During the month of June, NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and Pride Outside teamed up to celebrate Ocean Month and LGBT Pride Month through the #PrideInTheOcean campaign. Our ocean is for everyone, and we want to know how you take pride in this blue planet. From sharing a photo on your social media to adding your image to our Story Map, there are many ways to get involved with #PrideInTheOcean.
First, show off your pride by sharing a photo of yourself in, on, or by the ocean. Get bonus points if you’re holding a sign that says #PrideInTheOcean. Post it on Instagram and/or Twitter with a caption explaining why you take pride in the ocean. And don’t forget the hashtag. And if you’d like to be featured on the social media feeds of NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and Pride Outside, submit your photo using this form.

You can also participate by adding your photo and caption to the #PrideInTheOcean Story Map. Together, we can declare our pride from coast to coast.
Help spread the word by tagging the following handles on your posts:
Instagram: NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries: @noaasanctuaries
Pride Outside: @prideoutside
Twitter: NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries: @sanctuaries
Pride Outside: @pride_outside
Learn more about #PrideInTheOcean at https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/heritage/pride-in-the-ocean.html