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By Maija Leivo

Production still from the television series BAHAMA BLUE © 2014 Parallax FIlm Productions Inc.
Production still from the television series BAHAMA BLUE © 2014 Parallax FIlm Productions Inc.

Just off the southeastern U.S., the Bahamas is well known to most divers for its shark-filled waters. Here, the limestone topography filters rainwater to remove sediments, which results in spectacular visibility. It’s a near perfect location for sharks: at least 40 different kinds are found here, and they’ve been protected by a full ban on the shark trade since 2011. With about 50 percent of the GDP coming from the tourist trade, lawmakers and officials have recognized the economic value of these apex predators.

While many resorts and guides offer feeding dives with reef sharks, a unique spot off Cat Island brings adventuresome divers face-to-face with oceanic whitetips, a much larger and more elusive creature. Around 10 feet (3m) long, oceanics are streamlined for both long-distance travel and deep diving. They are named for the distinctive white patches on their large, rounded fins.

While filming our new documentary series Bahama Blue, we were lucky enough to get up close and personal with this true pelagic species. It is thought that these predominantly female sharks gather here each year to feed on migrating schools of nutritious tuna as they prepare to mate or give birth.

The congregating sharks have proved a boon for researchers, who were able to tag 10 female sharks and track their movements for 245 days. They were surprised to learn that these sharks traveled within a radius of up to a little over 1,200 miles (2,000 km) and that, collectively, they crisscrossed some 6,200 square miles (16,000 square km) of the Atlantic Ocean. They also discovered that oceanics are powerful divers, plunging to depths of 3,280 feet (1,000 m), likely in pursuit of prey like squid. Interestingly though, they spent about two-thirds of their time in the safety of Bahamian waters.

Production still from the television series BAHAMA BLUE © 2014 Parallax FIlm Productions Inc.
Production still from the television series BAHAMA BLUE © 2014 Parallax FIlm Productions Inc.

The journey to swim with the oceanic whitetips is an easy day trip from Cat Island with tour operators like Stuart Cove. Cat Island also has numerous quick flight connections to and from other islands of the Bahamas.

Bahama Blue was produced bay Parallax Films and currently airs in countries around the world. Click here for more details.


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Sharks Don’t Kill People — People Kill Sharks https://scubadiverlife.com/sharks-dont-kill-people-people-kill-sharks/ Thu, 24 Oct 2013 09:57:09 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3364 Shark Week is coming up again, and although it's gotten better, too often sharks are portrayed as mindless killers. But in reality, people kill sharks - not the other way around.

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For many non-divers, sharks are the stuff of nightmares: torpedo-shaped monsters, made up entirely of teeth, muscle and malevolence. As most divers know, however, sharks don’t kill people — people kill sharks. For us, seeing sharks underwater is a thrilling and coveted encounter, and many of us travel thousands of miles for the chance to spot rare species.

How often do sharks attack?

The frequency of shark attacks holds fairly steady, and hovers around 100 attacks per year. Around 10 of these is fatal. While each attack is scary, and each fatality a tragedy, we must note the proportions of shark attacks on humans versus the number of sharks killed by humans each year. Humans killed some 97 million sharks in 2010 through fishing and accidental deaths (such as smaller sharks becoming entangled in fishing nets or similar). This was down slightly from around 100,000,000 in 2000 according to research done by Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.


Shark finning is decimating shark populations

Aside from our misguided fear of the species in general, the major threat to many specific shark species is shark finning. The brutal practice stems from the demand for shark fins for soup and as aphrodisiacs in Asia. Fishermen catch sharks and cut off their dorsal and pectoral fins, throwing the live animal back into the ocean where it will sink to the bottom. It will either bleed out or drown, as it cannot swim without its fins. Finning is all the more frivolous since shark fins are made up entirely of cartilage, and contain no nutritional value.

Pressure from various organizations has in recent years pushed a number of nations to pass laws prohibiting shark finning; in June 2013, Brunei became the first Asian nation to do so. The U.S. was one of the first, passing a law in 2000 prohibiting shark finning on all vessels within United States waters, and on any vessel registered within the U.S., even when outside of territorial waters. Palau was the first create a shark sanctuary in 2009. The EU has also passed legislation on shark finning, covering all member nations.


Cultural perception

Though legislation is crucial, cultural perception of sharks is just as important. In 2010, a series of shark attacks in Egypt’s Red Sea caused two fatalities. The response from the authorities was as swift as it was misguided. Fishermen conducted a thorough hunt for the “guilty” shark, killing many that had nothing to do with the incidents.

We need, in addition to legislation on shark finning, a change in both our perception of sharks as man-eaters, and a (hopefully) building public distaste for the brutal practice. As large predators, sharks do pose a risk to humans. But it is no different than the risk posed by terrestrial predators. Educating the public on shark behavior would go a long way in protecting humans against sharks.

People have a deeply embedded fear of sharks, and it resurfaces when news of an attack hits the media. And while we should not be insensitive to the personal tragedy that follows shark attacks, we must regain perspective. Sharks need our protection now more than ever. As divers, we are in a unique position to advocate for the species and educate our non-diving friends on the real risks posed by sharks rather than the ones showcased in fiction and in programming like Shark Week.



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Diving Bucket List #11 – Papua New Guinea https://scubadiverlife.com/diving-bucket-list-11-papua-new-guinea/ Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:44:14 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=2850 With more fish than the Red Sea and many times the coral species than the Caribbean, Papua New Guinea is one of the best places in the world for novice and professional photographers alike.

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Both reefs and wrecks highlight this Oceania location just off the northern tip of Australia.

© Walindi Resort / Marcelo Krause - Barney Reef
© Walindi Resort / Marcelo Krause – Barney Reef

Barrier reefs, unimaginably deep coral walls, seagrass beds, coral atolls, seamounts and WWII wrecks are the mainstay of any diving vacation in PNG. The diving here is spectacular and the biodiversity phenomenal, but despite that dive groups actually have minimal contact with one another which can give diving adventurers a feeling as though they have the place to themselves. And that is truly a unique feeling in such an amazing diving locale.

© Walindi Resort / Nat Sumanatemeya - Japanese Zero Kimbe Bay
© Walindi Resort / Nat Sumanatemeya – Japanese Zero Kimbe Bay

One of the great things about PNG is that the deep diving is actually fairly close to shore on many of the coastlines, particularly New Ireland and New Hanover. Also, the many varied dive sites are all very close to the islands. Boat transfers are short and operators offer live-aboards as well as land based diving opportunities. Either is amenable, it just depends on your personal preference. However, if the stories are to be believed, the few live-aboard operators in PNG make the experience absolutely top notch and you’ll get more dives per day if you go that route. As an added safety factor, PNG does have it’s very own DAN sponsored, hyperbaric chamber in Port Moresby.

© Walindi Resort / Darek Sepiolo - Barracuda & Diver
© Walindi Resort / Darek Sepiolo – Barracuda & Diver

Papua New Guinea is in the infamous Ring of Fire. Some of these volcanoes are still active, and earthquakes are not uncommon and volcanic eruptions are a risk. But the diving is worth it. Well, you know… depending on your life insurance policy. Seriously though, the risk isn’t great, but it is present. In 1994, a volcanic eruption destroyed most of Rabaul and covered the 64 WWII wrecks in the bay under a thick layer of ash. Only recently have they become diveable again.

© Walindi Resort / Darek Sepiolo - Huge sea fans
© Walindi Resort / Darek Sepiolo – Huge sea fans

Reefs are pretty much everywhere in Papua New Guinea, but if you want wrecks head for Kavieng, Port Moresby, and Rabaul. Beneath the clear, blue waters lie war graves of 100 or more WWII ships, tanks, and planes. But to be honest, most people come for the reefs. And the sharks, whales, orcas, mantas, and dolphins. Did I forget to mention those?

© Walindi Resort / Marcelo Krause - Krackafat Reef
© Walindi Resort / Marcelo Krause – Krackafat Reef

When to Go
Diving is certainly possible all through the year, but the best times are in between monsoon seasons. That would be April – June and September – December. The Coral Sea has a near year round temperature of 80 degrees and the Bismark Sea tops that by another 7. So we’re talking warm waters, 3mm wetsuits at best. Depending on the time of year and location, the visibility can range from 50 ft – 150ft.

Where to Dive
These is just a quick sampling of some top areas and by no means is it inclusive or meant to be since I just don’t have the time or space here to write about every single dive spot but it seems as though every dive in PNG is spectacular. So here are the main areas for diving and what to expect.

