Fun Stuff – Scuba Diver Life Explore • Dream • Discover • Dive Tue, 24 Aug 2021 17:44:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fun Stuff – Scuba Diver Life 32 32 37309857 Top Five Strangest PADI Specialties Tue, 24 Aug 2021 17:44:47 +0000 You’ve got your OW or AOW, but you want to keep learning—and keep it weird. Here are our picks for the top five strangest PADI specialties.

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You’re a PADI Open Water Diver, or possibly even an Advanced or Rescue Diver. You want to keep learning, building on your dive experience and racking up those certification cards, but you’ve decided the pro route isn’t for you. So now what? It’s time to take a deep dive into the world of specialty courses. And sure, we’ve all heard of the classics — Deep Diver, Drift Diver, Fish ID and Project AWARE to name a few — but did you ever imagine these specialties could exist? Here are our picks for the top five strangest PADI specialties.

Tectonic Plate Awareness Diver

strangest PADI specialties Silfra
The water in Silfra is crystal-clear.

Here’s a truly unusual course designed by Icelandic PADI 5* Dive Center DIVE.IS. This one’s for those in search of something completely unique. It’s unlikely you’ll ever run into another diver with this certification card in their back pocket — unless you’re in Iceland. 

Despite its novelty, this course actually offers a super-interesting introduction to the exciting geological world of plate tectonics and what you must consider when diving in fissures between tectonic plates. Why might you want to have this knowledge? For when you dive Silfra, of course!

Underwater Wedding

strangest PADI specialties
Seems like a good time to say “yes.”

Calling all love birds! Maybe you met your other half on a dive boat, got to know each other on a dive trip, or first locked eyes through the thin plastic of your masks while cruising the reef. If this sounds like you, then we’ve got some news — you can actually get married underwater.

Whether you’re tying the knot or simply renewing your vows, this specialty experience is available all over the planet. Our suggestion? Head to Stuart’s Cove in the Bahamas for a romantic experience you can share with over five different species of shark!

Yoga Diver

strangest PADI specialties
Looks pretty relaxing to us.

If you ask us, diving and yoga have a lot in common. For starters, it’s all about calm, controlled breathing. Second, each activity offers the chance to reconnect with yourself, away from busy day-to-day distractions. 

The Yoga Diver Specialty is the perfect opportunity to check in with yourself, reflect on your place in the natural world and even improve your air consumption! You’re just a few steps away from becoming a more relaxed, focused, healthy and happy diver – both in and out of the water. 

Zombie Apocalypse Diver

strangest PADI specialties zombie diver
There’s nowhere to hide from the undead (Credit: Bolton Divers)

This fun, yet distressing, specialty has only one thing in mind — to save your life. Combining high-quality diver training with the latest zombie intelligence, learn the skills and knowledge you’ll need in the event of a zombie apocalypse. 

Get zombified and slimed up, then channel your inner zombie as you role play crises and dive your way out of danger. That’s the only info we have for you at this stage — specific course content is shrouded in secrecy, so you’ll have to sign up to find out more. 

Underwater Basket Weaving


Yes, you read that right. Weaving baskets. Underwater. What??!

We’re not winding you up; this is a legitimate PADI specialty course, offered by a select number of dive centers and educational institutions with a good sense of humor. Is it a bit of a joke? Yes. Will it help you improve your focus, dexterity, and buoyancy control underwater? Also yes. Will you have lots of fun in the process? Absolutely. 

Don’t believe us? Check out the video above of underwater basket weaving in action, courtesy of Rutgers University in New Jersey. 

How did these weird specialties become reality? 

These courses, some of the strangest PADI specialties, all exist thanks to PADI’s enthusiasm for input and fresh ideas from the dive community. If you’re an instructor with an absurd idea that you’d like to see become a reality, head over to and submit your ideas. Maybe our next article will be “Top Six Strangest PADI Specialties.”

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Top 10 Reasons to Join Your Local Dive Club Tue, 10 Aug 2021 22:31:52 +0000 You don’t have to live near the ocean or have year-round warm weather to enjoy the perks of a community that shares your passion. Check out these 10 reasons to join your local dive club.

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Local dive clubs flourish everywhere from landlocked states to busy cities and towns with heavy winter snows, sometimes in the places you’d least expect. For instance, you might be surprised to find out that New York City boasts one of the largest dive clubs in the U.S., averaging 300 to 400 club members annually while one small local dive club comprises just three members who dive in a Midwestern river.

Some clubs are officially open to any diver whereas others are invitation only, focusing on a small group of like-minded individuals. While some groups remain free, others may charge a nominal annual fee, but all extend serious perks. Below are 10 reasons to join your local dive club — in addition to discovering a community of people that shares your passion.

Note: Some clubs are informal, so extensive digging to find one may be required — search online, contact your local dive shop, ask other divers, and check social media including all major outlets such as Meetup and Scubaboard.

Club dives and trips

Dives hosted by the club or members can showcase some of the best dives in the area and provide you a chance to dip your toes into local waters. Clubs organizing weekend getaways and international trips guarantee you dive buddies on vacations, while non-diving significant others can hang out with other landlubber partners.

Clubs can also apportion skills like navigation or spotting critters to everyone’s benefit. Even better, you can always count on at least one photographer in the group to record memorable shots of the dive/event, and sometimes even photos of you. As an example, all the images in this article showcase actual club events documented by a member from my club who’s an avid photographer in his spare time.

Social activities

local dive club

While the best part of joining a local scuba club remains the diving, socializing with other divers is also fantastically fun. Catch an ocean-related movie, eat dinner together, enjoy drinks, or hang out to chat with others who adore diving, and you’ll feel an instant connection.

Local info

Your local dive club can function as a great resource for the best dive sites in your area, tips on local conditions, how to locate specific critters, and the best local provider of equipment and fills.

Dive buddies

local dive club

No buddy? No problem — you’re bound to find someone to pair up with regularly or on an ad hoc basis at your dive club. A club is also a fantastic source of new friendships.

Knowledge and entertainment

Some clubs feature a regular lecture series on topics ranging from amazing dives, to safety, to swoon-worthy vacations. While the club may focus on local dive reports from members, experts from the area and noted guest speakers from around the country may also present.

Free or lower-cost training

Some clubs organize official training events, workshops, or groups like the formal introduction to Northeast diving event and underwater photographic society that my club hosts. Others offer a more informal mentoring style, like my Australian friend’s group, where members exchange photos for critique, or my Canadian friend’s club where more experienced divers often support newbies. Oftentimes, these activities are free or at a lower cost than those offered at a dive shop. Some of the training may even be unavailable anywhere else.

local dive club

Answers to questions

An entire community available to answer your specific questions can be incredibly advantageous. You’ll also see the gear others dive in and discover different options while also minimizing wasted money on unnecessary equipment.


Local clubs develop great relationships with boats and shops and, with a guaranteed amount of business, can often secure discounts on dives, fills, equipment, and resorts. Also, members usually sell their used equipment to other members when they’ve decided to upgrade. You can snag some good deals this way and the seller will be up front about the equipment’s condition since you know each other. In addition, you can test out the equipment on a dive first to ensure it suits you.


Collectively, you’ll all be looking out for one another as well as sharing safety info (e.g., locations to avoid, equipment recalls, etc.), and safety equipment. For example, one of my buddies has an expansive first aid kit while another friend always brings her full oxygen kit plus an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).

local dive club

Dive more and get/give inspiration

You can’t always go on vacation, so feeding your scuba addiction by diving with a local dive club can ensure you get wet more often. It’ll also encourage you to dive more naturally with long-time divers and inspire newbies,  seeing scuba through fresh eyes.

I hope I’ve encouraged you to join your local club if you haven’t yet and if you’re ever in the New York, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania area where my club often dives, feel free to look up The NYC Sea Gypsies.

Photos courtesy of Michael Rothschild

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Scuba Hunt Cozumel Makes a Splash Wed, 28 Jul 2021 15:17:40 +0000 Can you and a teammate master a part scavenger hunt, part labyrinth and part escape room? Scuba Hunt Cozumel gives you the chance to do so underwater.

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The sources of scuba diving innovation are usually about new equipment, new resort openings, or new liveaboard upgrades. The fundamental diving experience is typically a slight variation of letting your mind drift off while you savor a dive. 

Until now.


Scuba Hunt is a new, Cozumel-based underwater challenge game where you are actually diving with a mission. Can you and a teammate master a part scavenger hunt, part labyrinth and part escape room? Legend has it that Hurricane Wilma blew 90 huge concrete blocks into a natural maze where we have hidden a dozen clues. Teams will be tasked to find these clues without a map or compass (but a guide supervising nearby). Each clue will require teams to accomplish unusual twists on scuba skills and decipher puzzling codes. Teams will have 65 minutes in our shallow, 19-foot-deep (5.8 m) course to beat the clock and finish within 65 minutes to qualify to solve the final puzzle and win a small prize.  

Scuba Hunt Cozumel Scuba Hunt Cozumel Scuba Hunt Cozumel Scuba Hunt Cozumel Scuba Hunt Cozumel Scuba Hunt Cozumel

Most dive experiences are about underwater sightseeing; Scuba Hunt is about sightdoing. Teamwork, concentration, communication, and coordination will be the keys to victory. It’s truly diving with a mission!

Don’t be fooled by the shallow depth, as navigating unpredictable currents is a part of the challenge of the game. So, this ain’t no DSD or freshly-minted, open-water certified graduate dive site. 

Whereas most traditional Cozumel dive shops operate remote and daylong 2-tank dives, Scuba Hunt is in town and only two minutes from our dive site, so our 1-tank experience can be completed in about two hours. It’s a niche/novelty dive for folks who want to squeeze in a late afternoon third dive after their host dive shop trip is finished. Or the combination of Scuba Hunt’s 1-tank and shallow dive is a safe and unique dive option for last-day-before-flying, instead of being stuck as a landlubber. Cruisers will appreciate our 1-tank dive as a no-rush, stress-free shore excursion.

