Events – Scuba Diver Life Explore • Dream • Discover • Dive Tue, 18 Aug 2020 07:40:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Events – Scuba Diver Life 32 32 37309857 Solomon Islands Second Annual Dive Fest 2017 Wed, 09 Aug 2017 16:54:13 +0000 The Solomon Islands is hosting its second annual dive fest in October in the WWII wreck- and coral-filled waters of the Western Province.

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 To celebrate the magnificent diving the Solomon Islands offers the international dive community, the second annual Solomon Dive Fest 2017 will take place in the country’s Western Province from October 2-7, 2017. 

This year will mark the 75th anniversary of the battle for Guadalcanal and the event will hold even greater significance for the people of the ‘Hapi Isles,’ who take immense pride in the knowledge their home is the place where freedom for the Pacific was hard fought for and ultimately won.

Hosted locally by Dive Gizo, SIDE Dive Munda and SIDE MV Taka, dive excursions, cultural activities, photographic competitions, and workshops all combine into one very special event with focus on two of the Solomon Islands’ best dive locales — Munda and Gizo. Divers can also enter’s dive competition for a chance to win a free spot and a $300 Dive Fest Travel Voucher.

Diving in the Solomon Islands

Suspended like a string of deep-green pearls from Papua New Guinea to Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands is the epitome of a hidden South Pacific paradise, a true living culture, rich with art, dance and the iconic sound of the panpipe music synonymous with the ‘Hapi Isles’ as they are so aptly named.

This scattered archipelago of 992-odd richly forested mountainous islands and low-lying coral atolls has been attracting international tourism since 1568 when Spanish explorer Alvaro de Mendana first sailed into this tucked away corner of the South Pacific.

Mendana’s legacy can still be found in the Solomon Islands today with many of the islands still bearing the Spanish names he gave them – Santa Isabel, San Cristóbal and perhaps the best known of all, Guadalcanal, the name synonymous with the infamous and bloody World War II campaign in 1942 and the catalyst for the Allies’ ultimate victory over the Japanese Imperial Forces.

Since then and for the most part the Solomon Islands and their quiet, reserved people — a mix of Melanesian, Micronesian and Polynesian cultures — have been largely off the radar.

But in recent years an invasion of a different kind has slowly and taken place, – this time by steadily increasing numbers of international dive enthusiasts who are discovering just what makes these ‘Hapi Isles’ such a mecca for lovers of the underwater world. For these islands their coral reefs teem with huge numbers and varieties of marine life.

Add to this the hundreds of shipwrecks and downed aircraft that litter the seabed such that one area just a short journey from the country’s bustling capital of Honiara has been renamed “Iron Bottom Sound.”

The amazing mix of WWII wrecks, technicolor coral pastures, steep walls, shallow reefs, tunnels, drop-offs, and a veritable potpourri of demersal, reef and pelagic fish make the Solomon Islands’ dive potential nearly limitless.

Most of the known accessible diving in the Solomon Islands is on Guadalcanal and the Western Province, however, the region to the northwest of the archipelago. So where to go? While the destination abounds with amazing dive sites — some of which are yet undiscovered — the following are some of the most popular, accessible dive locations.


Honiara is the perfect location from which to start a Solomon Islands dive experience. Dives on the famed Bonegi 1 and Bonegi 2 wrecks are easily arranged and a short boat ride away lies Tulagi, location of the well-known dive site ‘Twin Tunnels’ and the many wrecks lying in Ghuvatu Harbor.

Of course, if you are there for some serious wreck diving, Iron Bottom Sound is literally littered with wrecks, including a recently discovered submarine.


Located north west of Honiara, from a diver’s perspective, Munda on the Vona Vona Lagoon has it all. Swim-through caves, reefs, plane and boat wrecks are all a short boat ride away from the Agnes Gateway Hotel. Water flow and currents create the perfect conditions for barracuda and jacks feeding frenzies as well. Barry’s Breakfast is just one such dive where you can hang in mid-water, surrounded by swarming pelagics while Titan triggers patrol the reefs below.


Offering a huge variety of spectacular dive sites, divers visiting Gizo can splash in at Grand Central Station, which boasts the highest fish count in the world with more than 275 species recorded in its teeming waters. Wreck enthusiasts are more than catered for with a 440-foot Japanese freighter, the Toa Maru and an almost fully-intact U.S. Hellcat fighter aircraft lying in very shallow waters a short boat ride away from Gizo Town.

The Marovo Lagoon

World Heritage Area Marovo Lagoon is known as one of the best locations for diving in the Solomon Islands. Mantas and hammerheads abound along with barracuda, eagle rays and swarms of jacks. The water flow through this area brings nutrients into the water which, in turn, brings in the whole food chain to feast at certain tidal times.

The Dive Fest Package

The package includes:


Return flights on Solomon Airlines  from Brisbane to Gizo and Munda via Honiara, plus all transfers.

In Gizo

Two nights of twin accommodation at Rekona Lodge or Gizo Hotel, breakfast and dinner; attendance at the festival’s opening ceremony; dinner at PT109 restaurant with a cultural show; three-tank dive day with Dive Gizo with tanks, weights, dive guide and BBQ lunch; DAN seminar.

