Stories – Scuba Diver Life Explore • Dream • Discover • Dive Mon, 03 Aug 2020 11:53:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stories – Scuba Diver Life 32 32 37309857 Discovering a Coelacanth in KwaZulu-Natal Fri, 24 Jul 2020 14:00:19 +0000 Umzumbe in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa is not a particularly famous dive location, but last November two divers discovered a coelacanth.

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Umzumbe on the south coast of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa is not a particularly famous dive location. On November 22, 2019, however, a group of local divers set out to dive a reef that they had never dived before and discovered something remarkable: a coelacanth.

Umzumbe residents — and father and son — Mike and Alan Fraser joined Pieter Carstens and Bruce Henderson on what was supposed to be a casual dive. Bruce had planned on diving in Sodwana Bay — specifically to see the coelacanth in the area — but he couldn’t get the required permits in time. He contacted his old friend, Mike and decided to join them on a dive in Umzumbe.

On the way to the dive site the divers joked about finding a coelacanth on the reef that they were going to explore. But during the dive the jokes turned to joy. Mike was at the back of the group with the marker buoy while his son, Alan, was swimming toward the reef just ahead of the other divers. Mike heard Alan shout Bruce’s name and thought that there might be a large shark around. When he got closer to the other divers, he recognized that Alan was saying ‘coelacanth.’

An amazing discovery

Pieter and Bruce were on open circuit trimix while Mike and Alan were diving on rebreathers with trimix diluent. Mike describes finding the coelacanth as a surreal experience.

“I seriously thought that nitrogen narcosis had gotten to me, but when I looked at where Bruce was shining his torch and shone mine in the same direction, I knew that it was for real,” he said. It was the most amazing experience of my 31-year scuba diving career — old four legs in the fin-waving flesh.”

The divers managed to record the single coelacanth (No. 34) with a GoPro 7 on a secret reef about .6 miles (1 km) from the edge of the continental shelf. The maximum depth of the dive was 236 feet (72 m) with a total bottom time of 15 minutes. The coelacanth was at 223 feet (68 m), hanging nearly motionless under an overhang. The divers estimated that it was between 6 and 6.5 feet long (1.8 and 2 m) and weighed around 220 pounds (100 kg). Its larger size means that it is likely a female.

The discovery of coelacanth No. 34 indicates that they might live further south than originally thought. Over 80 years ago a coelacanth was caught off East London. This individual was believed to be a stray, but this new discovery might show that there is a resident population in the area, one that purposefully moved to more suitable habitats than the tropics (which they usually prefer).

The divers have attempted to return to the dive site but strong currents in the area has made it impossible so

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What is Scientific Diving? Wed, 24 Jun 2020 14:00:28 +0000 Professional diver Joseph Bosquez offers insights into working with NASA and the world of scientific diving.

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From commercial diving to working for the police or military, novice divers interested in a career underwater have many fields to choose from. Although all types of diving professions are rewarding, a career in scientific diving can offer unique opportunities. Joseph Bosquez, a well-known marine biologist, provided some insight into the world of scientific diving.

What exactly is scientific diving?

Scientific diving is the use of diving techniques by scientists working underwater in the direct pursuit of scientific knowledge. Marine biologists often apply the scientific method while searching for new species, through their efforts to protect marine life, and in their quest to further expand our knowledge of the underwater world. Scientific divers also help train astronauts before they go into space.

From Boy Scout to marine biologist and diving instructor 

Joseph Bosquez has been diving for the past 20 years, with much of that time spent as a marine biologist. He’s participated in multiple diving operations, from identifying and cataloging fish species with NOAA in the Gulf of Mexico to six months with the Boy Scouts of America on Catalina Island, collecting fish and invertebrate species for the Emerald Bay Aquarium. It was his experience working as a university faculty member, teaching diving and scientific diving, that laid the foundation Bosquez to become an instructor for Divesoft. He says his “overarching vision is to become a high-impact teacher and advocate for the underwater environment.”

Training astronauts for NASA

Perhaps Bosquez’s most notable diving project was his time spent training astronauts at NASA. He spent most of his time at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, where he instructed astronauts-in-training on maneuverability in microgravity spaces. “We focused on underwater operations, known as “dress rehearsals,” where the astronauts could practice moving in space and preparing for a number of jobs they would be tasked with aboard the International Space Station,” said Bosquez.

Bosquez also spent some time in the mission control back room during spacewalks. From there he could watch his trainees successfully complete the missions that they had worked on together in the pool months before.

Parting words

Bosquez currently works as the dive operations manager for Czech dive company Divesoft. When asked about his ambitions as a dive instructor, Bosquez addressed the importance of growth and progress. “Scuba diving and marine science have so many avenues in which someone can experience continual growth,” he said. “Over the past few years, I have focused on becoming proficient with Divesoft equipment and my next focus is to utilize the equipment for more advanced diving.”

Scientific diving opens the door to many specialized careers. Whether you’re interested in marine biology, wildlife conservation, working hand-in-hand with astronauts, or discovering a new lifeform, scientific diving can help you get there. Even though such tasks may seem daunting at first, Bosquez reminds new divers to stay motivated.

“Struggle is important, but it isn’t about finding yourself or finding your passion,” he says. “It’s about turning yourself into the kind of person you would have looked up to growing up.”

By guest author NikolaValtošová


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Saving Sebastian — A Story With a Happy Ending Sat, 15 Feb 2020 15:00:13 +0000 Tired of hearing tear-inducing awful news? Check out Sebastian the crab's story — with a happy ending.

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Michelle Nolan completed her divemaster course in the town of Xcalak on the Caribbean coast of Mexico and packed everything up on a Thursday before returning home the next day to Mexico City, 921 miles (1,483 km) away. On Monday, she unpacked her gear. When she unsnapped her BCD and removed the wetsuit tucked inside, a beautiful purple crab fell out. With so many days spent stuck inside her wetsuit, plus a plane ride, a long car ride and huge temperature fluctuations — not to mention absolute stillness from the crab and a missing leg — Michelle assumed the crab was dead. Saddened, she bent down to pick up the poor little guy. To her shock, the crab scrambled away.

The crab backed into a corner just before being captured

After finally capturing him with her roommates’ help, she gently placed him in a large Tupperware container while she decided next steps. First, she researched how to fashion a suitable environment for him because she quickly learned that crabs climb when he escaped almost immediately from the Tupperware. Her cats also discovered that they should never mess with a crab — those claws can hurt.

Michelle contacted a veterinarian, all her instructors, and every professional diver she knew while also posting in the Facebook group, Girls that Scuba. Some stated that killing the crab was the humane answer because it couldn’t be released in the nearest ocean. It could be an invasive species or could introduce parasites that would hurt the ecosystem. The crab also might suffer harm in an environment it wasn’t suited for. But Michelle and everyone in her house were divers with great respect for marine life. They avoided eating most marine animals and abhorred the idea of killing the crab.

A number of women in the Facebook group agreed, offering advice and deciding the crab should be named Sebastian. Based on a discussion with the veterinarian, Michelle scrubbed out an old litter box, layering dirt along the bottom in lieu of sand since the closest beach was 249 miles (400 km) away.

Getting Sebastian settled

However, the main concern was the cold. Sebastian’s normal Caribbean environment averaged an air temperature that week of 86 F (30 C), whereas Mexico City was dropping below 50 F (10 C) just then. Worried, Michelle found the warmest room in the house and built an enclosure around the litter box so he couldn’t escape — or attack the cats again. Based on research and advice, she laid down a plate of water in the litter box, and tore up spinach, lettuce, and cooked chicken for Sebastian to eat. Her brother tossed in some dry cat food as well. (Sebastian avoided the cat food pellets but gobbled down everything else.)