Milne Bay
Milne Bay is a large diving playground with both coastal and offshore dive sites. Close to the shore is more hard coral and reef fish and animals to go along with them. Offshore are seamounts and steep dropoffs that offer their own unique creatures and beauty. Not too long ago a manta cleaning station was discovered in the area of Milne Bay and diving there is sure to give you a fantastic show. At dusk on the reefs, drop in for a rare treat to witness the mating of local beautiful mandarin fish. Seahorses, frogfish, scorpionfish, eels, and many species of clownfish will make you and your camera very happy.

Kimbe Bay
This site is home to giant soft coral species, tons of colorful reef fish, elephant sponges, multiple pelagics such as barracuda, tuna, white tip and gray reef sharks, and occasionally a hammerhead. This dive area can be best described as a giant fishbowl, and if you dive in Garove Harbor, the crater of an extinct underwater volcano, you’ll definitely feel like you’re in a fishbowl. Whale, orca and dolphin encounters are not unusual in the area.

Rabaul and Duke of York Islands
In 1994, a volcanic eruption destroyed nearly all of Rabaul and covered the 64 WWII wrecks in the harbor with ash. Only recently can the wrecks be dived again. Some of them are very deep and only for experienced divers. Like other areas in PNG, there are a variety of rarely seen fish that call this place home.

With its scenic, deep fjords, quaint villages, large reefs, and relative isolation, the image of Tufi is that of dramatic landscapes both above and below the water’s surface. The reefs offshore have a host of marine life including some interesting hunters such as sharks and tuna. There are even a couple of boats from WWII that you can investigate. It’s no wonder that Tufi is the favorite of many a diver who visits PNG.

Invariably, diving is what you’re going to want to do the most of while in Papua New Guinea, but if you’re like me you want to see some things on dry land too. The fjords, volcanic mountains, and rainforests provide wonderful hiking opportunities with breathtaking views. And if you’re more of a beach person there’s plenty of those too with surfable waves.

© Walindi Resort / Darryl Torckler - Walindi Sunrise
© Walindi Resort / Darryl Torckler – Walindi Sunrise

There really is something for everyone at PNG, but this location is particularly grand for avid and budding photographers. You’ll be able to practice both macro and micro photography, as well as landscapes above and below the water. If there’s anything at all that you forget on your way to Papua New Guinea, don’t let it be your camera.

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The Importance of Sharks in Our Oceans https://scubadiverlife.com/the-importance-of-sharks-in-our-oceans/ Fri, 30 Aug 2013 09:33:25 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3131 Like many predators, sharks tend to prey upon the weak and diseased, helping to keep the disease under control and leaving the healthy to breed and continue to repopulate.

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Contrary to popular opinion, sharks do more than just go around eating fish, doing full body breaches for our cameras, and giving us toothy smiles. As an apex predator they play a vital role in the ocean ecosystem.  Their presence or lack thereof serves as an indicator of ocean health and unbeknownst to them, they actually maintain coral reef and seagrass habitats.  Where sharks have disappeared, coral reefs have deteriorated or died.  All of the 450 species of grey beauties are important to keep a balance in our ocean fisheries.

Like many predators, sharks tend to prey upon the weak and diseased, helping to keep the disease under control and leaving the healthy to breed and continue to repopulate. This cycle helps keep the fisheries healthy and the populations at a sustainable level. I hate to use the word balance again, but it’s important. Let’s try a real world example.

On the East Coast of the US, shark populations have dwindled. Since this apex predator has been nearly removed from the ecosystem there, the population of rays has skyrocketed.   The rays feed on bivalves and have decimated the scallop and clam fisheries, forcing local restaurants to stop serving clam chowder.  Many tourists take trips to the coast just to have fresh clam chowder but now those tourism dollars are being lost along with the income from the fisheries that have had to close.


It’s not just the swimming marine life that they help control. If the balance in the oceans is too drastically thrown off kilter, the effects go on down the chain until the algae that produces 50% of our oxygen grows out of control.  This would have two dangerous effects. One would be the increase of oxygen in our atmosphere and the other would be the smothering all of the coral in the oceans, effectively killing the reefs.  If you’re interested in knowing more about why our reefs are important, you can see my article about it here: The Importance of Coral Reefs

There’s one more way sharks help us, and this one has to do with research. Sharks have been around for  400 million years. That’s a long time to evolve into the nearly perfect predators they are.  During that time, they’ve developed remarkable immune systems that can resist cancers and other diseases in ways we haven’t even begun to figure out. We can learn from this, and we may be able to figure out how to treat some of the sickest among our own by studying these magnificent animals.


If you think that the fishing of sharks  isn’t that big of a deal, think again. Aside from just flat out decreasing the populations to near extinction, shark reproduction needs to be taken into account.  Sharks don’t breed like bunnies and just pop out baby biters left and right. They grow slowly to adulthood and have very few offspring once they get there. This fact makes them extremely vulnerable to overfishing practices like we’ve been using for centuries. Practices that too many fishermen continue to use.

The days of “the only good shark is a dead shark” have long since gone. We all need to work together to save the shark populations, save our oceans and ourselves in the process.   While traveling, avoid any shark related products like teeth, jaws, skin, or pills with cartilage or shark liver oil.  Be responsible with your choices in seafood by finding out where it comes from.  The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a Seafood Watch Guide that is useful for this. Participate in petitions and write your local representatives regarding any related initiatives that may be heading toward the legislature. Donate to organizations dedicated to helping sharks such as projectaware.org, sharkangels.org, and sharksavers.org.  Last but not least, spread the word about how and why sharks need our help.

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Invasion of the Lionfish https://scubadiverlife.com/invasion-of-the-lionfish/ Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:06:57 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3110 Lionfish are known for eating anything they can fit in their mouths, and seem to eat nearly constantly.

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Invasion of the Lionfish

Over the recent years Lionfish, a predatory fish native to the Indo-Pacific have been reported far from their native homes in areas where they do not belong like the southeastern United States coast from Florida to North Carolina. It is believed that Lionfish, were introduced to the Caribbean from local aquariums and fish hobbyists. Now loose in the marine environment and free from natural population controls, their number has exploded as they have no natural predators and are consuming large quantities of reef fish.


Illustration by Jessica Shilling author of children´s picture book series “Fins and Tales”

Lionfish have several names like zebrafish, firefish, turketyfish and more. An adult can grow as large as 18 inches, while juveniles may be as small as 1 inch or less. The lionfish is one of the most venomous fish on the ocean floor. The venom of the lionfish, if delivered through up to 18 needle-like dorsal fins. It is purely defensive and relies on camouflage and lightning-fast reflexes to capture prey.

Lionfish are known for eating anything they can fit in their mouths, and seem to eat nearly constantly. Studies have shown that a single lionfish per reef can reduce the juvenile fish populations by almost 80% in just five weeks. With their non-stop eating habits, lionfish directly impact populations of numerous fish, including commercially valuable fish like groupers, snappers and ecologically key species like the parrotfish. Eating everything in their path they are growing fast and spreading rapidly.


Photo credit: google images

I recently dove in Cozumel where lionfish have spread all over the reefs. The divemaster´s in Cozumel are actively working to kill the lionfish, in fact during one of my dives a friendly grouper whom the divemaster´s had been training to eat lionfish followed us through the entire dive like a little puppy begging for a treat. When the divemaster came across a lionfish the grouper watched over his shoulder while he killed it with a spear and then proceeded to feed it to the grouper.

The grouper at first spit it out but after the divemaster introduced it to the groupers mouth again it eventually ate it. Admitedly it was very bittersweet to witness, it was my first lionfish and I was sad to see it killed.

Though bittersweet it is a good thing that the divemaster´s are doing this because the lionfish have no prey in the area and are killing many fish and the reefs. They need to have a predator in order to keep them from taking over killing all that is left of the marine life in the area.


This invasion could soon become the most disastrous marine invasion in history by drastically reducing the number of reef fish throughout the entire region.

The lionfish, a beauty but yet an alien invader..

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Capturing Underwater Paradise on Film https://scubadiverlife.com/capturing-underwater-paradise-on-film/ Tue, 27 Aug 2013 02:28:04 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3114 Photography takes on a whole new meaning underwater. Born from a love of the ocean and a passion for the images that will amaze your eyes as well as the marine habitat it holds, many ocean photography festivals have become an annual underwater extravaganza in different portions of the world.

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Coming up on August 24, 2013, will be the captivating Cairns Underwater Film Festival.