Liveaboard dive boat SIDE MV Taka

One night twin standard cabin (shared bathrooms) on board with all meals and sailing from Gizo to Munda; up to four dives with tanks, weights, dive guide and kastom fees; photography workshop

(Upgrades to a twin deluxe cabin with private bathroom are available for an extra $50 per person)

In Munda

Two nights of twin accommodation at Agnes Gateway Lodge; two-tank dive day with SIDE Dive Munda with tanks, weights and dive guide; Kastom lunch at Hopei Island and WWII museum visit; marine biology focused seminar; BBQ dinner with dance performance; one-tank dive day with tank, weights, dive guide plus Skull Island visit; cocktails and winner of photo competition announcement; closing ceremony and dinner; one extra night twin accommodation at Agnes Gateway Lodge (no meals included)

The dive package is priced from $1,355 USD per person. For more information about the Solomons Dive Fest 2017 visit or e-mail


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The World’s Largest Underwater Wedding Fri, 12 Sep 2014 13:00:13 +0000 Every year an unlikely event takes place in the azure waters off Kradan Island in Thailand’s Trang province: the world’s largest underwater wedding ceremony, a designation officially endowed by Guinness World Records in 2000.

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The event, which takes place in February to coincide with Valentine’s Day, has seen 481 couples from all over the world tie the knot since its inception in 1997. This year, the 18th annual Trang Underwater Wedding Ceremony saw the marriage of 32 brides and grooms in a traditional three-day Thai ceremony that included parades and land-based rituals as well as the underwater registration event. Initially started 18 years ago as a gimmick to promote tourism, Trang’s submarine weddings have earned the area an international reputation for romance, and perhaps contribute to Thailand’s rating as one of the world’s top 10 honeymoon destinations. The southern coastline is part of the Mu Ko Phetra National Park, and its waters are some of Thailand’s most productive. As well as promoting tourism in the area and enabling these unique unions, the Trang Underwater Wedding Ceremony highlights the marine wonders of the Andaman coast and thereby supports ongoing efforts to conserve them.

The ceremony itself has little impact on the marine environment, taking place in a designated sandy area just 40 feet (12 meters) below the surface. Only certified divers can take part in the underwater portion of the ceremony, which in itself is only a small part of the event. Soon-to-be newlyweds traveling to the province to take part in the event are met at Trang airport on the day of their arrival, where traditional performers greet them before taking them to the nearby Botanical Gardens. There, couples have the opportunity to plant a tree in commemoration of their upcoming nuptials. The first day of the event finishes with a parade through the streets of the main town in traditional Thai ceremonial dress, the pouring of water over the couple’s hands in accordance with local custom, and a traditional pre-wedding party in the evening. The wedding itself takes place on the second day of the ceremony, when diver couples are taken by traditional Thai longtail boat to Kradan Island, where the registration is carried out underwater for small groups at a time. In the evening, couples celebrate their new union with dinner, music, dancing and fireworks, and at the evening’s close, the newlyweds are escorted to their honeymoon suites by older married couples, a Thai tradition that seeks to bestow the wisdom and happiness of those who have been married a long time upon those just beginning their life together.

The third and final day of the ceremony is dedicated to exploring the stunning scenery and rich culture of the surrounding area before the festivities end. Interested divers need to book well in advance, as each Trang Underwater Wedding Ceremony has a maximum capacity of around 35 couples per year. Even those who don’t want to exchange their vows underwater can be a part of this unique event; the land-based ceremonies welcome casual tourists and are truly a unique spectacle. For more information, visit

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Gearing Up For South Africa’s Sardine Run Wed, 04 Jun 2014 10:00:17 +0000 Featured in the BBC series Nature’s Great Events as well as The Blue Planet, the sardine run is comparable to the Serengeti’s wildebeest migration in terms of sheer biomass, and attracts divers from all over the world.

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This weekend, while walking on the beaches of South Africa’s Eastern Cape, I watched from the shore as hundreds of Cape gannets thronged in a dense cloud above the water. With perfect choreography, first one and then the next plunged from the sky and into the ocean, reappearing seconds later to resume their frenzied circling above the bay. Together the gannets were a spectacular sight, their slender forms dressed in gold by the late afternoon sunlight, creating a stark contrast against the first rosy hues of sunset. But their beauty was only part of the reason I was so glad to see them, for gannets are the harbingers of one of the greatest natural phenomena on Earth: the annual sardine run. Each year, dive charters all along South Africa’s eastern coast wait eagerly for the first signs of the annual event, which entails the mass movement of millions of sardines from the cool waters of the Western Cape north to KwaZulu-Natal and the Mozambican border. Featured in the BBC series Nature’s Great Events as well as The Blue Planet, the sardine run is comparable to the Serengeti’s wildebeest migration in terms of sheer biomass, and attracts divers from all over the world.

Exactly why and how the sardine run takes place is still a subject of some debate among experts. It is an unpredictable event that depends upon a delicate balance of simultaneous factors; while some years produce shoals of sardines so dense that they can be seen from the air, in other years the sardines do not run at all. It is certain that South Africa’s complex oceanography plays a key role, and that the opening up of a corridor of cool, inshore water along the country’s eastern coast between May and July is the main facilitator of the phenomenon. At this time of year, great shoals of sardines spawn in the frigid waters of the Agulhas Bank and then follow the cool current north. Sardines can only tolerate temperatures below 69 degrees Fahrenheit, and their presence in the typically warmer waters of South Africa’s east coast depends on the existence of the temporary cool-water corridor pushing from the south. Because the sardines are restricted to such a narrow channel by their inability to survive in warmer offshore water, they are effectively penned against the coastline by the millions.