The next day, in the bright afternoon, Michelle adventured with him outside. He seemed to like walking through the grass and the cats watched him avidly with tails twitching while keeping their distance. After a few days, Sebastian regained his strength and became more active. Luckily, a coworker of Michelle’s mom offered an old fish tank with high walls for his home, along with sand from someone else. A borrowed heater completed Sebastian’s new home while Michelle continued her research.

Sebastian walking through the grass in Mexico City.
Sebastian in his temporary litter box home munching on his first meal in four days.

Homeward bound

Sebastian’s happily ever after in his native environment in the Mexican Caribbean.

Michelle thought it a bad idea to keep Sebastian, but found an aquarium that would accept him. They indicated his beautiful coloring also denoted his variety, a purple shore crab. After placing him in quarantine at the aquarium and checking him out carefully, they determined him in good health and decided he’d earned his passage to freedom. A return plane ride was out of the question so they arranged an extraordinarily long car ride for this small purple warrior with one missing leg. Thanks to some very dedicated individuals, Sebastian got his happily ever after and was released free in his native environment on the shores of the warm Mexican Caribbean.

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Five Favorite Ocean Reads of 2019 Sat, 02 Nov 2019 14:00:25 +0000 As the year draws to a close, we'd like to share five of our favorite fiction and nonfiction ocean reads of 2019.

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In September, we published an interview with Jill Heinerth, who spoke about her fantastic book, “Into the Planet.” However, that’s not the only book we adored in 2019 that ties into the scuba world. Below, we’ve compiled five additional favorite fiction and nonfiction ocean reads that we think you’ll relish as much as we did.

“Under Pressure”

ocean reads

We were lucky enough to hear Gareth Lock, Global Underwater Explorer’s (GUE) director for risk management, present last year on “Dive Accidents and Fatalities: Why We Must Address the Human Factor in Diving” and he blew us away with his presentation. When we heard that he had published a book expanding on this topic, we bought it immediately and found it just as invaluable.

“Under Pressure” distills a variety of case studies and analyses into lessons divers can use to improve their diving and increase the safety factor regardless of level or experience. Divers won’t want to miss it.

From Amazon: “Most incidents and accidents are down to ‘human error.’ Unfortunately, ‘human error’ is normal and we can’t get rid of it. However, we can reduce the likelihood of one of those, ‘Oh s***t moments’ if we understand human factors and develop our non-technical skills.

This is a globally-unique book containing decades of research and practice from high-risk domains translated into the world of recreational and technical diving. This is done through the use of numerous detailed case studies to highlight the value and applicability of these skills. This book is a must for all divers who want to manage their risks more effectively and have fun in the process.”


ocean reads

We stumbled on the first Mer Cavallo Mystery (“Adrift”) last year and were thrilled to find an engrossing read that accurately described diving and detailed a wreck we’ve explored in the Florida Keys—the famed Spiegel Grove. “Beached,” the second installment in the award-winning series, is just as fun and action-packed.

The author, Micki Browning, combines her background as an FBI National Academy graduate in municipal law enforcement for more than 20 years with her more recent experience as a divemaster to fashion a page-turner that both divers and mystery-lovers will adore. In “Beached,” Mer Cavallo returns as the marine biologist–turned-divemaster in Florida, and this latest book blends nautical archaeology and historical fiction into another great read. We can’t wait for the next installment in the series.

From Amazon: “In this latest thrilling mystery from bestselling author Micki Browning, marine biologist Meredith Cavallo uncovers clues to a mysterious Spanish galleon—and quickly discovers the ship may be legendary, but the danger surrounding it is real.

Mer’s life unravels after she finds a plastic-wrapped bundle floating on the waves off Key Largo. Curious, she pulls it aboard her dive boat and lands in the middle of a storm of intrigue involving an obscure legend, an 18th century shipwreck, and a modern pirate who’ll resort to murder to claim the booty first.”

Note: You can read “Beached” as a standalone, but we’d suggest starting with “Adrift” first to understand how it all begins.

“In Oceans Deep”

ocean reads

As divers, we couldn’t have been happier to pick up a well-written nonfiction read packed with interesting stories that celebrate our history underwater. Written by Bill Streever, a biologist who’s a long-time recreational and commercial diver, “In Oceans Deep” mixes history with first-hand accounts. Streever’s love of the ocean, his knack for storytelling, and his dry sense of humor shine through in this educational yet thoroughly engaging read.

From Amazon: “In the spirit of Bill Bryson and Ian Frazier comes this fascinating examination of our past, present, and future beneath the waves. In an age of unprecedented exploration and innovation, our oceans remain largely unknown and endlessly fascinating: full of mystery, danger, beauty, and inspiration. Bill Streever has masterfully woven together the science and history of Earth’s last remaining frontier: the sea.

“The Island of Sea Women”


ocean reads

The ancient tradition of female free divers on the South Korean island of Jeju sparked our imagination in the news and this work of historical fiction supplied more insight. While we’re sure non-divers enjoyed the “Island of Sea Women” story about friendship and a matriarchal society, we remain astounded by the breathtaking descriptions of decades of diving in frigid water with little equipment.

From Amazon: “Mi-ja and Young-sook, two girls living on the Korean island of Jeju, are best friends that come from very different backgrounds. When they are old enough, tey begin working in the sea with their village’s all-female diving collective, led by Young-sook’s mother. As the girls take up their positions as baby divers, they know they are beginning a life of excitement and responsibility but also danger.

Despite their love for each other, Mi-ja and Young-sook’s differences are impossible to ignore. “The Island of Sea Women” is an epoch set over many decades, beginning during a period of Japanese colonialism in the 1930s and 1940s, followed by World War II, the Korean War and its aftermath, through the era of cell phones and wetsuits for the women divers.”

Note: This book depicts some graphic/violent historical scenes.

“Other Minds”

ocean reads

Imagine that Jacques Cousteau became a professor of philosophy and history, and you’ll get a sense of the wonder and beauty we discovered in this entrancing book. If you haven’t yet fallen in love with the octopus, you will after reading this captivating narrative, by Peter Godfrey-Smith, depicting octopus encounters in the wild interwoven with amazing philosophical, historical, and scientific ideas around intelligent life and sentience.

From Amazon: “Although mammals and birds are widely regarded as the smartest creatures on earth, it has lately become clear that a very distant branch of the tree of life has also sprouted higher intelligence: the cephalopods, consisting of the squid, the cuttlefish, and above all the octopus. In captivity, octopuses have been known to identify individual human keepers, raid neighboring tanks for food, turn off lightbulbs by spouting jets of water, plug drains, and make daring escapes. How is it that a creature with such gifts evolved through an evolutionary lineage so radically distant from our own? What does it mean that evolution built minds not once but at least twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the enc


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Ocean Souvenirs to Avoid Fri, 25 Oct 2019 14:00:17 +0000 We’ve all been tempted to purchase keepsakes when a dive or vacation destination is particularly memorable. But these ocean souvenirs are best left off your shopping list.

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When visiting a tropical location, souvenirs such as coral jewelry and seashells are ubiquitous. And, as divers, we may be tempted to purchase one as a keepsake or reminder of a particularly fantastic trip. Despite this, it’s best to leave these marine-derived items off your shopping list and avoid these common ocean souvenirs.