Whether you are inquisitive about a world you have yet to experience or are a seasoned diver wanting to relive the magic, the Cairns Civic Theatre will be the place to travel to. The festival will celebrate underwater photography and filmmaking. The focus is on one of the most bewitching regions in the world filled with an assorted mix of the most fascinating sea life of the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea. The film festival showcases underwater imagery from not only this particular area, but from other parts of the globe as well. It is sure to give you a greater appreciation of nature and the wonders it produces. The festival is organized by volunteers who have a passion for sharing world-class imagery. This is also a photo competition unleashing some of the finest local and international photography talent. As they say,  “Cairns Underwater Film Festival is all about celebrating the underwater world and getting out there, enjoying it, minimizing our impact and preserving it for the future.” For the 7th year, the Cairns Underwater Film Festival will put its profit back into the marine environment through local projects and organizations such as the Cairns Turtle Rehabilitation Centre, Minke Whale Project and Tangaroa Blue. Along with the causes it supports, the list of major 2013 sponsors is very impressive. Topping the list is Mike Ball Dive Expeditions of Australia, Oceanic, PADI, Pro Dive Cairns and Reef Magic Cruises.

WEB Fangtastic-FINAL

Not only is Cairns catering to photo and film professionals as well as amateurs, but the Cayman Islands, a paradise beyond belief, is currently holding their underwater photography competition. A novel idea hosted by the Cayman Islands Tourist Association (CITA), this photography competition gives not only professionals but amateurs, locals and even visitors the opportunity to capture beauty beheld beyond the deep on film for all to witness and treasure again and again. It takes place in conjunction with the 9th Annual International Underwater Film Festival. The photography must be taken in the Cayman Islands but what a wonderful way to promote the enticing marine life, corals and beautiful blue waters of a tropical wonderland. Categories include fish/turtles/stingrays, Unusual, Critter/Macro, Scenic and Creative. The competition continues from July 15th all the way through October 25, 2013 and all submittals will be judged by well-known experts of the industry, namely Cathy Church and photographers, Ellen Cuylaerts and Patrick Weir.  The winners will be announced on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at the Underwater Film Festival with some top-notch prizes to be awarded. The Film Festival is sponsored by Divers Alert Network (DAN).

These are just a couple of the creative competitions bringing the diverse angles of film and photography many feet below the surface of the ocean. Once you take the daring plunge into a whole new world of awe-inspiring images right before your very eyes, you will no doubt become hooked. What a great way to share the love of diving and marine habitat with others all over the world.

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We Don’t Just Torture Divers https://scubadiverlife.com/we-dont-just-torture-divers/ Mon, 19 Aug 2013 07:10:08 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3064 What’s the point of those dreaded surface drills in entry-level dive courses that require removing and donning the BCD and weight belt, respectively?

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Allow me to offer an explanation…

“You seemed so nice just a minute ago!” It’s always a disheartening description of oneself, and one that would wrench the heart of most men – particularly when spoken by a woman. And when the woman in question is a student diver that you’re instructing, that only serves to make the words all the more effective.

The reason for this dismissal of my niceness was the end of the final dive of the pool sessions during a beginner dive course I was giving. I had just asked my students to perform the final surface drills, removing and donning first their BCDs and then their weight belts. These were two drills that were to be repeated a few days later in open water wearing a thicker wetsuit and gloves – and two drills that I know many students loathe. It’s almost as if the drills were designed as a form of hazing process for prospective divers.

But even when it might seem that way, very few things are included in the dive course curricula with the sole purpose of annoying students. On the contrary, all these skills serve a purpose. And sometimes knowing that purpose can help to make a drill more tolerable. So what’s the purpose of these two drills, you may wonder?

If you’re diving from a small boat, such as a RIB – a common dive boat in many places around the world – it may not feature a ladder to climb up on after your dive. Instead, you’ll need to swim your way up into the boat, using the pushing power of your fins and the pulling strength of your arms. This is next to impossible with a BCD, tank and weights still on. So being able to quickly and efficiently remove these things in the water after a long dive is very necessary during these scenarios.

Knowing how to remove your weight belt in particular can be a life-saving skill if you suddenly find yourself with a BCD that isn’t working and unable to swim your way to the surface. Dumping the weight system can greatly assist you in swimming back up to safety, especially if you’re carrying a lot of weight.

OK, so why put everything back on in the water then? Given the scenarios just mentioned, can’t we just remove it and be done with it? We don’t usually get dressed in the water, now, do we?.

Well, usually not, no. But there are scenarios where you might need to do just that. Once, when I was in Indonesia, we cruised out in small motorboats that were really just tiny outrigger canoes with motors on them – much too small for us to wear our gear on the trip out. Instead, we’d ride out in our wetsuits and, once at the dive site, put on our fins and masks, jump in, and wait for the crew to hand us our weight belts – they need to be put on first, before you put on your BCD. Then, holding on to the boat and finning intensely so as not to sink, we’d be handed our BCDs, which we’d then put on. This was stressful indeed, but really the only way to dive this particular site (which was well worth the trouble, I might add). I gave a silent thanks to my dive instructors of past who had insisted I perfect the weight and BCD removal/re-donning exercises.

Hopefully, the student in question – and my other students that came before and after her – did eventually realize that I was actually being nice. In my own, stress-inducing way, the lessons were for her own good. I promise.

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Shallow vs Deep Diving https://scubadiverlife.com/shallow-vs-deep-diving/ Sat, 17 Aug 2013 00:02:11 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3056 What is considered a deep dive? Different divers have different ideas about when a dive is considered a deep dive.

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Shallow vs Deep Diving

It’s common for divers to seek deep dives over shallow dives, most divers have probably experienced being on a dive boat and the dive master asks the entire group if they have a preference, deep or shallow and most of the group shouts out “as deep as possible”. Though deep diving can be awesome some divers might not be aware that it significantly reduces bottom time and requires a longer surface interval. Whether it’s the thrill of going deep or simply being able to brag about the depth it seems to be most divers first choice.

What is considered a deep dive? Different divers have different ideas about when a dive is considered a deep dive. An Open Water Diver is certified to dive to 60 feet / 18 meters and an Advanced Open Water diver is certified to dive to 100 feet / 30 meters. As part of the Advanced Open Water course a student must complete a deep dive to 100 feet / 30 meters, so for an Advanced Open Water Diver any depth greater than 60 feet / 18 meters is considered deep. Usually, a deep dive is considered to be a dive between 100 feet / 30 meters.

There are many creatures that can be seen at deeper depths that can´t be found at shallower depths. On tropical reefs its common to find healthier coral reefs at greater depths due to less sun and human waste damage exposure. Another factor is commonly wreck dives are found at very deep depths and always attract many interesting marine animals.


A shallow dive is usually between 30 to 40 feet. Diving this shallow has many benefits such as increased visibility and dive time is limited only by air consumption. On a deep dive your bottom time is limited because of nitrogen absorption, additionally air consumption increases at depth because of ambient pressure. Due to more rapid air consumption at greater depths it is important to closely monitor air gauges ad to allow a greater air reserve at the end of the dive. Deep diving is also only for Advanced Certified divers.

On a deep dive your bottom time is very short while on a shallow dive you´ll have a much longer lasting dive. Another benefit of shallow diving is the reef and fish appear much more vibrant and there tend to be more fish to see, on deep dives the colors disappear as you go deeper.

Which is better? Both Shallow diving and deep diving are great and have there benefits. I personally think that the perfect depth is between 50 to 60 feet, just in-between shallow and deep. I find that most creatures seem to like this depth.

Although I too enjoy the thrill of a deep dive, I hope I´ve given you enough comparisons to try both and not limit yourself to just one depth.

Picture credit: Google Images

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Diving in Koh Lipe, Thailand https://scubadiverlife.com/diving-in-koh-lipe-thailand/ Fri, 16 Aug 2013 07:01:22 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3049 Koh Lipe is a gem found in the south of Thailand. The island is small – small enough to cross it on foot in twenty minutes.

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Commercialism has not yet touched its shores and it truly is an island paradise. The main beaches stretch out long and white with soft sand, inviting you to bask in the sun reading a good novel.

The water is warm and clear and as inviting as the sand. The waves reflect the laid back atmosphere of the island and gently runs up the beach and disappears into the sand, only to repeat this task again and again and again.

I have fallen in love with this island and usually refer to it when I speak of ‘home’. Besides the generosity and warm welcomes and wonderful friendships that I was blessed with on land, it was underwater where I most enjoyed spending my time.

The dive sites around Koh Lipe are varied and that is what makes the diving at this destination completely worth the trip out.


Stone henge

Stone henge is a beautiful reef covered with purple and white soft corral which often makes me feel like I’m drifting through a coral garden. The sea life is plentiful with schools of snappers, barracuda and travallies. Stone fish hide in open sight on the hard coral while giant moray eels and durban dancing shrimps make homes in the crevices. If you are patient and keep your eyes open you might even spot a seahorse or two hiding by one of the pinnacles.

The site also allows for amazing muck diving where each dive turns into a treasure hunt for interesting creatures.

