals are mostly smaller than your hand or finger but pack more color and beauty into a tiny body than many of the largest ocean animals. Here are a few of the fantastic creatures to keep an eye out for on the Great Barrier Reef.

Lacy scorpionfish

macro life on the great barrier reef

Sitting tucked in among the coral-covered seafloor, these amazing animals rely on their intense camouflage to fool their prey into getting a little bit too close. It is then that they open wide and, with a lightning-quick strike, swallow their prey in one gulp. When trying to find these crazy critters, search the seafloor and keep an eye out for their psychedelic body pattern.

Longnose filefish

macro life on the great barrier reef

These tiny fish are a common site on shallow reef systems, with their long, iconic yellow nose and a multitude of yellow colorations speckling their green bodies. Though they’re common, when you view them up close, they’re a stunning fish to behold. And because you will nearly always find them in pairs, they make for fantastic macro photography subjects. A handy hint when photographing a filefish: let it come to you. Make chase and they soon disappear into the twisted coral world below.


macro life on the great barrier reef

When most people think of tropical North Queensland, they frequently forget about the dedicated macro photographer’s favorite subject — the nudibranch. However, look closely and you will see that these colorful sea slugs are ubiquitous across the region. The one pictured here is actively hunting other nudibranchs in the area, making for an exciting story to go with the image.


macro life on the great barrier reef

Almost every diver on the planet has a soft spot for anemonefish. These brightly colored fish make fantastic macro subjects — if you can get them framed in your camera, that is. One hint is to pick a camera spot on the anemone and just wait. Usually within a minute or two they will dart straight into your sights, so make sure you have pre-focused your camera, as they are a speedy little fish. Another advantage of photographing Nemo and his cousins is that the anemone tentacles often provide a great backdrop, adding great color and a sharp contrast between your subject and the rest of the image.

Crabs, crabs and more crabs

macro life on the great barrier reef

Finally, if you dip into the warm, tropical Australian waters at night, a plethora of crustacean life awaits you. Inside every hard coral you will almost certainly find a crab (or five) moving around and chowing down on some planktonic dinner. The difficulty will be finding a subject that isn’t partially obscured by hard-coral polyps. Unlike many of the other macro subjects described here, crabs are better than you at playing the waiting game. It therefore pays to keep looking and, instead of trying to take a photo of a certain individual, move on to the next crab. Eventually a cooperative crustacean will appear due purely to the enormous number of them that call the Great Barrier Reef home.

All photos courtesy of the author.

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Eel Roundup: Top Five Favorites Fri, 10 Apr 2020 14:00:26 +0000 There are more than 800 known eel species, including both fresh- and saltwater species. Here’s a look at a few of our favorites.

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Eels sometimes suffer from a bad reputation, usually because of the way they breathe and filter oxygen while moving their mouth. In reality, they’re neither aggressive nor dangerous if you respect their space (as you should with all marine creatures), and most of them have quite remarkable features. There are more of 800 known eel species as of today, both fresh and saltwater varieties. Here’s a peek at our top five favorites. If you’d like a look at a few of our favorite octopus species, check them out here.

The most colorful: ribbon eel


Also known as the leaf-nosed moray eel, it’s easy to identify ribbon eels thanks to their flashy colors and distinctive features. They have a large, fan-type nasal opening and a distinct dorsal fin. Juveniles are black with a yellow dorsal fin. As they mature, males morph into an electric-blue color instead of black, with a yellow dorsal fin and area around the mouth. Females eventually become almost completely yellow. You’ll usually find them close to the bottom, sticking out of the sand or a hole, and they’re are common in the shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific and Northwest Pacific.

The dancer: garden eel


Mainly inhabiting the Indo-Pacific, these small eels usually live on a sandy bottom in large groups and poke their heads from their burrows. Since they live in a group, they do look like they are growing from the sea bottom in a garden, like a garden of gently waving grass, hence their name. They can reach over a 3 feet long (1 m), but most of the time they appear hidden in the sand with only a small portion of their body sticking out. Their color can vary depending on the species.

The biggest: giant moray eel


As per its name, this is the heaviest and largest of the species — they can reach up to 10 feet (3 m) in length and weigh over 66 pounds (30 kg). Giant morays are widespread across the Indo-Pacific, from eastern Africa to Hawaii.  They hunt at night on the reef, feeding mainly on fish and sometimes small crustaceans. Like some other moray species, they have a second set of jaws with teeth in their throat, which allow them to hold better onto their prey. Given their adult size they have few predators but will not bite a diver unless provoked.

The most … stunning: electric eel


This freshwater fish is commonly called an eel but actually belongs to the knifefish family.  They inhabit the fresh water of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers in South America. Several organs in their body allow them to produce electrical discharges. They use low voltage to navigate their environment, and high voltage to stun their prey. They feed mainly on invertebrates such as shrimp and crabs but can also eat small mammals or fish.

The prettiest: snowflake moray eel


Living in the Central and Indo-Pacific, this pretty eel can reach up to 3 feet (1 m) but is generally smaller and living in shallow waters. They are pretty common, and you can easily recognize them thanks to their white, black and yellow pattern that looks like snowflakes.

They feed at night so during the day you’re likely to see only their head sticking out of a hole, hunting for small fish and crustaceans with the help of their acute sense of smell. They are also hermaphrodites, meaning that depending on the individuals, they either change sex during their lifetime or can reproduce with both sexes.



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