Shark teeth

It’s exciting to see shark teeth on the sea floor where apex predators have commonly shed them during the course of natural replacement. Divers frequently see teeth in locations such as the Bat Islands in Costa Rica or Sodwana Bay in South Africa. Depending on various factors such as age, diet and seasonal change, as well as the species of shark, teeth may fall out as quickly as one row per 8 to 10 days.

Unfortunately, the shark-tooth trade has been lucrative business for some time. Dealers frequently fetch up to $100 USD per tooth. Sellers can get considerably more for species such as the great white or the extinct megalodon, sometimes up to $100,000 USD for an intact jaw. It is no surprise then that sharks are sometimes killed soley for the purpose of selling their teeth for fashion trends or memorabilia. Perhaps most shocking is that many aquariums that promote shark protection have been known to sell teeth in vast quantities in their gift shops.

Given the precarious state of world shark populations, there is no reason purchase shark teeth and continue to contribute to demand. By all means search the seafloor for these wonderful trinkets, but remember the potential cost of purchasing shark teeth and the critical importance of sharks to the oceans before you buy anything.

Coral jewelry

One of the most pressing marine-conservation issues of our time is the preservation of our coral reefs. Therefore, it seems simple to comprehend that purchasing coral jewelery will undoubtedly contribute to the degradation of this precious ecosystem.

While harvesting coral is not the main contributor to reef destruction — in fact it’s fairly insubstantial compared to bleaching, dynamite fishing and other destructive activities — it seems foolish to purchase jewelery that is obviously harming the environment. Furthermore, coral is a living organism, and therefore the ethics behind its trade is dubious.

Not all corals are threatened, yet highly lucrative species such as red, pink and black corals have plummeted by over 60 percent in the last century due to dredging techniques that destroy large portions of the seafloor.


Millions of people have shells in their homes, collected from the shore or purchased in a shop. While attractive, these beautiful ornaments are also an inappropriate souvenir. We must consider that these shells provide homes for many ocean creatures, whether as part of nesting habitat for sea birds, or structural support for seagrass, algae and other microorganisms, or as shelter for crustaceans such as hermit crabs.

While it may seem that there are billions of shells in the sea, a recent study that completed 30 years of research found that the seashells on many European beaches have decreased by 60 percent over the last 30 years.

We cannot prevent everyone from collecting shells, but as divers, we must not contribute to their depletion. In terms of sharks’ teeth, corals and seashells, the best souvenir is a picture.








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Dive Profile: PT Hirschfield Sun, 25 Nov 2018 15:00:17 +0000 Diver and underwater photographer PT Hirschfield is facing an incurable cancer diagnosis, but what she’s done — and is doing — with her time should inspire all divers.

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Australian diver, oceanographer and award-winning underwater photographer PT Hirschfield has incurable recurrent endometrial cancer. But it hasn’t stopped her from pursuing her passion underwater. She was a recent guest on the Blunt Report podcast where we discussed her cancer, as well as what keeps her enamored with the underwater world.

“I actually vomited for my first 60 dives,” Hirschfield said when explaining how she had little attraction to diving in the first place. Her first dive simply came about as a romantic idea for a couple to do on the Great Barrier Reef. Ironically, her future passion became a solo pursuit when her husband became incapacitated with seasickness.

Almost 1,000 dives later, this genesis moment must seem like a lifetime ago. Her diving career now encompasses thousands of photographs and videos,. Her work has been featured by the likes of BBC’s “Blue Planet,” National Geographic and the Dodo. She also won the Australasian Underwater Photographer of the Year award in 2018.

Struggling with health issues

While these accolades alone put her into a category that includes some of the world’s most prestigious oceanographers, Hirschfield has faced devastating health issues that make her relationship with the ocean even more meaningful. In 2014, after several reoccurring diagnoses and lengthy treatments, medical staff declared that she had an inoperable, grapefruit-sized tumor and that any further treatment would only buy her time. Yet, through the many surgeries, Hirschfield used her love for the ocean to keep her spirits high. The light at the end of the tunnel, for her, was getting back underwater.

Making the most of her time

Though many would crumble in the face of this diagnosis, Hirschfield took the opposite track. “You do start to process the whole issue of mortality at a very intimate level,” she said, adding that the fact she will eventually pass away makes her no different to anyone else, except that she doesn’t have the luxury of denial. Not only does Hirschfield draw on the ocean as a source of power and motivation, she also reflects on the constant struggles between life and death that a diver witnesses on a day-to-day basis.

From the very top of the predatory apex to the deepest of the bottom dwellers, the ocean is a testament to the fact that death is just as much a part of life as life itself. She has found peace in the raw and untamed power of the natural world, accepting it for all that it is; both beautiful and fierce.

Now, through numerous conservation projects, photography and with the use of her voice, Hirschfield has dedicated her existence to giving back to the ocean that has given her so much. As she says on her blog: “As far as I know, everyone is going to die sometime (I just don’t have the luxury of denial). So, we may as well all make the most out of the days we have rather than lament the ones we don’t, right?”

By guest author Konner Blunt

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Why We Scuba Dive Sat, 20 Oct 2018 12:04:00 +0000 The reasons why we scuba dive are as unique as the people who enjoy the sport, but researchers have found that long-term well-being is a result of regular diving.

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PADI is well known for its theory of the four E’s of diving: Education, Experience, Equipment and Environmental conservation. While investigating why we scuba dive, researchers Balvinder Kler and John Tribe identified four more E’s of scuba diving: Escape, Esteem, Expertise and Education.

They go further, though, to add “Eudaimonia” to that list. This Greek term roughly translates to “the good life,” “human flourishing” or “well-being.” It not only points to finding happiness and pleasure in life but doing so in a virtuous manner.

What diving does for us

The researchers found that divers derive long-term satisfaction and happiness as eudaimonia through participating in diving. A sense of well-being occurs when we improve our skills and virtues in activities that we are passionate about. As divers, we gain a sense of well-being through learning more about ourselves, others, diving and the underwater environment around us.

Diving offers a number of different avenues to further our education. It starts with learning to dive and continues with improving our skills after initial qualification. Diving offers access to a whole new environment and teaches us how to exist and be comfortable underwater. Most importantly, diving educates us about the wondrous and unique marine life we encounter.

Diving also offers us the opportunity to travel. This in itself is a way of expanding our knowledge and skills through new experiences and cultural emersion. Traveling often leads to positive experiences which, according to the researchers, contributes to obtaining “the good life.”

Enthusiastic divers tend to become more environmentally aware and participate in more environmentally sensitive behavior. Many divers share a sense of responsibility to advocate for and protect the environment, which extends further than just the underwater world.

Personal growth

Divers also experience personal growth through sharing experiences with other divers, strengthening bonds and something academics call “serious leisure.” This refers to leisure activities that encourage self-enrichment, self-expression, self-actualization, recreating or rediscovering yourself, creating social connections and a feeling of belonging. As in diving, these activities usually require special knowledge, skills and training in order to participate.

Individuals can even get to a stage where a serious-leisure activity can become a central point of their life. They may begin to strongly identify with that activity. And let’s be honest — how many of us choose travel destinations based on the quality or uniqueness of the diving or sneak in a quick dive on a business trip?

Creating community

Furthermore, divers grow through the friendships we create with other divers. We create shared experiences, learn from each other and become comfortable with being outside our comfort zone. We also grow as families when we enjoy the sport together.

The researchers even found that the positive experiences, like learning and socializing, are so great that they often outweigh potential negative experiences, such as bad weather conditions and poor visibility.