Stone henge often has strong current and diving to this site is best done when slack tide lasts at least a couple of hours. Thus this site can only be dived, and enjoyed a few days each month.

Koh Talan

The island directly off of Sunrise beach provides good diving for beginners and more experienced divers alike. Hard coral starts at around two meters. If you swim a bit further away from the island you’ll find many groupings of hard coral scattered amongst the sand. Upon closer investigation of these you might find white eyed eels and clouded eels. Lion fish can also be seen finding shelter in these corals.

Sting rays hide themselves under the sand on this site, often leaving only their eyes and stingers exposed. There is a lone file fish roaming the deeper water and pipe fish and flounders can often be seen bravely exposed in sandy parts.

Banded sea snakes often swim freely on this site and if you are lucky you could find a few flabellina nudi brances. There is a yellow sea horse hiding amongst some stag horn corral in shallower water.

If you continue to the East of this dive site the typography changes to tiered hard coral where stone fish, eels and moorish idols can be found.

Drop off

The drop off is found about 500 meters off of Sunrise beach. I have described this many times as ‘where the light water and the dark water meet’. The site lives up to its name, coral starting at around one and a half meters and then sloping down to around 15 meters. Deeper then that you will find large sandy areas scattered with hard coral perfect for muck diving. Towards the North of this site you could find a frog fish concealed in some hard coral.

This site usually has a medium to strong current which makes it perfect for drift diving. Here you can also see many puffer fish, porcupine fish, nudi branches and magnificent orange fan coral.

Koh Yang

Koh yang is an island located a little bit further away from Koh Lipe, about a 45 minute drive out with a longtail boat. It has large pinnacles where eels, sea horses and, sometimes, lobsters can be found. There is a turtle that can often be seen on this site as well as stone fish and many lion fish.

Hard mushroom coral starts at around 2 meters on this site while the pinnacles run down much deeper.

Koh adang – beach 4

Beach 4 is perfect to conduct Discover scuba dives and Open Water dives (including confined). Large sandy parts can be found directly off the beach for shallow water skills. The sand bank then drops to about two meters after which hard coral can be found. As you move away from the island the site gradually slopes down much deeper.

The site has a lot of hard coral as well as huge boulders where eels often hide.

Pattaya corner

This site is usually more quiet, with very little to no current as it is located in a bay off of Pattaya beach. This site has ghost pipe fish, eels and many nudi branches. You can also see the odd cuttle fish as well as a few cornet and trumpet fish.

Pattaya corner has large hard corals as well as big boulders covered in soft coral where lion fish often hide.

Koh Lipe is a location that has a variety of dive sites that will amaze novices and more experienced divers alike!

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In Defense of Dive Tables https://scubadiverlife.com/in-defense-of-dive-tables/ Thu, 15 Aug 2013 00:01:07 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3038 With inexpensive dive computers on every wrist these days, do we even need dive tables anymore? Yes, in fact, we do.

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There was a time when dive tables were the norm. Dive computers were for the few, the most dedicated or simply the most flush with cash. The sheer cost of a dive computer meant that most divers went without one. Most of us relied instead on a waterproof watch and an analog depth gauge. These were the days of dive planning and dive tables. Before a dive, divers would plan the maximum depth of the dive. You were not to exceed this depth, and divers calculated a maximum time for the dive based on dive table data. When the dive was over, divers calculated the dive’s nitrogen load using the table. And based on this, they could plan the timing, depth, and duration of the next dive.

But as Moore’s Law came into effect (any new technology will double its processing power and halve its price roughly every 18 months), dive computers have become accessible for every diver who wants one. Small, inexpensive and all very capable of giving you dive time, depth, remaining dive time and surface time between dives, computers have become for many divers a key piece of gear. I use one myself. Several organizations either have or are considering switching completely to the point where instructors teach dive computers exclusively during dive classes and leave dive tables out completely.

The reasons given in support of this policy are quite good: dive computers are everywhere and inexpensive enough that any diver can afford one, they allow for longer dives due to their on-going calculations of nitrogen loads (rather than calculating the diver as having spent the entire dive at the maximum logged depth, as the tables do), they’re reliable, safe and much easier to learn how to use for a new diver than the dive table and its principles are. So from one perspective, safety would be enhanced by using computers instead of tables.

But we should be cautious about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Having access to dive computers is great, and it’s a great safety asset for divers, but that shouldn’t mean we completely discard dive tables. Why? There are a number of reasons:

Dive tables are universal

Dive computers are all slightly different from one another. They vary in design, user interface and in the algorithm that calculates dive times (hence the warning never to do to consecutive dives on different computers). Dive tables do not vary. If you are without a dive computer, the table can always take over. And by making sure all divers can plan a dive using a dive table, there will be no confusion over which computer’s data is used.

Dive tables don’t crap out

Yes, dive computers are safe and reliable. But they’re not 100 percent reliable. I have seen dive computers crap out during dives and on diving holidays, and I’ve had it happen to me. The normal advice when this happens is simple: stop diving for 24 hours to allow complete nitrogen degassing.

However, if you’ve logged all your dives using a dive table you’re able to continue diving (after ending the dive at the moment the computer dies, of course) using any means of depth and time measuring available. That could be a backup computer in gauge mode, watch and depth gauge or a watch with a built-in depth gauge. Some of the more experienced divers out there will even make a note – mental or on a writing slate – of the time allowed at the maximum depth of their planned dive, just in case. If you have not kept a continuing log for all your repetitive dives and all you have is the dive computer’s log, there’s no other option than to abstain from diving for a full 24 hours should your computer fail.

Dive tables prepare divers for more advanced planning 

As divers progress in skills and experience, they may start learning how to dive with more advanced gasses in their tanks. And part of knowing how to dive with Nitrox, Helitrox or Trimix is the ability to do depth and dive time calculations based on dive tables – tables that are somewhat more complex than the ones used for diving on normal air, to boot. Knowing how to use the basic tables prepares you for learning how to use the advanced ones. And it doesn’t look like the requirement to be able to plan and calculate your dive and gas needs will go away from Nitrox courses or tec diving courses anytime soon.

Dive tables are good practice

I’ve observed many divers logging their dives, and it’s not until they do so that the reality of nitrogen load really sinks in. Working their way up the letters indicating nitrogen load is a very tangible way to drive home the point. They see that on each dive, they came closer to their body’s maximum capacity for dispelling nitrogen. A dive computer doesn’t have the same effect on most people; the digital numbers are too abstract. So all of us, and particularly new divers, should work with tables as a good learning experience.

The bottom line is that I believe dive computers have, in fact, made diving safer. But just like ABS braking systems and anti-skid systems in cars shouldn’t make us lazy drivers, dive computers should never take the place of the diver’s brain. Use them as an additional layer of planning and safety. But don’t let them replace sound judgment, good planning and reasonable conservatism. And dive tables – don’t forget the dive tables.

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Diving the Andrea Doria https://scubadiverlife.com/diving-the-andrea-doria/ Wed, 14 Aug 2013 07:11:21 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3030 Many technical divers familiar with the wreck consider the Andrea Doria to be the Mount Everest of scuba diving.

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The Mount Everest of Scuba Diving

The desire to achieve something – or what we often refer to as motivation – can come from many different and varied influences. Perhaps watching a role model or friend perform well in a particular sport makes us strive to excel, or maybe a National Geographic/Discovery Channel show piques our curiosity to travel to a particular destination. It could be the achievements of others in their personal and professional lives, too, that make us raise the bar and standards in our own games.  In my own diving career, it was a combination of these types of influencers – reading the book “Shadow Divers” about John Chatterton and Richie Kohler, seeing footage on the Doria and aspiring to advance as a technical diver – that recently motivated me to dive the Andrea Doria. And while the initial seeds were sown in my mind almost 10 years ago, it wasn’t until this year that the opportunity finally presented itself.

Diving the Andrea Doria

One of the first questions many of my friends, colleagues and other divers I know asked me after the trip was, “How was it?” So I wanted to share my experience in a brief trip report. Maybe this will serve as an influencer or motivator for others to make the transition into technical diving or to simply advance their own diving and extend their limits, even if still at the outer edges of recreational diving.

Now, if you’re unfamiliar with the type of dive site and the history of the shipwreck of the Andrea Doria, you could be forgiven for thinking that I’m a slow mover in having waited 10 years to make this dream a reality.  Many technical divers familiar with the wreck consider the Andrea Doria to be the Mount Everest of scuba diving.  And it’s not just the wreck’s depth range (around 200-250 feet/60-75 meters) that makes this a challenging dive beyond the limits of recreational divers – it’s the location, too.  The Andrea Doria is in Nantucket, Massachusetts, in the northeast United States, an area with extremely strong currents that makes hand-over-hand descents and ascents mandatory, as well as the use of jon lines (many divers even choose to use scooters for efficiency and to save energy).  The cold, dark waters of the northeast Atlantic also add to the challenge, with bottom temperatures between 40 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit/4 to 7 degrees Celsius and visibility, on a good day, hovering around 25 feet/7 meters.