Scuba Hunt has transformed diving into a team sport. So, bring your A-game to Cozumel and join us at the iconic seafront restaurant and hang-out Hemingway’s.

Read our early adapter diver reviews here and find us on Facebook.


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Marine Art Wed, 12 May 2021 14:00:00 +0000 Art can speak to your soul, but most divers hold a special place in their heart for marine art. Check out some of our favorite pieces here.

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Art can speak to your soul, but most divers have a special place in their heart for marine art. We’ve gathered together six of our favorite marine artists and some of their most inspiring artwork. These pieces are available for view and/or for sale from artists across the United States as well as from Canada and Australia. We hope you’ll be just as inspired as we were after viewing each piece.

Hand-carved and Torched Sculptures


Chad Hogston, the artist from Cape Fear Torch, is a freediver from North Carolina who creates custom pieces, hand-carved and torched on select woods. These realistic-looking works of art are truly unique, with the natural woodgrain adding something extra to each piece as you can see in the video above. To view his other pieces or order a custom work, check him out on Facebook or Instagram.

Ethereal Photography

marine art
Gorgonia from The Ocean on Your Wall by Glen Cowans Photography
marine art
Cells from The Ocean on Your Wall by Glen Cowans Photography

Produced by Glen Cowans Photography, The Ocean on Your Wall showcases divers’ dreams. In addition to seascapes, this specialized line of underwater photography also includes artistic macro views of marine life, such as the piece above entitled Gorgonia, taken on a dive in Rowley Shoals, Western Australia or Cells from Rottnest Island, Western Australia. While limited edition stretcher framed pieces on canvas are available, less-expensive mounted prints are also an option.

Paintings and Archival Fine Art Prints

marine art
Content by Dimitri Sirenko

Based in Vancouver, Canada, Dimitri Sirenko creates beautiful oil and acrylic paintings as well as archival fine art prints. He not only has rave reviews on his Etsy shop, but he was also the 2018 National Champion of the competitive live painting event called Art Battle. The artist offers a wide variety of seascapes like his Content oil painting above and marine-animal portraits among other pieces. Sirenko’s pieces are available for sale via his Etsy shop.

Stained-glass Sculptures and Lamps

marine art
Octopus Chandelier by Mason Parker

Oregon-based artist Mason Parker has worked in stained glass as well as fused glass since 1990. His five-foot-wide Octopus Chandelier shown above is a showstopper, while his jellyfish and squid lamps are delightful. Mason uses vibrantly colored stained glass to mimic the glory of nature. To purchase a piece, visit his web site.

Awesome Art from a Cave Diver

marine art
By Michael Angelo Gagliardi

Michael Angelo Gagliardi, from Art Flows Like Water, is a cave diver and explorer whose art touches those on land and underwater. He creates powerful pieces such as the one above, entitled The Shonan Maru and the Sea (alt title: Better Living through Factory Farming), as well as vistas familiar to other cave divers. Gagliardi has also performed underwater restorations to a vandalized cave, a multiple layer/color clay bank, and a smashed whale bone vertebra 100 feet down and 2,200 feet into the cave system. For prices and availability, contact him through his web site.

Art to Save the Sea

marine art
Octavia the Octopus ©
marine art
Greta the Great White ©

As Washed Ashore notes, they “create art to save the sea, building and exhibiting aesthetically powerful art to educate a global audience about plastic pollution in the ocean to spark positive changes in consumer habits.” With sculptures up to 9 feet tall and 6 to 15 feet long, these massive exhibits are equally stunning and horrifying as you realize they’re made entirely of plastic pollution fished from the Pacific Ocean. Used as a primary source of gathering attention, their traveling exhibit can be found across the United States and Canada at aquariums, zoos, public gardens, museums, and universities. To see the exhibit in person or host an exhibit, check out the Washed Ashore web site.

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The Best Places to Get Married Underwater Wed, 12 Aug 2020 14:00:22 +0000 Make tying the knot even more memorable in one of these locations, the world’s best places to get married underwater.

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If you and your partner want to get married underwater — with or without a wedding party — there are a variety of places across the globe that can accommodate your deepest wishes. In most cases, you wear a dive mask or a full-face mask with audio communications, a tank with a regulator, BCD, and fins. You’ll kneel on the sandy bottom as the facilitator either shows you a slate to ask you questions or uses basic hand signals so you and your spouse can say, nod, or give a thumbs up for “I do” during a 15- to 20-minute ceremony.

Check with each venue on whether you need a diving certification before the ceremony; most can accommodate you with a resort course. And please note: An underwater wedding is not usually “official,” so you may need a civil ceremony to make it legal, at the destination of your choice or your hometown. With that said, here are some of our favorite places to get married underwater.


Bora Bora Lagoon

Bora Bora is frequently cited as one of the world’s most romantic islands. It’s home to green, craggy mountains spilling to cerulean water, surrounded by a rugged barrier reef, white-sand beaches, and a spectacularly shallow lagoon. You’ll wear underwater helmets for your ceremony, which will take place in a shell-encrusted, A-frame chapel a mere 13 feet (4 m) deep, officiated by a scuba-certified Polynesian master of ceremonies. Wooden cabins built over the ocean with glass-bottom floors, a turtle sanctuary, and great diving or snorkeling are all just steps away.


Paradise Island

One of the largest resorts in the Caribbean is just off Nassau’s shore. If you want to have a “dry” wedding, but with a nautical setting, book your wedding ceremony and party in a room in the center of their spectacular aquarium with over 50,000 animals.


Here, your wedding guests can include a bunch of wild Bahamian sharks –– or none –– to surround your ceremony, or opt for a calmer ceremony by a shipwreck, conducted by a non-denominational pastor and licensed marriage officer.



One dive operator can accommodate groups from just the bride and groom, up to 30 divers around at sites in the Waikiki and Diamond Head area, whether you’re all certified or not. They’ll even arrange for professional photo and video services to remember your big day.


On “The Friendly Island,” you can “Get Maui-ed” in the ocean via a shore dive or a boat dive to Molokini Crater. Alternatively, you can enter the aquarium’s 750,000-gallon ocean exhibit and shark tank so your wedding party can watch the ceremony without getting wet.

Cayman Islands

Grand Cayman

Since 1996, couples have been exchanging vows while blowing bubbles near Grand Cayman’s famed Seven Mile Beach, with scuba communication gear that allows them to speak and be heard. With visibility ranging from 100 to 200 feet (33 to 66 meters), after the ceremony there’s plenty of time to enjoy dramatic walls and shallow reefs.

Little Cayman 

This small island to the northeast of Grand Cayman is a popular among divers because of the great sites along Bloody Bay Marine Park. With just a few resorts on the island compared to Grand Cayman, you’ll be able to enjoy a very private honeymoon and some incredibly deep drop-offs.


Key Largo

Key Largo is adjacent to John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Captain Slate, AKA “Justice of the Pisces” has been officiating underwater ceremonies next to the bronze Christ of the Abyss statue here for decades.

Ft. Lauderdale

Ft. Lauderdale offers over 75 dive sites where divers can exchange rings. A reef lies as close as 300 feet (100 meters) from shore and begins at only 20 feet (7 meters), so you can get hitched while blowing bubbles, and even hire a photographer or videographer to capture the ceremony. 


Riviera Maya

Both Cancun and Cozumel offer warm water and shallow diving along the world’s second largest barrier reef system. You can get married underwater in Spanish, French, Portuguese, or English.

Cabo San Lucas

Though the ocean is typically rough because of strong waves and wind where the Pacific Ocean meets the Sea of Cortez, the bay offers a calm environment for underwater weddings. You can even place your wedding rings into a calm shell that’s yours to keep.

Author Gil Zeimer learned how to dive on Grand Cayman in 1981. He’s been hooked ever since and has explored the underwater world from Australia to Micronesia to Aruba. As a travel writer, journalist, and advertising writer, Gil is passionate about helping diving industry clients promote their sites, resorts, and causes. He lives in Tiburon, California, which is Spanish for “shark.” Find out more about him here or follow him on Facebook.


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Interview: Viral Video Shooter Rich Horner Wed, 13 May 2020 14:00:08 +0000 Now, while where we’re all stuck at home in some way or another, we’re taking a bit of time to...

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Now, while where we’re all stuck at home in some way or another, we’re taking a bit of time to celebrate the amazing people within the diving industry, starting with Rich Horner, who’s most famous for shooting a video of plastic-filled waters in Nusa Lembongan. Here we’ll discuss what it’s like to become a viral video star and how he views COVID-19’s impact on the environment.

What got you into diving in the first place?

I went backpacking in Australia and just did what all backpackers do in Australia. Plus, a couple of friends at home were divers and I thought it looked cool.

You’re known internationally for shooting this video. How did that come about and how did you feel shooting it?

Yeah, my rubbish dive … my mates have now christened me the #rubbishdiver. That day, I’d jumped on my mate’s dive boat to try and get some cool manta videos with my GoPro. When we pulled into the bay at Manta Point, we could all see this huge slick of plastic, branches, leaves and jellies floating right over where the cleaning station is. Underwater it was mad and much, much bigger than anyone had ever seen. But we rolled in anyway, to go and see if the mantas were there. After all, the plastic floats, and the mantas are deeper here, cleaning. I also knew that I should document this plastic slick, as our friends on the island were doing research projects on the mantas and the microplastics, so they’d very much want to know about it.

When we got down there and swam over to the cleaning station rock, we saw an absolutely surreal sight. The top of rock was covered in a perfectly mixed cloud of plastic, evenly suspended from the surface to the top of the rock, 13 feet (4 m deep). It didn’t look real. This happened due to the swell interacting with the suddenly shallow rock causing the plastic, which is only very slightly buoyant, to hang lower in the water column. Away from the rock we found the rest of the slick, snaking off in a line. I swam along under this, following its path for ages — only part of this swim is in my video. That dive, we saw three or four mantas.