Ultimately, we dive because diving offers us the opportunity to engage in positive experiences. It gives us satisfaction long after we return to the surface. In short, diving makes us happy and helps us flourish. Now, let’s get back into the water and dive some more.


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Women in Diving: Ocean Ramsey Mon, 08 Oct 2018 05:51:35 +0000 Our new series focusing on the achievements of women in diving starts with Ocean Ramsey, marine advocate.

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Although men outnumber women in diving, there are nonetheless lots of women out there making an impact in our sport. This new series on women in diving examines the remarkable achievements of famous female divers and the contributions that they’ve made to numerous fields, including science, technology and conservation. Today we profile Ocean Ramsey.

Ocean Ramsey

Ocean Ramsey was born and raised in Hawaii and started surfing and diving as a child. From a young age she had a passion for the ocean, her namesake. Her passion soon turned into conservation projects meant to help sharks. Ramsey studied marine biology, behavioral sciences and animal behavior, while also becoming a scuba-diving and freediving professional early on.

She founded Water Inspired, a conservation organization dedicated to raising awareness about sharks and changing the public’s general perception about these apex predators. Projects include initiatives to end shark culling and shark finning.

Ramsey is also the co-owner of One Ocean Diving in Hawaii, a company that organizes snorkel trips with the sharks around Hawaii, focusing on conservation and research. The trips feature educational, guided, cage-free encounters with large shark species such tiger sharks, Galapagos sharks, hammerheads, sandbar sharks, silky sharks, whale sharks, and more.

The company also supports One Ocean Conservation, which organizes local beach and reef clean-ups.

Finally, she recently partnered with Xcel wetsuits to create a full range of designs for men and women. All proceeds go to conservation organizations.

Check out Ramsey’s TED talk on sharks here.

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The Greatest Hits of the Galapagos Islands Sun, 16 Sep 2018 14:00:18 +0000 Diving in the Galapagos Islands is nothing short of spectacular and a 10-day trip on board Galapagos Master can make a once-in-a-lifetime visit a reality.

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“You’ve got to respect the place that you are diving. The Galapagos Islands are like nowhere else.”

So says Ruly Menoscal, the lead guide on my 10-day cruise aboard the Galapagos Master. And boy is he right — diving in the Galapagos is like an all-you-can-eat buffet of only your favorite dishes. There’s no throwaway coleslaw or potato salad here. On our trip, the closest we come to a so-so dive is our check-out in the harbor of San Cristobal, where there’s little coral and a sandy bottom without much to see — until two of the harbor’s resident sea lions join us in about 30 feet of water. After 20 minutes underwater, I’m hooked.

Only four of the 21 islands are inhabited, which leaves most of 3,093-square miles (8,000 square km) completely untouched. This makes for a raw, wild landscape and little to no run-off in the water. Even better, three ocean currents — the cold South Equatorial Current (the source is the Humboldt Current), the warm Panama Current, and the cold, deep Cromwell Current — converge in the Galapagos, creating arguably the world’s richest marine environment.

Now boarding the Galapagos Master

I meet the other divers for my cruise at the small, easily navigable airport in San Cristobal. There’s excited chatter in several languages on the bus to the harbor — there are Germans, Swiss, English, French and Canadian divers on board — in fact, I’m the only American. On our stroll down the pier, the sound and sight (though maybe not the smell) of at least 100 sea lions, lolling on the harbor rocks delights me. After a short ride out, we board the waiting boat.

There are 12 staff onboard, including our chef Angel, pretty much always my favorite crewmember. Our guides Raul (who goes by Ruly) and Jimmy have been on the boat for varying amounts of time. Guides here are freelancers, moving from boat to boat, working a few weeks on, a few weeks off. Each of ours has thousands of hours underwater in the islands though, so we’re in good hands. We take a quick look at the dive deck before heading inside the boat, first through the dining area and then past a large camera station, and finally into the salon, occupying the bow of the boat. Wide, comfortable looking blue banquettes and a few comfy-looking beanbag chairs beckon, but first it’s downstairs to check out my cabin.

There are four cabins on the lower deck and four on the upper deck, and mine is more than roomy enough. I’ve got no roommate, so I use the extra twin bed for storage and guiltlessly claim every hanger in the armoire. After unpacking — tip: bring more comfy clothes than you think you’ll need — we head upstairs for a short tour before the boat briefing. On the upper deck, occupying the aft of the boat, is a large, shaded seating area, with even more beanbags and comfy couches. Up one more level is the sun deck where I find — you guessed it — more beanbag chairs, a cocktail bar, and a fantastic 360-degree view. No time to enjoy it yet, though; first it’s time for the boat and dive briefings.

Each day except the first two will feature three or four dives; today we just had time for our checkout, and tomorrow we’ll dive once in the afternoon after an island walk. I’m equally excited for both and head downstairs early to get some sleep for what’s sure to be a full day.

North Seymour Island

Divers on Galapagos liveaboards are allowed two visits to land: we use our first the next morning on North Seymour Island, a small, uninhabited spot that’s positively bursting with life. A few hours’ nature walk along a signposted route (leaving the path is not allowed) introduces us to iconic blue-footed boobies, nesting frigate birds, sunbathing iguanas and dozens of sea lions, from small pups to burly bulls.

Although there is some tree cover on North Seymour, the landscape of the islands themselves is generally stark. It’s all volcanic rock, with little tufts of greenery and patches of low trees. There are no big land mammals in the Galapagos; there’s simply not the environment to support them. But the animals here — and there are many — have thrived since the islands became a protected national park in 1959.

After completing the loop path and snapping dozens of pictures, we’re heading back to the boat for our first “real” dive. As we’re leaving, a few more groups of tourists arrive for walks of their own. One of them asks me if it’s worth it, to which I chuckle softly and reply, “Oh yes. Yes, it is.”

Diving in Galapagos

As Ruly said from the get-go, you’ve got to respect the place you’re diving. Marine life in Galapagos is spectacular, but you’ve got to earn it with potentially challenging conditions, so I follow the briefing closely, admittedly a little nervous about back-rolling with a negative entry into potentially strong current. On our trip, we’ll have up to 27 dives, including two full days each at Darwin and Wolf Islands, followed by days at Isabela, Fernandina, Cabo Marshall and Cousins Rock.

Although the boat can easily accommodate 16 divers, our group is small at 12, so we split into two groups of six. We dive via two pangas, taking turns going first; always at the same dive site but never crowded together.

We gear up and get ready for our first “official” dive in the Galapagos in the channel between tiny Mosquera Island and Baltra near North Seymour. After 50 minutes underwater, I’m filled with awe. We drop down on some sloping boulders that front a nice sandy patch and almost immediately there’s a small school of scalloped hammerheads along with a giant blacktip shark. There are countless turtles, giant schools of fish, eagle rays, scalloped hammerheads, the blacktip, turtles —sometimes all at the same time. We drift along with the boulders to our right and level up from 70 feet to about 50 where the current catches us. Up and over the boulders we go, flying along in about 12 feet of water on an extended safety stop.

Once we’re all back onboard, it’s time to begin the overnight journey to the legendary Darwin and Wolf Islands, where there’s simply too much to cover here. Stay tuned for another story focusing exclusively on these legendary dive sites.