Gearing up at Dorea

Traditionally, I would consider myself a warm-water diver when it comes to both recreational and technical diving. The island of Utila, where I teach and train dive professionals and technical divers, has average water temperatures of between 84 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit/26 to 28 degrees Celsius year round and visibility between 60 to 100 feet/18 to 30 meters. Utila also has very weak to mild currents, and while they make for a perfect training environment to learn the motor skills for tec diving and transition from recreational to technical diving, I was nonetheless required to undertake a period of training to prepare myself for the challenges of the Andrea Doria. Even though I already had prior dive experience in cold water and had also experienced strong currents at depth with low visibility, never had I experienced all of these variables at the same time. And that combination could be akin to the ‘perfect storm’ for a tec dive on the infamous shipwreck that has claimed the lives of many a tec diver far more experienced than I am.

The trip I had booked was scheduled for a departure date out of Long Island, New York on July 5, 2013, with two dives scheduled for each day on the Saturday and Sunday before leaving the wreck for the 16-hour return boat ride to New York.  As I mentioned earlier, an opportunity to be part of a trip like this can take time to present itself. But when I first heard about the dates and was invited by a friend, I knew that I would be spending two months in Quebec, Canada prior to the trip – it presented the perfect opportunity and diving environment for me to train in conditions similar to the Andrea Doria’s. My goal was to advance my own comfort, skill level and awareness (see the link at the end of this article to read more about the lessons I learned during this transition).

My dive partner, Dave, from Pennsylvania, picked me up from La Guardia airport and we drove two hours up to Captree Park in Long Island where we loaded 16 tanks onto the boat for our weekend of diving.  There were eight other passengers doing the same – all open circuit tec trimix divers, two closed-circuit trimix rebreather divers, and four members of the crew and the famous Captain Hank of the boat the Garloo (formerly known as the Wahoo). With a rich history, the boat is one of the original northeast wreck charter boats and was frequently mentioned in one of my reading resources, “Setting the Hook: A Diver’s Return to the Andrea Doria,” by Peter Hunt. It was a privilege to step foot on the vessel.

We departed the harbor around 3.30pm and had nice calm conditions for the 18-hour ride. I was grateful at this stage that I was so used to working on boats as many of the other passengers suffered from seasickness. Although the living quarters were cramped and space was at a premium, the crew excelled in preparing a great meal, after which most people went to bed early in order to be rested for the dive of a lifetime.

We arrived at the site of the Andrea Doria around 9am. It took close to an hour for the crew to set the hook, which involved quite a bit of manoeuvring by the captain to get the boat in place. Then the weights/hook, with a folded lift bag attached, were dropped over the side attached to a buoy as one of the crew descended down the buoy line to secure the hook to the Doria. He shot a marker up once this was secure.  The captain then took the boat and secured it to the buoy and lines were attached to each side of the boat leading to the buoy/descent line, which would be critical for both entering the water and descending/ascending.  After the two crew members had surfaced, they briefed us on a very strong current with visibility around 25 feet/7 meters and a bottom temperature of 48 degrees Fahrenheit/7 degrees Celsius. By Doria standards, the conditions were great!

So here we go, no drills – this was the real deal. After months of preparation and training, the excitement was bubbling inside of me as Dave and I began to gear up. Although the waters of the northeast Atlantic are frigidly cold, the topside conditions were anything but. It was a bright day and very sunny as we geared up into drysuits and doubles – a strenuous process that required assistance from the crew as we had to fully kit on the boat, including the stage tanks. Dave entered the water first and then I followed with a giant stride and grabbed hold of the grappling rope alongside the portside, catching my breath from the chill of the water. We immediately dropped below the surface and used the lines to pull ourselves against the current with a slight incline as we approached the bow mooring. Then we descended down the anchor line. This was no swimming descent but rather a hand-over-hand pull down the line through plankton-green waters. We were probably inclined about 45 degrees and resembled flags on poles on a very windy day. My dry gloves strained against their seals and I could feel cold water seeping into the dry suit as I braced myself for the accompanying chill. All in all, the descent was probably over a line that had been laid out 600 to 800 feet. Due to the length and current, it took us 12 minutes to get down and I had even blown off 800 psi – almost the equivalent of 1600 psi from a single tank. That’s approximately $30 of helium from my valuable bottom mix of 17% O2 and 49% helium, leaving 34% nitrogen and an equivalent air depth at 220 feet/66 meters of less than 100 feet/30 meters.

As I approached the bottom through the green waters, the shadow of the Andrea Doria loomed into view and I wanted to yell out in excitement. But I kept my cool and focused on what was around me.  The current had weakened as we dropped below 150 feet/45 meters and the water had stopped leaking through the seal, and I knew the undergarm would soon transfer the water away from my body. We touched down at 220 feet/66 meters. There was part of the structure slightly higher than this, but it was probably deemed too unstable by the crew, who had chosen not to attach the hook there.  I checked my gauges for gas supply and depth, noted the anchor line that would be, in no uncertain terms, my return point for the ascent. Free ascents in open water are not viable at the site of the Andrea Doria and the currents of the Nantucket straits.


So excited and in awe was I that I was actually on the Doria that I pulled a ‘slam dunk’ with my hand onto a part of the wreck next to me (gently so as not to perforate my dry glove) and called out a “#*&% yeah!” into my second stage!  I was transfixed with the age of the metal and the growth on parts of the ship. To be honest, I could have been dropped onto any piece of scrap metal in the northeast Atlantic, as there was no way to comprehend the size of the Doria – especially with the limited visibility. The visibility was not only low but the waters were pitch black, and our lights cut through it as if we were on a night dive.  I observed hazardous fishing line and nets that had caught on the wreck, and I was surprised by how much marine life there was to see.  I had an internal feeling of contentment to be on a ship that had so much rich history, both as it crossed the waters between Europe and the New World and as the dive site which had claimed so many experienced divers while at the same time delivering so much accomplishment to other divers. Our first dive had been planned as an assessment/acclimation dive on the Doria, so we stayed close by the descent/ascent line until we hit our planned 20 minute time, and then made the ascent back to the boat. We made our ascent on the anchor line using jon lines for the current, making multiple decompressions stops/gas switches for a total run time of over 60 minutes. Upon surfacing it was critical to remain in contact with the line to get to the stern of the boat and exit in full gear up the ladder with stages and fins while the crew helped remove our tanks and gear.  The gym training and leg presses that I’d been doing the last few months came in handy as I climbed the boat ladder in double steel 95cu ft. tanks and with a 40cu ft. and 80cu ft. slung on either side of me, slowly taking off my gear with a huge smile in place.


There were other teams still on decompression as well as ones that had already exited the water before us. And after we placed our undergarments and drysuits up to dry we rested and off-gassed the nitrogen/helium with an extended six-hour surface interval.

Aside from a slight chill in the arms and hands I had kept warm throughout most of the dive. Still, I  welcomed the warm rays of sunshine on the deck of the boat as I changed over my tanks and prepared the equipment for the second dive later that afternoon before proceeding to sneak away for a siesta.

After approximately five hours on the surface we geared up for the second dive. We had a quicker descent this time as the current had dropped, but we still went hand-over-hand for the descent, making it to the bottom in about six minutes (half the time of the previous dive). Now that I had one Andrea Doria dive to my name I decided to carry the GoPro camera on this dive to get some footage, even if it was more for a souvenir as the conditions were not ideal for shooting. Some people later commented that the video I took looked more like a night dive than a day dive on a wreck. With more time actually on the bottom the second time around I got to explore more of the wreck, including some overhead sections. I was, however, always in a heightened state of alert knowing that navigation, gas-management and general awareness of entanglement were critical to not becoming another fatality. Ascending on the line, we passed a member of the crew who had been scootering and were on a longer decompression obligation. With a touch of envy, we could see a goodie bag of china collected from the Doria.


After surfacing and taking off my gear, I drank plenty of water and then, with the sun setting, toasted a few Yuengling beers to a successful day’s diving and my initiation on Doria.