How did I feel seeing it? It was a mixture. Obviously, shock, as no one had ever seen a slick like this. Also, a feeling of disappointment, as seeing plastic in our ocean isn’t uncommon during the wet season here. Usually we’d only see it on the feeding site, as it gets pushed by the same currents and winds as the plankton that the mantas feed on. So, we’re really quite weary of seeing it all the time.  But also, for me, it was fascinating to see, as with anything that floats in the ocean for an extended amount of time, it attracts a lot of its own life, becoming its own floating ecosystem. I didn’t find any sargassum frogfish, but there probably were a few in there.

What’s changed in your life since that video went viral?

Technically I’m a star of a viral video, but luckily, I was in my mask and hood that day, so I’m still anonymous to a large extent. But very soon after I posted my video on Facebook — to show my dive friends — it started getting shared a lot and going viral in only a few hours. After reading the comments from strangers, I quickly realized I had to explain to people what they were seeing and provide more detail.

So, I edited the description of the post several times, covering the frequently asked questions and what people were getting wrong, like explaining that it was a freak occurrence and that Manta Bay doesn’t look like that normally.

The video was shared thousands of times, without my detailed description, so there was no chance that people could fully understand what they were seeing. Instead, they just saw this crazy apocalyptic video of what it seemed like the ocean looks like now. Realizing this, I knew I had to explain the details of the video as much as I could, so I accepted requests to do the TV interviews with the BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, Chinese and of course, the Indonesian channels.

Now, more than two years later, I still get a few usage requests per month for the video. A lot of those initial commercial users paid to use the clip, generating a few thousand dollars, which I’ve donated to the mantas and the microplastics research done out here. I give teachers, students, researchers, activist, campaigners, charities, and documentarians the footage for free.

What advice would you give to divers looking to help protect the ocean?

If you see anything like this, document it as fully and as best you can then pass it along to researchers and scientists that study these issues. Data is vital here. Scuba diving itself has done so much to help the oceans and reefs, just by allowing so many pairs of eyes to see what’s under the surface. Seeing the absolute beauty and also the horrific damage humans have done is impactful. So, showing this to all those who haven’t been diving is very important.

How does lockdown look on Nusa Lembongan?

For the islanders, it’s been pretty tough. Tourism dried up pretty quickly, and now all boats have halted, apart from goods and supplies. Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Ceningan just over the Yellow Bridge, and more recently, the much bigger Nusa Penida, had become mostly reliant on tourism. Some of the dive businesses have been able to keep paying some staff wages I gather, but it looks likely that tourism will take longer to recover from this. One positive thing is that more of the locals have started seaweed farming again. It had died off a lot in the recent years, as too many middlemen were taking all the money, but I gather they have protected prices now and more plots are being populated in the very productive channel between Lembongan and Ceningan.

I haven’t dived since February, and might not get out for a while, I guess. A few people did manage to get out a few weeks ago to check the reefs and coral-restoration projects. Shore diving is mostly impossible here on Lembongan. We’re all just chilling out under lockdown for now. One of the small concerns is that without all the eyes underwater, there’s the chance that some of the key reef species might be targeted by people that don’t know, or don’t care about the fragility of the reefs. We’re hoping no one gets too hungry here.

What’s next for you after we’re all allowed out again?

After COVID-19 … it’s a mystery. But I’d like to continue helping out here with the research, the coral restoration and also with mapping of the reefs. The new techniques of photogrammetry are amazing — and fairly easy to do — with a bit of swimming. So hopefully we can make some nice maps for everyone. For now, I think I’ll be staying here in Bali, as it’s genuinely a lovely place to be, lovely people, lovely reefs, lovely divers coming to visit… and because of the manta rays. Probably mostly the manta rays.

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Seven Sustainable Swimwear Brands for Divers Fri, 20 Mar 2020 16:14:59 +0000 As plastic pollution threatens ocean health, dive gear companies are stepping up in innovative ways to make a difference with sustainable swimwear.

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As plastic pollution threatens ocean health, dive gear companies are stepping up in innovative ways to make a difference with sustainable swimwear and eco-conscious wetsuits. These products, created in part from ocean plastic, are functional, look great and help support ocean conservation. Here are our picks for seven awesome sustainable swimwear brands.

Fourth Element OceanPositive

Sustainable swimwear

This popular dive gear company from the U.K. produces a broad range of sustainable swimwear and is well-known for a commitment to ocean conservation.

Products tested:

  • Light coverage: Thresher bikini
  • Medium coverage: Mako bikini & Harlequin swimsuit
  • Full coverage: Long-sleeve Hydroskin and Hydro Leggings

What makes OceanPositive swimwear great for divers?

  • Broad range of swimwear styles for all shapes, sizes and preferences
  • Wrist loops prevent Hydroskin sleeves from bunching up when donning your wetsuit
  • Lightweight, quick drying materials
  • Affordable options for all budgets

What are the products made from?

  • ECONYL, a recycled nylon made from recovered ghost nets and other ocean wastes.

 Sun protection and degradation resistance

  • Chlorine, heat and sunscreen resistant
  • UPF50+ sun protection 

How did the products perform?

All of the products were true to size and didn’t pinch anywhere despite not having adjustable straps/sizes.

Of all the swimwear brands tested, the OceanPositive products were the quickest to dry between dives, even in the shade, making them ideal for multi-dive days.

While the Thresher bikini offers a sleek and minimal design, the removable padded cups and racer-back straps were still supportive.For fuller coverage, I recommend the Mako bikini and swimsuit. The Mako bikini top clasp and the swimsuit straps were a bit fussy, but they have one big advantage — you can tie the swimwear onto a liveaboard rail for drying without worrying they’ll blow away.

How is Fourth Element supporting ocean conservation?

  • Constantly reviewing old products to add more sustainable fabrics
  • Working closely with Reef World International and Global Ghost Gear Initiative
  • Regularly helping with beach clean ups and retrieving ghost fishing nets
  • Working to environmental standards that minimize the use of harmful chemicals
  • Using biodegradable packaging 


sustainable swimwear

Robin Chesnie and Rick Rickman created SlipIns because of Chesnie’s struggles getting in and out of thick wetsuits. Seeing many other women struggling in the same way, she came up with products that make it easy to get in and out of our wetsuits.

Products tested

  • AquaMermaid Swimsuit
  • Whale Shark DiveSkin

What makes SlipIns swimwear great for divers?

  • Material has plenty of stretch for comfort and easy movement in the water
  • Foot stirrups and thumb holes keep the suit in place when putting your wetsuit on
  • The one-piece DiveSkins provide protection against abrasions and stinging ocean critters

What are the products made from?

  • Nylon, polyester and Spandex

Sun protection and degradation resistance

  • UPF 60+ rating and full-body sun protection

How did the products perform?

Admittedly, I was self-conscious about being dressed as a whale shark on a boat full of guys but I felt fabulous from the moment I put the DiveSkin on.

The material is unbelievably silky and lightweight. Both the DiveSkin and swimsuit are also extremely flattering and stretchy. As well as being perfect under a wetsuit, the products were great for snorkeling and for covering up in the sun.

How is SlipIns supporting ocean conservation?

  • SlipIns eliminate the need for sunscreen during water sports, thanks to a full range of high-coverage swimwear for men and women
  • Helping to minimize harmful chemicals entering the ocean by decreasing our use of sunscreens

Gemma Lee

sustainable swimwear

Founded by ocean-loving Kiwi and fashion graduate Gemma Lee, this eco-conscious surf and dive label really stands out from the crowd with its vibrant swimwear and wetsuits.

Products tested

  • Retro Tides 2mm Springsuit

What makes Gemma Lee wetsuits great for divers?

  • Vibrant colors and limited-edition designs
  • Ideal for underwater photography subjects
  • Flat-locked stitched seams for extra comfort in the water
  • Lightweight suits offer flexible layering for warm- and cool-water dives
  • Front zippers make it easy to wear and remove the suits

What are the products made from?

  • Eco-conscious 2mm limestone-based neoprene
  • All nylon features are made from recycled PET bottles.

Sun protection and degradation resistance

  • High sun protection from neoprene wetsuit coverage

How did the product perform?

The vibrant patterns on Gemma Lee suits add a great pop of color to your dive kit. At 2mm, the Springsuit is thin enough to easily wear under a wetsuit but is also suitable for and tropical diving on its own.

Personally, I loved the suit for extra warmth when snorkeling. It didn’t restrict my movements in any way, even when going up and down dive platform ladders.

The fit was true to size and the low rise cut on the hips is ideal for coverage over a bikini. It’s a great lightweight suit for travel when you’re tight on luggage allowance but want a warm layer that fits like a glove.

How is Gemma Lee supporting ocean conservation?

Gemma Lee has taken numerous steps to ensure her products are sustainable, ethical and eco-conscious, including:

  • Yarn made of PET bottles
  • Using limestone-based neoprene instead of petroleum-based neoprene
  • Gemma Lee’s textile supplier does not use hazardous chemicals in the dyes
  • The dyeing process uses 80 percent less water than standard dyeing techniques

Ocean Mimic 

sustainable swimwear

Ocean Mimic is a charity and global movement empowering individuals to reduce the amount of plastic entering the oceans. As part of their mission, Ocean Mimic has created recycled swimwear inspired by the creatures they aim to protect.

Products tested

  • Parrotfish bodysuit

What makes Ocean Mimic bodysuits great for divers?

  • Variety of ocean-themed designs, from parrotfish and clownfish to whale sharks
  • Soft and breathable fabric with two-way stretch and unrestricted movement
  • Lightweight and versatile for dive travel
  • Thicker panels front and back for coverage without need for a swimsuit underneath

What are the products made from?

  • Made from 100 percent recycled material: 78 percent recycled ECONYL yarn; 22 percent Elastane

Sun protection and degradation resistance

  • UPF 50 sun protection
  • Chlorine, sunscreen and saltwater resistant

How did the product perform?

The high neck and low-rise hip design provided great sun protection and the suit was very comfortable (and warm) under a wetsuit.

I really liked the thicker fabric panels at the front and back of the suit for modesty. You could easily wear this suit without a bikini underneath. The suit sizes are quite small and less stretchy than other suits I tried, so go up a size for comfort.