Dive, dive, dive

After four full days at Wolf and Darwin, we move on to our next site, Punta Vicente Roca, off the northwest coast of seahorse-shaped Isabela Island. It’s the largest in the island chain, formed by six active volcanoes. The site sits right on the seahorse’s lower jaw. Unfortunately, however, I’ve developed a cold overnight and can’t clear my ears for the dive, which will be relatively deep and involve a search for the site’s iconic residents — mola mola.

I’m gutted, but my panga driver Javier graciously putters me around the bay while the divers are down, looking for tell-tale signs of molas at the surface. We luck out and spot a few, so I slip as quietly as possible into the water to get a peek. I’m rewarded with brief glimpses of these famously shy fish before they disappear into the deep. Not to be outdone, the bay’s resident sea lions come to play with me on the surface as well. They dive-bomb and twist around me, matching their play with my own level of enthusiasm. For a non-dive day, I couldn’t be happier.

Next up is Cabo Douglas, home of another famous Galapagos resident: marine iguanas. These ingenious, endemic reptiles have figured out that the algae encrusting the boulders just offshore is a fantastic food source. Each day at mid-morning, after the sun has warmed the chilly water a bit, they slip beneath the surface to munch on the algae below. They grip the rocks with their strong claws, spending up to 40 minutes underwater to feed before coming up for a gulp of air and submerging again.

“It’s a 40-minute safety stop” says Ruly of the site, where divers will spend as long as they can in chilly water only 10 to 15 feet deep (3 to 5 m). And I’m lucky that it is, because my ears still aren’t cooperating. “They’re feeding, so don’t disrespect them,” says Ruly, right before we roll into the water. I hover on snorkel above the eating iguanas, nearly as close as the divers below, who’ve been told to maintain a 5-foot (1.5 m) distance. The iguanas are nonplussed by our presence, rising to the surface and cruising back to the shore like surfers gracefully riding a wave when they’re done with their meal.

We spend our final dives of the trip at Cabo Marshall to see mantas and Cousins Rock, famously a photographer’s dream site for sheer volume of life. My dive trip is over, however, and I’m relegated to snorkel. I’m simultaneously happy for excited divers emerging from the water and jealous that I wasn’t with them. My unfortunate cold has mostly, however, strengthened my resolve that I must return.

Life aboard the Master

As with all liveaboards, we fall into an easy rhythm on the Master. We wake, eat a light breakfast, dive, eat a full breakfast, dive, eat lunch, have a nap and a snack, dive, and eat dinner. Repeat. If there’s a diver in the world who doesn’t love a routine like that, I haven’t met him. Most of the guests spend the afternoon on the upper deck, filled with comfy chairs and couches and exposed to the air but thoughtfully covered to keep the sun at bay. As we move, frigate birds fly alongside the ship, gracefully gliding in and out of the breeze and alighting on the bow when we stop.

Silky sharks join us as well, showing up just downstream of the galley shortly after we anchor. Slowly undulating in the water below, they’re almost as excited for meal times as we are when the galley flushes out organic waste. Aside from our final land excursion in Santa Cruz and our walk on North Seymour, we don’t see another soul for 10 days, either on the islands or on a dive site — and it’s simply glorious.

Tortoise time on Santa Cruz

On our final day, we make the second land excursion to Santa Cruz. It’s by far the busiest island in the Galapagos with a population of around 12,000. We’re meant to go to the Darwin Research Station to see giant tortoises, but instead detour to Rancho el Manzanillo, a privately-owned farm where dozens of tortoises roam free. Ruly gives us a brief talk in the onsite restaurant about the tortoises’ ecology and history and guides us on a short walk before turning us loose to wander the paths and forested area in search of giant tortoises on our own.

I happen upon a pair munching quietly in the shade and settle in near a tree to watch them, remaining as unobtrusive as possible. Despite their size, they spook easily and do not care for close human contact. After about an hour, it’s time to head back to the boat and begin the journey back to San Cristobal, from where we’ll disembark the next day.


With eight cabins, the Galapagos Master can accommodate 16 guests. Cruises are either seven or 10 nights; longer itineraries get two full days at each Darwin and Wolf Islands. You’ll want to be nitrox certified before you go, as there’s no training offered on board. Make sure you’re comfortable in potentially strong currents as well — bring an SMB and know how to use it. 

How to get there:

To reach the Galapagos Master, you’ll initially fly into either Quito or Guayaquil; plan on an overnight in whichever city you choose the night before your flight on to San Cristobal. If you book your domestic flight directly with Master Liveaboards, a company representative will meet you at the airport before your flight to San Cristobal to walk you through the process. In Quito there’s a separate check-in area for the Galapagos where they’ll screen your bags and attach green zip-ties once they’re through. You’ll then proceed through security as usual.

On arrival in the Galapagos you’ll pay a $100 national park fee (in cash) before boat representatives whisk you away for the trip of your dreams.

When to go:

There’s no bad time of year to go to the Galapagos; it just depends on what you most want to see. The most popular time of year understandably is whale-shark season, from June through November. During this time divers can see up to a dozen whale sharks on one dive at Darwin’s Arch. It’s not impossible to see these giants at other times, however; I visited in April and saw them on three separate dives. This season brings cooler water conditions, so plan accordingly.

From December through May the water is warmer, typically from 78 to 82 F (25 to 27 C), and there are more mantas, and other rays, around Wolf and Darwin Islands. This is typically the best season to see the iconic “wall of hammerheads” at Wolf Island as well. I was there in May, however, and the water was slightly colder, topping out at 75 F (24 C) and cooler at depth. Although we didn’t see mantas, we did see whale sharks and tons of hammerheads.

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Removing Hurricane Irma Marine Debris in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Wed, 12 Sep 2018 14:00:24 +0000 One year after Hurricane Irma wreaked havoc across the Florida Keys, local dive-tour operators and other businesses are helping to identify and remove debris.

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One year after Hurricane Irma wreaked havoc across the Florida Keys, local dive-tour operators and other businesses are helping identify and remove lobster traps, fishing gear, construction materials, and other debris from the waters of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The initiative known as “Goal: Clean Seas Florida Keys” enlists Blue Star dive operators in locating and removing underwater marine debris.

Removing debris

Lost or abandoned fishing gear and other trash entangles and harms corals, sea fans, sponges, sea turtles, manatees, and other marine life. Marine debris also degrades seagrass, hardbottom, coral reef, and mangrove habitats and detracts from the natural beauty of the Florida Keys. So far, Blue Star dive operators have removed nearly 3,000 pounds of marine debris and more than 2,800 feet of line throughout the sanctuary.

“Marine debris poses a serious threat to the structural integrity of the habitats that contribute to the health of the sanctuary,” says Sarah Fangman, sanctuary superintendent. “This coordinated effort with our partners will directly address the threat of marine debris by removing it from sanctuary waters. In addition, the sanctuary will work to identify marine debris hotspots for future cleanup efforts.”

The Blue Star program recognizes dive tour operators who are committed to promoting responsible and sustainable diving, snorkeling, and fishing practices to reduce the impact of these activities on ecosystems in the Florida Keys. The “Goal: Clean Seas Florida Keys” program gives divers additional instruction in proper marine-debris removal and reporting techniques. The dive operators are eligible to apply to the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation for reimbursement for some of their dives.

By guest authors from NOAA

Organizations and agencies participating in the marine debris working group include NOAA Marine Debris Program, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Park Service, Florida Sea Grant, Florida Keys Commercial Fishermen’s Association, Florida Keys Dive Center, History of Diving Museum, MOTE Marine Lab, National Association of Underwater Instructors, NAUI Green Diver Initiative, Project Aware Foundation, Rainbow Reef Dive Center, and REEF Environmental Education Foundation.