We awoke early the next day since the plan was to depart that afternoon around 3pm. At 7am, there were a few divers on the deck gearing up. Disappointing news came from some of the crew, however – the current was more intense than on the first day and it was unlikely we would be able to dive right away. To reinforce his point, a crew member dropped a 30kg/70 pound weight overboard on a line and it was swept nearly horizontal by the current. Undeterred, one of the divers, Joe, an experienced northeast wreck diver from New York, decided he would give it a go anyway. The crew cautioned him to call the dive if he felt it was too strong, urging him not to be a hero. The remaining divers on deck waited anxiously as our newfound guinea pig prepared to splash down. Within seconds of hitting the water he was carried 20 feet/6 meters back to the stern where he managed to grab the grappling line in time, and then descended under pulling himself to the bow.  Within minutes, Joe was back on the surface and we immediately knew that the day’s diving was called. Unless the current dropped significantly, we’d be going home with some tanks full of helium. After approximately four hours it looked like the current had dropped. But I was now close to the 24 hour window that I decided to leave for the no-fly off gassing. Although guidelines suggest only “beyond 12 hours,” this is based off recreational diving data and I wanted a more conservative window due to the nature of technical diving and the profiles we were conducting.

Of the ten passengers, only two decided to make the dive that day. Both were seasoned northeast wreck divers. Two crew members also decided to dive while the other two supervised, and the other eight passengers sat the dive out. In retrospect, it was probably the right call. The current was still strong and even resulted in a surface rescue when one of the divers exerted himself at the end of the dive and had a seizure while fighting the current to get back to the boat lines. Fortunately for this person, the crew and other passengers responded according to their training. And after the diver had been brought out of the water, the equipment had been removed and cut away and O2 had been administered, the person regained responsiveness. Now this may sound like a calm and controlled exercise, but in reality at the time it was not. We were hundreds of miles offshore in inhospitable conditions and had no idea what had happened to the diver, other than sensing he was minutes from cardiac arrest unless we had cut him from the dry suit and provided O2. Afterwards, Captain Hal’s words were: “It wouldn’t be a Doria dive without some type of excitement.”

So all in all, was it worth it? Yes, without a doubt – and not only for the site itself, but also for the training, preparation and adventure that went along with the whole Andrea Doria experience. As the old traveler’s adage goes, “Sometimes the journey is as good as the destination.” And I smiled on the return ride home at the fact that I had accomplished a pinnacle and summit in my own diving career, opening up a whole new realm of deeper, colder water diving on wrecks that heralded a new chapter in my diving adventures.

For anyone interested in the preparation and transition I undertook from warm water tec diving to cold water tec diving, here is an article on my blog: http://www.goproutila.com/tec-diving-warm-water-to-cold-water.







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Divers Making a Difference https://scubadiverlife.com/divers-making-a-difference/ Tue, 13 Aug 2013 07:18:50 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=3025 Divers put their hearts together and always try to make a difference for those needing compassion and support the most.

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Divers are some of the most caring individuals in the world. The water creates a common bond and everlasting friendships are built on the love of the ocean. Divers put their hearts together and always try to make a difference for those needing compassion and support the most.

For instance, in the month of August, Deep Blue Adventures which is a dive travel wholesaler along with the popular scuba equipment manufacturer, Aqua Lung, are teaming up with some local dive retailers in Gibsonburg, Ohio, to lead the efforts for a ‘Finding The Cure’ event set to take place on August 3, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. It is all about coming together to try and help find a cure for breast cancer. There will be a dive with a treasure hunt, silent auction, raffle, Bar-B-Q lunch and lots more. On this day of giving, all proceeds go to a designated cancer organization or charity. There is a chance to win diving equipment from Aqua Lung, dive classes, travel and other fabulous prizes. Sponsors of the event include Buddy Dive Resort in Bonaire, Atlantis Dive Resorts and Aggressor. So not only do those afflicted with breast cancer get much needed awareness, financial and moral support, but divers also win in the world of scuba.

Then there is the passionate group known as ‘Diving For A Cause’. They have let their passion for diving and spearfishing channel into a humanitarian path assisting children and communities in need all over the world. Making a difference in the lives of others is what their dream is all about. Their work includes donating harvested fish back to communities where the resources can be used to feed those most in need. Proceeds from the fish also go to fund schools and medical clinics. ‘Diving For A Cause’ is a group that really likes to get into the heart of helping. Besides diving, they go right into communities and plant trees, participate in group community projects and even help to refurbish schools. One of the most rewarding parts of their goodness is teaching young children to snorkel and appreciate all the wonders of the ocean. With each destination they visit, this group of determined divers leave children with gifts of backpacks, tablets, pens, markers and crayons. Two times each year they host charity fundraisers. One spearfishing charity event is for children suffering from Cystic Fibrosis. The other is for Ovarian Cancer Research in honor of Bonnie Row who is an accomplished diver representing the USA in the World Spearfishing Championship in Chili. The non-profit group has also had the opportunity to work on behalf of food banks in the past. With each destination of diving, they are making an impact on the lives of others.


The Dive Pirates Foundation is making quite a name for itself as well. They are another passionate group of divers who put their passion equally towards diving and their communities. The Dive Pirates support, train,equip and provide dive travel to individuals with disabilities through Classified Scuba Diving. It is all based on camaraderie, compassion, freedom to dive and the code of conduct. The Dive Pirates have an admirable vision; creating a community of disabled divers that will dive and travel in the mainstream world of scuba diving through education and overcoming obstacles. What could be more beautiful than that? The learning experience takes place as a training philosophy addressing the specific needs of a disabled individual, trains to that specific disability and then prepares that individual to dive with mainstream Open Water Divers. These special group of divers are first taught the standard skills then move on to train beside a Classified Buddy filling in the gaps for the disabled diver. What an awesome way to share the magical world of scuba diving and give back.


Lastly, SUDS brings the enjoyment of diving to our soldiers that have fought diligently to keep our country safe. SUDS stands for Soldiers Undertaking Disabled Scuba. Every day this ambitious organization improves the lives of injured service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Through this rewarding water activity, the entire rehabilitation process is facilitated and mobility is promoted. Each of the returning soldiers can learn at their own pace so it becomes an even more enjoyable sport. Because of all the great work that SUDS has done, its supporters include DAN(Divers Alert Network), the American Red Cross and ScubaBoard.com,one of the largest online diving communities.

These humanitarian organizations make me very proud to be a scuba diver. There is so much that we can do to make a difference in the lives of others every day whether it be small or large and through dedicated efforts, more enthusiastic individuals are introduced into the exceptional world of scuba diving.

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Cleaning Our Oceans and Saving Ourselves https://scubadiverlife.com/cleaning-our-oceans-and-saving-ourselves/ Sat, 10 Aug 2013 07:05:33 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=2950 While there are millions of tons of garbage in the oceans, ninety-percent of it is plastic.

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There’s a karmic related adage in more than one religion and/or philosophy that essentially states “everything you do will come back to you”, be that good or ill.  This is no less true when it comes to our garbage.  Our trash infects our soil, rivers, wells, air, and our oceans.  While all of it is of concern, I’d like to focus on the oceans.

While there are millions of tons of garbage in the oceans, ninety-percent of it is plastic.  The reasons plastic is so appealing to us are the very reasons it’s so dangerous in our oceans: It’s cheap and durable. So durable, in fact, that it takes 1000 years for it to degrade. Plastic goes through a process of photo-degrading, which means that it breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces over time. So tiny, in fact, that most are not even visible to us. The oceans you see may look clean, but there are over 45,000 pieces of plastic per square mile in the ocean, most of which are invisible to us.

Some of you may have heard of the great ‘garbage patches’ in the oceans, or gyres.  These words and phrases tend make people imagine a large area, by some estimates the size of Texas, of visible, floating, and rotting garbage. In reality, these patches are mostly comprised of the tiny pieces of invisible plastic mentioned previously.  Not visible doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous though.

Hundreds of thousands of marine life are killed each year due to our garbage in the oceans. It’s eaten by birds who then later starve or dehydrate, it blocks the sunlight that algae and plankton need to survive, it entangles whales, sharks, turtles, dolphins and other marine life.  Eventually we end up consuming our own garbage too by way of eating the fish that have eaten the plastic we’ve carelessly tossed into their habitat.  The dangerous and even deadly effects of eating plastic or even eating warm food that has touched plastic has been well established.  We’re not only killing the marine life in the oceans and destroying our gorgeous waters, we’re slowly poisoning ourselves as well.

Next Steps

Obviously, we need to stop the influx of garbage into our oceans by using plastic less, recycling, and reusing. But that’s only part of the problem.  Given that the plastic in the oceans now will not degrade for centuries, we need to find a way to clean the waste that’s currently in the water.  Cleaning up the garbage we can actually see is a huge undertaking in itself, but it’s only 10% of the problem.  And given that most of the invisible plastics in the oceans are in international waters, it’s difficult to convince any one government to take responsibility and put forth the time, effort, research, and resources necessary to even touch this problem.  That’s where the private sector comes in.  Below are some potential solutions to a serious problem that we all need to work together to solve. All are very innovative, and some are more feasible than others. Maybe the answer is not just one of these solutions, but a couple or all of them. They may need funding and all need more research. I urge everyone to take a look at each of them, keep tabs on them, and support these kind of endeavors.