The sleeves stayed in place perfectly under my wetsuit, despite having no thumb loops, and the zipper is built to last.

How is Ocean Mimic supporting ocean conservation?

  • Organizing beach clean-ups
  • Educating local children about why plastic is a problem and providing solutions to plastic pollution
  • For every $10 you spend with Ocean Mimic, the charity pledges to pick up 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of waste
  • Product packaging is entirely recyclable and plastic-free


sustainable swimwear

Waterlust began as an experimental project by ocean science graduates and has evolved into a popular dive-clothing brand supporting ocean science and conservation initiatives.

Products tested

  • Whale Shark Warrior leggings and reversible top

What makes Waterlust leggings and tops great for divers?

  • Seamless, reversible top with no tags
  • Good mid-level support and moisture wicking: ideal for diving, yoga, swimming, etc.
  • Resilient 4-way stretch and shape retention
  • Customizable legging lengths
  • Internal front waistband leggings pocket
  • Deep side pockets for other essentials

What are the products made from?

  • Repreve, a material made from post-consumer plastic bottles

Sun protection and degradation resistance

  • 100 percent chlorine, sun, saltwater and sunscreen resistant
  • UPF 50+ sun protection

How did the products perform?

Waterlust leggings are thicker than other dive leggings and add plenty of warmth when diving and snorkeling. I found the fabric took a while to dry because of its thickness but the product versatility made up for that.

Designed for use in numerous sports, the leggings and top fit closely and the high waist was secure and comfortable. It was easy to fold the waistband over for a lower waist if preferred.

The deep pockets on the leggings are great for safely storing essentials. You can wear the leggings long or easily pull them up just under the knees.

Top tip: Keep the legs long for wearing comfortably over your feet with closed-heel fins.

How is Waterlust supporting ocean conservation?

  • 100 percent recycled and recyclable packaging
  • Mailer bags are made from 100 percent post-consumer material and dual-adhesive strips mean you can reuse the bags
  • Partnering with researchers and educators on ocean conservation work and sharing their findings online
  • Donating 10 percent of profits to support ocean conservation and research initiatives


sustainable swimwear

Batoko, a small, fun swimwear brand in the U.k. creates swimsuits that are bold, flattering and eye-catching.

Products tested

  • Orca swimsuit

What makes Batoko swimwear great for divers?

  • Classic shape and great coverage
  • They’re fully lined, so no see-through swimwear when diving
  • Great bust support without cups or wiring
  • Work for a variety of body heights and shapes, making them ideal for active pursuits
  • Batoko produces matching adult and kids swimwear for the whole dive family

What are the products made from?

  • 100 percent recycled plastic (polyester)
  • Vegan-friendly products

Sun protection and degradation resistance

  • Not tested for sun protection, but polyester has a high resistance to UV radiation and the fabric is tightly woven
  • Polyester is very resistant to chlorine

How did the products perform?

I couldn’t stop smiling when wearing the orca swimsuit. The suits are great fun and offer unique designs. The material was very soft and yet thick, with support that withstood multiple dives.

I recommend buying a smaller size than usual for these suits if you’re petite, as I found the straps tended to slip off my shoulders.

How is Batoko supporting ocean conservation?

  • Recycling the equivalent weight of 300,000 plastic bottles into swimwear so far
  • Workplace powered by renewable energy
  • Vegan supply chain
  • Donating a proportion of their annual profits to the Marine Conservation Society UK
  • Participating in reforestation projects to offset their carbon
  • Plastic-free packaging and eco-conscious swimwear printing processes

Shapes in the Sand

sustainable swimwear

Born from a desire to help restore the environment and represent the diversity of women, Shapes in the Sand produces a broad range of sustainable on-trend swimwear for all.

Products tested

  • Mystic Wrap Over crop
  • Mystic mid-rise V-Pant
  • Mystic cropped rash guard

What makes Shapes in the Sand swimwear great for divers?

  • Broad range of mix-and-match swimwear separates are ideal for dive holidays
  • Variety of coverage and support options for all body shapes
  • Seasonal collections support ocean conservationists
  • Made of EVO, which dries 50 percent faster than standard polyamide
  • Thermal-isolation fabric protects you from temperature variations

What are the products made from?

  • ECONYL yarn
  • EVO, a yarn made from castor bean oil

Sun protection and degradation resistance

  • UPF 50+
  • Chlorine resistant

How did the products perform?

The patterned fabric and embellishments on the ties made Shapes in the Sand fashionable and yet functional when diving.

The black Mystic cropped rash guard is an eye-catching change from standard length rash guards and offered plenty of warmth despite being cropped. The rash guard looked great with the bikini bottoms and didn’t ride up at all

Despite being a wrap-over design with a low-cut front, the Mystic crop provided plenty of support and kept everything in place in the water. If you have a large bust, try a different style, however, as the cup size is relatively small.

Ties at the back of the bikini top made it easy to dry on a rail when liveaboard diving.

How is Shapes in the Sand supporting ocean conservation?

  • Using EVO, which is a totally renewable resource that requires little water and has no food-chain impacts
  • Local printing method does not use water or any harsh chemicals
  • Fabric remnants become accessories such as head wraps
  • Packaging and labels are recycled and sustainably sourced, down to the swimwear tags and care labels
  • Partnering with ocean conservation initiatives

Kathryn Curzon, a shark conservationist and dive travel writer wrote this article. Follow her adventures at

 All images courtesy of the author unless otherwise noted.

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Barriers to Diving and Diving Myths Fri, 28 Feb 2020 15:00:02 +0000 Friends and family who are non-divers often have misconceptions about the sport. What are the usual diving myths and fears? Are they true?

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We all have friends and family who are non-divers. However passionately we describe our love of scuba diving, they seem disinterested, reticent to try it, or fearful because they’ve formed misconceptions about the sport and its challenges. What are the most common barriers to diving and diving myths? Do they have any validity? We’ll examine some common misconceptions here.

Diving is expensive

diving myths

Many people view money as a barrier to entering the sport. Is diving expensive? Of course, at its extremes, diving can be expensive. To take a diving trip on a luxury liveaboard vessel touring the Galapagos Islands may cost thousands of dollars. To train and invest in a full closed-circuit rebreather set-up may cost thousands of dollars. However, to hold these up as examples of diving being expensive would be inaccurate. Passing your driving test doesn’t mean buying a new Ferrari and, similarly, you can participate in diving relatively inexpensively.

For example, a simple try-dive experience with the local dive shop in their pool may only cost $30-40. An introductory open water (OW) certification — depending on agency and location — may cost $300-400. This means that, for less than the cost of a new TV, you can earn a certification that allows you to dive globally for life. Even within the confines of an OW course, many dive shops will allow you to begin with a small deposit to cover training materials. Then you can budget to pay the course balance over the weeks you’re completing your training.

Already certified? While having your own scuba diving equipment is always best, most divers begin by simply buying the essentials: mask, fins and snorkel. Then, as you progress, you can buy equipment to suit your needs as time and financial constraints allow. In the meantime, rental equipment is always available relatively inexpensively to fill the gap.

To simply dive doesn’t need to break the bank. In some areas, there are training lakes with facilities to support divers that you can visit for as little as $20. Or, if you’re lucky enough to live by the coast, free diving may be available off the local coastline — you’ll only need a buddy and $5 for a cylinder fill.

Diving can be expensive, but it needn’t be. You can enjoy diving whatever your financial circumstances.

Diving is dangerous

diving myths

Diving is statistically a very safe sport. Certainly, in comparison to other outdoor leisure activities such as snowboarding, bowling, horse riding or even fishing, there are fewer reported accidents, incidents and medical issues each year, according to the NCIB.

Interestingly, the most-reported medical problems associated with diving usually relate to sunburn, seasickness and dehydration. By definition, diving cannot be without some form of risk — divers get to explore the world underwater and with that, of course, is some inherent risk. However, it is a risk you can easily manage and diving fatalities are thankfully very low.

In terms of pure statistics, in the Diver Alert Network’s 2016 report, there was a fatality rate of approximately two people per 100,000 participants. To give this figure some context, the fatality rate for jogging is 13 per 100,000 participants and for horse riding is a much more significant 128 per 100,000 participants.

Drilling down further into the figures reveals a not insignificant proportion of these fatalities are linked to a pre-existing medical condition or lack of fitness; the majority occurred in divers older than 50. Some accidents can be chalked up to poor judgment or diver error, and may have been avoided.

While scuba as a sport will never eradicate accidents and injuries completely, diving is one of the safest adventurous leisure activities to pursue.

Divers commonly run out of air or suffer from ‘the bends’

Training with all the major dive agencies, such as PADI, SSI, SDI and NAUI, is standardized and common standards are in place, overseen by the WRSTC.

Foundational dive training focuses on core safety skills, gas management, the buddy system and dive planning. Unless there is some form of diver error or — even more unlikely — equipment malfunction, there would be no reason for a diver to run out of air. However, at the foundational level, each diver learns to deal with out-of-air emergencies, air sharing and the various methods of ascending in the event of a problem.

Similarly, decompression sickness — known as the bends — is extremely rare when divers plan and execute dives correctly. During initial OW diver training, divers learn how to determine safe depth limits, bottom times and nitrogen exposure with no-decompression limits through the use of dive tables and dive computers. While it’s not impossible to suffer decompression sickness on a standard scuba dive, the chances are remote if the diver has followed their training and dived within safe parameters.

Instructors emphasize from the very first moments of training that divers must “plan the dive, dive the plan.” Incidents of air depletion or decompression sickness are extremely rare and divers learn how to mitigate possible risks.

Sharks are out to kill you

Sharks are apex predators. However, they’re simply not interested in attacking divers. In a long list of ‘world’s most dangerous animals,’ sharks are nowhere close to the top. The pure statistics of shark fatalities help to dispel the myth that they are bloodthirsty killers. Sharks are responsible for approximately 10 deaths per year, globally. This compares with nine people killed per day in the United States alone by texting while driving. And, staggeringly, snakes kill 50,000 people per year.