The real stars of the show are not the sardines themselves, but the incredible number of predators that trail in their wake. The shoals make easy pickings, corralled into shallow water with no escape, a circumstance exploited by both resident and visiting predators. The two most important indicator species for the arrival of the sardine run are the Cape gannet and the common dolphin, both of which follow the migration in their multitudes. It is not unusual for the common dolphins that arrive on the South African coast in conjunction with the beginning of the run each year to travel in pods of over 1,000 individuals. Predators from the temperate waters to the south meet with those from the tropical waters of the north in a shared effort to gorge themselves on the sardines, creating a unique environment where penguins rub shoulders with sailfish. Similarly, pelagics are drawn inshore by the glut of readily available prey — tuna, oceanic blacktip sharks and dusky sharks are all common sights on the run. From orcas to great whites, from Cape fur seals to bronze whaler sharks, the possibilities for predator sightings on the trail of the sardines are endless. Perhaps the most impressive visitor of all is the Bryde’s whale, a 45-foot-long giant, capable of decimating entire bait balls in a single mouthful.

Incredibly, although any number of these predators can be present at a single bait ball, seabirds, sharks and dolphins all hunt with a synchronicity so perfect that there are few collisions or casualties. The feeding frenzy is a chaotic ballet, wherein each species performs its role with a deadly precision. Despite the hugely dynamic nature of the run, several operators offer divers the chance to witness it first hand, primarily from the coastal towns of Port St. Johns and East London. Sea conditions can be difficult; May through to July is winter in South Africa and divers should expect rough surface conditions and cold weather. Equally, the unpredictability of the sardine run means that it often takes many hours at sea to locate a bait ball. Once one has been found, entering the melee of frenzied predators is not for the faint-hearted, but those who do so will experience one of the most adrenaline-charged, high-octane spectacles in the underwater world, an unforgettable phenomenon comparable to no other. Challenging conditions notwithstanding, winter is actually a prime time for South African diving, thanks to good visibility caused by the prevalence of the west wind, and the annual humpback whale migration that coincides with the run.

There is some concern among experts that the sardine run may be under threat. Although 2011 was a record year for sardine run activity, in general the phenomenon has experienced something of a slump since the turn of the millennium. In 2003 and 2006, the sardines failed to run at all, something that happened only twice between 1980 and 2000. The commercial netting of sardines on South Africa’s west coast has been cited as a contributing factor to the decrease in activity, but the most serious threat to the run is thought to be global warming. The likelihood of inshore waters dropping below 69 degrees Fahrenheit decreases proportionately with the rise of global sea temperatures each year, and without that corridor of cool water, the sardines cannot complete their migration north. The loss of the sardine run would not only negatively impact South African tourism and the livelihoods of the local fishermen who depend upon the arrival of the fish each winter, but would also have severe ramifications throughout the marine ecosystem.

However, recent history has seen productive years as well, and divers who want to experience the sardine run for themselves still can. Because of the run’s unpredictability, choosing exactly when to travel to South Africa is difficult. Sometimes the best activity happens early in the season; other years it happens later on. The surest way to guarantee good sightings is to spend as long as possible in the area. Perhaps this year will be another record year; certainly, the early arrival of cooler weather and sightings of diving gannets like the ones I saw this weekend are signs that the sardines are already on their way.

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World Famous Wreck Diver Headlines Phoenix Dive Show Sat, 09 Nov 2013 08:59:21 +0000 Leading up to DEMA — one of the largest trade events in the dive industry — was, the Phoenix Dive Show, which took place on Sept. 21 and 22 in Phoenix.

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Exhibitors included Aqua Lung, Bottom Crawlers, ScubaPro (one of the show sponsors) and Wakatobi Dive Resort. Seminars covered topics such as great whites, diving in the Florida Keys, the Scuba Fit program, temperate diving and shooting underwater video.


The show headliner, wreck diver John Chatterton, attracted a crowd of over 100 people.

Chatterton offered two presentations: “Titanic” and “The 10 Commandments of Wreck Diving.” In August 2005, along with his partners, Chatterton put together an expedition to further explore the Titanic. He used a MIR submersible from the Russian research ship, Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, to descend to 12,500 feet. This carefully planned operation took a great deal of skill and expertise, and Chatterton offered a multimedia presentation about its execution at the dive show.

Chatterton first gained fame in the dive community with the release of Robert Kurson’s best-seller Shadow Divers. He and his dive buddy, Richie Kohler, battled treacherous currents and descended 230 feet in frigid water 60 miles off the coast of New Jersey to discover the wreck of a World War II German U-Boat.


Chatterton also cohosted 57 episodes of the History Channel’s “Deep Sea Detectives” series, as well as taking part in the recovery project in the waters below the World Financial Center in New York City across from Tower One on September 11, 2001.

Chatterton was one of the first to explore the RMS Lusitania in 1994 and, shortly thereafter, became one of the first divers to use a rebreather to explore the wreck of the HMHS Britannic near the Greek island of Kea.

In 2009, John participated in a NOVA television project in Hawaii, diving aboard the Pisces submersibles operated by the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory. From these dives, in excess of 1,000 feet, came the NOVA program called “Killer Subs in Pearl Harbor.”


Chatterton is currently working with the government of the Dominican Republic, participating in a multi-faceted commercial project to locate, document and salvage colonial-era wreck sites in Dominican waters. He is also involved in another book venture with Robert Kurson.

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Making Waves Movement Fri, 25 Oct 2013 10:14:12 +0000 While it is hard to predict the precise effects climate change will have on Colorado and surrounding states, most scientists agree that the region is going to have a lot less water.