Ocean-sized Vacuum Cleaner


The general idea with this solution is to fix water processors to the seabed and let the natural currents flow the water through the booms. The booms would act like giant funnels with a force of water gentle enough for any sea creature to avoid.  The plastic would then be filtered out of the water and kept for collection later. These processors would be powered entirely by the sun, wind, and currents

Plastic Eating Bacteria


A team of students at UC Davis are working to engineer a bacteria that could essentially eat plastic.  That may be a very simplistic way of explaining it since I’m not going to pretend to understand the biochemistry of it all.  But the general idea is to speed up the degradation of the plastic considerably by feeding it to certain microbial strains of E. coli.

Marine Drone Cleaner


You know those robot vacuum cleaners that roll around your house or in your pool to clean them?  This is a really big version of those.  Using sonar, a team of people on a ship will control an army of drones that catch plastic to later be recycled.  With their rechargeable batteries, the drones can stay underwater for 2 weeks gobbling up garbage.

Free-floating Recycling Center


Also known as the Plastic Fish Tower, this floating recycling center and possible tourist attraction is envisioned to sit on the water’s surface collecting plastic and actually processing it on site.  A large fence or net circles the plant and captures all plastic that floats into it where it is then taken to an onboard recycling center and assembled into fish farms.

These are but a few recent innovative ideas that caught my attention. There may well be others out there and I have no doubt that more will be coming.  Keep an eye out and offer support in any way you can to the brilliant minds that may help to engineer a solution to a problem that most people have deemed impossible to solve.

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Capture the Moment https://scubadiverlife.com/capture-the-moment/ Wed, 07 Aug 2013 07:26:27 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=2924 While Master Divers had been steadily raising funds over the past few months, our principal event was the swim around Koh Tao and Finathon Finish Line party.

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I am often asked many questions about my photos and thought I would compile a list of hints to help aspiring photographers on their way.

First and foremost is buoyancy. If you do not have absolutely perfect buoyancy, then you can forget capturing beautiful images. If you cannot hold yourself perfectly still, your images will be blurred. There are so many factors that you are dealing with underwater – your subject is most likely always moving, often times there can be a current. The last thing you need is for you yourself to be moving too.

Underwater Photographers should have the utmost respect for the marine environment. You should absolutely never have to lie across the reef to get a decent shot. Practice your buoyancy and before you even begin shooting, see if you can hold yourself in perfect position without damaging the corals.

Get close! Get as close as you can and then tell yourself you are not close enough. You have to deal with particles in the water, and the less water between you and your subject, the less “back scatter” your images will have. Some fish are very difficult to get close to. A good friend of mine told me to always hold my camera with my arms extended, so that once you choose a subject there is no need for sudden movements. Approach as slowly as you can and focus on your breathing. I personally like to approach on an “IN” breath, so that my bubbles don’t frighten the subject.

Be patient. We all know patience is a virtue, but when it comes to wildlife photography of any kind it is absolutely essential. Remember that no matter how fast you swim, most fish will always be faster. Swim slowly and if possible, let the fish come to you. Wait and observe the fish for a while. Once they become used to your presence they may make closer turns. Its much better to photograph a fish coming towards you than one swimming away.


If possible, stay shallow. The shallower you are, the more ambient light you will have to play with. Most reefs have the highest density of marine life above twenty metres, so you are likely to find more interesting subjects. The shallower your dive, the longer your air will last, which means additional time shooting.

Read your manuals! Learn your camera and its various functions and practice on land. I frequently use my Fish Eye lense on land. Like with most things, practice makes perfect. You want to develop your camera muscle memory. Read books on photography. Often I will see something and remember a hint or an idea I have read, and try it out. It makes for interesting photos and makes you shoot outside your normal realm.

Get out of the “Green Zone”. Experiment with the various functions on your camera. Most cameras will have a decent Automatic setting, but who wants to use default settings? Play with the light, change your aperture and shutter speed and see how your composition changes. Many photo stores will host work shops, which is a great way to expand your knowledge and to learn new tricks.

Never ever forget your safety whilst diving. Remember, there is always a better photograph out there waiting to be taken. Remember to maintain good buddy contact and adhere to the fundamental skills you have already learnt. Check your air supply frequently and never exceed dive limits.

Lastly, always respect the environment you are in. If you want to enjoy taking photographs for years to come, then its up to all of us to leave the reef in the same condition if not better than we found it in. Do not move anything underwater in order to get a better shot. Remove any debris you may come across. Ensure none of your equipment is dragging, including your fins!

Take only photographs… leave only bubbles! Happy diving xxx

by guest blogger Laura King

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Shark Week https://scubadiverlife.com/shark-week/ Tue, 06 Aug 2013 14:41:57 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=2916 Don´t miss SHARK WEEK a fundraising carnival for the Ocean Foundation´s Colorado Ocean Coalition on Saturday August 10th at 3:00pm...

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Don´t miss SHARK WEEK a fundraising carnival for the Ocean Foundation´s Colorado Ocean Coalition on Saturday August 10th at 3:00pm to 9:00pm at The Dive Inn on 1380 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210.

Come and join the Colorado front range dive community and friends for fun and games!  You´ll have the opportunity to learn more about Ocean Advocacy and how you can help. Enjoy visiting exhibit booths from the Colorado Ocean Coalition, Colorado Underwater Photographic Society, Sharkbait dive club and more.  Learn more about the upcoming Making Waves in Colorado Symposium events, workshops and speakers to be held in Boulder on September 20th to the 22nd, 2013.  Participate in a silent auction and games for kids of all ages.

The mission of the Colorado Ocean Coalition is to create, unite and empower a Colorado coalition with shared values, goals and actions to promote healthy oceans through education and community engagement. “Why care about oceans when you live more than a thousand miles from the coasts? The Colorado Ocean Coalition believes that you don’t have to be near the ocean to care about it. We live on an ocean planet and the choices we make in the middle of the country have direct ties to the seas.


Illustration from picture book “Fins and Tales” by Jessica Shilling: www.jessicashilling.com

All over the world due to overfishing, bycatch, finning, pollution and more the oceans are currently being emptied of sharks. Why do we worry about shark populations? A healthy and abundant ocean depends on predators like sharks keeping ecosystems balanced. Though sharks may rule the ocean, they are very vulnerable. They grow slowly, produce few young, and are exceptionally susceptible to overexploitation.

The future of sharks is in the hands of eliminating shark fishing and trade. We must also invest in shark research and protect vital shark habitats.

Together, we can create a powerful, collective voice to educate and change.

Join us in taking action.

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Nebraska Shark Tooth Divers https://scubadiverlife.com/celebrate-shark-week-with-nebraska-shark-tooth-divers/ Mon, 05 Aug 2013 07:31:17 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=2902 Our fascination in this divecation came about when a fellow Go SCUBA member spoke about his Florida shark tooth diving adventures at a club meeting.

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I never in all my days thought I’d utter these words: “I’m a shark tooth diver!” Well, my husband along with some other Greater Omaha SCUBA Club Go SCUBA members officially became shark tooth divers this May. Since we all live in the Midwest and are landlocked Scuba divers, to accomplish this very feat six Go SCUBA members took a divecation to the shark’s tooth capital of the world, Venice, Fla. To commemorate our accomplishment, I decided to share our divecation story in conjunction with Discovery Channel’s 2013 Shark Week, which officially kicked off on Aug. 4th.

Our fascination in this divecation came about when a fellow Go SCUBA member spoke about his Florida shark tooth diving adventures at a club meeting. What really sparked our interest, was the fact Dwight even had show-and-tell items on hand at the meeting. There’s nothing like holding a Megalodon shark tooth in your hand to peek your interest. According to Ask.com, Megalodon is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 28 to 1.5 million years ago. Marine biologists also estimate that the shark was 50 to 65 feet long and weighed 115 tons.

This would be Dwight’s ninth dive with Florida West Scuba & Charters. On this trip, he wouldn’t travel alone but with five other Nebraska Scuba divers (Myself, Brian, Charlotte, Dennis, Dwight and Jerry). Dwight was very excited to share his shark tooth diving experience and even made everyone Fossil Diver T-shirts for the Florida divecation trip.