For a diver, to see a shark is an increasingly rare privilege, not something to fear. And, provided that divers interact within a safe and responsible manner, they present an amazing opportunity to see beautiful creatures in their natural habitat.

You can only dive in the tropics

diving myths

Scuba diving is a rich and varied activity. While undoubtedly there is an appeal to diving in warm, tropical waters, you can dive anywhere where there is water. You don’t even, necessarily, need to be in a coastal area. There is some great diving in cooler waters, inland lakes, rivers and caves. Many divers enjoy diving in Canada, exploring the wrecks of Scapa Flow, the other waters of Great Britain or the water around Vancouver, British Columbia, for example.

Possibly the most famous cold-water dive site is the Silfra Fissure in Iceland, an area with crystalline waters where two continents meet. The water comes from melted ice via nearby Langjokull Glacier, and the water temperature fluctuates between 36 and 39 F (2 to 4 C) during the year. Aside from the sheer novelty of the experience, the topography and visibility of greater than 325 feet (100 m) makes this a truly remarkable dive.

With the correct training in drysuit diving, low water temperatures or even living far from the ocean aren’t a barrier. There is always diving nearby. 

Diving is a male-dominated sport

diving myths

The image of the macho male diver is something of an anachronism, a throwback to diving’s roots in the military and the days of Jacques Cousteau. While the 2017 statistics from PADI do show entry-level and continuing-education diving certifications have an approximate gender split of 37 percent female versus 63 percent male, the female ratio is increasing steadily with each passing year. Some of the greatest divers and dive instructors in the world are female. The sport has evolved over the decades; heroes of the sport are now the likes of legendary cave diver Jill Heinerth. A diver’s gender has become irrelevant to most modern divers.

Misinformation, misconceptions and diving myths needn’t be barriers to friends and family learning to dive. Help them overcome their fears with information and education and, usually, by the time they’ve completed their first try-dive, you’ll have a potential new dive buddy.

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Saving Sebastian — A Story With a Happy Ending Sat, 15 Feb 2020 15:00:13 +0000 Tired of hearing tear-inducing awful news? Check out Sebastian the crab's story — with a happy ending.

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Michelle Nolan completed her divemaster course in the town of Xcalak on the Caribbean coast of Mexico and packed everything up on a Thursday before returning home the next day to Mexico City, 921 miles (1,483 km) away. On Monday, she unpacked her gear. When she unsnapped her BCD and removed the wetsuit tucked inside, a beautiful purple crab fell out. With so many days spent stuck inside her wetsuit, plus a plane ride, a long car ride and huge temperature fluctuations — not to mention absolute stillness from the crab and a missing leg — Michelle assumed the crab was dead. Saddened, she bent down to pick up the poor little guy. To her shock, the crab scrambled away.

The crab backed into a corner just before being captured

After finally capturing him with her roommates’ help, she gently placed him in a large Tupperware container while she decided next steps. First, she researched how to fashion a suitable environment for him because she quickly learned that crabs climb when he escaped almost immediately from the Tupperware. Her cats also discovered that they should never mess with a crab — those claws can hurt.

Michelle contacted a veterinarian, all her instructors, and every professional diver she knew while also posting in the Facebook group, Girls that Scuba. Some stated that killing the crab was the humane answer because it couldn’t be released in the nearest ocean. It could be an invasive species or could introduce parasites that would hurt the ecosystem. The crab also might suffer harm in an environment it wasn’t suited for. But Michelle and everyone in her house were divers with great respect for marine life. They avoided eating most marine animals and abhorred the idea of killing the crab.

A number of women in the Facebook group agreed, offering advice and deciding the crab should be named Sebastian. Based on a discussion with the veterinarian, Michelle scrubbed out an old litter box, layering dirt along the bottom in lieu of sand since the closest beach was 249 miles (400 km) away.

Getting Sebastian settled

However, the main concern was the cold. Sebastian’s normal Caribbean environment averaged an air temperature that week of 86 F (30 C), whereas Mexico City was dropping below 50 F (10 C) just then. Worried, Michelle found the warmest room in the house and built an enclosure around the litter box so he couldn’t escape — or attack the cats again. Based on research and advice, she laid down a plate of water in the litter box, and tore up spinach, lettuce, and cooked chicken for Sebastian to eat. Her brother tossed in some dry cat food as well. (Sebastian avoided the cat food pellets but gobbled down everything else.)

The next day, in the bright afternoon, Michelle adventured with him outside. He seemed to like walking through the grass and the cats watched him avidly with tails twitching while keeping their distance. After a few days, Sebastian regained his strength and became more active. Luckily, a coworker of Michelle’s mom offered an old fish tank with high walls for his home, along with sand from someone else. A borrowed heater completed Sebastian’s new home while Michelle continued her research.

Sebastian walking through the grass in Mexico City.
Sebastian in his temporary litter box home munching on his first meal in four days.

Homeward bound

Sebastian’s happily ever after in his native environment in the Mexican Caribbean.

Michelle thought it a bad idea to keep Sebastian, but found an aquarium that would accept him. They indicated his beautiful coloring also denoted his variety, a purple shore crab. After placing him in quarantine at the aquarium and checking him out carefully, they determined him in good health and decided he’d earned his passage to freedom. A return plane ride was out of the question so they arranged an extraordinarily long car ride for this small purple warrior with one missing leg. Thanks to some very dedicated individuals, Sebastian got his happily ever after and was released free in his native environment on the shores of the warm Mexican Caribbean.

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Visiting the Florida Keys History of Diving Museum Wed, 05 Feb 2020 15:00:45 +0000 Perched on the side of the highway about halfway down the Florida Keys, sits a must-stop for divers: the Florida Keys History of Diving Museum.

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Florida Keys History of Diving Museum Florida Keys History of Diving Museum Florida Keys History of Diving Museum Florida Keys History of Diving Museum

Perched on the side of the highway at mile marker 83 in Islamorada, about halfway down the Florida Keys, sits a must-stop for divers: the Florida Keys History of Diving Museum. The museum is a homage to humanity’s quest to explore the ocean, from the decompression chamber and the giant diving-bell helmet that greets you on the roadside, to the enormous collection of dive gear, this is a must-stop destination in this region of the world.

Touring the museum

Florida Keys History of Diving Museum Florida Keys History of Diving Museum Florida Keys History of Diving Museum Florida Keys History of Diving Museum

The self-guided tour begins — fittingly — when you pass through a proper working ship’s hatch, stepping over the threshold and into the collection, where a timeline of dive equipment greets you. Starting chronologically with humanity’s first attempt to survive underwater, the initial contraptions are — by modern-day standards — simply frightening. Creepy masks that seem doomed to flood sit alongside bizarre barrel contraptions with tiny glass windows and rough leather arm sockets — a far cry from today’s, latex, silicone and neoprene designs.

Moving on, the first precursors of modern diving gear start to appear. World War I designs involving hand-cranked air pumps that feed air to the diver below and leather-buckled suits that used various fats and greases to achieve a seal make you goggle at how complex old diving gear can be. Plaques tell stories about historical-diving enthusiasts who almost drowned trying to recreate these early experiences due to a single misaligned buckle or missing strap.

Up next on the tour is possibly the museum’s crowning jewel — a collection of rare diving bell helmets from nearly every country that endeavored to explore the world beneath the waves. Most of these helmets were made with the sole intent of allowing people to collect pearls. Taking a seat before them, you can gaze at this immense collection while lights illuminate the gear from each country and a narration offers some in-depth knowledge about popularity, design and usage.

As you meander through the rest of the museum check out the history of rebreathers and multiple, huge deep-sea diving suits equipped with hooks instead of gloves — the sheer volume of equipment is mind-boggling. No visit is complete, however, without stopping in the very impressive gift shop that has everything a scuba nerd could ever want, so come prepared to part with some cash.

All images courtesy of the author.


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Fifteen Holiday Gifts for Divers Under $50 Thu, 12 Dec 2019 15:00:43 +0000 ‘Tis the season to treat yourself — or the diver in your life — to something special. Here are our picks for 15 holiday gifts for divers that won’t set you back more than $50.

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‘Tis the season to treat yourself — or the diver in your life — to something special. These 15 holiday gifts for divers come in from $2.75 to just under $50, so something on our custom-curated list is sure to please even the unhappiest scuba-loving Grinch.

A shark bath bomb ($2.75 or $6)

gifts for divers

We adore these scary-cute bath bombs that come in a variety of scents, from black raspberry vanilla to winter princess. (We have no idea what a winter princess smells like, but she must smell delicious to a shark.) Though these bath bombs are marketed for kids, any diver would relish the chance to share a tub with such a “scary” shark. Note: Since each bath bomb is handcrafted, some may float and some may not. Either way, you can still hold up the shark from underneath for some bloody bath art. Bath bombs are reasonably priced, but you can reduce the cost by purchasing one of their imperfect “Oops Shark Bath Bombs.” They may have a broken nose, crack, or discoloration, but work the same.

 $2.75 & up for Oops Shark Bath Bomb | $6 for a perfect shark, both from Soft Skins Bubbly Sins

Mermaid bottle opener 

gifts for divers

This antique-reproduction mermaid bottle opener, cast in iron with a patina of rust, makes for a beautiful conversation piece. You’ll need to flip the mermaid face down in order to open a bottle, but you don’t need to tell your buddies that since it’s fun watching them struggle. (You can also see who figured this trick out and who didn’t by looking at the product comments online.)

$8.75 from Moby Dick on Amazon


Reef-friendly mask defog

gifts for divers

Finally, an eco-friendly alternative to spit. This defog is professional strength, yet biodegradable and reef-friendly unlike other products we’ve tested — even most baby shampoos aren’t reef safe. Plus, the company is owned by a scuba diver.

$8.95 from Stream2Sea

Miniature pewter key chains

gifts for divers

We are in absolute geek-love with these marine-animal key chains, which are accurately reproduced from nature, and then painstakingly hand-carved and cast in pewter. Our favorites are the hammerhead shark, humpback whale, and octopus, with its hundreds of suckers lovingly detailed on the reverse side.