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Dive Community Comes Together After Lombok Earthquake Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:17:34 +0000 When a 6.9-magnitude tremor struck Lombok on August 5th the damage was devastating. The community is struggling to recover after the Lombok earthquake.

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A series of earthquakes, the first a 6.9-temblor on August 5th and another 5.9-magnitude quake on August 9th, have devastated Lombok and the nearby Gili Islands in Indonesia. The large scuba-diving community on Lombok and the Gilis has united during this challenging time to help however it can. Much of the reporting about the disasters has focused on tourists and their safety. But the real story lies in the aftermath — how a small-island community has united and organized grassroots disaster relief for the 300,000 people displaced, injured and in need of basic necessities after the Lombok earthquake.

Lombok earthquake devastation

After the 6.9-magnitude earthquake on August 5th, the government evacuated both residents and tourists for their own safety. Over 70 evacuated staff from five different dive shops organized in Bali to coordinate sending supplies to Lombok. Extraordinary, they have raised over £40,000 ($51,000 USD) with gofundme pages (see below). They have also coordinated several rescue missions to remote areas that are still without aid and supplies.

Foreign dive professionals in Lombok and the Gilis could easily go home or get jobs in another area. But many are planning to stay. “We live, work, eat, dive, and share the same passion for the ocean as the locals on the island, most of whom are from Lombok,” says Josie Tognolini, a dive instructor currently working on the ground in Bali.

Together, they have secured warehouses in Bali and filled boats with food, water and shelter. They organized with local dive staff in Lombok to deliver supplies to the most remote areas despite constant aftershocks affecting their supply routes. “Sadly, some of our staff have lost family members,” says Inka Creswell, divemaster trainee and media coordinator, “but we will not give up until every family has been located and their needs met.”

Working to help the Gilis

Despite the evacuation, some dive staff members stayed behind on Gili Trawangan without water, electricity, or any infrastructure whatsoever. Neil Baxter, a British dive instructor on the island who was previously a welder and fabricator, stayed behind to clean and rebuild because he felt his “skills could be used to help rebuild the island.”

“This place is our home, we are a family,” he says.

The tourism industry on Lombok and the Gilis supports hundreds of local families. Therefore it’s vital to repair damage on the islands as soon as possible. “We are doing everything we can to get the island up and running as quickly as possible so that our staff will have a job and income to support their families and rebuild their homes in Lombok,” says Baxter.

A long road to recovery

The collective effort of these divers has helped families in Lombok tremendously, but the road to recovery is long.

“We have seen a decrease in the demand for bulk supply of necessities, meaning immediate needs are being met, but the need for basic infrastructure and sustainable water supply is still very dire,” Creswell says.

Media coverage has declined since the tourist evacuation, so teams in Bali continue to update social media. They hope to keep the public informed on their efforts and let them know exactly where their donations are going. You can support the tremendous #gilistrong efforts of these fellow divers by donating any amount of money you can spare using the links below.

Additionally, you can follow live updates on the dive-shop social-media pages below:

Trawangan Dive, Gili Trawangan and gofundme page

Manta Dive, Gili Trawangan and gofundme page

Blue Marlin Dive, Gili Trawangan and gofundme page


By guest author Ellen Myers

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Nine of the Weirdest Things to do Underwater Thu, 28 Jun 2018 20:43:40 +0000 You may have heard of divers visiting museums or getting married underwater, but there’s a lot more to add to the list. Here are our picks for the nine weirdest things to do underwater.

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You may have heard of divers visiting museums or getting married underwater. But those aren’t the only unique underwater activities out there. Here are our picks for the nine weirdest things to do underwater.

Attend or perform at an underwater concert

Each July, music-loving divers from around the world splash down to enjoy the Lower Keys Underwater Music Festival in Florida. Keys radio station US 1 Radio 104.1 FM pipes in ocean-related music through speakers hung beneath boats along the reef. Attend the concert or perform in the orchestra by pretending to play an actual instrument or an artistic representation of one, such as the trom-bonefish and clambourine sculpted by artist August Powers. The festival encourages all divers to descend in costume and awards prizes to the best dressed. Reserve a seat on one of the local dive boats that visits the Looe Key Reef or BYOB. (Bring Your Own Boat). 

Become a mermaid

In the 1940s, Newton Perry built an underwater stage to house mermaids at Weeki Wachee Springs. A former U.S. Navy man who trained World War II frogmen, Newton figured out a way for the mermaids to sip air from free-flowing hoses hidden in the scenery while performing synchronized ballet moves underwater. Today, Weeki Wachee Springs remains a fun, kitschy throwback to Old Florida. You’ll still find mermaids undulating through the water of the springs three times a day throughout the year.

Attend the associated Sirens of the Deep Mermaid Camp on a weekend and you’ll be on your way to becoming a mermaid yourself. While the camp forbids trainees to breathe underwater, the Weeki Wachee Springs Mermaids will teach you their graceful ballet moves, which could also lead you to a life as a professional mermaid or a merfolk hobbyist.

Learn to survive a waterlogged zombie apocalypse

Take the Zombie Apocalypse Diver certification and you can learn to how to survive when zombies attack underwater. This official PADI specialty dive course prepares you for the apocalypse using “state-of-the-art dive training and the latest intelligence on zombies.” Complete the course, which showcases “real life zombies” and trains you on everything from “zombie biology” to rescue skills, and they’ll grant you a PADI Specialty Diver card with Zombie Apocalypse Diver credentials. You can even count this toward your Master Scuba Diver certification.

Mail a postcard from an underwater post office

The only underwater post office in the world does business in Vanuatu inside the Hideaway Island Marine Sanctuary. Purchase one of the Vanuatu Post’s special waterproof postcards and then dive down to mail it. A special flag raised on a float above the post office denotes when postal workers swim on site. Instead of inking a traditional postmark across the stamp, this underwater post office processes your mail with a unique embossing technique, making this mail delivery even more special.

Celebrate the holidays underwater

At Dutch Springs, Pennsylvania, you can celebrate the holidays scuba-style by carving pumpkins for Halloween and hunting for Easter eggs in the lake. If you can’t make it to Dutch, reach out to your local dive shop as they often host  underwater Halloween costume contests and Christmas tree decorating festivities. 

Pumpkin carving featuring Jeanne Chin of the NYC Sea Gypsies at Dutch Springs. Video courtesy of Michael Rothschild.

Set an underwater Guinness World Record

Forget about the deepest or longest scuba dives because better records exist for a variety of quirky actions performed underwater that you can safely attempt to beat. As detailed by Guinness World Records, some fun examples include:

  • Most underwater rope jumps in one hour: 1,608 (In Brazil on March 15, 2012)
  • Longest duration juggling three objects underwater: 1 hour 40 minutes (In Germany on March 3, 2013)
  • Longest human chain underwater: 308 divers (In Italy on May 14, 2017)
  • Most people cycling underwater: 22 divers (In the United Kingdom on September 10, 2006)

If none of the current records strike your fancy, you can also apply to Guinness to create a new underwater category record.

Ride in an underwater bike race

Every Fourth of July, Discovery Diving out of North Carolina hosts an underwater bike race to raise funds for Mile of Hope, a pediatric cancer charity. You can ride in this race in a course alongside the wreck of the USS Indra at a depth of 65 feet (20 m) pedaling, pushing, or finning your bike to the finish line. With the dive shop providing racers with derelict bikes from around the area, it’s up to the fates whether you race with a perfectly-sized bike or a ridiculously small child’s toy as shown in the picture below.