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This year, state assemblyman Mark Stone from the 29th District of California (Monterey Bay) formally recognized Boulder as an honorary coastal community of California for spearheading the inland ocean movement. But, in the wake of a tragic and unprecedented storm in the region, fueled by currents of warm, moist air from the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico entrained by an unmoving low-pressure zone, the connection between Colorado and the sea was put into sharp focus.


“Indicative of the new norm.”

Keynote speaker Fabien Cousteau

These words, spoken by the Making Waves keynote speaker, Fabien Cousteau, in reference to the hurricanes devastating the East Coast in recent years, echoed throughout the weekend. Are episodes like this, when a long, persistent drought is interrupted by a 1000-year storm that dumps well over a foot of rain in a few days, the new norm for the region?

While it is hard to predict the precise effects climate change will have on Colorado and surrounding states, most scientists agree that the region is going to have a lot less water. And although Colorado has not had ocean waves lap at its shores for hundreds of millions of years, its fate, like all other places on the planet, is intricately connected to changes taking place in the oceans.

Since its inception in 2011, the Colorado Ocean Coalition, led by Vicki Nichols Goldstein and her dedicated team of oceanaphiles, has worked to help people understand how the sea impacts our everyday lives, and why it is so important for even residents of land-locked states to be involved in their protection.

Vicki Nichols Goldstein

This year’s Making Waves event was the perfect platform for their message. Topics at the speaker’s symposium ranged from discussions on next generation aquaculture with The Ocean Foundation’s Ocean Doctor, David Guggenheim, to sustainable market innovations, the need to reduce marine debris, and the diverse opportunities presented by ecotourism to promote environmental conservation. Moving stories about piloting a submarine at the interface between the Gulf Stream and the surrounding ocean, and diving with marine wildlife, were incredible reminders of how the ocean has the ability to inspire and push us further to explore its mysterious depths.

Fabien Cousteau spoke about his upcoming expedition, “Mission 31,” in which he will spend an entire month living and conducting experiments in the last undersea laboratory in the world, Aquarius, located off the coast of Florida. Spending weeks deep beneath the surface, Fabien is sharing the adventure in real-time with people all over the world in an effort to capture the imagination of tomorrow’s explorers and scientists. If only the international community were as invested in the sea as it is in the stars, perhaps we would someday see aninner space station… Or a deep-sea orbiter exploring our vast blue frontier.

Richard Charter, a Senior Fellow at The Ocean Foundation, and project manager for TOF’s fiscally sponsored fund, Coastal Coordination Project, spoke of the power of resonance, transmedia storytelling, and re-programming in the age of the 24-hour news cycle. He stressed the need for us to form “coalitions of coalitions” and how monumental our privilege is to be at a point in time where we can determine what our oceans will look like in the next century. He told a story about baffling a group of oil drilling executives at an industry meeting with his conservation message. Richard quipped that since he looked like them and dressed like them, they had assumed he was the head of “Charter Drilling” and not there to speak on behalf of the oceans.

One of the most touching moments of the three-day event—which served as a vivid reminder of our origins in the sea—was a scene from a bodysurfing documentary, “Come Hell or High Water,” that was presented as part of the Making Waves film festival. In the scene, captured through stunning cinematography, a young autistic boy is shown to be completely free and sublime in the ocean. How powerful it is to reflect on how this child, who faces such extraordinary obstacles to lead a “normal” life and interact with the world around him, appears to be totally at ease, and in his element, when he enters the ocean.

As our thoughts return to the victims of the recent flooding in Colorado, and the enormous challenges that lay ahead, it is clear that Making Waves presented an opportunity for people, still reeling from the horrific tragedy that took place only days before, to come together as a community to share stories, connect with neighbors—and mourn for those lost in the storm. It was something to look forward to, a chance to celebrate our shared connection to the ocean, and find some light during such a dark time. The inland ocean movement is rising—making waves—and reminding us that we are all just drops of water waiting to return to the sea.

The Colorado Ocean Coalition is a fiscally sponsored project of The Ocean Foundation. To learn more about fiscal sponsorship, please visit

By: Ben Scheelk, Program Associate, The Ocean Foundation


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Making Waves in Colorado Wed, 18 Sep 2013 08:27:55 +0000 Colorado organization mobilizes grassroots ‘inland ocean movement’ to protect the Earth’s oceans

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Boulder, CO—Fabien Cousteau, aquatic filmmaker, oceanographic explorer and grandson of the noted oceanographic explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, will present opening remarks at Making WAVES 2013 taking place September 20-22, 2013 in Boulder, CO. This weekend-long Ocean Symposium, Mile-High Blue Exposition and Ocean Film Festival is hosted by the Colorado Ocean Coalition and the Colorado Scuba Retailers Association at the University of Colorado at Boulder to engage the local community in a dialogue on some of the most important ocean issues that affect us all. Cousteau’s presentation comes just two months before his notable Mission 31, where he will venture to live under water for 31 days at a depth of 63 feet—taking a 50-year old legacy left by his grandfather Jacques Yves-Cousteau to new depths. Registration to see Cousteau speak is free and is available online at


“We are delighted and honored to have Fabien Cousteau share his ocean adventures and insights with us here in Colorado,” says Vicki Nichols Goldstein, Colorado Ocean Coalition’s executive director. “You don’t have to be near the ocean to care about it and to make a difference. From our food choices to our energy use, each of us can make a positive impact.”