$11.75 for the octopus and the whale| $12.75 for the shark all from Tcustom

Undercurrent subscription

gifts for divers

Despite its old-school design, this nonprofit publication created by divers for divers offers an online site and a newsletter packed with information. Undercurrent has been around since 1975 and includes unbiased reviews and dive-trip reports from around the world, destination guides, a seasonal dive planner, and loads of helpful articles. They’ll also offer a full refund if you don’t like the subscription.

$17.95 for a 6-month subscription

Personalized BCD name tag

gifts for divers

We’re enamored by these embroidered BCD name tags from a diver-owned small business. In addition to personalizing the tag with your name, you can choose from 15 different thread colors and one of seven styles. (We particularly like the shark, octopus, and whale-tale designs.) Then you can wrap the tags around any part of your BCD with the Velcro closure.

$19.99 from Northshore Laie Point

LEGO diving yacht/DIY Christmas ornaments

gifts for divers

“This awesome luxury diving yacht features a sundeck, removable roof, turning searchlight and storage/sleeping space inside, plus a seafloor scene with seaweed and an opening treasure chest with a gem. This fun toy boat set also includes a dive flag buoy, two LEGO diver minifigures, and swordfish and crab figures.” Not only is this a fun set to display (we stumbled on a similar set in someone’s office), but it makes for fantastic DIY Christmas ornaments. Ours hang from thin ribbons, but you can also tie them on with fishing line so they float in the tree.

$19.99 from LEGO

Ocean lovers mug

gifts for divers

“And into the ocean I go, to lose my mind & find my soul” has to be the best diver’s mantra we’ve ever heard. This ceramic mug is dishwasher- and microwave-safe and comes in a variety of colors. Though we originally bought it as a gift, we loved it so much we decided to keep it for ourselves.

$21.95 from Zolo Gifts

Shark bite slippers       

gifts for divers

These cozy slippers are not only warm and comfortable, but adorable, because who wouldn’t want a cute shark munching on their ankles?! Though they only come in one size, it’s is fairly generous so the slippers will fit most women’s feet and some men’s.

$23.99 from Cosnew

Mermaid and merman ornaments

gifts for divers

Sold in a variety of naughty and nice versions, we’re particularly captivated by these three ornaments—“Navy Soul,” “Fresh Catch,” and “Santa Baby II Mermaid Christmas.” All the mermaid and mermen are hand-painted and include fun accents such as glitter and rhinestones.

$32.99 from December Diamonds

Wrap skirt

gifts for divers

This water-shedding, quick-wrap skirt turned into our favorite piece of clothing this year. Sold in three lengths and 16 cute prints, the skirt is easily adjustable with its Velcro tabs, so you can wear it higher or lower on your waist. It doesn’t cling and remains cool and light. It’s also wrinkle-free and takes up little space in a suitcase. But we love most that it’s flattering and dries quickly, making it the perfect post-dive wrap.

$38 short | $42 medium | $49 long all from Rip Skirt Hawaii

Octopus plushie

gifts for divers

This octopus plushie is huge, utterly gorgeous, and perfect for snuggling up next to since this octopus can’t swim away. Vivid colors make it particularly striking and we love how its tentacles can wrap around objects and us.

$39.90 from Wednesday Bus

Eco-friendly phone case

gifts for divers

Sleek, durable, and plastic-free, these cases help protect your phone and the planet since they’re compostable. We love their limited-edition turtle and whale designs, and, as a bonus, a percentage of the sales go to charities working to protect our oceans.

When you no longer need the phone case, you can place it in your backyard compost or compost bin (assuming your town accepts compostable bioplastics). Otherwise, you can return the case and they’ll recycle it into another generation of products, giving you a 20% discount off your next order.

$42.95 turtle phone case and whale phone case both from Pela

Custom cylinder cover

gifts for divers

We’ve tried a variety of cylinder covers and never found one we liked. Neoprene sleeves add buoyancy, and paint, mesh nets, and stickers don’t seem to last, so we were thrilled to discover an alternative that worked. These covers include a waterproof design layer and a separate plastic sleeve coating, which you use to shrink wrap your design onto your cylinder with a hairdryer. They’re easy to apply and don’t impede inspection stickers and hydro-testing stamps. When your cylinder needs to be serviced or inspected, you can cut off the plastic sleeve. Your purchase also comes with a second plastic sleeve so you can refit the design after your cylinder has passed inspection.

The company offers a huge variety of fantastic designs. Two of our favorites (Guinness and Minions) are shown above. The company is based in the U.K. but will ship to the US for £10.98 ($14.45*).

Note: It’s critical that you follow their instructions exactly when applying the design to ensure a long-lasting application.

£34.99 ($46.04*) from Scuba Cool *The conversion rate to US dollars was accurate at the time of writing.

Outdoor mermaid sculpture

gifts for divers

This distinctive outdoor sculpture is perfect for any diver’s pool or garden. Neither too large nor too small, this sculpture flaunts a muted verdigris finish, which has the look of aged copper with golden highlights.

$49.99 from Design Toscano

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Five Favorite Ocean Reads of 2019 Sat, 02 Nov 2019 14:00:25 +0000 As the year draws to a close, we'd like to share five of our favorite fiction and nonfiction ocean reads of 2019.

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In September, we published an interview with Jill Heinerth, who spoke about her fantastic book, “Into the Planet.” However, that’s not the only book we adored in 2019 that ties into the scuba world. Below, we’ve compiled five additional favorite fiction and nonfiction ocean reads that we think you’ll relish as much as we did.

“Under Pressure”

ocean reads

We were lucky enough to hear Gareth Lock, Global Underwater Explorer’s (GUE) director for risk management, present last year on “Dive Accidents and Fatalities: Why We Must Address the Human Factor in Diving” and he blew us away with his presentation. When we heard that he had published a book expanding on this topic, we bought it immediately and found it just as invaluable.

“Under Pressure” distills a variety of case studies and analyses into lessons divers can use to improve their diving and increase the safety factor regardless of level or experience. Divers won’t want to miss it.

From Amazon: “Most incidents and accidents are down to ‘human error.’ Unfortunately, ‘human error’ is normal and we can’t get rid of it. However, we can reduce the likelihood of one of those, ‘Oh s***t moments’ if we understand human factors and develop our non-technical skills.

This is a globally-unique book containing decades of research and practice from high-risk domains translated into the world of recreational and technical diving. This is done through the use of numerous detailed case studies to highlight the value and applicability of these skills. This book is a must for all divers who want to manage their risks more effectively and have fun in the process.”


ocean reads

We stumbled on the first Mer Cavallo Mystery (“Adrift”) last year and were thrilled to find an engrossing read that accurately described diving and detailed a wreck we’ve explored in the Florida Keys—the famed Spiegel Grove. “Beached,” the second installment in the award-winning series, is just as fun and action-packed.

The author, Micki Browning, combines her background as an FBI National Academy graduate in municipal law enforcement for more than 20 years with her more recent experience as a divemaster to fashion a page-turner that both divers and mystery-lovers will adore. In “Beached,” Mer Cavallo returns as the marine biologist–turned-divemaster in Florida, and this latest book blends nautical archaeology and historical fiction into another great read. We can’t wait for the next installment in the series.

From Amazon: “In this latest thrilling mystery from bestselling author Micki Browning, marine biologist Meredith Cavallo uncovers clues to a mysterious Spanish galleon—and quickly discovers the ship may be legendary, but the danger surrounding it is real.

Mer’s life unravels after she finds a plastic-wrapped bundle floating on the waves off Key Largo. Curious, she pulls it aboard her dive boat and lands in the middle of a storm of intrigue involving an obscure legend, an 18th century shipwreck, and a modern pirate who’ll resort to murder to claim the booty first.”

Note: You can read “Beached” as a standalone, but we’d suggest starting with “Adrift” first to understand how it all begins.

“In Oceans Deep”

ocean reads

As divers, we couldn’t have been happier to pick up a well-written nonfiction read packed with interesting stories that celebrate our history underwater. Written by Bill Streever, a biologist who’s a long-time recreational and commercial diver, “In Oceans Deep” mixes history with first-hand accounts. Streever’s love of the ocean, his knack for storytelling, and his dry sense of humor shine through in this educational yet thoroughly engaging read.

From Amazon: “In the spirit of Bill Bryson and Ian Frazier comes this fascinating examination of our past, present, and future beneath the waves. In an age of unprecedented exploration and innovation, our oceans remain largely unknown and endlessly fascinating: full of mystery, danger, beauty, and inspiration. Bill Streever has masterfully woven together the science and history of Earth’s last remaining frontier: the sea.

“The Island of Sea Women”


ocean reads

The ancient tradition of female free divers on the South Korean island of Jeju sparked our imagination in the news and this work of historical fiction supplied more insight. While we’re sure non-divers enjoyed the “Island of Sea Women” story about friendship and a matriarchal society, we remain astounded by the breathtaking descriptions of decades of diving in frigid water with little equipment.

From Amazon: “Mi-ja and Young-sook, two girls living on the Korean island of Jeju, are best friends that come from very different backgrounds. When they are old enough, tey begin working in the sea with their village’s all-female diving collective, led by Young-sook’s mother. As the girls take up their positions as baby divers, they know they are beginning a life of excitement and responsibility but also danger.

Despite their love for each other, Mi-ja and Young-sook’s differences are impossible to ignore. “The Island of Sea Women” is an epoch set over many decades, beginning during a period of Japanese colonialism in the 1930s and 1940s, followed by World War II, the Korean War and its aftermath, through the era of cell phones and wetsuits for the women divers.”

Note: This book depicts some graphic/violent historical scenes.

“Other Minds”

ocean reads

Imagine that Jacques Cousteau became a professor of philosophy and history, and you’ll get a sense of the wonder and beauty we discovered in this entrancing book. If you haven’t yet fallen in love with the octopus, you will after reading this captivating narrative, by Peter Godfrey-Smith, depicting octopus encounters in the wild interwoven with amazing philosophical, historical, and scientific ideas around intelligent life and sentience.