Participate in an underwater sport

If you’ve encountered a sport on land, a scuba diver has probably tried it underwater like the “under ice hockey” played upside down on the underside of the ice in Siberia. Breath-hold divers also regularly play underwater sports in pools. Traditional contact sports become less violent but more difficult in the water, as players must swim up and down for the entire game alternating lungfuls of air grabbed every 30-60 seconds while playing.

Termed “real 3D sports” because the players propel themselves in all 360 degrees, these activities can also keep you fit while improving your ability to swim efficiently underwater. Two of the most popular are underwater hockey and underwater rugby. If you prefer a mind sport, underwater chess in pools and underwater orienteering in deep open water are also options.

USA UWH promo video from USA UnderwaterHockey on Vimeo.

Flip off fish

If the above activities seem overly involved or you’re looking for something just a little more irreverent, you can always flip off some fish or vicariously enjoy someone else flicking up their middle finger in the Flipping Off Fish Instagram feed. Learn from this California diver who has flipped off fish from Catalina Island on the U.S. West Coast to Scotland “flipping off fish wherever the current takes him.”

Title photo courtesy of Michael Rothschild depicting a scuba diver in costume carving a pumpkin at Dutch Springs.


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The Search for the Roanoke Continues Sat, 23 Jun 2018 14:00:44 +0000 The search for the Roanoke continues off the coast of Bermuda, this time with the help of Philippe and Ashlan Cousteau.

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Scene: A wet and dreary December day — the phone rings. The caller introduces himself as a representative of a California film company interested in sending Philippe and Ashlan Cousteau to Bermuda for their Travel Channel series “Caribbean Pirate Treasure” to search for the lost wreckage of the Roanoke. There follows approximately two minutes of conversation wherein the caller assures me that this is not a crank phone call and that he’s is actually serious. Once the disbelief passed, we set out organizing dates with the Cousteaus and their film crew to continue the search for the Roanoke here in Bermuda.

Searching for the Roanoke with the Cousteaus

Weeks passed quickly, and the provisional March date arrived along with horrible winds and weather. We delayed the date, but eventually Dive Bermuda, along with Blue Water Divers, met with the Cousteaus and their production team in April to discuss the history and dive plan for the ongoing search.

Stay tuned

Happily, the weather for the chosen date turned out glorious. We conducted two dives off the east end of Bermuda in and around Five Fathom Hole where the Roanoke was scuttled during the American Civil War. I think it fair to say that the dive crews, along with the owners/operators of both dive companies, were somewhat in awe of diving with the grandson of a true legend, along with his lovely wife, and facing a bank of cameras and sound booms.

As to what we saw and found, all will be revealed on June 27th on the Cousteau’s “Caribbean Pirate Treasure.” Check your local listings for details.

By guest author Mark Diel

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The Perfect Picnic for Divers Thu, 21 Jun 2018 14:00:28 +0000 Surprise your buddies with the perfect picnic for divers with our top picks for a fun, scuba-themed day out of the water

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With the summer season beginning, soft breezes and warm sunshine make for glorious picnic weather. Surprise your buddies with the perfect picnic for divers with our top 11 picks for a fun, scuba-themed day when you must remain dry. Scuba Diver Life is going on a picnic and we think you should bring:

A “Big Beer without a Bite”

Served in your choice of bottle or can, this Manta Ray Double IPA from Ballast Point is refreshing on any warm day. As the recipient of 24 awards, it’s no wonder this beer tops our list of current favorites. From their description: “Aromas of fresh tangerine, melon, and light pine leap from the beer and linger over a smooth finish. Like its namesake, this brew can sneak up on you – a big beer without a bite.” 8.5% ABV. 

Neoprene wine totes

If you love the smell of neoprene in the morning, these neoprene wine totes will not only keep your bottles cool and safe but add to the fun aesthetic of your picnic. This cartoon shark bite tote and  this other shark pattern in purple and blue both sold by Antique Images remain our favorites, but you can also design your own with Zazzle.

A hammerhead corkscrew and bottle opener

This two-in-one shark opener from Uncommon Goods offers a hidden corkscrew in the hammerhead top while the shark’s mouth serves to remove bottle caps. Chrome plated, this shiny cast-metal opener offers some heft to pop open even the toughest bottle and also functions as a decorative piece. 

Scuba snacks

Whole Foods markets these Scuba Snacks, made of organic corn puffs with white-cheddar cheese so your guests’ fingers won’t smudge with an orange-colored mess. While the puffs aren’t shaped like marine life, the bag is cute and the snacks are naturally gluten-free to please the entire crowd. The back of each bag also lists some charming facts about the ocean.

A blue-water outdoor tablecloth

Sold in three different sizes, this decorative tablecloth features a diver inside a swirling tornado of fish on an aqua background. Lunarable manufactures this outdoor cloth for easy clean up, making it spill proof, waterproof, and machine washable on the cold cycle. 

Dive-friendly paper plates

Forget about plain, white paper plates or ones decorated with flowers — your buddies deserve plates designed for divers. Zazzle offers a variety of different options from our favorites of Seashells by Millhill’s jumping dolphins to Sjasis Sports Space’s scuba diver and many more. While more expensive than those you can purchase in the grocery store, these custom plates will add some panache to your picnic and Zazzle often has discount codes to reduce the cost.

Fruit served in a watermelon turtle

Snacking on fresh summer fruit is a must at a picnic but dishing up a fruit salad in a watermelon bowl carved into a turtle makes it diver-friendly. While it looks intricate, by following these instructions from the National Watermelon Promotional Board you can easily fashion a turtle to wow your guests. The site also lists instructions for some other marine-based carvings such as a rotund fish, a toothy shark, and a cute whale. 

Marine-friendly cutlery

The choices made on land affect the sea and disposable plastic cutlery endures as an eco-unfriendly purchase. Instead of buying single-use plastic forks/knives/spoons, buy stainless steel pieces instead. Your guests will find this lightweight set of re-usable Farberware stainless steel cutlery easier than plastic and they’ll appreciate that you’re trying to make a difference. Clean up remains a cinch since you can throw all the pieces in your dishwasher when you return home. Single-use products are never a great option. However, if you must use them, go with disposable bamboo flatware as this is a better alternative to plastic.

Cake pops with a bite

While you can produce your own cake pops, you probably can’t construct ones as cute as the handmade sharks you can buy from Cake Pops by Maggie. If you haven’t enjoyed a cake pop before, it’s a round morsel of moist cake coated in icing or chocolate secured to the end of a stick to resemble a lollipop. With 14 different flavors from chocolate to pineapple, these adorable cake pops will ensure smiles are plastered across all faces. The baker also offers fish cake pops, custom orders, and a gluten-free option. 

The ultimate diver Frisbee

Help all your guests remain dive fit by throwing a Frisbee around after gorging on lunch. This ultimate Frisbee from Graphics & More not only depicts a retro diver scene, but the company also manufactures it in the United States. They offer Frisbees with other marine-friendly motifs as well, and you can even custom design your own Frisbee if you wish.

An Oh My God Shark picnic basket

You could always throw your picnic goodies in your scuba gear bag, but this hysterical shark tote from Two Baked Buns personifies a dive picnic. Constructed of straw, lined with fabric, and closed with a drawstring, this basket remains sturdy and practical. A removable blue tassel is included as a fun accent piece.