The Speakers Symposium on Saturday is free for the public to attend and will address a broad range of issues including eco-tourism, adventure travel, sustainable seafood, and the impacts of energy production on the ocean. The film festival on Sunday will feature a selection of films from the San Francisco International Ocean Film Festival. Tickets for the film festival may be purchased in advance for $13 per showing for adults, $7 per showing for youths 12 and under, or $35 for a full-day pass. The full film lineup and tickets are available online at

“As a scuba community, we are committed to sustainable travel options and protecting our oceans through responsible diving,” said Ali Miller, president of the CSRA. “It takes us all working together to leave a legacy for the next generation.”

More than 50 dive shops, tour retailers, non-profit organizations and NGOs from around the world will be exhibiting at the Mile-High Blue Expo throughout the weekend. An interactive Youth Area at the event will have a schedule of educational activities for the younger generation of divers and ocean stewards. Participants will have a chance to win prizes from exhibitors during live drawings throughout the weekend.

Friday, September 20

6:30-8:30PM  Making WAVES Blue Drinks (Restaurant 4580)

Saturday, September 21

8:00AM-5:00PM  Mile-High Blue Exposition/Ocean Symposium (CU Boulder)

6:30PM-12:00AM Mermaid Masquerade Ball (Hotel Boulderado)

Sunday, September 22

10:00AM-5:00PM  Mile-High Blue Exposition (CU Boulder)

11:00AM-7:00PM Ocean Film Festival – 3 showings (CU Boulder)

Registration for this free Ocean Speakers Symposium is available online at:


About Colorado Ocean Coalition

Colorado Ocean Coalition is a project of The Ocean Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, and has a mission to create, unite and empower the Colorado community to promote healthy oceans through education and community engagement. Until now, there has never been a unified voice for ocean protection in the Mountain States. Colorado Ocean Coalition is creating a movement to protect oceans from a mile high. For more information, please visit:

About Colorado Scuba Retailer Association

The Colorado Scuba Retailers Association is an organization designed to express commitment to dive retailers and provide passion and inspiration for a growing community of dive customers, employees and associated instructors. CSRA proactively helps grow the dive industry by sharing experience, input and solutions with retailers, manufacturers and industry stakeholders. Learn more at:

Media Contact

Jamie Jimenez
(415) 952-6439

Vicki Nichols Goldstein
Founder, Colorado Ocean Coalition


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Shark Con Mon, 12 Aug 2013 07:01:35 +0000 How would you like to help support shark conservation, research, and education? How would you like to do that by...

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How would you like to help support shark conservation, research, and education? How would you like to do that by going to a scuba show with great vendors with all of the latest gear, live aboards, art, clothing, and more? What if that same show had the stars from the Discovery Channels, National Geographic, Smithsonian Institute, and ocean artists giving talks, panels, and Q&A’s?  If it also had exhibits with animals, robotic sharks, and other exhibits for the whole family would that be great? Finally, what if we through in an art exhibit and short film festival?  How about Scuba speed dating? The possibilities are endless. We want to it to be like attending Shark Week LIVE!

I always loved the air of community that San Diego Comic Con had and wished there was something like that for those of us that love the oceans. I also wanted to do something that could make a difference. So I decided, “why can’t we do both? “ I think the best way to effect change is through education. I wanted to create something that not only related to the scuba community, but would be interesting to someone who watches Shark Week. We could get those people in and educate them, get them excited about the oceans, and send them back out to spread the word. And, we could have blast ourselves.

We have lined up an impressive list of speakers and exhibitors. We are announcing one per week for the next couple of months. We are proud to announce the first one. The world famous ocean artist Wyland will be at SharkCon. Wyland’s body of work and tireless conservation efforts speak for themselves. I am sure that his talk will be amazing. To catch our weekly announcements of our speakers, please like us at . Also, you can buy your tickets and take advantage of hotel deals at

Shark Con Profile Image

We want to make this show for you. If you have an event you would like to see at SharkCon or a speaker you would like to see please email us at . The majority of the proceeds will go to shark conservation, research, and youth education projects. It will be Jawsome!

By Guest Blogger Shark-Con

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Master Divers Finathon Success Fri, 09 Aug 2013 07:09:09 +0000 While Master Divers had been steadily raising funds over the past few months, our principal event was the swim around Koh Tao and Finathon Finish Line party.

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On Sunday July 28th, our FINtastic trio comprised of Ayesha Cantrell, Gene Giradeau and Wilco Both, swam 22.5km around Koh Tao in 7 hours 56 minutes!  Along with completing the massive feat of swimming around the island, we are also very  proud to announce that Master Divers have met and successfully smashed our ‪Finathon 2013 goal! With the help of many people we raised over $5500 USD through weekly shark conservation talks, raffles and online donations, and nearly doubled our original goal of $3000usd.

While Master Divers had been steadily raising funds over the past few months, our principal event was the swim around Koh Tao and Finathon Finish Line party. There was also an around-the-island snorkel boat that followed the swimmers, giving people the chance to snorkel, cheer the swimmers on and look for sharks at sites where they are known to frequent.

The swimmers were welcomed back to the island to celebrate at the Finathon Finish Line Party at Maya Bar on Sairee Beach, which featured a raffle auctioning off fabulous prizes that helped raise an additional $2,260. This record breaking challenge placed Master Divers in first place at the top of the Finathon Team Leaderboard.


Donations will help to fight shark finning by insisting on full protections for critically endangered sharks and negotiating stronger policies to ensure a brighter future for all sharks.