From Amazon: “Although mammals and birds are widely regarded as the smartest creatures on earth, it has lately become clear that a very distant branch of the tree of life has also sprouted higher intelligence: the cephalopods, consisting of the squid, the cuttlefish, and above all the octopus. In captivity, octopuses have been known to identify individual human keepers, raid neighboring tanks for food, turn off lightbulbs by spouting jets of water, plug drains, and make daring escapes. How is it that a creature with such gifts evolved through an evolutionary lineage so radically distant from our own? What does it mean that evolution built minds not once but at least twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the enc


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The Underwater Winery of Croatia Sun, 15 Sep 2019 14:00:35 +0000 An underwater winery in Croatia gives a whole new meaning to the term “dive bar.”

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Many of us have dived in strange environments, from the Antarctic to deep caves. Diving for wine, though, is not commonly associated with diving — unless you count going to a dive bar after you emerge from the water. Yet, there’s an underwater winery in Croatia just waiting for discovery. The Edivo Winery lies in the azure waters of the Adriatic Sea, and it’s undoubtedly one of the unusual wine merchants on the planet.

While unusual, the underwater world seems to be an ideal location to age wine. And years of trial here have resulted in success. A constant depth of 60 to 82 feet (18 to 25 m), combined with the lack of oxygen, steady temperature, light and tranquillity allow the wine to mature to perfection. The grapes, called Plavac Mali, are crushed and made into wine that is aged for three months on land. Then they’re submerged, thus becoming the company’s ‘Navis Mysterium’ line, which translates to ‘The Sea Mystery.’ Due to the pressure at 60 feet, normal corks are inadequate, so winemakers have crafted a special two-layer wax seal for the wines. Each of the .75L glass bottles is first encased in a clay amphora, then protected with the special cork and seal.

Diving to the winery

underwater winery underwater winery underwater winery underwater winery

During each bottle’s 18- to 24-month time underwater, prospective buyers can dive the underwater winery, conducting an undersea tour and choosing their own wine. There’s a nearby shipwreck as well, which adds to the dive’s interest. Beginning on April 15 of each year and concluding at the beginning of November, the local diving club takes both Discover Scuba Diving students and certified divers to see the sunken wine bottles. The tours occur twice a day and last just over an hour. Instructors and divemasters can take groups of up to 12 certified divers at a time to depths of 60 feet (18 m), where you’ll see the wine stored in a sunken boat.

It’s not only the wine itself that’s eclectic, but also the bottle, which emerges from the Adriatic Sea beautifully encrusted in coral, barnacles, shells and other ocean life. People can purchase the wine either in a bottle or amphora from the winery. While both are popular, they differ in price, with the latter reaching up to $400 USD.

Edivo Winery is not the only place in the world to submerge its wine. In fact, a number of countries have followed the practice. Greece, Italy, California, Spain and France all feature wineries that have submerged their bottles for various periods of time, though you can only see the wine underwater in Croatia.  

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Introduction to Large Polyp Corals of the Indo-Pacific Mon, 26 Aug 2019 14:00:05 +0000 With their flowing texture and bright colors, it’s easy to mistake large polyp corals of the Indo-Pacific for soft corals. Here’s how to identify them.

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There’s an entire group of hard corals that masquerade as soft corals: large polyp corals of the Indo-Pacific. Their soft, flowing appearance hides a hard calcium-carbonate skeleton, and although divers commonly mistake them for soft corals, there are a few ways to identify them properly.

First, look closely at the coral and search for any places where the polyp may be closed. This area will show the hard skeleton. Second, look for the number of tentacles on the end of each polyp. On species like the Goniopora flowerpot coral, it’s easy to see these long, flowing polyps have far more than eight tentacles, which is a telltale sign that it’s not a soft coral.

 If you’re new to coral identification, check out this article on coral biology, where we explain how to identify the difference between hard and soft corals. And if you’re new to Indo-Pacific coral identification, make sure to check out our introduction to these corals as well.

Large polyp corals generally feature a bright color and flowing texture. The general term “large polyp” describes coral species with polyps that are more than few centimeters wide. But it’s important to remember that not all coral will fit into one category and it depends on their different stages of growth. Here are four easily identifiable large polyp corals to look for on your next dive.


large polyp corals

Plerogyra is the first large polyp coral divers are surprised to learn is a hard coral. We commonly call this one “bubble coral” because it features round, pearl-shaped bubbles that look just like fish eggs, which is what most divers think it is.

Plerogyra can make two types of bubbles. One is a smooth, grape-shaped bubble, and the other is a pearl-shaped bubble. Both are the same species they just feature different-shaped bubbles. The skeleton of this coral has sharp blades below the inflated bubbles, so it’s important to never touch a bubble coral as you can easily tear the bubbles, exposing it to infection. 


large polyp corals

Euphyllia corals have long, flowing polyps that feature an anchor-shaped tip. These corals can have either a branching skeleton or a long, meandering skeleton. During the day it’s easy to mistake these for soft corals, but at night the skeleton looks like a thick maze since the polyp retracts inside. These corals are most often green, but you can also find them in orange, yellow and shades of gray. They sometimes feature a mix of color and really lucky divers might even spot a deep maroon Euphyllia.


large polyp corals

Beautiful Goniopora is sometimes quite abundant in muck habitats. The common name for Gonipora is flowerpot corals because the long tentacles look just like little flowers. The skeleton can be one round ball that sits on the sand, or it can grow into thick branches with rounded tips, depending on the species.

You can find Goniopora coral in practically any color imaginable. Some of the most beautiful are purple with blue centers or bright orange with yellow centers.


large polyp corals

Catalyphyllia is a flowing, elegant coral that lives in muck habitats. The skeleton is meandering and not connected to anything at the bottom, it simply rests in the sand. Most divers easily mistake this coral for a sea anemone but looking closely at the center of the tentacles reveals that this coral has multiple mouths. A sea anemone would only have one.

For a real challenge, look for the Catalyphyllia coral with purple or blue-tip tentacles. This zebra-striped purple-tip coral resides in the muck habitats around Lembeh Strait.

All images courtesy Nicole Helgason

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Scuba Confidential Podcast Sat, 24 Aug 2019 14:00:04 +0000 Scuba Confidential, a new U.K.-based podcast, discusses everything from marine conservation to the importance of dive briefings.

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Podcasts have proliferated over the past few years and people today have hundreds — if not thousands — of choices about who and what they listen to in their spare time. Back in 2017, three divers and friends (including this author) noticed that there wasn’t a U.K.-based scuba-focused podcast. With such an interesting and diverse sport — and so much to discuss — we couldn’t understand why. So, we decided to create a podcast of our own about scuba diving. The Scuba Confidential podcast, in the theory at least, was born.

What’s the dive plan?

Most of the podcasts we listened to when researching for Scuba Confidential seemed quite dry and specialized. We wanted to create a light-hearted look at the sport and recreate that sense of camaraderie that divers feel on a trip with friends and fellow divers. We also wanted the podcast to be independent, not beholden to a particular agency or dive center. We wanted to freely voice our opinions as if we were sitting together in a bar after a day’s diving.

We targeted our podcast to cover various subjects — everything from marine conservation to the importance of dive briefings. However, we also hoped it would offer listeners some valuable advice and information, encourage safety and good practice, and benefit divers wishing to develop on their scuba journey.

Who are we?

All three Scuba Confidential hosts are experienced, professional divers. I’m a Master Instructor and have been teaching for more than a decade, working around the world in various locations from the Similan Islands off the coast of Thailand to the warship wreck site of Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. A self-confessed movie and music geek, I love to write, travel and can usually be found, headphones on, creating a new article on my laptop.

Ian and Louise are both PADI Divemasters and love helping new divers on their scuba adventures. Most of their diving takes place in the U.K., so they seize the chance to dive in warm, clear locations while traveling.

Ian recently went on his first liveaboard holiday to the Red Sea and, bitten by the reef-diving bug, plans to explore more dive locations further afield. Louise has been diving since 2005 and can often be found bouncing around the local dive center where she works part-time.

Between us, we have over 40 years’ experience diving all over the world, from the murky depths of U.K. quarries to the tropical waters of Southeast Asia. And, while we don’t proclaim to be experts in every field of scuba diving, we love sharing our experiences with new divers, seasoned scuba addicts, non-divers and anyone else who enjoys listening.

In another part of the U.K., our friend Steve, a graphic designer, put together our Scuba Confidential artwork. Our musician friends Ian and Lara, based in Italy, kindly gave us access to their back catalogue of music to choose something we liked. And together, we edited the opening podcasts and released them on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Acast and YouTube, as well as on our website. You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

What are doing next?

We’re now 24 episodes into our project and have had thousands of downloads. We’ve explored different subject areas and welcomed our first guests to the podcast. During 2019 we hope to do more — to explore more areas of diving, have a more diverse group of guests on the podcast to talk about their diving experiences. and offer advice and opinions on conservation, scuba news and travel.

Want to get involved? We actively encourage interaction with our listeners and we’ve set up a Patreon page so that anyone with an interest in scuba diving can have a voice at Scuba Confidential.

Take your first breaths with Scuba Confidential here:


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How to Tame Your Diving Mane Fri, 05 Jul 2019 14:00:44 +0000 It’s no secret that diving isn’t the most glamorous sport, and those of us with long hair tend to look even more disheveled. Here are our top tips to help tame your diving mane.

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It’s no secret that scuba diving isn’t the most glamorous sport. Those of us with long hair tend to look even more disheveled on a dive, and especially when surfacing. Here are some of our favorite tips to help you take control of your diving mane and keep you from surfacing with an Einstein-esque head of hair.


diving mane
Braids are the way to go.

French braids, double braids, or our personal favorite: diving-princess hair. This small, half French braid starts slightly off-center of your forehead, runs down the side of your head and then ends up in a ponytail that you can also braid. It sounds a bit complicated, but it makes us feel a bit like Xena, Warrior Princess. Regardless of how complex or simple you want to go, braids the best way to keep your locks under control underwater.