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Celebrate National Ocean Month and LGBT Pride Month with #PrideInTheOcean Wed, 20 Jun 2018 14:00:00 +0000 NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and Pride Outside teamed up to celebrate Ocean Month and LGBT Pride Month through the #PrideInTheOcean campaign.

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During the month of June, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and Pride Outside teamed up to celebrate Ocean Month and LGBT Pride Month through the #PrideInTheOcean campaign. Our ocean is for everyone, and we want to know how you take pride in this blue planet. From sharing a photo on your social media to adding your image to our Story Map, there are many ways to get involved with #PrideInTheOcean.

First, show off your pride by sharing a photo of yourself in, on, or by the ocean. Get bonus points if you’re holding a sign that says #PrideInTheOcean. Post it on Instagram and/or Twitter with a caption explaining why you take pride in the ocean. And don’t forget the hashtag. And if you’d like to be featured on the social media feeds of NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and Pride Outside, submit your photo using this form.

You can also participate by adding your photo and caption to the #PrideInTheOcean Story Map. Together, we can declare our pride from coast to coast.

Help spread the word by tagging the following handles on your posts:

Instagram: NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries: @noaasanctuaries

Pride Outside: @prideoutside

Twitter: NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries: @sanctuaries

Pride Outside: @pride_outside

Learn more about #PrideInTheOcean at

 By guest author Elizabeth Weinberg, NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

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Are Women Better Scuba Divers Than Men? Thu, 24 May 2018 14:00:22 +0000 We’re about to open a can of worms by asking: are women better scuba divers than men?

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As a female dive instructor in the Philippines, I once had a conversation with a man who insisted that if a dive wasn’t deep and didn’t feature sharks or a strong current, it wasn’t really a “dive.” I’ve had similar conversations with other men during my career, wherein it seemed they wanted to impress me with their hardcore dive stories. And although all male divers aren’t like this, more than once I’ve had to suggest that there’s more to “boring, normal diving” than they think. I gently remind them that questionable judgement calls don’t make for exciting dives — they make for dangerous ones.

Having said that, when I came upon the research done by Mandy Shackleton, a marine scientist, at Hull University in 2007 on how women are better divers than men, I had a chuckle. But is she right? Are women better scuba divers than men?

The power of hormones

Male divers often seek sensations. They look for novel, exciting and intense experiences. This leads to the secretion of cortisol, testosterone and adrenaline, which can lead them to take more risks underwater. Dr. Magnus Johnson, head of Hull University’s center of environmental and marine sciences, also notes that men might take more risks while diving with a woman in order to impress her. Women, on the other hand, are more safety conscious and thus take fewer risks while diving, said Shackleton in her study.

Buoyancy, efficient movement and heat

Michael Messner from the University of Southern California notes that women tend to have a higher percentage of body fat than men. This makes them naturally more buoyant. Sure, they might need an extra weight or two. But this also means that women use less energy while swimming and enjoy a higher degree of insulation against cold water.

The big picture

Women are better at reading non-verbal cues, such as body language and visual cues, as summarized by Nancy Briton and colleagues. Talking underwater is largely limited to grunts and squeals of delight, and divers rely exclusively on non-verbal communication.

Nigel Forman, a professor of psychology at Middlesex University, also found that women were better at picking up on non-verbal, situational and environmental cues.

Because they are fluent in non-verbal communication, women are better able to navigate the underwater environment and adapt to changes.

Spatial awareness

Forman also mentions that because women see the bigger picture, they have a better spatial awareness underwater. This is the opposite of what is true on the surface, where men tend to be more skilled. This, combined with the tendency for women to be more-cautious divers and have better buoyancy control, means women divers make less contact with — and break less — coral than their male buddies.

It’s all in the legs

In general, women tend to harness their lower-body strength more than men, who rely more on their upper body. Scott Mclean and Richard Hinrichs found that men generally kick more than women to cover the same distance while swimming. Combining this with fins designed to propel you further with fewer kick cycles, as explained by Zamparo and colleagues, leads to a more efficient dive-kicking style and thus to lower air consumption in women.

Air consumption

Because women move more efficiently through water and have smaller lungs, they tend to use less air than men. This enables them to dive for longer and leaves more air available in if a buddy runs out.

On your next dive, observe your buddies — male and female — and examine how they dive. Do you notice any differences? Whether or not women are better divers than men, each of us can undoubtedly learn something from the other.

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Ocean Stamps from Around the World Mon, 02 Apr 2018 14:00:46 +0000 Forget the boring, classic postage stamps everyone uses for their mail. You can buy ocean stamps online that showcase your love of the sea. Here are nine of our favorites from around the world.

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Five Great Night Dive Experiences Sat, 31 Mar 2018 14:00:05 +0000 After the sun goes down it’s a whole new world underwater. Here are five great night dive experiences you don’t want to miss.

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Just as on land, where the nocturnal world is quite different from the daytime one, so too does a new environment appear underwater after dark. Even your most regular dive spot becomes mysterious at night.  But what makes a night dive so different from a daytime dive? Here are five great night dive experiences you can only have after the sun goes down. 


Bioluminescence is one of the ocean’s most magical night dive experiences. The phenomenon — the production of light by a living organism — looks like suspended fairy lights underwater. Though it’s possible to see bioluminescence on land, it’s most common underwater thanks to the many vertebrates and invertebrates in the ocean. Many deep-sea creatures use it as a defense or to lure prey, but the simplest way to experience bioluminescence as a diver is via the tiny plankton in the ocean that glow when set in motion. Simply cover you light and wave your hand through the water to create a magic light show.

Sleeping sea creatures

When nocturnal animals awaken on the reef, daylight creatures go to sleep. Lucky night divers might spy a sleeping turtle — do not disturb — and lots of reef fish in a deeply relaxed state. Scientists are still researching the nature of fish sleep, as many animals only rest and maintain awareness of predators. On a reef you’ll see many tucked away in the nooks and crannies of the coral providing them shelter and protection for the night. Parrotfish actually secrete a protective mucus bubble around themselves or across the entrance to their hiding spots in the reef to ward of predators or parasites while they rest. If you’re diving early in the morning, watch for discarded mucus bags, floating in the water like snot.

Special note: As every good diver knows, you should never touch marine life. This is even more important at night, so never touch sleeping animals or shine your torch on one for too long.


Coral reefs are spectacular during the day, but they’ll wow you at night as well. As light is filtered out, colors become muted the deeper we go. But at night, your light source is much closer — the torch in your hand. In that concentrated light, colors will appear much more vivid than during the day. In addition, colorful coral polyps open up at night to feed on nutrients in the ocean, so pause on your next night dive and give the coral a good look.

Manta rays

There are several spots around the world where you can do night dives with mantas. Lucky divers will see large feeding aggregations of dozens of mantas, unfolding like a nighttime ballet. These majestic animals swoop and fly, feeding on the plankton and small creatures that are drawn to the light of divers’ torches or the dive-boat lights. La Paz, Mexico; Raja Ampat, Indonesia; and Kona, Hawaii are some of the most famous spots for these encounters.

Enhanced perception

At night everything is different, even our perception. Not only does the darkness alter your sense of what’s around you, but it also enhances things like your perception of sound. Popular sites are usually far quieter at night, with fewer boat engines and less diver activity.  Through this quiet, you start to notice natural sounds become amplified, such as the crackling and popping sounds that are far more pronounced than during the day. Various marine creatures produce the sound when they eat algae or coral polyps off the reef, combined with the sound of small shrimp snapping their claws. Keep your ears open during your night dives and you’ll hear a whole new world.


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