Guest Posts by Master Divers

Contact – Janelle
Tel: +66 (0)88 380 7174

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Shark Week Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:41:57 +0000 Don´t miss SHARK WEEK a fundraising carnival for the Ocean Foundation´s Colorado Ocean Coalition on Saturday August 10th at 3:00pm...

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Don´t miss SHARK WEEK a fundraising carnival for the Ocean Foundation´s Colorado Ocean Coalition on Saturday August 10th at 3:00pm to 9:00pm at The Dive Inn on 1380 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210.

Come and join the Colorado front range dive community and friends for fun and games!  You´ll have the opportunity to learn more about Ocean Advocacy and how you can help. Enjoy visiting exhibit booths from the Colorado Ocean Coalition, Colorado Underwater Photographic Society, Sharkbait dive club and more.  Learn more about the upcoming Making Waves in Colorado Symposium events, workshops and speakers to be held in Boulder on September 20th to the 22nd, 2013.  Participate in a silent auction and games for kids of all ages.

The mission of the Colorado Ocean Coalition is to create, unite and empower a Colorado coalition with shared values, goals and actions to promote healthy oceans through education and community engagement. “Why care about oceans when you live more than a thousand miles from the coasts? The Colorado Ocean Coalition believes that you don’t have to be near the ocean to care about it. We live on an ocean planet and the choices we make in the middle of the country have direct ties to the seas.


Illustration from picture book “Fins and Tales” by Jessica Shilling:

All over the world due to overfishing, bycatch, finning, pollution and more the oceans are currently being emptied of sharks. Why do we worry about shark populations? A healthy and abundant ocean depends on predators like sharks keeping ecosystems balanced. Though sharks may rule the ocean, they are very vulnerable. They grow slowly, produce few young, and are exceptionally susceptible to overexploitation.

The future of sharks is in the hands of eliminating shark fishing and trade. We must also invest in shark research and protect vital shark habitats.

Together, we can create a powerful, collective voice to educate and change.

Join us in taking action.

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Manta Ray Black Tie Fundraiser Ball Sat, 27 Jul 2013 05:28:57 +0000 We’d like to invite you to support the Manta Ray Black Tie Ball raising funds for Project AWARE Foundation.

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The ball will include a silent auction, live music with Lightning Jack and with the Cape Collective, information, finger food and a raffle. Check out our fundraising page


The ball aims to raise awareness about the manta’s plight. Through manta tourism the businesses and community members of the Ningaloo Reef area have been able to make an income and here is a chance to give something back. We have chosen to fund raise for our ocean and ask you to generously support our cause by joining us at the event, donating prizes for our silent auction or donating money. If you’re unable to attend the event and you want to contribute to the international cause of manta rays protection you can donate just follow the link at the top of the page to our fundraising page. In doing so you’ll be making a difference.

If you cannot make it have your own black and white night on the 16th and post pics on our facebook page to show your support.

The event will be held on August 16th at Kane’s Camp in Coral Bay. Tickets will be on sale from the 20th of July. Studies demonstrate that the manta’s population has declined up to 86% over the past six to eight years. The main reason is that the manta’s gill rakers (the feathery structures that they use to feed) are used in Chinese medicine. International trade in gill rakers is driven by Asian markets and poses an immediate threat to the mantas survival. Catch of mantas reported to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has almost quadrupled in seven years. A single manta is estimated to be worth $1 million in tourism over its lifetime, while that same manta could be worth as little as $150 to a fishery. Secondary threats are by-catch, marine debris and boat strikes. Mantas are at particular risk to over-fishing because they produce very few young and many populations have already been depleted by unregulated fishing. Mantas have been classified as Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Project AWARE and their partners worked hard and succeeded in helping to get mantas protected first under the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) in 2011, then under CITES in 2013 to ensure that international trade is strictly controlled and held to sustainable levels. This was a historic milestone for manta conservation, but they’re not stopping there. This fundraiser is going to contribute for Project AWARE to continue their work to protect mantas. Our oceans thank you..


The event organization team consists of Diana Belton (a dive instructor and wildlife swimmer) and Alice Martino (a divemaster) both reside in Coral Bay WA Aus. Coral Bay is a town that lives off eco-tourism and lives well. We hope to raise awareness about the Mantas Plight but above all we hope to educate and eventually use the model that works here to allow those that feel they can only profit from a dead manta how much more beautiful and profitable it is to swim beside them. Not only do mantas swim with us but they interact with us. They look into our eyes as we look into theirs. To lose these creatures is to lose pure beauty.

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We’re Swimming Around Koh Tao to Help End Shark Finning Tue, 09 Jul 2013 00:04:20 +0000 Master Divers Needs Your Help to Raise $3000 for Project Aware’s FIN-athon If we raise $3000 USD, then on July...

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Master Divers Needs Your Help to Raise $3000 for Project Aware’s FIN-athon

If we raise $3000 USD, then on July 28th we will swim in a relay team around Koh Tao.  We have already met 31% of our goal by raising $930! These funds will go to Project AWARE to help fight against shark finning by insisting on full protection of endangered sharks and negotiating stronger policies to protect them.


Swimming a relay around Koh Tao is no easy feat. Each of the 3 swimmers will swim just over 7.6km on the respective leg of their race, for a total of 23km. Each team member’s dedication to meeting this monetarily and physically trying goal, demonstrates how passionately they feel about this issue.

finning Banner

The team is made up of Ayesha (owner), Wilco (owner), and Gene (good friend and ocean lover).