Reef-safe conditioners

Leave-in conditioners and coconut oil are good ways to keep your hair moisturized and limit the damage from salt water and sun. Add a good amount to your hair and comb it through before your dive. After the dive(s), try to rinse your hair with fresh water as soon as possible and add a small amount of leave-in conditioner to your hair. To protect the underwater environment, make sure to use reef-safe products. Some of the best are made by Stream2Sea, our go-to for eco-conscious products.

Hoods and Buffs

diving mane
Hoods, buffs and bandannas also keep hair out of your face.

For a little bit of added control, use a hood or buff to keep your tresses from tangling while in the water. Make sure your hood is not too tight and that you won’t overheat on warm days. Buffs are good alternatives if you’re diving in warm conditions. They also come in handy on the boat, especially on windy boat rides to and from the dive site. You may need to secure them with bobby pins though, as they tend to slide off mid-dive.

Neoprene mask straps

Silicone mask straps often stick to your hair, leaving it tangled and broken. Neoprene mask straps are a good alternative. Some attach to your mask with Velcro, however — a notorious hair-tangler in and of itself. Rather, choose a neoprene mask strap cover. They slip over the silicone mask strap, making your mask strap easier to put on and take off while protecting your hair at the same time.

The magic of detangling brushes

A detangling brush is a must for any diver with long locks. They are usually made of plastic (yes, we know) with bristles that vary in length. We are not sure exactly how it works, but it’s absolute magic for post-dive tangled hair.

While your hair obviously isn’t your first concern when diving, keeping it out of your face can make a dive all the more enjoyable. We hope that these tips on taming your diving mane help just a little bit to let your inner mermaid shine through.


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Trends in Scuba Diving Mon, 17 Jun 2019 14:00:43 +0000 What’s next in the underwater world? Here are our picks for a few trends in scuba diving to keep your eyes peeled for.

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Though it feels like we’ve had them forever, dive computers only came into common usage around the time the first Blackberry launched. If you consider how far smartphone technology has come in the intervening years, you might question why we’re not using some kind of gill implants yet. Gills aside, the world of diving is changing just as rapidly as the tech it uses. Here are our picks for some trends in scuba diving to watch out for.

Say what?

In terms of a trend to watch, bluetooth communication technology and underwater communication might see some significant advances. Hand signals, rattles, bangers, and air horns are rather pedestrian means of communication in a uber-connected topside world, though many would argue that one of the most pleasurable aspects of diving is the respite it offers from the clamor of dry land.

Buddy Watcher tries to keep the peace. This wrist-mounted device silently buzzes your buddy using ultrasound technology to create a vibration.

Oceans S1, a dive computer that incorporates buddy communication, just smashed its Kickstarter launch goal. As well as giving you all the standard dive data, you can also ‘ping’ other users with soundless ultrasonic waves to get their attention.

Now you’re talking

Full-face masks are gaining popularity but are still quite expensive.

These inventions are still quite a way from holding a conversation underwater — which is where the full-face mask comes in. Commercial divers, research teams, filmmakers, and public safety divers have been using full-face masks and talking to their colleagues for years. Only now is the full-face mask beginning to appear in recreational diving. Costs are quite high — masks range from $600 to $1,600 — and communications devices are around $500. Training to use both is around $500 as well. Increased popularity will drive the price down and could create some fundamental changes in how we communicate while diving.


trends in scuba diving
Sidemount is becoming more common for recreational divers.

The sidemount configuration has been another crossover from technical diving. Originally developed by cave divers to streamline and offer better access to their gear, sidemount exploded into open-water diving. Not only has the streamlined comfort made it attractive to recreational divers, the gear is also more suitable for travel. It offers relief to those with knee or back problems, and it makes wobbling around a dive boat with heavy gear a thing of the past. Recent agency changes allow for entry-level certification in sidemount as well. The growth of this configuration, for now, will come from existing divers looking for comfort and better streamlining, so it’s certainly going to become more commonplace on the boat.

Recycling isn’t just for sustainable consumerism

Rebreather diving was a game changer for technical divers. The ability to recycle your gas supply and breathe the optimal mix for different depths increased dive times and decreased helium costs, making longer exploration dives a reality. The cost and overly-technical nature of these units has prohibited most recreational divers from considering them, but as simpler, more affordable units launch to appeal to the recreational market, dive agencies have followed suit with training. Apart from increased bottom time, a rebreather allows the diver unparalleled interaction with marine life, which makes these units hugely popular with photographers and videographers. Cost-wise they are on par with the more-expensive camera setups.

Exploring remote dive destinations

trends in scuba diving
Getting to the Maldives is easier than ever.

With faster air travel and more connections, another trend in scuba diving will be the relative ease of exploring remoter dive destinations. Many European dive spots, the Maldives, and Red Sea resorts are accessible within a full day’s travel. Most Caribbean Islands now have international airports, and even previously remote destinations in Indonesia such as Raja Ampat and Komodo have seen dive visitors rise exponentially in recent years. Far-flung destinations such as Timor-Leste and Ambon/Banda Sea in Indonesia, scuba diving in Argentina’s Patagonia region and customized cruises with snorkeling options to Antarctica are becoming more popular as well.


The BBC’s “Blue Planet II” brought ocean health into the mainstream. It has driven debate and accelerated reforms, and it’s also created an increased desire to help preserve the ocean. Divers are looking for more involvement rather than just passive enjoyment, and eco-programs are on the rise.

In a future post, we’ll look further into eco-diving and voluntourism, and how you can get involved in the ocean’s future and come away from your next diving vacation with more than memories.



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Our Favorite Dive Leggings and Skins Fri, 10 May 2019 14:00:17 +0000 From the artistic to the playful to the cozy, we’ve got you covered with some of our favorite dive leggings and skins.

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If you haven’t discovered the wonder of dive leggings and skins, you’re in for a treat. You’ll slither in and out of a wetsuit with ease when you wear them under the suit and gain protection from the sun, stingers, and abrasions if you wear them alone. From the artistic, to the playful, to the warm, we’ve got you covered with our favorite dive skins and leggings below.

Eco-friendly conversation pieces

dive leggings

These environmentally-friendly leggings from Waterlust look like tiger-shark skin thanks to a process that uses no water and minimizes waste. In addition, they’re made from 14 percent Lycra and 86 percent recycled polyester, which uses 10 post-consumer plastic bottles for each pair of leggings. With a 50+ Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF), 4-way stretch, and quick-dry technology, these leggings remain comfortable and protective. They also make a great conversation starter since 10 percent of the profits go to the Shark Research and Conservation Program at the University of Miami. We also love the sailfish leggings pictured in the title photo above, also made from the same eco-friendly material.

A warm dive skin

dive leggings

Nothing’s better than basic black when it’s a warm Lavacore dive skin. Made with their exclusive Polytherm Tri-Laminate, it has “windproof and breathable providing anti-wind chill properties while also drawing moisture away from the body on the surface, ensuring warmth in cold conditions.”

Anti-bacterial inner fleece, UPF 50+ protection, and 4-way stretch ensure both comfort and protection. Lavacore’s Polytherm suits come in four different styles.

A three-piece dive skin suit

dive leggings

We adore the flexibility of these cute sets from Light in the Box, which come with a long-sleeve top, a pair of shorts, and a pair of leggings in either pink and blue or pink and gray. You can wear each as separates or wear all three as an ensemble. Made out of quick-dry, nylon material and rated with 50+ UPF protection, these stylish pieces together form a darling dive skin suit.

Leggings made to be worn anywhere

dive leggings

O’Neill’s Hybrid line touts a “multi-purpose collection created to wear anywhere, made from fabric that is water friendly, fast drying, moisture wicking, and super comfortable.” You can also pair these Hybrid Beaumont leggings with a bikini top made from the same pattern or the high neck top shown above with the multi strap back

A colorful, custom dive skin

dive leggings

While their customers rave about the company’s workmanship, it’s the 49 uniquely colorful fabrics you can choose from Running Funky  that will draw all eyes. Made to fit your size and height, you can also customize this fun dive skin, made of heavy-duty 80/20 nylon spandex, with a front or back zipper. Your dive buddy will never have trouble spotting you again in the water.

Famously unique dive skins

dive leggings

If you’ve encountered someone on a boat with a dive skin made to look like a whale shark or one detailed with chain mail (both shown here), you’ve probably seen one of the unique dive skins offered by SlipIns made in the USA for men and women. The skins are made of a combination of nylon, polyester, and spandex rated with 60+ UPF sun protection. Some divers even buy a larger size to wear the skins over their wetsuits to show off the designs. 

A dive skin made from recycled ghost nets

These gorgeous OceanPositive Hydro leggings from Fourth Element are made from recycled ghost nets (i.e., fishing nets that have been lost in the ocean by fishermen, and might have otherwise killed marine life). The 4-way stretch Lycra is made of 78 percent recycled nylon from fishing nets and offers UPF 50+ protection. Further, the company is trying to reduce plastic packaging and suits arrive in bags made from cassava starch. The pattern on the leggings is a “nod back to the garment’s origins depicting merged images of fishing nets and water reflections.” Pair the leggings with the OceanPositive Hydro long-sleeve top as shown. 

Creatively printed leggings

dive leggings

With such a wide range of beautiful and quirky prints from Scuba Diving Addicts, you’ll have a tough time choosing which ones to buy. Made in the USA with a polyester/Lycra blend, the leggings utilize a 4-way stretch material sewn together with a thread color that matches the design. The company’s reasonable prices mean you can buy a few different styles to suit your mood. 

Handmade custom pieces of art

dive leggings

Lovingly handmade by a sister team of divers, these wearable pieces of art from Sewgnar incorporate original fabric designs inspired by marine creatures from flamingo tongue snails to cuthona yamasui nudibranchs (both pictured). Since all items are made to order in the USA, the dive sisters happily customize the garments if a standard size is not ideal for you. Made of 4-way stretch Lycra, the pieces are reasonably priced. You can also add matching scuba socks to your order.

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