At the dive site, the Hammerhead crew announced that we would have 12-15 feet of visibility for our dives. All of us Nebraska Scuba divers shrieked with excited! It is a true treat to dive in Nebraska, even with that kind of visibility. On four separate dives, my dive buddy husband and I would spend 70 minutes at 33 feet in the Gulf of Mexico looking for shark teeth. It was truly a rush finding my very first shark tooth. I was so nervous of losing it that I didn’t put it in my mesh bag but inside my glove. Upon surfacing after our first dive everyone laid out their newly found treasures. I was the first of the newbies to actually find any teeth; all were impressed, when I pulled five shark teeth out of my glove. Brian and I found an array of shark teeth: Bull Shark, Lemon Shark, Great White Shark, Mako Shark, Sand Tiger Shark, Snaggletooth Shark, Tiger Shark. The biggest tooth I found was one and half inches; however, I scored a two and a half-inch Megalodon tooth from Captain Dan. We are happy to report one person in our club found a Megalodon shark tooth, too. Jerry found a three and a half-inch Megalodon shark tooth on our very last dive out. He told us when he came upon it–he was literally screaming under the water! Since we flew to Florida, Jerry had a concern on how to transport it back home. He didn’t want to carry it on because it might be considered a weapon, so he packed it in his suitcase. Upon our return to Omaha we dined out with a few other Go SCUBA members and Jerry would proudly pass his Megalodon shark tooth in a Fossil watch box. Everyone truly loved the pairing.

Interested in trying this yourself? If so, here are some tips for newbie shark tooth divers. Do your homework. Call up Youtube and watch videos of people diving for shark teeth. Also, if you know someone whose been on a shark tooth dive ask them about it. On every occasion we were with Dwight, Brian and I asked him a plethora of questions. In my case, I think this  made a huge difference to why I could spot the teeth so well. Tips to finding teeth just hover a couple feet off the floor, look for triangle and heart shapes, as well as sharp edges and peaks protruding from the sediment. Really, once you find your first tooth it will be apparent what you are looking for. Captain Steve also recommended we travel where the anchor was dragged along the bottom; since, sediment gets dug up there.

To dive for shark teeth some additional tools are recommended: sifter, sound maker, mesh bag and small storage container for your artifacts. If there isn’t as much sediment you can just wave your hand over the bottom of the sea floor but at times it was very handy to have a digging tool. Brian picked up and used d rings to attach the swifter to our BCD. I recommend a noise maker of sorts. I truly feel we would have found way more teeth–if I didn’t have to stop and keep swimming over to my dive buddy to get his attention. Mesh bags are a must; this is where you will put your finds while underwater. When you surface you also want a container to place your finds in for safe keeping, too. A diver from Las Vegas, who has done the dive many times, said that he had a five-inch tooth placed on a bench when a wave hit the boat to which the tooth slid off off the bench breaking in half. While there we also looked for shark teeth via the shoreline of Venice Beach, too. Believe it or not, I found it easier to Scuba dive 30 feet in the Gulf of Mexico for shark teeth than to comb the shoreline. We found four shark teeth on the Venice shore and 70 on the Gulf of Mexico’s floor.

Let me take this platform to thank Dwight for sharing his shark tooth diving passion with us. To commemorate our time in Venice, on occasion, I proudly wear a homemade Tiger Shark Tooth necklace made by Brian and I. To other Scuba divers out there–we highly recommend this divecation; I truly can’t wait for our next shark tooth diving adventure. Keep diving!

by Guest Blogger  Becky Bohan Brown.

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In Indonesia: Bali’s Diving Highlights with Blue Seasons Bali https://scubadiverlife.com/in-indonesia-balis-diving-highlights-with-blue-seasons-bali/ Sun, 04 Aug 2013 07:21:19 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=2893 Blue Seasons Bali took me out to experience the famous USAT liberty wreck and Menjangan Island.

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Late last year, I was lucky enough to spend 30 days discovering the wonderful scuba diving on offer in Indonesia. Blue Seasons Bali took me out to experience the famous USAT liberty wreck and Menjangan Island.

When I arrived in Bali, Blue Seasons Bali was the first dive shop that I had the opportunity to dive with. They promptly picked me up at the airport and perfectly arranged my accommodation and diving. I spent my first night in Sanur, which is around 20 minutes from the airport and where most of the dive shops in Bali are located.

In the morning, I was picked up and taken to Menjangan National Park for my first ever scuba experience in Indonesia. Menjangan National Park is located on Bali’s West Coast.  The car ride there from Sanur took about four hours, but was completely worth it. When I got there I felt like I was in heaven, surrounded as I was by the ocean and 382 hectares of land owned by Menjangan Hotel – a beautiful resort where Blue Seasons Bali operates one of their full service PADI 5 Star dive facilities.





The accommodation at the Menjangan hotel is nothing short of elegant, with divine cuisine and an abundance of outdoor actives to take part in, too.

Diving in Menjangan was a great introduction to what I’d be experiencing over the next month in Indonesia.  The boat rides to dive took around 15 to 30 minutes from the hotel, depending on which dive site we were visiting. Menjangan Island has one of the most spectacular reefs in all of Bali. Every dive site we went to was fabulous, with some particularly great walls to explore. One of my favorite dive experiences, however, was on the hotel’s house reef where a fabulous Mandarin fish dive happens at sunset. It was here that I had my first ever experience with these beautiful fish.

After spending four days diving around Menjangan, I headed back to Sanur to meet a friend to make our ways to the USAT Liberty wreck.

The USAT Liberty wreck is located about two hours from Sanur by car or shuttle bus. The ship was on land at one point, but was moved in 1963 to its current position underwater by the force of a volcanic eruption.

From my experiences here, I’d say the best way to dive this site is first thing in the morning. This dive site can get very, very busy as the day wears on as this is where most dive shops in Sanur take their DSD and Open Water Certification divers. I didn’t enjoy diving the site during the day as I felt it was hard to take photos with so many divers around.  When there were fewer people on the wreck, however, I did enjoy the site and the fantastic environment that it provides for all types of divers.

The great thing about diving the Liberty wreck is that it’s a shore dive. And while some shops will offer to take you by boat, it’s definitely not necessary.  The ship rests in 95 feet (29 meters) of water and is covered in coral. There are all sorts of marine species to see including bumphead parrotfish, Napoleon wrasse, barracuda, frogfish, mantis shrimp and so much more.

Overall, this site is a great one to visit in Bali. And how many dives you want to do on it is up to you – at 394 feet long (120 meters), the Liberty offers so much to see!

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Mahi Mahi https://scubadiverlife.com/mahi-mahi/ Fri, 02 Aug 2013 03:10:06 +0000 http://scubadiverlife.com/?p=2873 Mahi Mahi are scientifically named Coryphaena hippurus, they go by many other names like, Dolphin, Dorado, or Goldmakrele.

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The Mahi-Mahi is a surface-dwelling pelagic fish found in off-shore temperate, tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. Mahi-Mahi are quick and swift game fish marked with strikingly beautiful bright colors. They have compressed golden yellow bodies marked with iridescent blues and greens and a long dark blue dorsal fin extending nearly the entire length of their bodies. They have a large fork tail and their bodies can be spattered with dots of blue and green. These colors can change rapidly, excited fish “light up”, and dying Mahi-Mahi loses its colors and turns silvery grey.


Illustration by Jessica Shilling author of children´s picture book series “Fins and Tales“: 

One distinguishing characteristic between the between mature males and females, the male has a very rounded head profile and the female´s head slopes down to the mouth.

Mahi Mahi are scientifically named Coryphaena hippurus, they go by many other names like, Dolphin, Dorado, or Goldmakrele. The name Mahi-Mahi means very strong in Hawaiian.

Mahi Mahi are one of the fastest fish in the sea and are also one of the fastest growing fish. Their average life span is 4 years and they can grow up to 80 pounds in only 2 years. Males and females are sexually mature usually by 4-5 months old. Mahi Mahi spawn in warm ocean currents throughout much of the year, females can spawn two to three times per year, and produce between 80,000 and 1,000,000 eggs. Their young are commonly found hidden in seaweed.

Mahi Mahi are very carnivorous aggressive feeders, and they can move very quickly to capture its meal. They feed on flying fish, crabs, mackerel, squid and other forage fish. Smaller fish tend to school together and can be found around any piece of floating debris most likely along sargassum beds. Larger fish become lone rangers or can be found in male-female pairs.

Mahi Mahi are highly sought for sport fishing and commercial purposes. Sport fishermen seek them due to their beauty, size, food quality, and healthy population. Mahi Mahi is popular in many restaurants. Fisherman target these fish not just for their delicious meat, but also for their fighting ability. Once hooked they are magnificent fighters. Fish are known to scream line off a reel in one direction, only to do an about-face and take the fight in the other direction. Mahi Mahi can also use their strong broad bodies and tall dorsal fins to their advantage and pull hard for a tug-of-war. Once on the boat they don’t stop fighting, either.

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