At Master Divers we love the ocean and all its inhabitants and we are appalled at the plight of sharks. Shark finning is a serious issue threatening the entire Species and they are disappearing at an alarming rate from Koh Tao’s waters.  We relish the opportunity to get involved and help ensure that sharks are around for the next generation of divers and marine life lovers.

Sharks die a horrific death when finned. They have their fins removed and are tossed back in the ocean to slowly suffocate.  Without their fins they can’t swim and if they can’t swim, water does not flow through their gills allowing them to ‘breathe’.  This practice kills 1000s A DAY!

Please help us to address this issue by providing your support in helping us spread the word about our campaign to help end shark finning.

You can contact us for more information should you wish to include this story in your media. You can donate or simply share on Facebook or Tweet the following link.

Contact – Janelle

Tel: +66 (0)88 380 7174


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DEMA Show Thu, 27 Jun 2013 07:28:26 +0000 The excitement is building, the anticipation is high as DEMA Show, the ultimate in diving, has now opened registration for...

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The excitement is building, the anticipation is high as DEMA Show, the ultimate in diving, has now opened registration for one of the largest dive trade shows in the world. It is all set to take place from November 6-9, 2013 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.


Trade Show News Network ranked DEMA as one of the top tradeshows in 2012 and that is just one of the many honors and accolades that the annual event has received over the years. It is the largest trade-only event in the world for companies doing business in the scuba diving, ocean water sports and adventure/dive travel industries. The DEMA Show offers its participants the most extensive education curriculum in the industry including DEMA-Sponsored seminars and Exhibitor-Sponsored seminars from participating manufacturers, travel destinations and dive certification organizations. DEMA Show is produced by The Diving Equipment & Marketing Association. Leading dive equipment manufacturers will be offering tremendous show-exclusive discounts, truly a bonus that comes with attending.

There will be so much to see, savor and learn at DEMA 2013. The Convention Center Hall will be packed with hundreds of exhibitors. Thousands of attendees come from all ports of call around the globe just to experience the magic while some are looking to take control of their business and career and this is the most opportune outlet available.

A new product showcase allows guests to get a glimpse into the latest innovations to be introduced into the dive industry. In addition, there will be time to check out the latest innovations in technical diving gear as you visit the brand new technical diving resource centre.

An overwhelming favorite is the scuba demonstration pool where exhibitors will be on hand for new product demonstrations and give interested attendees the ability to test out the latest products for themselves.


Get your feet wet in the scenic world of underwater photography and videography with experts on hand to help educate and inform. Learn more about the newest initiative, DiveCaching.

Take a break each day with a decompression stop as you network and socialize amongst fellow divers and industry experts. There are also two lounges on the floor to relax and unwind after an exciting day at the DEMA Show.

The DEMA Store has everything you need including books from DEMA speakers and other industry authors. The DEMA ‘Ships 2 Reefs’ focuses on creating man-made reefs in order to increase diver retention and exhibitors versed in this area are eager to give visitors pointers on how you can begin such a project in your own community and make it work not only for divers but for the marine environment.

Help celebrate the 25th annual year of the event on Friday, November 8th, with the presentation of the prestigious ‘Reaching Out Awards’. There will be food, fun, cocktails, entertainment and a chance to recognize those that have contributed so much to the dive industry over the years.

The DEMA Show 2013 Silent Auction will benefit DEMA’s Disaster Assistance Program, a worthwhile cause for those especially in need.

Some of those planning on attending and participating in the event are diving and ocean sports retailers, live aboard operators, commercial divers, dive resort operators, dive training and certification agencies, dive-related environmental organizations, government and military divers, manufacturer representatives, travel wholesalers and agent and association professionals.

The motto of The DEMA Show 2013 is ‘Be Informed. Be Connected, Be Successful. Be at DEMA Show 2013! Experience it at least once.

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What are the Benefits of Scuba Diving? Sun, 16 Jun 2013 22:15:07 +0000 For some it´s the adrenaline rush of the exploring the deep waters, for others it´s the beauty of the reef and the marine life that inhabits it.

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There are many benefits of scuba diving. Most people would agree that they dive for the pure enjoyment of experiencing the underwater world, so different from ours and truly amazing.

Scuba diving has it all, it’s an fantastic experience that can improve your emotional and physical health while learning new skills, making friends and expanding your environmental awareness.

Just starting out? Take a look at the following list of benefits for a little encouragement.

Health benefits of scuba diving

You don’t have to be incredibly fit to scuba dive. It’s a sport that’s easily accessible to the average person. You do however need to be in a state of good health and free of any serious medical problems. Before diving you will be asked to answer a medical questionnaire. If your instructor has any concerns you will be referred to a doctor for a check-up. If you dive on a regular basis your general fitness will improve. Exercising in water is an excellent way to strengthen your muscles. You spend hours in the water carrying heavy equipment while swimming against the natural resistance of the water. This may sound very tiring but it feels effortless because you are too busy enjoying yourself but in reality you are getting a fantastic workout.

Increased emotional well-being

Gliding underwater while watching the fish go by is incredibly relaxing. Many people find diving to be a great way to get back to nature and de-stress. With practice you will learn calming breathing techniques. These will not only make the dive more enjoyable, but you’ll also use up less air and be able to stay underwater for longer. Once you master your buoyancy it will make your diving experiences even better. It will become even more relaxing and you will feel one with the water.

Social benefits of scuba diving

One great thing about diving is meeting fellow divers. By joining a scuba diving class or club you’ll immediately come in contact with a lot of people with the same hobbies who may become life-long friends. While on a dive trip its common to make friends with fellow divers on the dive boat making your vacation even more exciting.

Environmental awareness

Diving makes you appreciate the ocean even more and will bring you in contact with people that can educate you about fragile underwater habitats and the importance of preserving them. Join ocean advocacy groups like Project AWARE and volunteer to help protect marine environments.

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5 Ways to Celebrate the Coral Triangle Day on June 9 Tue, 21 May 2013 08:42:49 +0000 To some, June 9 may seem just like any other ordinary day.

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But to a growing number of people around Asia Pacific, it is that one special day to come together for the world’s center of marine life—the Coral Triangle.


Now on its second year, the Coral Triangle Day has officially become an annual celebration—an opportunity to bring global attention to the importance of the Coral Triangle in people’s lives and the need to take action to protect and conserve this fragile marine ecosystem.

A place worth saving

The Coral Triangle is a vast ocean expanse that geographically spreads across six countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Timor Leste.

It is the heart of the world’s oceans, which provides nursery and spawning grounds and migratory pathways for much sought-after species such as tuna. Seventy six per cent of the world’s coral species can be found within its temperate waters as with 37% of the world’s reef fish species that find shelter within its coral reefs.

Thousands of whales, dolphins, rays, sharks, and six of the world’s seven species of marine turtles also call this place home.

With its abundant natural resources, the Coral Triangle is an underwater treasure trove that directly sustains the lives of more than 120 million people who heavily depend on marine resources for food and livelihood.

Under threat

The Coral Triangle’s resources are struggling to support one of the fastest economically-growing regions in the world.

Coastal development, destructive fishing, overfishing, unsustainable tourism, and climate change are just some of the many threats plaguing the Coral Triangle’s finite resources.

If nothing is done to address these problems, this world’s most remarkable coral reef ecosystem will soon collapse.

How one day can make a difference

The Coral Triangle Day on June 9 aims to shed much needed light on the state of our oceans and the simple yet exciting things people from all walks of life can do to help.

So what if you’re not a marine biologist or conservation expert? There are many ways to contribute to saving the Coral Triangle, starting with the Coral Triangle Day:

  1. Participate in a Coral Triangle Day event near you – Visit and check out the many events happening around the region. You can participate in any Coral Triangle Day event happening near you and ask your family and friends to do the same.
  2. Encourage groups, organizations, establishments to do something special on Coral Triangle Day – If you know any groups, organizations, or establishments (e.g., dive clubs, dive resorts, tourism associations, etc.) in your vicinity that you think will be interested to do something on June 9, ask them to organize a Coral Triangle Day event of their own. This will give their members or patrons something engaging to do for a good cause.
  3. Organize a Coral Triangle Day event of your own – If you’re a self-starter, you might want to simply do your own event. There are many activities you can initiate such as beach clean-ups, recycling drives (most plastics end up in our oceans), fundraising events (then donate to your local marine NGO), children’s educational talks, and many, many more. Share your event with the rest of the region by uploading your event details on
  4. Share your experiences and promote the Coral Triangle Day via social media – The more people know about your participation, the more people you can inspire. Follow and connect with rest of the region celebrating the Coral Triangle Day. Be sure to use the hashtag #CTDay and #CoralTriangle too.
  5. Be a Coral Triangle ambassador for the rest of the year – While one day can make a whole lot of difference, nothing compares with contributing to ocean conservation all year round. You can continue actively participating in activities that help preserve our marine environments any time of the year and stay updated with the latest work being done to protect this unique ecosystem. You can subscribe to WWF’s monthly Coral Triangle e-newsletter at

However way you choose to celebrate the Coral Triangle Day will surely make a positive impact on this remarkable marine ecosystem we all share!

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The Asia Dive Expo (ADEX) 2013 Thu, 11 Apr 2013 08:15:23 +0000 The Asia Dive Expo (ADEX) will be in its 19th year this year. Held at Marina Bay Sands, visitors are expected to exceed predicted numbers again.

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Visit ADEX 2013 from 19 to 21 April

Taking place over three days, this year’s icon chosen as ADEX’s dedicated marine life is the whale shark (Rhincodon typus). All aspects of this giant fish will be publicized and major efforts will be taken to educate the public of the plight of the biggest fish in the big blue. ADEX’s official publication, Asian Diver, has a yearly special edition to commemorate the event. Called The Big Blue Book, it includes everything you need to know about the whale shark. Add the biggest official party for ADEX 2013 as well and it’ll be the ONLY event to look forward to in the new year!

Celebrating the Whale Shark

ADEX 2013 is dedicated to the Whale Shark! Meet and interact with conservation groups to learn more about these graceful creatures and the issues that threaten their existence, and find out how you can do your part to help. Also, exhibitors who dress their booth up according to the whale shark theme stand a chance to win fantastic prizes!

Even more booths

With more than 300 booths to grace the ADEX 2013 in 2 big halls dedicated to Whale Shark, visitors will be spoilt for even more choices and varieties. For trade, this means you should waste no more time waiting and join in the merrymaking! Most of the booths have been booked, so call “dibs” on your space today to avoid disappointment!

The ADEX Trade Networking Room

An event like ADEX brings about countless opportunities to mix and mingle with those in the industry. The Trade Networking Room serves as an outlet for you to network and build up your contacts.

Opening Hours
Friday, 19 April 2013
(10am-3pm for trade only)
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Sunday, 21 April 2013

For more information about ADEX, visit their website.

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